Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-03

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Tijuana Form Chart TUTTANA HEX THTTESDAY MARCH 1 1923 1 mile Eightyfirst day Tijnana Jockey Club Winter Meeting of 100 or more days Weather clear temperature 70 Stewards Francis Nelson J W Coflroth and L 1 Hose Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Associate Judges L J Rose and J S Ilothert Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary J S Ilothert Racing starts at 153 p m Chicago time 355 p in W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig tires in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 58 Mile May 20 1920 59 4 107 Purso 503 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt U 4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 08380 CHROME w 6 113 13 1 1J 13 11 lt p j Baker R Connor 1543100 08218 GALLOUBERRY w 5 113 S 2 24 2 3 2 M Andson II E Davis 309103 08338 ELMER AV w 3 100 6 5 4 33 23 3l J Mcrimcc Hollywood Stable SOO103 08421 GRACE TRBLE w 7 105 3 4 3 4l 4 43 G Rose 15 H Andruss 2GO100 8359LA BEAU WB 4 107 10 8 CJ 54 51 Si R Bauer W Wells 21301CO 68482 FREDDIE FEAR ws 4 107 5 3 5 61 6 6 L Annstg Keed Kiefer 6440100 67 33 G DR CUXARD w 5 103 2 7 10410 9 73 F Stevens Leslie Stablo 08039 MAUDIE WITSOX w 5 112 7 12 11 II1 8 S C Thpson Campbell Kipp 08358s EM AVELLER w C 106 411 9l 71 7 94 F Watrous P Glixman 190100 190100C8340 C8340 HESTER II w 9 111 16 81 gi 10 10 H Molters Hoover Duncan t 7740100CS257 0759G DR WINIFRED w 5 113 12 9 71 9l H3 11s H Long Multinomah Stablo 7740100 CS257 LADY BETTY w 9 111 11 10 12 12s 12 12 M Garrett G Nibbs t 68102 GRANDNETH v 11 111 9 13 13 13 13 13 T Rae L Holbrook t tfMutucl fMutucl field Time 24 49 103 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Chrome 3280 straight 1180 place G40 show GallonBerry 580 place 520 show Klmcr W 740 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Chrome 1540 to 100 straight 040 to 100 place 220 to 100 show Gallou Bcrry 190 to 100 place ICO to 100 show Klmcr W 270 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Sigurd Queencup by King Faustus trained by R Connor bred by Mr II II Trowbridge TrowbridgeWent Went to post nt 150 At post 4 minutes Start straggling and slow Won driving second and third the same CHROME lucky at the start began fast and showing the most speed all the way withstood repeated challenges and outlinished GALLOUBERRY The latter came around the leaders wiien entering the stretch and finished fast and wearing the winner down KLMKIt W was prominent from the start and finished fast and gamely GRACE TRIMBLE had no mishaps EMMA AVELLER was away poorly poorlyScratched Scratched C7S4S Seven Seas 113 113Overweights Overweights Muudie Wilson 1 pound SECOND EACE 1 Milo Juno 17 1916 138 3 95 Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AVTtPPSt U A StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 68434 = SANTHIA a w 5 103 1 1 1 1 1 I1 1 F Stevens Strite Valentine 250100 250100F 68463OCCIDENTA WB 4 109 2 3 24 2 2 2i 2 t L Creery F Dovour 330100 330100E 682 17 MALZAVENA wn 4 109 10 5 4 44 4 3 351 W Pool E W Mooro 440100 684 34 AVANN GIRL ws 7 113 5 9 7 6s 5 41 4 = 1 E Fator F Smith 1740100 1740100F G8358 FIGURATION w 5 118 9 7 8 71 74 6 5s C Thpson F D Howard 330100 330100F 0838 1AL RICHMOND w 5 10S 7 4 31 3 34 51 64 G Rose F K Tankersly 6030100 6030100J 68434 SARAH CCHRAN w 3 93 4 11 11 94 S1 7 7 P Hurn J JIcGraw 1900100 082 17 COUNTRY w 4 106 11 6 5s 53 63 SI 81 E Kenger Tarn o Shanter Stable 35000100 35000100T 08381 SILENT SAM w 5 115 3 10 104 S 9l 94 9s H Molters T Holloway t tD 08434 RED PLANET w 3 90 6 S 91 10 10s 10s 10 W Dean D S Fountain t tReminis 67996 JOLLY SAILOR WB 3 9S 3 2 61 11 11 11 11 P AValls Reminis Stable 1140100 fMutuel field Time 25i 50 117 141 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Santhia C 700 straight 420 place 320 show Occidenta 520 place 4CO show Malzivcna 420 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Santhia C 250 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place GO to 100 show Occidenta ICO to 100 place 130 to 100 show Malzavena 110 to 100 show showWinner Winner CooneyWent Br m by Lay Low Santhia by Santcllo trained by G Cooney bred by Mr G Cooney Went to post at 218 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving SANTHIA C set a good pace from the start and finishing gamely held the others safe in the stretch drive OCCIDENTA was always in closest pursuit but tired when nearing the end and had to be hard groundScratched ridden to save second place MALZAVENA finished with a rush AVANN GIRL made up ground Scratched GS482 Calithump 113 THIRD EACE 5 12 Furlongs Feb 25 1923 105 5 122 Pnrso 600 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPlSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 07833 s PHNE WARD WSB 7 10S 5 3 11 14 11 14 F Cantrell C B Irwin 100100 C8422 100100C8422 flTTOlOOG8084FOND VANA WELLES WB S 113 1 4 4 4 41 21 II Garrett Quinlan Heigel flTTOlOO G8084FOND HOPE wsn 6 108 8 2 31 2J 2 31 F Stevens B Creech 3120100 G8319 3120100G8319 COL SNIDER WSB 6 115 68 Si S 61 43 DPowell Maple Leaf Stablo 910100 68223 IT WB 4 114 10 9 9 91 7 5 C Thpson W D Millard 720100 68423 VERA RITA w 3 113 3 6 73 5 63 W Martin W L Stanfield t 330100G8300 68423 JULY FLY ws 9 113 25 51 51 84 71 W Gargan J J Sharkey 330100 G8300 SAN HEDRON WSB 4 114 4 10 104101 91 8 J Glass J Manalo 6S40100 6S4010068423DELANCEY 68423DELANCEY w 10 115 7 1 2 3 3 9 ° E Fator B Valdez S940100 S94010068423JACK 68423JACK LEDI w 5 110 11 11 HUH 10 E Petzoldt W E Worley t C8404 MAYFLOWER w 5 113 9 7 Got 73 101 U H Molters J Humbrecfct ISOOlflO ISOOlflOfMutuel fMutuel field Time 23 48 101 108 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Phrone Ward 400 straight 340 place 280 show Vanessa Welles field 1020 place 3 SO show Fond Hope 540 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Phrone Ward 100 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Vanessa Welles field 410 to 100 place 00 to 100 show Fond Hope 170 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch m by 1rospero Lulu Marr by Floriflt trained by C B Irwin bred by Mr Samuel A Beckham BeckhamWent Went to post at 24G At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing PHRONE WARD decisively outpaced and outstayed her opponents and easily won all the way VANESSA WELLES finished fast and disposed of FOND HOPE in the last few yards FOND HOPE tired after racing in closest but unavailing pursuit of the speedy winner COL SNIDEU and IT closes gaps gapsScratched Scratched GG743Brown Belie 95 OS423 Kimono 112 GS202 Velvet 113 FOURTH EACE 34 Mile Dec 20 1916 111 3 110 Purso GCO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt U h ftStrFin Jockeys Eqniv Odds Strt 0844 1 CLOCK STKIXG WSB 3 100 39 8 i 7 2 14 F Watrous W A Cameron 270100 08043 BLACK DEER w 4 113 4 1 1 I1 1 24 M Andson E W Moore IDGMOO C7898 IDGMOOC7898 DR T S DNEY WB 4 113 S C 2 k 3 2 3 J Merimee W Daniel 720100 720100G84C3DALTON G84C3DALTON ws 4 114 75 5 51 4 41 I Fletcher H F White 220100 j G84G3SCEDRIC 220100G84G3SCEDRIC wn 3 100 98 4 2 5 5 A CJaver J Crane 1030103 08485 NORFORD HONEY w 3 103 5 4 74 8 7 63 F Stevens Neal Bartholomew 11340100 08405 LAW MANNING WB 4 113 6 7 61 64 6J 7 W Pool R L Baker 1220103 68404MISSOURI 122010368404MISSOURI BOY ws 5 115 2 2 Z 4 S S H Molters C McConnell 1SCO100 G8485 1SCO100G8485 SIR LEONID W310313 9999P Walls C B Daniebl 550100 550100Time Time 24 49 114 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Clock Stocking 740 straight 4GO place 3GO show Black Deer 1780 place 1080 show Dr T S Dabney 1000 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Clock Stocking 270 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place SO to 100 show Black Deer 790 to 100 place 440 to 100 show Dr T S Dabney 400 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br f by Pataud Met Mexican by Mexican trained by W A Cameron bred by Mr W C Goodloe GoodloeWent Went to post at 311 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing CLOCK STOCKING last at the start moved up fast while rounding the last turn and passing BLACK DKEH when seventy yards out won going away fast BLACK DEER set a good pace from the start but readily succumbed to the winners rush DU T S DABNEY showed much speed but was tiring at the end DALTON had no mishaps CEDRIC and MISSOURI BOY ran well for a half Scratched halfScratched OSiOOEl Uoble 100 GS402sSacramcnto 118 6S204 Beverwyck 103 Overweights 103Overweights Clock Stocking 2 pounds Da It on 1 Norford Honey 3 FIFTH EACE 34 Mile Dec 20 19ie 111 3 HO Pnrso 1000 3yearolds aad upward Handicap Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 7ndcx Horses AWtPPSt U i Si StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt G8439 KNIGHTHOOD w 3 93 4 4 I1 14 1 1 P Walls A C Bostwick 183100 8439 KREWER WB 6 1C6 3 2 3 1 3i 2 = 1 24 J Mcrimec J Crane 130100 C84035TEX 130100C84035TEX BUTTONS w 5 107 2 3 4 4 31 3 W Pool C B Irwin 400100 C8439 400100C8439 BRILLINT RAY WSB 4 103 1 1 2l 2 4 4 A Claver M Smith 700100 700100Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Knighthood 5 GO straight 280 place Krewer 2CO place no show mutuels sold Equivalent soldEquivalent booking odds Knighthood 160 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place Krewer 30 to 100 place Winner placeWinner B g by Thco Cook Cowl by Disguise trained by J W Healy bred by Xalapa Farm Went FarmWent to post at 340 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ing KNIGHTHOOD set a great pace from the start and increasing his advantage steadily won in a canter ICIIEWEK raced gamely but could never get within striking distance of the leader and had to lie ridden hard to hold TEN BUTTONS safe The latter made a fast finish BUILLJJLNT RAiT showed high speod for a half but was done when turning for home homeScratched Scratched 5301 Judge Pryor 101 101Overweights Overweights lirilliant Ray 1 pound SIXTH EACE 1 Milo June 17 1916 135 3 05 Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 560 second 169 third 80 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 = i Str Fin Jockeys 07804 COFFIELD w 7 106 4 4 4G8139SUNNYLAND 3 24 1 1 1 F Stevens North Rowe RoweWB G8139SUNNYLAND WB 8 115 G 7 6l G 41 4 21 F Watrous Bronx Stablo StabloWB 08424 DORIUS WB 4 115 2 25 25G8301JUDGE G 4 3 3 31 3 E Fator Pueblo Stablo StabloWB G8301JUDGE PRYOR WB 5 115 1 12 2 lo I1 2 21 44 W Dean R L Baker C8iGG MART BUNCH 71 2 1 43 53 5i 5 I Parke W G Jenkins 682 68202RAJAH G2 RAJAH WB 5 102 5 6 5 6 C 6 F Cantrell C B Irwm 830100 CG840 830100GG840 MR X w 5 105 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 M Andson A Marrono 17063100 17063100Tirao Tirao 24 48 113 140 Track fast 2 mutneis paid Coffield 140 straight 280 place 2GO show Sunnyland 300 place 300 show Dorius 440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Coflleld 120 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 30 to ICO show Sunnyland 50 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Dorius 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Modred Zirl by Sain trained by R Rowe bred by Mr C B Daniels DanielsWent Went to post at 407 At post 2 minutes Start poor and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing COFFIELD waited on JUDGE PRYOR until rounding the far turn where lie raced to the front and drawing fnr away in the stretch won in a canter SUNNYLAND was pinched back at the start but closed a big gap in a fast and game finish DORIUS ran well JUDGE PRYOR cet a fast early pace and showed speed to the last eighth where he tired badly MA7IT BUNCH ran well Scratched wellScratched C84CC Joclla J 91 G8421 Van Patrick 103 C8282 Scrapls 114 G7930 Mannikin II 103 SEVENTH EACE 1 116 Miles June 24 1916 145 3 110 Purse 700 4year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 430 e = o = d 140 third 70 Index Horses AWtPPSt U y Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt G7733 ROMANY vr 6 IDS 4 2 2 2 U I1 1 J Merimee W Daniel 310100 310100l l 08317 HYANPOM w 5 112 1 5 53 3 2 2 21 II Moltcrs II Keisel 303100 j 303100j 08405 OLD FAITHFUL w 5 1C8 2 1 4 43 4 41 3 P Walls A L BrigRS 1240100 124010068405SUNDIAL 68405SUNDIAL II wn 7 108 5 3 14 1 3s 3 4s M Andson C Buxton 120100 120100C83G5 I C83G5 REGRESO WSB 9 115 3 G 6 6 5 5J 5 F Cantrell C B Irwin 1230100 1230100G84 G84 65 65J J ORLEANS GIRL w 6 1C6 6 4 31 51 6 G 6 E Petzoldt L R Knifonji 5830100 Time 25 50 115 141 147 Track fast j 2 mutuels paid Romany 820 straight 500 place 360 show Hyanpom 460 place 300 show Old Faithful 400 show j I showI Equivalent booking odds Romany 310 to 100 straight 150 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Hyanpom j ISO to 100 place 50 to 100 show Old Faithful 100 to 100 show showWinner I Winner Blk g by Ecouen May Dora by Isidor trained by A G Blakely bred by Mr John San ford fordWent Went to post at 429 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily rccond and third driv ¬ ing ROMANY forced SUNDIAL II along at top speed until rounding the last turn where In raced to the front and held IIYANPOM safe while doing his best HYANPOM ran a good and game rare and finished resolutely OLD FAITHFUL stood a long and hard drive well and outfinished SUNDIAL llj The latter set the early pace but tired in the final eighth jgTsQ rrfcO EIGHTH EACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards Jan 21 1923 142 8 98 Purse 600 1 XB O t ly if 3yearods and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt G7413 FAIR ORIENT WB 10 113 8 8 9 7 5 31 14 W Pool R L Baker 68137NEBKA LAD WSB 5 108 3 3 4 S 34 2 2 = M Milrick O Blank 08408s SUMMER SIGH w 7 103 71010 10 81 61 3 F Stevens W Walker 08385s BARRISKAJNE w 4 103 2 2 1411 244 4i E Petzoldt Z 6844 68441 1 SHE DEVIL w 7 10G 5 1 63 5 G1 54 5 F Watrous B Creech CreechG8487 G8487 REYDO ws 9 103 1 9 T 9l 91 81 63 F Cantrell C B Invin Invin68187BREEZE 68187BREEZE WB 9 103 6 6 S1 S1 7 7 T 7l G Rosa G II Abbot 320100 320100G8423KIRKTWOOD G8423KIRKWOOD WB 5 103 10 7 54 23 1 I Si F Seremba A Gray t G8283 DONATELLO w 6 113 9 5 3 P 10 10 94 F J Baker S Elmer 2C40100 68384 PEACE FLAG w 3 8G 4 4 2 4 41 910 W Dean Neal Bros 1610100 1610100fMutnol fMutnol field Time 24 49 115 141 145 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Fair Orient Dihl 9 0 straight 480 place 300 show Nebraska Lad 1300 place 420 show Summer Sigh 260 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Fair Orient field 3SO to 100 straight HO to 100 place 50 to 100 show Nebraska Lad 550 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Summer Sigh 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Fair Play Orienta by Henry of Navarre trained by F Brooks bred by Mr R L Belmont BelmontWent Went to post at 455 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing FAIR ORIENT after racing far Imck in the early running moved up rapidly after turning for home and saving ground next to the rail wore the leaders down and passing them won going away NEBRASKA LAD raced forwardly and persistently and under hard riding just managed to save second place SUMMER SIGH closed a big gap and finished with a belated rush BARRISKANE tired after setting the pace to the far turn turnScratched Scratched G83S4 Theresa Ill GS484 Gold Bryan 111 Overweights Summer Sigh 1 pound Barriskane 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030301/drf1923030301_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1923030301_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800