6th Race [6th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-03

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Ic n l O Yards S vcepstalic Sp nO Added if American Ilecord IN Lowered Feb Ill 1J2 14 G J 9O ABADANE b g 8 8Trainer 103 By Mabonl II Alby by Babelale BabelaleC Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Bred in France by V de Fontarce 08439 Tijuana 5 f 103 fast 4 122 7 4 2J U P MartinezlO Oil Man Feylance Dnlorca 08343 Tijuana 1 l3S fast fastC8282 43 102 3 2 I1 I1 F Cantrcll G ficorgie I5e FranK Fairway FairwayG5 C8282 Tijuana 1 116 147 slow G5 123 1 2 ll 1J E Dugan 8 TItuttons JPJoncs EIniliau J8185 Tijuana 1 14 203 ilivy 2 117 1 2 1 1J E Dusan 7 Haiti Tailor Maid Alleden AlledenCK 08086 Tijuana SJ f lC6ifast CK US 3 I I1 1 = J P Martinez 0 RrillRay CoraCola DrCorbett DrCorbettG3 08058 Tijuana G3 Dl 7 4 3J 1J H Long 9 TMnid BncklinII TItnttons 07804 Tijuana Hn7Cy 2110 116 10 10 4i 3 T Buel 13 Siinuyland Coffleld Tassel REBUKE blk blkTrainer 4McDaniel 4 92 By Dies Finnell The Scold by Meddler Meddlerr Trainer H McDaniel Owne OwneJm r J K L Ross Breeder J D Csrr Bra 08200 Tijuana Jm y l46 = jmud 2110 SO 2 3 11 1s P Walls 5 Serapis TenI5uttons Sunnyland 07599 Tijuana 1 l40Hfnst 23 1J3 2 4 31 1 A Claver 7 llalu ISlack Pctty Paisley 07434 Tijuana 1 IS lf2Hfast 113 3 1 13 4 A Clarer 7 TailorMaid Supercargo Adonis GGC23 Pimlico 1 14 204jfast 204jfastIm70y 104 4 5 5 5 II Thomas 5 Oceanic Xedna Hephaistos HephaistosIOG GG490 Iatirel Im70y l45fast l45fastIm70y IOG 1 1 I1 5 E Smwod G On Watch Fairway Paul Jones OG388 Laurel Im70y l41 4fast 101 1 1 1s 1i K Smwod G Fairway BimPnck MayHouse GG28G Uiurel 1 l40ifast 107 1 3 3l 31 E Smwod S ComieSong Fairway Champlain CG172 Lanrel 1 14 204ifast 100 3 3 31 4 C Lang 5 Bunting Xcdna Athelstan

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030301/drf1923030301_11_3
Local Identifier: drf1923030301_11_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800