5th Race [5th Jefferson Park, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-03

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5th RACE 1 11O Miles IJyenrolils and upward Allowances March 17 1020 145 45 7 11O DUKE JOHN b h 7 107 107Trainer By Ivan tho Terrible Lassie by Knieht Errasi Trainer W A Bnrttsche Owner J B Skinner Breeder Williams Badford G8J52 Jefferson 1 18 2COhvy 3 101 3 3Im70y 4 5 5 A Abel 5 HenniFKcmblp Normal Lampua OS370 Jefferson Im70y l434 l43Hfast fast 4 111 3 1 11 1i A Abel 7 HPardner OBirthday Quesada 07420 FairGds 1 116 l52Hhvy 15 113 9 9 9 9 H Shillick 10 Kama OurKjrthday Cantilever 67091 Jefferson 1 11G l4Sihvy 20 105 3 4 41 4 H Thurber G Despair Easteslde Wapiti 67032 Jefferson 1 13 l59 mud 6 10S 3 33 3 = II Thurber 3 Ularney Stone Saddle and BooU Gfi853 Bowie 1 31G 204fast 113 110 1 1Im78y 8 8 S E Barnes 9 War Mask Despair Yorkist Yorkista CG832 Bowio Im78y IMS l4Sfast fast 8 101 8 8ImTOy a 71 5 H Bell 12 Ail Fair Pirnic Crank 66804 Bowie ImTOy l4Sfast 15 112 6 6 51 5s B Barnes 15 CopDcmon HloPdncr Servitot CG678 Pimlico 1 l39 l39Hfaat Sfast 12 114 9 8 S 71 E Bell 9 Blazes JolmPaulJones KAlbert GGG58 rimlico 1 18 l525 fast 10 113 4 5 5J 4J E Barnes 7 CoppDcmon Clansman Lunotta LunottaBy NORMAL b e 5 109 109Trainer By Plaudit The Nurse by Yankee YankeeBreeder Trainer G M Johnson Owner L j ± a aG8452 Breeder J E Madden G8452 Jefferson 1 18 200hvy S3 109 109G8410 2 2 2J W Kelsay 5 HermisKcmblc Lampus Tulalip G8410 Jefferson 1 115 l4G7sfast 125 103 4 3 2 A Abel G KewpipONeil Mom JIayKobta 68350 Jefferson 1 13 l54fast 2 116 116G8249 2 2 31 L McDott G SFrank BrcthLove Escarpta G8249 Jefferson 1 18 l54fast Si 1CS 3 2h 3 J Wallace 5 CoDuwn Ramkin BillyBarton 68093 FGrnds ImTOy l45 l45sgood = sgood 5 101 4 4s 4i J Owens 7 Copp Demon RoyceRools Kama 67916 FGrnds 1116146 last 3 103 103G7734 4 21 3s J Crcoran 7 Valor Fannie Bean MnrCorps G7734 FGrnds 1 116 l46fast 31 104 104G6809 3 6 6 J Owens 8 IrisIiKiss PastoralSivain Valor G6809 DadePrk 1 145 mud 5 107 107G6714 4 4l 315 H Stearns 5 Manoevre BegPardon Mechanic G6714 DadePrk 1 116 l45 fast 22 lOfi lOfiGGG45 4 4l 1 H Stearns 8 KleanorS Dimples Black Betty GGG45 Latonia 1 31G l5Sfast 8 10S 5 51 6 H Stutts 9 Sealrince Fautoclie Claymore NEDDAM b B 6 112 112Trainer By Ormondale Miss Kearney by Planudes Trainer C Howard Owner S N Holman Breeder J E Maddoc 68109 Jefferson ImTOy l44fast 13 1021 5 2 4 4 J McCoy S Irish Kiss Parader Servitor 68325 Jefferson 1 116 l4Sfast 85 110 3 1 I1 1 = G Mein 7 Tulane Transient Jordan G8030 FGrnds Im70y l44fast 7 10S 5 4 7 1 R Romelli 7 Servitor Sea Cove Ramkin 07499 FGrnds 34 l14M goo l 41 112 Left at post J McCoy 8 Paul Mieou Elmer K S Combi GG995 Jefferson 58 l02limud S 115 7 5 5 510 ° 5 o J Owens OwensG49G5 7 Ablaze Vcnnie Sea Mint G49G5 Churchill 34 112 fast 5 112 1 2 41 5 A Wtlso WtlsoG4717 Wilson 7 Auntie AIny Hadrian Eastesido G4717 Churchill 1 l3SV fast 710 10 110 2 2 4 471 J Owens OwensG3292 5 Buster Cherry Tree ItrotkLori ItrotkLoriL5 G3292 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 115 L5 103 1 1 11 1 C Rails RailsG3069 7 TipSahib UlStonc SoflTsure G3069 Latonia lm0y 142 fast 12 99 1 4 31 4s F AVilso Wilson 5 LMadcap Distinction Kinbura 62814 Latonia LatoniaTONY fast 165 110 1 1 3 3s F Wilson G PindarPecl Gangway LyAstor TONY BEAU ch chTrainer B 5 110 By Tony Bonero Glonwalts by Guarantee GuaranteeBreeder Trainer J F Hynes Owner J F Hynes Breeder R 1 Franklin FranklinI1 G844G Jefferson 1 116 l51mud 41 111 2 1 I1 I1 H Thomas G TMeTgart Scnrcman TanSon G8080 Havana 1 139 fast 21 100 3 3 I1 I1 H Stutts G Lucy Kate Primo Glean G7994 Havana 34 l13ifast 4 110 5 5 5 4JJ H Stutts G SunBrae Different Eyes Salvo G7739 Havana 1 116 l43 = ifast 21 100 2 2 2Im50y nk 2 H stutts G Brocklesby LucyKate Fincastla G7635 Havana Im50y l43faat 85 104 4 3 3ImSOy 2 t 3i H Stutts G Sun Brae Lucy Kate Walk Up G740G Havana ImSOy l42Hfast 85 10S 3 2 l k li H Stutta 7 Riverside linen Mallowmot 6737 1 Havana 34 113 fast 21 113 7 5 45 3 H Stutts 7 Col Chile DifEyes Old Sinner G7196 Havana 1 I33v5fast 4 101 2 6 C 4s II Stutts 5 LBSbeep BudKean KomMary G7161 Havana 34 l13faat 6l 2 H Stutts 11 Sirocco AppleJackll MJumbo LAMEUS ch s 5 112 By Star Shoot Futurist by Golden Maxim MaximTrainer Trainer J Hefferinj Owner Riverdale Stable Breeder J E Madden MaddenG8452 G8452 Jefferson 1 18 200hvy 5 103 6 3 3G8289 34 3 1 J McCoy 5 HcrmisKcmble Normal Tulalip G8289 Jefferson 1 116 l4Tfaat 12 2 103 5 6 6G7818 Cl 7 F Sharpe 8 SFrnnk Snpcrbiim DoubleCrosa G7818 FGrnds ImTOy l47hvy 3 107 3 6 6G7713 4 3 L McDott 8 Rama Ettalie Slippery Blm G7713 FGrnds Im70y Ii46 fast 135 S 107 1 1 1G7G28 I1 IJ L McDott 9 Fornovo Citation St Donard G7G28 FGrnds 1 13 l54Hfast 3 1021 4 7 7G7501 6 5 F Sharpe 11 WalMUall Espolette StDonU G7501 FGrrids 1 11G 143 good S lit 3 3 3G7317 ° 3 L McDott S TanSon SlipperyElm ZdArmea G7317 Jefferson 1 116 149 fast 4 103 5 5 5G7288 5 5S3 H Thurberl2 ZdArmcc StUonartl PIMicou G7288 Jefferson 1 116 l4Sfast 20 0 107 6 7 7G7203 81 55i L McDott 9 Goaler Exhortcr Tulane G7203 Jefferson 34 l14hvy 40 0 103 9 8 8G7072 8 8 F Sharpe 9 WillmA ScwellCombs SeaMint G7072 Jefferson 34 116 hvy 50 105 6 7 7G7030 7s 7 F Sharpe 8 LastEffoit WiiliamA Hadrian G7030 Jefferson 34 117 mud 30 110 8 5s 7 F Sharpe 8 Guvnor Simplicity MkOrang VITAillN b E 4 103 103Trainer By Transvaal Incognita by Bisgnlse BisgnlseT Trainer F T Miller Owner F T Miller MillerC83G8 Breeder Morris Walden C83G8 Jefferson 1 316 201 fast 8 100 3 2 2G8324 21 3 J Wallace G Kamkin DoubleCross BlyStona G8324 Jefferson 1 18 l53fast 20 100 1 3 41 3 J Wallace 5 Ramkin Rnnquoj Gem 66492 Laurel 1 116 l4Sfast 2 107 G 7 7GG320 51 5s J Wallace S DouCross Kingjobn Cromwell GG320 Laurel 1 18 l53sfast 22 100 4 4 46G253 4 41 J Wallace 5 Clansman Trevelyan Lunetta 6G253 Laurel ImTOy l43fast 61 103 5 8 8GG137 81 7 C Lane 9 Colando Slippery Elm Servitor GG137 Laurel 1 343 KOod 135 110 2 3 3G3301 3l 1 C Lang 7 Klern Wkfirass WofCtman G3301 Devshire ImTOy 145 fast 41 110 4 6 51 51 J Penlver 7 Jewell V p Topmast Grisclua 62230 Thclilfe ImTOy l44fast 10 97 7lt R Flynn S Sword Merrimac Eleanor S 62174 Thncliffe 1 116 145 fast 13 93 93G1685 6s C Rails 7 MkOranjje Planet ByconcDnys G1685 Pimlico 34 1O3 faat 18 105 5 4 H 1 J Chalmers 8 DbleCross SunBrae TPruvln MECHANIC ch h 5 112 112Trainer By Sir John Johnson Wedding Blossom by Han Hanif Trainer R T Williams Owner M if Murnah over Breeder B Smith 68158 FGrnds 1 316 204 mud 10 105 G 2 Il 1 J Wallace 7 Repeater Amaze Lisht Wino Wino10S 67712 FGrnds Im70y l45fast 12 10S H 10 10GG809 9 6 J Wallace 11 GrsTree ZdArmee PcoWellcs GG809 DadePrk 1 143 mud IS 109 3 355 5 5CG75G 4 C Dishmon 5 Manoevre Beg Pardon Normal CG75G DadePrk 1 116 l514mud 22 105 1 1 1GC603 1 31 L McDott 5 Espolette CstalFord lUHousn GC603 Latonia 1 18 l52fast 24 105 4 1 1GG519 1 4 1 J Corcoran 7 ISrothLove Sea Prince Pumps GG519 Latonia 1 18 l53fast 79 102 10 8 3 lk T BrotherslO Walk Up Gem North Sea 66345 Latonia 1 316 l59Vifast 88 104 7 5 71 7 1 A Roach 10 Ashland Raider British Liner 66095 Latonia 34 l17hvy 95 107 5 6 6 6 F Smith G Clilcsllenry BulProof Pongc LADY IJLIIAN blk m 5 5E 107 By Zeus Black Swan by Herbert HerbertJ Trainer J E Hankins Owner J F Peck Breeders White Garnett G8208 FGrnds 1 116 l47fast 15 15ImTOy 102 9 9 8 8 J Owens 9 Mom Biff Bang Double Cross G7945 FGrnds ImTOy l437sfast 30 99 4 C 6 618 W Fronk G Fantoehc Wynncwood CapRock 6GG45 Latonia 1 316 l5Sfast 10 107 7 4 41 4J J Owens J Sealrince Fantoche Clarmora GGG15 Latonia 1 1S 152 fast 33 100 9 10 10 SJ J Owens 10 Kunquoi Sway Cap Rock G5784 Hthorne 1 116 149 faat S5 107 2 4 41 1 W Meehan 5 Croupier ITklietty WMtRomy G5572 Lex ton 1 116 l45fast 13 110 576 54i H Stutts S SoflVure BelsnQun CBlosm G5203 Lexton 1 1S l52fast 6 103 G 4 4s 3i H Stutts 7 Runquoi SofPleasure ParMaid G1889 Churchill 1 1S l52fast 1310 107 1 3 2 I1 J Owens G Diana Travesty Cut Up 64824 Churchill 1 116 l4G fast 14 107 4 4 4 6 H K Jones 5 BroLov Lady As tor Cherry Tre G3038 Latonia 1 316 159 fast 96 111 6 4 31 3 J Owens 7 Uncle Velo La Foudre Countesa TULALIP ch f 4 101 By Ballot Enterprise by Bathamptcn BathamptcnTrainer Trainer R I Rogers Owner R L Rogers Breeder C H Berryman 68452 Jefferson 1 18 200hvy 41 S9 1 4 4 1 JJ Harvey lleriiiisKeinble Normal Lampus 68157 FGrnds 1 116 l49mud 165 101 6 6P80GG 4 5 J G Mein 8 Escpolctte SlipEIm PaulMicou P80GG FGrnda 1 116 l49mud 6 106 1 1G78GO 2 1s A Wilson 0 Rep WntikcaR Quesada G78GO FGrnds 1 l40good 20 1041 3 74 71 J Owens S Olyntlms Plucky Colando 67240 Jefferson ImTOy 147 good 5 104 1 41 4s C Lang 8 Joaler Dimples Mniicec Idol 07091 Jefferson 1 116 1 4S 4hvy 10 93 5 5G7033 5l E J Corcoran G Despair Easteside Wapiti G7033 Jefferson ImTOy l49mud 20 93 6 66G740 7 7 W Fronk 8 Kof tlieHer Easteside FrkW 6G740 Dadelrk 1 33Sfast 33 94 8 8G6714 8 S15 W FroTik S EleanorS Mcrrimac SirTKean G6714 DadePrk 1 I1G l43 fast 9 102 5 5GGG17 8 8 E Petzoldt 8 Normal Eleanor S Dimples GGG17 Latonia ImTOy 141 fast 14 113 9 2 3l J D MneylO Tulane T ouanna Itobbie Shea SheaBy TRICKS b s 4 By Theo Cook Canny Miss by Oguen OguenBreeder Trainer J Arthur Owner J Arthur Breeder W Garth GarthG1 68391 Jefferson 1 316 202fast 7 103 10 5 G1 9 A Abel 11 TCassidy Pastoral Rkllackle 68226 Jefferson 1 116 l49fast 25 107 8 5 10l 9 A Abel 11 Ashland JFairman WhHaven 67968 FGrnds 1 316 201Vfefasi 10 S6 8 10 11J 10 J CrcoranlS Ace Bolster Bill and Coo G7735 FGrnds 1 316 202fast 15 981 6 7 6l 72t A Abel 9 Wads Last IlieWit DtorJim 67383 Jefferson 1 18 l56 = ifasl 20 102J11 2 2 2 R Doyle 12 Maize Bill and Coo Stanley G7348 Jefferson 1 316 203fast 30 102 4 3 3SO Gt 9J R Doyle 12 JOverton St Germain Bermont 6699G Jefferson 1 116 l32muu SO 101 6 6 7 71 A Abel 7 Iholan Edna D Bribed Voter GG990 Jefferson 1 116 148 fast 25 99 5 10 10llf 10 10 A Abel 12 Rama St Donard Pirate McGee 66833 Bowie 1 116 l53 fast llf 9915 14 11 14 H Shillicklo Mystic Radical Kings Bell

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030301/drf1923030301_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1923030301_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800