2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-03

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S t Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming Dec 0 1O1G iii u5 a no PRIVATE PEAT ch g 6 11 By General Boberts Janice Marian by Rubicon Trainer W T Anderson Owner H Han Dieco Stable Breeder G M Van Gorden GordenH 08102 Tijuana 51 f lCSfast 710 1 110 2 I 1J 13 C Studer 12 Delancoy Santhhil Three 2C 67748 Tijuana 34 lHVifast 37 N 107 3 5 9s 91 C Studer 11 MMaulsby Iloringa HR Heir W12S Tijuana 1 l41sfast 5 107 1 111 2 2l 45i C Studer 7 Nonsuit Orchid King Vic Munoa oOOSS Tliuana S 51 f lOI = ifast 3 107 4 4 43 3 C Kinder 8 CarMoorc Nonsuit CACiskey 53020 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 9 100 2 6 6 4l C Studer 12 HOHtels Bob Allen OrchKIng 5S9s7 Tijuana 58 l01fast 75 100 2 2 1 1J C Sluder i Ititie Ilclle Hilly Lane Nonsuit 5i906 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 4 108 7 6 51 3l C Studer S OAComiskey KChtham Perch 5 S32 Tijinna 51 f lOSHfast 5 102 2 Z 4 1 C Studer 7 SamUeli MayMauUby Ioacher EAILBIRD ch 7 7Campbell 112 By Plaudit Maud B L by Star Shcot ShcotCampbell Trainer E Campbell Owner Campbell Kipn Srccder A B Hancock G8130 Tijuana 1 1S l35 ifast 73 110 4 7 716 M Mil rick 7 Clmrley Boy Dolpli Dominator 07998 Tijuana lm0y 15J mud 13 10S 2 oi 4 1 M Milrick S Pltagcnet CabCreek RedMan 07956 Tijuana 1 1S 202 = ihvy 7 112 1 1C6 21 3 = M Milrick S 1onxtKar Uwislt KHarrigan 07928 Tijuana C6 110 4 5 S M Milrick 8 San Hodion Lariat Hackairore 07801Tijuana 51 f l07faat 251 113 7 S G H S Jones 10 Due diGnise Tlieresa Don Jose 07492 Tijuana 31 107 3 78 7 H I Iing ing 8 Yermak Walter Dant tltoria 07135 Tijuana 1 116 150 fast fastlm0y 20 112 4 6 Gi II Long 7 W Dant Lavaga C Rarkley 0077 Tijuana lm0y l51ihvy 11 101 G I1 13 H Long U LOrphan llauaTopaz 1 Arbor 7U50 Tijuana 34 120 hvy 30 111 4 71 5 1 T Rae 8 Al Porter Midia Circulate 06999 Tijuana 51 f l10imud 13 115 5 8 8 T Rae S Ncr Plantazinct Gadling GadlingG 00115 Hlliorne 31 l2Cislow 41 112 1 G C L Gray S Nenette Calcadourli Hlvtilct Hlvtilct3J 60077 Htnorne HtnorneL 34 l25i mud mudb 5 112 6 3J 21 L Gray 10 N 1C Heal May Girl Vaiisylvia L W HARPER b g B BE 112 By J F Crowley Fenelon by Governor Foraker Forakerr Trainer F E Irwin Owns r F E Irwin Breeder H R Schrimshcr Schrimshcr16f 03114 Tijuana 51 f l08Vifatct 16f IJIMS 113 10 10 10 = 10 E Dugan 12 Norficld Nizam Merry IJIM 07U5G Tijuana 1 1S 202 = jhvy jhvyIm70y S 117 5 G 6 G71 D Hurn S Ponza Ray Iowis I Itailbird 07927 Tijuana Im70y l Slhvy 20 115 S 11 11 10 H Molters 11 HLcrch NthShorc Pltagemt C7G01 Tijuana 114 209 fast 11 112 G G G3 711 G Rosa 8 WJiidge JDavid Chkltarkley 67547 Tijuana 1 1S l56Hfast 17 115 4 1 I5 I5 J Sing1 ton S Al Wick Meteor John Arbor 07453 Tijuana 1 l4ifast l4ifast5S 14 117 3 11 11 II1 J Singtonll WiseJudge TotnCravcn Flame 07429 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 2 11G 9 11 101 dl J Sirgtonll LadySmall K kworm Olympd 07391 Tijuana TijuanaTOM 34 l15 = ifast 95 115 9 11 91 4 = P Martinezll PoorPuss TomOwens LelcbraU TOM CRAVEN b g 4 112 112Irby By Magneto Lakelet by Orlando Trainer C Irby Owner C Irby Breeder C Ciay 08383 Tijuana 1 l4 fast 41 103 11 7 105 W Martin 11 ColMatt Nebraska Lad Yukon 03315 Tijuana 51 f l07 tfast 1110 113 5 I1 2 C Rails 13 Shoibyville Ioulier Vhw 08281 Tijuana 51 f lOSislow 4 111 5 2 33 C Rails S Sister Susie Conichon Poacher G79GO Tijuana 24 l16Khvy 7f 107 3 3Im70y 6 7 i C Rails 9 UtFhiicf II George Illtlavkl 07910 Tijuana Im70y 149 Hmud 41 100 S S S M Wood S Rajah Silk Sox Yeruiuk G7855 Tijuana 51 f lOSmud 93 95 S 8 S M Wood S Kitiglike TublivA C Itnrthell 07711 Tijuana 34 l14fast 11G 115 5 5Im70y 21 2 D Hurn S Virgo Nebr Lad Philanderer 67598 Tijuana Im70y 1 18 fast 3 107 7 1J 1 B Petzoldt 8 Fireworth Cafeteria Mrntomi 07493 Tijuana 1 l42fast Cf 105 2 4 51 0 Rails 7 CharItoy SumrSich ColSutdet 07453 Tijuana 1 l42 faat 2 112 6 1 Ll D Hurn 11 Wise Judge Flame CIgalo NELLIE HARPER b f 4 By Harrigan Beatrice Sonle by Peep oDay Trainer T Davidson Ownesr H Calwell Breeder B A Jones 68481 Tijuana 51 f lOS fast 27 11010 7 C 441 M Slghter 12 Conichon Miss Meelick Angelo 8297 Tijuana Elf 1OS fast 2310 109 S 9 S2 G ° M SlghterlO Dolanccy NoWder Cannonball 68197 Tijuana 34 l18mud 2710 111 3 3C812G 1 2 3 M Slghter 9 Rifle Billy Gibson Acteran C812G Tijuana 5S l01fast 49 114 7 G Gl 4s M Slghter 9 SisSusie LyBibon Dane Girl 67831 Tijuana ImTOy l45ifast sr 102 1 G S S1 M Garrctt 9 She Devil My Bose IroMty 65283 Hastings 1 12 238 fast 45 102 221 AV Miller 9 Sample Prince Direct Laggan 65154 Hastings 1 14 2147islop 4 119 2 J Deford 6 Sample BessieYonng Olympiad 65036 Bghouse 1 142 good 11 111 4 J Deford 5 Tulalin Sample Capt Clover LADY BOURBON ch m 6 110 110Trainer By Marta Santa Helen Piak by Pink Coat Trainer J G Givens Owner J G Givens is Breeder J H Woodford 68126 Tijuana 5S l01fast 8 116 1 1T 2 2 21 C Thpson 9 SisSusie DanGirl Nei Harper 68024 Tijuana 5S l047imud T 111 1 1IS 4 42 5 J AAr Miller 6 KosaAtkin StAngelina SSusie 67727 Tijuana TijuanaC7659 PS l01 ifast IS 110 2 2 4i 5 J AV Miller 6 PayOtf DarkAges FlorceDeen C7659 Tijuana B8 l0144fast 4 105 2 1 I1 1 AV Miller 10 KosaAtkin CavcMan Pinaquann 67456 Tijuana S lH 7ifast 216 107 1 132f 7 7 6 j AAT Miller 8 CoeaCola Aryanna Ph Ward 67380 Tijuana 34 l14 4fast 32f 105 4 7 8 I J AV Miller 11 Aryinna She Devil July Fly 65075 Hastings 34 llS7imud 145 109 1 W Miller 6 Deckhand Review HKAsher PLOW STEEL ch c 4 112 112Trainer By Honeywood Daccency by Martinet Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker I Breeder L Christendom 68400 Tijuana 1 1S 1 55if ast 2T 105 G i 5 4l Gi F Steven 10 TomOwrns Kl Roble Dolpli 68304 Tijuana ImTOy IMSUrast 13 104 3 7 71 64j F Watrous 9 Hiickamorc Dolph N K Beal 68203 Tijuana 1 l454ihvy 4 101 5 4 41 3J C Rails 9 Power Poor Puss Peace Flag 68184 Tijuana ImTOy l49 l49shvy = shvy 7 103 4 468IOt 3 2 2 F Stevens 8 SHedion Th Ageance LewisB 68IOt Tijuana 34116 fast 1 107 10 4 32 li F Stevens 12 ISalfour Thrills Canvasback 68041 Tijuana ImTOy 154 hvy 1110 103 3 1 I1 2 F Stevens 10 NKKeal Tnvastha Plurality 8000 Tijuana 5S l04Hmud S 106 5 5 25 2l P Stevens 10 Aukon Billy Joe Aera Kitn 67915 Tijuana 34 117 mua 6 102 6 6ALAZON 6 62 7RJ G Rose 8 Pclamatn DancGirl CabCrk CabCrkBy ALAZON ch f 4 110 By Semprolua Edna K by Bonus Res Trainer J S McDaniel Owner J S McDaniel Breeder L L Allen 68148 Tijuana 1 l47 mud II IOC 3 3 43 44 E Petzoldt G Pueblo Olympiad Jack Lrdi 67998 Tijuana ImTOy 154 mud 195 106 4 3 31 G10 E Petzoldt 8 Pltngenet CabCreck KedMan KedManI1 67850 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 11 106 6 1 I1 1s B PetzoldtlO MaudieWilson Coombs Mistake MistakeS2 07746 Tijuana 1 143 fast 10 10S 3 5 S2 S11 B Petzoldtll II Kudder FGCorley Mflower 67659 Tijuana 58 lOHifast 7 IOC 7 4 52 7Ji II Long 10 LyBibon KosaAtkin CnrcMnn 67575 Tijuana 51 f lOStast 115 105 3 2 2 3s II Long 11 Due De Guise Jazz Cicely Kay Kay2l 67245 Tijuana 34 l14fast GO 103 1 2 2l 2 C Rails 7 Alleden Proclamatn TCraveii POKEY B b h 7 115 By Charivari Helen Bursett by AllanaDal Trainer G P Sherman Owner G P Sherrmn Breeder AV G C82R1 Tijuana 51 f l067sslow 10S 116 6 8 74 7 I Fletcher 8 Sister Susie Conichon TCraven 68222 Tijuana 51 f lllmud 3f 116 4 1 11 741 B Dugan 12 Baisy SthnGentleman Midian Midian6R160 6R160 Tijuana 5S 1C6 hvy 6 113 7 4 3s 1 K Dugan 9 Jacklot An s Sister AmMaitl Nordlloncy6782S 68017 Tijuana 41 f ESmud 14 lit 5 S 42 Tl Flynn 8 QyWard Operator Nordlloncy 6782S Tijuana 34 115 fast 4 113 6 4 61 T AV Martin 9 Slieka Aiew Cannonball 67780 Tijuana 51 f lOS fast EC 113 S 4 41 41 AV Martin 11 Gnldltryaii Delancey KosaAtkia 67355 Tijuana 5S l02fast 164 117 10 11 11 1P3 I Fletcher 11 Bess Welch Hazel Dale Elga 65212 Dorval 34 l17slow 27f lit S 8 101 10 J Simmonsll Mcuse Flea Joe S 65171 Uorvsl 34 i21tirivy 21 109 S 7 6 51 J Simmons 8 Ardito Al Pierce AVnr I 64858 BBrrets 34 l123 tast 14 107 10 10 10 1C9 J Rowan 10 BeverlyBelle BkBaby Fnrnova 64480 KingEd Ab 58 59ifast S3 111 9 I Fletcher 9 Kmdcn DFairbanks FairLassie FairLassieC4390 C4390 KinglSd Im0y l54iislow 38 111 8 J Simmons 8 Old Bed Edith K Ramona II IICLOVER CLOVER JUNIA ch g 6 112 By Cloverton Junia by On Dec DecTrtiner Trtiner D Blair Owner E Orr Breeder D H Rittor 68400 Tijuana 1 1S l55ifast llf 110 2 9 9 9 B PetzoldtlO TomOwens Kl Roble Dolph 68361 Tijuana 34 l14fast 17f 115 II 12 102 9J1 T AVilson 12 Amkassin Shbyville Mflower 68145 Tijuana 34119 mud 51f 111 S 4 1 I2 C ThpsonlO Plunger An Kevolr Thrills 08104 Tijuana 34116 fast 10 102 6 8 84 T1 II Zander 12 Plow Steel lialfonr Thrills 67920 Tijuana 34 llShvy 6 113 S 1 6h C = P Martinezll ClioirJIaster JackLctli Balfour G5281 Hastings ImTOy 150 fast 1710 110 341 Dawson C Neb Lad Lady Small Quinam 05187 Hastings Im70y l53hvy 21 109 22 H Molters 7 Ch Master DcsertKose NehI d 65121 Hastings Im70y l514islov 8 114 4i J Dawson 0 LorMoss NebrLad MaryFiiller 65080 Hastings ImTOy l50 4mud 95 106 41 II Moltcrs S Cobrita Lorcna Moss Cork MYRTLE CayugaTrainer A b m 10 110 By Wax Taper Boll Weevil by Cayuga Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder E H Andruss 68401 Tijuana 5S l01fast 13 101 6 6 S T H Long 9 Dark Ages Tabloid July Fly 68281 Tijuana 51 f l067islow 10 111 2 4 6 G H Long 8 Sister Susie Conichon TCravea C7672 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 145 11G 3 4 44 5 P Martinezll Fondllope NebraskaLad Nizam 67532 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 61 112 2 1 1J 11 P Alartine I2 Delancey FrencliNurse Kirkwd 67380 Tijuana 34 l14fast 32f 11011 11 11 11 D Hum 11 Aryanna She Devil July Fly 67053 Tijuana 5i f 112 hvy SO 114 1 5 G 64 13 Hnrn 6 LFlorence CoeaCola AKegin 62419 Omaha 34 115 good 39 110 T W Mnders 7 LFlorence Innovation alresuue LADY IngoldsbyTrainer SMALL blk m 8 110 By Jack Atkin Oriental Pearl by Ingoldsby Trainer G Luckey Owner Luckey Reeves Breeder C T Worthington 07512 Tijuana 5S l01 ifast 14 10S S 7 7s G2 W Milter 8 Icon Candomsa Xindo 67429 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 41 108 2 3 21 11 W Miller 12 Bookworm Olympiad Aiva 65281 Hastings ImTOy 150 faf t G 100 2 AV Miller 0 NebLad Clover Junia Quiiiam 65189 Hstings Ab 5S l01hvy 3110 114 3 J Dawson 8 HclMajor NickKlein Ermitana 65076 Hastings Ab 5S 103 mud 1710 109 44 AV Miller 9 Boabelle ValLady TlveBells 64947 Bghouse 51 f l08fast 31 107 5 H Molters 7 Ringleader Mayflower SkyMan 64811 Bghouse 51 f lGSVifast 1 III 4C1 H Rovc 11 I idyBourbon KosGoose Toyon 64292 Hastings Ab 5S 59V fast 85 107 31 T Wilson 0 Ringleader Sky Man Vodka VodkaLONE LONE PINE b g 6 112 By Deutschland Pepperwood by Eddie Jones JonesTrainer Trainer P Campbell Owner S Higuera Breeder Navada Stock Farm 68129 Tijuana 1 1S l55 4fast 2 11G 1 1 51 7 E Dugan 9 GMuehlebacli AlWick J David 67978 Tijuana 1 14 2155sinud 8 115 2 1 14 1 E Dugan S Lit Dear Tawasentha Aeteran 67912 Tijuana 5S l04Vsmud 5 11C G 6 31 34 E Dugan 11 Aclvct Plantagenet Mistake 67890 Tijuana 34 l18muu 2 107 6 4 44 2 C Rails 10 DbleKve MdieAVilson CMter 67100 Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy 60 104 6 6 62 GJ M Milrick 7 Harry I Pueblo John Jr 67055 Tijuana 5S 101 Vihvy 51 10f S 8 721 7 i J Thomas 9 BIJlkwell LLeven H George 63622 Reno fi i 1OS fast 2310 10 109 109OLD I2 P Hum 7 Contriot HtersPoint CCannell OLD HOMESTEAD b g Z 112 112Trainer By King Cobalt Beckon by Plaudit PlauditBarnctt Trainer R Sarrett Owner Z Barnctt Breeder G H Bruwno 68315 Tijuana 51 f lOT4fefast 26 115 13 13 II1 11 ° M Slghterl3 Shclbyvillc TomCraven Poacher 68222 Tijuana fJ f lllmud 45 10S 12 12 12 123 L Armstg 12 Baisy Sthnttentleman Midian MidianSO 68202 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud SO 110 S 7 E1 61 L Armstg 8 Jack Ledi DrTubbs HaselDale HaselDaleJf 68054 Tijuana 5i f 111 hvy 4Jf KaySf Jf 115 10 5 2 21 M Slghteill ChMaster TKoacli Cicely Kay 67801 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 25f Sf 175 9 7 71 G1 M SlghterlO Due dcGiiise Theresa Don Jose JoseTf 67785 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast STf Tf 115 9 9 6 I M Slighter 1 MissDiinbar Review Tillotson 67617 Tijuana Bi f lC9fast 19f 110 3 6 102 10 i E Petzoldlll Midian Cancion Delancey 67532 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 9 IDS 6 6 6 i 54 E PetzoliH12 MyrtlcA Dclancpy FrchNurse FrchNurse24f 67393 Tijuana 34 l14 ifast 24f 110 7 4 421 43 E PetzoldtlO ThyScvcn KLOwe Plunger 67225 Tijuana 5S 102 good 17 109 9 998 8 C Rails 11 Zindo Mayflower Tom Koach 65878 Hthorne 34 l15fast 8 115 6 7 7 fi M Slghter 7 Sirocco II of the North Dad 05783 Utborno 34 l15fast 10 111 3 9 92 G4 M Slghterl2 BrownUill AVhippet Black Top

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030301/drf1923030301_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1923030301_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800