untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-03


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THE MIRACLE SYSTEM FULLY COPYEIGHTED AND PROTECTED PROTECTEDGOOD GOOD WILL WILLFACTOGUAM FACTOGUAM NO iO Good will in business is a recognized asset In many instances the GOOD WILL of a business has been valued at more thai the com biacd worth of land stock end equipment and it is right that it should be ro for tho material csrets can be quickly replaced but GOOD WILL is a matter of slow growth But what is GOOD WILL How is it gained First by having tho most meritorious article in Q the market and letting1 people know you have it Second I y co = twit twitvincing Will vincing them that they need it Third by making and keeping them You Do so glad they havo recurod it that they prefer it to anything of a Yours by similar nature that there is to bo had That is just as true of a man Investigating who sells his cervices as one who tells something he produces It is Today J a fundamental policy for every laborer foreman clerk storekeeper farmer lawyer ciechaaic manufacturer wholesaler and captain of industry of America Turf systems may be bought in more places thas reputation aad service So to reduce competition we mako sure that what wo offer for sale is backed hy faithfulness of per ¬ formance service and reputation Our trained staff of experts aro almost overscrupulous in the constant aim to maintain those standards upon which we insist insistWrite j Write TODAY for completo PROSPECTUS of tho Miracle System We will send you ABSO ¬ i LUTELY WITHOUT CHARGE OR OBLIGATION interesting FACTS concerning owners trainers jockeys I dockers handicappers public selectors tipsters bookmakers stable information COMPREHENSIVE INFORMATION relative to weight time class law of averages ratings workouts betting tables progression methods system reviews and much other enlightening acd valuable information and pointers Its just tho sort of a work you have wished for a detailed and absolutely comprehensive volume writ j ton in a common sense easytounderstand style It is yours for the asking M P WALTER CO COrogress rogress Ulade of Scientific Research AUSTUAMA Private IocU Box 4OF S E AUTIIUU Public Relations Mjir Totvxoii

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030301/drf1923030301_11_4
Local Identifier: drf1923030301_11_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800