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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesJEFFERSON JEFFERSON PARK FRIDAY MARCH 9 9WEATHER WEATHER CLEAU TIIACK FAST The figures under the heading Bee in tlio entries below show the best time of each horse at tlte distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on oth r than a fast or good track abbreviations show track ccnditions Racine starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 Superior mini runner X too l iiinil runner runnerJ J 1alr mini runner M Maidens Apprentic iilluwunrc b lllitikcra lllitikcraTirst Tirst Race 12 Mile Purse 700 2yearolds Maidens MaidensSpecial Special Weights Track record Feb 28 1020 47 2 107 107Todays Todays TodaysInil Inil Horse Wt Rcc AWtnan AWtnanG8188 G8188 Reply 112X725 67034 Sunayr 112 720 72063S36 63S36 Sun Iassie 112 720 720G856C G856C Fehrah 109 49 112 7J5 7J5G83SCS G83SCS Hlue Monday 115 7m 7mCS56C CS56C Duclma 108 50V = 112 715 68510 Roman Girl 112X715 112X715C856G C856G A T Iuja 112 49 115X710 115X710CS5G6 CS5G6 Homer 110 50ft 115 705 705CS510 CS510 Gladys V 112 705 705GSS86 GSS86 Patsv Howe 115 700 700G85GG G85GG losses White 112 50Vfc 115 700 700C80S9 C80S9 Anne 112 700 700G834G G834G Anna Cliestnut 112 7K 63001 Omasex 115 700 700C8510 C8510 ranting Love 112 700 700Copper Copper Heatl 115 Invlctns 115 Second Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 5700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 31 1910 l12Ji 3 117 117G3573 G3573 Sandal wood 105 111 5 110X725 68507 = parilc 104 111 4 102X720 102X720C85741 C85741 Orlova 105 112 G 106 715 68574 bYouneed IIS 112 7 115X715 115X715G8570 G8570 The Peruvian 115 112 4 113 715 715GS574 GS574 May Bodine 100 l13Jfc 5 117 715 715685C7 685C7 Charles J Craig mile 101113 6110X710 6110X710C35735 C35735 Fcotlor 115 114 G 110X710 68530 liKirtle 1011114 4 09 710 710C8611 C8611 bGiivnor 106111 5113X710 5113X710CS407 CS407 C A Reinhart 98 114 3 OSX705 OSX705GS572 GS572 Glenlivct 112 110 3 OS 705 705G8494J G8494J Ilillhousc 100 114 3 91X705 63593 Fernandos 112 115 3 89X705 89X705G8574 G8574 Fire Cracker 103 l11 l11s s 6 117 700 700GS570 GS570 bRclgian Queen 105 113 i 111X701 111X701GS1S2 GS1S2 Iast Kffort 10J 113 4 1C9X7W 1C9X7WCS574 CS574 Reliability 101 113 4 105X710 105X710Third Third Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsIursc Iursc 700 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Dec 1C 1919 105 4 112 C8531 Raffles 109 107 109X725 109X725C3575 C3575 Prince of Umbria 1001105 109 720 Rpssie Leishton 104 10314 Voter Itrown 97 105 Marbcth 109 107 Kockgardcn 107 107 Petter Times 101 107 Tender Seth 115 l07Vf Lady Myra Stump Jr Jupiter Majority 114 1OS Iody Guard M 110 108 Hilly Hern M 101 1OS The Colonel M 107 108 Fourth Race 1 110 Miles MilesCelesta Celesta Purse PursePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record March 17 1920 145 7 110 68515 bTAN SON 107 146 5 106X750 68575 Cliiva 107 147 14768207s 3 100 740 68207s Episode 110 145 1456S409 5 106X740 6S409 Mock Orange 07 145 1456S594 6 110X740 6S594 bKannie Bean 102 145 145635S5 4 101X735 635S5 Orcns 115 149 5 113730 Hermis Kemblc 100 l52h 4 105X725 Purse 700 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 17 1920 151 3 118 11868S17 68S17 Lucy Kate 103152 5 101 X 725 Topmast 105 108153 153 M Mvj yii vj TlPrrnnnt 108 108151 151 5 5111li 11171T G8473bRcpeater 107 153 G 108X7ir 63514s bOiir Birthday 109 153 6 1037ir 68535 Scourgeman 113 154 5 10G7ir 685152 bTbo Wit 112 152 6 114X71 GS5S6 Dnmbfounder Dnmbfounder6S570 4 113X710 6S570 bWylie 4 109X710 63493 Rallotear OS 150 5 111X710 68453 Serbian 103 IV ITS 7 111X705 68570 IXvonite 109 155 4 110X70H WadswortlVs Last 112 152 111110705 K4753 Tt x 68596 = MTlmo 2 l 68577 lTulsa 101151 G8G17 lTom Cassid 101157 C8816 Blue Brush 107155 4 108 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 703 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Dec 4 1922 142 3 102 67862 Nan McKinney McKinneye85113 100145 4 103X725 e85113 Kutcn 09 147 4 113 720 72010S 67DG31 bltolster 10S 140 8 114X715 GS597 uIJttle Ed 111 144 7 114715 66153 bRil 103 l47Ms 6 104Xlr 63397 Hlazonry 111 145 8 114X710 67123 Sacajiiwea 5104X710 63571 Jake Fcld 108 140 6 114 710 6 1 382 bChallonger 110147 6114X705 63474s bExccution 94 145 4 113X705 113X70510G 68111 uAdventuro 10G l49m 4 108X705 G8573 Fast Trial 100146 4 113 700 C35S2 Hot Foot 101 l54s 6 109X700 63194 hKcbo 107 Ir52 9 109X700 Lively 108 144 144Tricks 9 109X700 Tricks 105 140 140Hilly 4 10SX700 Hilly Connor M 5 114 700 Marse Jimmy 8 109 700