Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-08


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Fair Grounds Form Chart HEW ORTFATTS LA WEDNESDAY FEBHTTABY 7 1983 Fair Grounds 1 mile Thirtythird day Business Mens Hacing Association Winter Meeting of 38 days Weather clear temp tatura 78 Stewards Joseph A Murphy C W Hay and H P Conkling Judges J B Campbell and Joseph McLennan Starter William Snyder Racing Secretary Joseph McLennan Racing starts at 2115 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spars B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST BACE 38 Mile Jan 19 1922 34 3 114 Purse 100 2yemrold Maidens Fillies Special Weights Ket value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O DOROTHY RYAN w 114 1 2 2REPLY 1 I1 H J BurkoW Knapp REPLY w 114 6 1 3 2 I McDottT W OBrien OBrien2J 222 71013 G8 61 = IDLH THOUGHTS w 114 4 5 2J 31 I Morris B J Brannon 3 3ft S 1 25 fi7729 ANNE w 114 10 J 51 4 L Lyko H S Bowna 10 IS IS 6 3 C7934 SUN LASSIE w 114 7 1 4 5 F Murphy W S Kilmer KilmerG 4 G 5 2 45 67962 GLADYS V w 114 24 G 6 J Wallace W H Fizcr 10 15 12 5 BESSIE WRIGHT w 114 3 I 7 7J W Kelsay C T WorthingtonS 13 12 5 C7962 FRANCES SHARP w 114 8 t 8 8 T BonhamF H Scvin 39 38 30 ID 5 5JULIA JULIA M r 114 5 7 3 9 E Marts H Rosoachcr 39 30 30 10 5 5MIAMBI MIAMBI w 111 99 10 10 J Owens J L Holland 20 30 20 S 4 4Time Time 12V4 24 36 Track good goodWinner Winner Ch f by Vindex Banner by Batten trained by W Knapp bred by Mr P W Armstrong Went to post at 214 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing DOKOTHT RYAN began fast and showing the most speed raced Into a long lead at once add held it fairly well through the last eighth REPLY much the host was away poorly and forced back at once but closed an immense gap and took second place in the last stride IDLK THOUGHTS tired near the end after showing a good order of speed ANNE ran well SUN LASSIE had no mishaps Scratched G7S07 Bernice Childs 111 SECOND BACE 34 Mile Feb 9 1918 111 116 Purse 1000 4yearold3 atd upward Claiming Ket value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U 54 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G800GC J CRGMILK WB 6 107 1 2 3 31 U 1 A Abel W E Matthews 4 G7857 W OK COROMAN w 5 113 5 5 51 41 3 2 i G Mein W M Carter 6 G7944 GUVNOR w 5 107 7 1 2 1 21 3 J CoreoranM Goldbiatt G7837 MINUTE MAN wn 6 110 34 61 51 4 4 R CostclloA Swenke t tG7942 G7942 L LICHHEIil w 4 115 4 3 1 2 5 5 E SmwodR C Troxler 3 4 4 85 45 1 f L Morris J B Cahill 10 12 12 6 2 7 7 H ThomasW L Marks 20 30 3 10 S SG7858 G7858 STOCK FIN w 4 110 2 6 41 8 8 SB AtksonS Gooch 15 15 15 6 3 3Cine Cine 24 48 l14i Track good goodWinner Winner B g by Pataud Miss Jordan by Sir DUon trained by W A Burttschell bred by Mr E Gallion GallionWent Went to pest nt 237 At post 2 minutes Start good ajid slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing CHARLES J CRAIGMILE was saved under restraint until reaching the stretch then raced into the lead and won going away WILLIAM OF COROTOMAN came with a rush through the last eighth GUVNOR was made much use of in racing LOUIS LICHTENHEIM into defeat and was in the heaviest going tlirousli the stretch MINUTE MAN closed a gap FEODOR had no mishaps LOUIS LICHTEN 11EIM showed the most early speed and finished lame lameScratched Scratched C7836Alva 105 G80C2Clarkscn 112 C7984 Moon Winks 108 G7838War Pennant 115 CS005 Mary G 105 G7833 Ukase 110 THIBD BACE 34 Mile Feb 9 1918 111 6 116 Purse 1000 3yearolds Claiming Ket valne to winner 700 second 200 third 109 Index Horses AWtPPSt U 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G G78782POOR SPORT wn 111 43 2 2 I 1 K SmwodJ R Skinker 3 I IG7936 3 2 1 12 G7936 PETER BROWN WB 108 2 2 li I1 2l 2 J D MneyJ Brown 6 8 S 3 85 793G 793Gs s WIN R TAKE ALL w 102 36 8l 5 5 3 G Meln S Louis 8 19 10 4 2 2C8071 C8071 VANDERBURG w 114 95 5 3 31 4 L Lyke W J Kramer 20 Si 28 S 4 4G7199EVLYN G7199EVLYN SAWYER w 106 67 Cl 41 41 51 J ChalmersG L Good 10 U 4 2 G802G RORK w 10S 8 U 11 7 7 G L McDottC A Applegata 6 G79G4 THE COLONEL w 10S 10 10 101 8 Si 71 J Wallace G C Walsh 30 30 12 S 2 2G7857 G7857 = BEGUM w 98 7 9 9 61 6i S J CoreoranM Goldbiatt 88721 88721C7878 C7878 CHILDS PLAY w 103 11 S 71 3 10 94 J McCoy O Torroll 21 31 3 65 35 35G802G G802G OLD TOP w 108 1 1 3 11 11 10 W BogskiFour OSFSU302 8 4 4G7964 G7964 PELION w 112 5 4 4 10 3 11 H J BurkeE J Crawford 30 30 20 8 4 4Time Time 24 48H 114 Track good goodWinner Winner B g by Delhi Play Fair by Fair Play trained by W A Burttschell bred by Messrs J D Carr I5ro I5roWent Went to post at 3OG At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing POOR SPORT close up from the start passed PETER BROWN in the last eighth to win easing up IETEU BROWN allowed fine speed and set a fast pace but began tiring badly in the last eighth WIN NEIl TAKE ALL came fast right at the end and was going best of all VANDERBURG tired in the last six teen Ui BEGUM was brought through the heaviest going in the srtctch CHILDS PLAY was always far back backScratched Scratched C8071 Jupiter IIL IILOverweights Overweights Pellon 2 pounds FOURTH BACE 1 Mile Jan 11 1916 137 5 10 Victor Handicap Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Ket value to winner S900 second S200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P G8028 SIR TH KEAN w 5 109 3 2 I 2l lk Il 1 J Owens Kst J A Vogeler G5 2 2 3514 G7902 JACK HARE JR w 8 109 3 1 2 H 21 21 2 E Martz T M Botta 2 21 2 3514 3514G7965 G7965 = BLARNY STONE w 5 106 5 5 5 5 4 31 3 L McDottM Reiser 3 4 1651 13 13G802GJOHN G802GJOHN Q KELLYwB 3 93 4 4 4 4 3l 4 4 J CorcoranT J Pendergast 6 41 7512 68028 BOY FROM HOMEwn I 95 1 3 3 3 5 5 5 W Fronk S N Ilolman 90 30 30 10 4 Time 24 J 43i 114 140 Track good goodWinner Winner B g by Golden Maxim Union by Dr Rice trained by A Thoiaas bred by Mr Thomas M Murphy MurphyWont Wont to post nt 327 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing SIR THOMAS KEAN sat the early pace then was taken back and restrained for threequarters but took the lead again in the stretch to win casing up JACK HARE JR showed a good order of speed nnd finished fast and gamely BLARNBY STONK came fast through the last quarter JOHN Q KELLY had no mishaps and tired BOY FROM HOME was done after racing well for a lialf mile mileOverweights Overweights John Q Kelly 4 pounds FIFTH KACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Feb 12 1916 142 4 113 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ket value ta winner 700 second 290 third 18 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P 07733 COPPER DEMON WB 5 JOS 6 6 Gl 3 Z 21 1 H ThurberO B Akers 44475 35 35G7966 G7966 ROYCE ROOLS WB 8 lft 1 1 6 C G 3 21 L McDottFalrmont Stable S 2 85 71014 G8029 RAMA wn 5 104 5 3 21 1 11 1J 3 J CorcoranF Do Latour 3 4 18565 25 67946 NORMAL w 5 104 7 5 31 5 4J 4 4 J Owens L Kay 4 5 5 8535 8535G8029 G8029 CAP ROCK w 4 97 2 2 41 4 31 5 5 J MajesticJ B Sweeney 6 10 IB 4 85 85G8030 G8030 K OF T HHER WB 5 106 4 4 2 Cl 6 6 H ThomasS Louis 10 12 12 5 2 2G7816 G7816 COURT VIEW wn 5 104 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 W Reid W M Cain 100 1000500 2 SO SOTimes Times 24 48 114 1405 145 Track good goodWinner Winner B h by Ormondale Lady Bedford by Ogden trained by O B Akcrs bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to poet at 352 At post G minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same COPPER DEMON began eomcwhat slowly but moved up with a ruau after going a half mile and Rtnudiug a hard drive resolutely Just got up in time to win ROYCB ROOLS was allowed to drop far back at the start and was ridden extremely wide into tlie stretch bnt finished with a rush RAMA hltowed suddenly improved form and raced into the lead but tired slightly in the last sixteenth NOR ¬ MAL brieflyScratched ran well CAP ROCK tired KNIGHT OF THE HEATHER quit after setting the pace briefly Scratched G7S3S Richelieu 104 f QAQ4 SIXTH BACE 1 316 Miles Feb 27 1904 158 5 107 Purso 1000 OOvftJdb olds and upward Claiming Ket valne to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U J4 51 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 18029 FANTOCHE WSB 5 113 1 6 4l 6 3 3 1 J Owens R T Watts 2 llSS5 35 14 14G8029ZRUNQUOI G8029ZRUNQUOI WB 5 109 5 5 I1 1 2 11 2 J Wallace L Kay 566245 566245C8007IEPISODE C8007IEPISODE WB 5 104 4 3 2 2 1 2 3 L McDottA S Woodllffe 45585 710 710G7880 G7880 AMERICAN BOY WB C 113 3 2 6 4 4 4 4 J Bell M K Day 576245 576245GS030 GS030 FANNIE BEAN w 4 103 6 4 3 51 5 5 J CorcoranJ R Skinker 21 4 31 65 12 C7838 RIB GRASS WB 4 105 2 1 C 3J S C C J McCoy J McPherson 8 12 13 5 2 2Time Time 25 CO 1145 140 153 200 Tiuck good goodWinner Winner Ch K by FiU Herbert Frcsuay by Meddler trained by R T Watts bred In France by Mr Clarence H Mackiy MackiyWent Went to post at 410 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same FANTOCI1E was in the slowest part of the track for a half mile and lind to race around the others but came with a rush in the last eighth and outstayed KtJNQUOI in the final stride RUNQUOI pet a good pace and after being headed finished gamely EPISODE raced into the lead but tired in the last eighth AMERICAN BOY had no mishaps FANNIE BEAN was always outrun SEVENTH BACE 1 11G Miles Feb 13 1915 1 5 3 104 Pnrso 1000 47ear olds and upward Claimicg Ket value to winner 709 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P f67112LIGHT WINB w 6 106 3 7 2 31 3 34 11 J Owens W L Lewis 3 4 153S5 45 58031JASIILAND wn 4 109 S 6 71 61 7 Gl 2 II ThomasJ Brown 21 21 95452 67080 = HICKORY w 4 111 9 9 3 7 El li 3 E Smwodllamiiton Stable 4 7 7 21 G5 G5fi775G fi775G = STANLEY w 5 103 7 4 41 51 Ci El 4 J Wallace F T Miller 8 13 8 3 S5 S5G80G2XBEES G80G2XBEES WINQ w 6 103 6 S 51 4 41 21 61 J ClialmersW Aerne 13 20 15 C 3 3G785G G785G HERMODEN w 4 9S 4 10 11 101 8l 7 C1 B Harvey K J Giltnore 12 2 SO 8 4 80 GJWAUKEAG VB 9 10G 10 11 10ill 9J 8l 71 J CorcoranC N Freeman 6 S 7 21 7 7G7968 G7968 WALESPA w 4 93 11 5 S1 9s 101 101 8 W Fronk Southland Stable 10 15 10 4 2 C7042 PROMIS1NG TOM wn 5 103 2 3 2l 2l 1 41 91 J Ressner M Shlelils 10 15 13 6 3 3G80G5 G80G5 HOT FOOT WB G 103 1 1 I1 1 2 9 10 J McCoy W G Schmidt 103 100 100 40 20 20G7131 G7131 VANY DRESSER w 4 1011 5 3 G S1 11 11 11 R Doyle H W Barnea 30 M M 12 6 Time 25 494 115 143 160 Track good goodWinner Winner B m by Oraundalc Frankness by Miller trained by G M Johnson bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 443 At post 3 minntes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the thee e LIGHT WINE close up from the start stood a hard drive gamely through the stretch ASH I AND was ridden wide on the turns bat closed a gap and finished faxt HICKORY also made up ground sad stood a hard drive well STANLEY tired right at the end BEES WING dropped back iu the last txteeath PROMISING TOM and HOT FOOT quit badly In the stretch after alternating in pacemakiug pacemakiugScratched Scratched G79C8 Satana 103 G740My Rosie 01 U80GO Kcbo 103 103Overweight Overweight Hickory 2 poaad Heaodcn 2 Walcspa 2 Vanity Dresser 2J4

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020801/drf1923020801_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1923020801_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800