2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-09

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1 lile ami 7 Varrts and upward Claiinin r Jan MRS PAT b f 4 107 By Sigurd Cacapa by Bedeck or Campus CampusTraier Traier J G Cordon Owcer A Patterson Breeder H H Trowbridse 68358 Tijuana 34 l15 fast fastC7723 5 103 1 3 3 5 J L Creery 10 Woolday KmraaAVeller Modiste C7723 Tijuana Im70y IMTAfast IMTAfast67Gir It 105 3 2 2t 2s F Stevens 10 Cafeteria An Itevoir Go On 67Gir Tijuana 5i f 1 C2fast C2fastfi7S55 32 105 8 7 GJ 6i F Stevens 12 Haffcrly SwpUpII PonzaUay fi7S55 Tijuana 5S l02fast 65f IOC 7 8 91 9 ° J E Petsoldtll Hess Welch Hazel Dale f37S3 Iteno Im70y IMTrtfast 4 = 1 Mlllerick 9 Al Wick TomProolss Itiukaroua 7 Reno 34 115 fast 43 II Lorg S Qiiinam Toyon Hridsette DEKRA b m 10 BT Sir Huon RoPemnado by St Gatien Trainer G Bassett Owner Bassctt Anderson on Breeder G J Lontc K525 Tijuin 1 1S 153 fast 28f 111 868 87 E Kenser 10 SenI onan kljssio Glenzar GlenzarG8t3 G8t3 Tijuan Im70yl47 fast 13f 10J 12 10 6 54j E Kenser 1J Bnlfour Motior Ilopover Ilopover8SGO 8SGO Tijuan ImWy 143 faat 11T 102 3 14 12 10 E KengerH LittleCink Uenznr LuckyPearl LuckyPearl0814B 0814B Tijuan 1 1S 202Vsinuil 2Gf 111 9 8 7l 6 D Hum 9 Ilucchus Plurality Little Dear DearG8082 G8082 Tijuitnt Im70y l49Kslov 4f li 5 9 9 7J 63 W I an 11 Cur LittleCinV Pont to Poll 68041 Tijuana ImTOy 154 hvy 251 IOC 10 6 61 511 W Dean 10 NKUeal PlStecl Tawasentha YORKSHIRE MAID br f 4 By Yoikshiic Lad Miss Alvescct by Alvcscot Trainer T Martir Owner Martin Barlow Breeder E D Adams 08542 Tijuana 51 f 10 mud GSf 305 S S S 712 L Creery S MissKdna JCampbell LUSmile 08435 Tijuan 3m70y 47 fast 13f 91 3 12 12 818 L Creery 12 Bnlfour Meteor Ilopover 8360 Tijuan lm7Jy 48 fast llf 97 13 S 7 = 11 L Crcery 34 LittleGink Glcnzar LuckyPearl 08257 Tijuan CS 0 hvy 625 301 S S 71 6 1 L Creery 8 Review ChirlotSmith JamesO 68038 Tijuana 51 f 13Vihvy 16f 106 7 8 8 7 L Creery 8 HnrBurgoyne Thrills Bacchus 67891 Tijuan 34 lSVimud Ef 100 6 7 71 9 L Crcery 11 VleilColn Canvasbk MnFluke 07575 Tijuan El f 1 r9 fast UPC 10510 10 10 10 L Creery 11 Due ue Guise Jaz7 Alazon AlazonG7470 G7470 Tijuana 34 l147tfast 61 103 6 7 10 10 W Pool 10 Van Welles View Plantageuet PlantageuetMARION MARION FLUKE b m 5 111 By Tony Faust Princess Viola by Kismot Trainer L Galbraith Owner L GalbraUhl Breeder C A KcLauehlin 68279 Tijuana 34 llfislow 33 105 4 3 4 1 W Dean 10 Caamano Dovesroost Cannonball 68218 Tijuana 34 l19mud 12f 105 4 2 51 C i W Dean 9 Circulate Review An Revoir 68181 Tijuana ImTOy 151 hvy 125 10S 5 1 4 5 W Dean 7 IlesYoung Plunger GcnlSyng 07891 Tijuana 34 l18Mmud S3 300 I 3 4 3 W Dean 11 VledColn Canvasbk KWeller 67 787 Tijuana 1 142 fast 37f 1C4 11 12 1267G57 11 11 W Dean 12 Hkamcre Plser TheVpeance 67G57 Tijuuia 58 l01 l01ifast ifast ISf 305 10 12 12LITTLE 12 II10 AV Dean 12 Pewaiitce Sheka Fickle Fancy LITTLE DEAR h g 5 113 113Trainer By Olarabala Ma Wee Dear by Love Wisely Trainer J S Baldwin Owner T Harris Brooder R T Wilson 08525 Tijuana 1 18 155 fast 910 113 10 7 5 43 F Stevens 10 SenDonlan YkLassie Olcnzar 68100 Tijuana 1 18 l55Vtfast 5 105 9 8 53 43 R Flynn 30 TomOwens El Rohle Dolph 58341 Tijuana 1 1S 1 55fast 8 105 5 6 5 2 F Stevens 8 Slioeacres N K leal Car 68312 Tijuani Itn70y l47rifast 6 110 1 8 6S 4i E PetzoldtH Tom Craven Cohrita MikeUaly 68239 Tijuani ImOy 153 hvy 8 113 3 4 3 3Ji M Andson 8 AnitaK Plurality LLachniund 68146 Tijuana 1 1S 202 mud 31 113 2 6 6JUST 3 3s M Andson 9 Bacchus Plurality Gen Byng JUST RIGHT ch g 4 114 114Trainer By Irish Eiile Violet May by Peep oDay Trainer A Le Duke Owner A Le Duke Breeder A La Duke Duke41C 68526 Tljuina 1 l41fast 41C 105 S 6 51 01 J Maihun IlarryUudder Col Matt Flame 68181 Tijuana 1 112 fast 12 110 3 9 95ifl08fast 9s 81 C Thpsoull Flame Kirkwood McGecs Pink G8314 Tijuana 5ifl08fast 35 110 Lost rider C Thpson 12 Noifkld Nizam Merry I ass 68150 Tijuana 51 f 1 307imud 28 113 4 5 S2 C Thpson 7 APeKina N Tower Sam Reh 67914 Tijuana 34 l16mud 51 107 2 3 31 2 C Thpson S Dolhiniur Irpiender Cnunrel C7619 Tijuana Im70y 1 47fast 1G 108 5 S 8 S1 R Carter S Regrcso WMgomy KRankin 7G01 Tijuana 34 l14Vifast 113 10S 7 8 8 SS R Carter 8 Harry I SamHeh Ulilackwell CHATTAN COURT b ff 7 112 B Obontnr Wynon n bv Vorp o Trainer G V Williams Owner Williams Thatcher Breeder I R Kieras 68136 Tijuana Im70y 1 7 7sfast sfast 16f 111 9 7 0 1041 F Wciner i IkyPearl SenUonlan McCroan 68399 Tijuana 34 l14 iiast 125 11011 11 11 10 ° E OBrien 13 Mistake J Campbell PkTcnny 68103 Tijuana 34 155 fast fif 103 7 6 S1 731 M Milrickl2 View Plurality Cannonbull 67829 Tijuana 4 113 fast 70 115 5 7 5i Cl E Du an l Slurka View Cannooh ll 07546 Tijuana 58102 fast 8f 10311 11 11 I0 E PetzolJtll Full Moon Klin Red Man 65256 Hastings 1 14 214sKood 33 110 4 = H Lafferty 7 YsliireltelIi YLsie 15moreII 65150 Hastings 1 11G l52 slop 35 103 6 H Latterly 6 Double Van Lariat Wcinland 64993 Rtrhouse 1 149 slow 710 113 lh W Gargan 6 YoikMaid DariiiKKose Louvnin LouvninMAYSVILLE MAYSVILLE b ra 5 110 By Cavalcadour Kill Top by Clifford CliffordiTraiper iTraiper S Jutikins Owner P Howe Breeder S K Nichols 68580 Tijuana 51 f l09hvy ISf 3C3 3 E C 7 J Maihen 10 DanchisUirl TubbyA Charmanl 08120 Tijuana 51 f lC6 C6 C6sfast sfast fast 15 111 2 3 5ni = 7i T Maihen 10 Vibrate Campbell DancsGiil 67622 Tijuana 34 34114fast 14fast 49 108 1 S 11 II15 R Carter 11 Royal Maid Poacher El Roble 67380 Tijuana 34 llfast IS 110 1 5 10 10 E Fator II Aryanna Slit Devil July FI FI672G7 672G7 Tijuana 31 31114 14 fast 21 101 4 5 6 6JJ R Flynn 6 Herder Pill Klackwcll Romulus RomulusOG110 OG110 Hthorno 51 f 117 17 hvy 12 1CS 3 366 6 D Hum S MaryC MDenunzin MeldyMan 05591 inhume Im70y 47iast 41 K 1 1C5G31 155 = 7IJ n Hum S War Penny Sea Way Piedra C5G31 Omaha 34 135ifa3t 7 312 312DALVOOD 4 G Marino G BBkwl CIRohts KstiesCub DALVOOD br g 8 107 By Dalbousie Brynwood by Bryn Mawr Trainer W H Moore Owner J Hoore Breeder T Clyd Clyd6f 68136 Tijuana Im70y l47 fast 36f 6f 111 11112 12 10 11 = H 3 P Hum LkyPearl SenDonlan McCroan McCroan3S 68183 Tijuana Im70y lMB vy 3S lit 1 8 8 E Dugan S Tawsentba Anita K Caamano 140 Tijuana 1 1S 202Vtniud 25f 113 5 2 C2 9 E Dusran 9 HacihuK Plurality Little Dear 6X082 Tijuana Im70y l49islov 11 Car IittkCinU Point to Point 07920 Tijuana Sl I S hvy 34f 103 9 9 11 ClinirMnstiT la UIui Itnlfour 07892 Tijuana 34 11S mud 15f 104 12 92 92 U Lee 12 Firkle Fsincy View Krmltanu G7871 Tijuana Im70y IMSTiaud ISf 11510 9 10s 10 P Hum 12 San llcdroa Gen 15yn Plunger DOHA br m 5 113 By Rook View Carolyn B by Lamplighter LamplighterTrainer Trainer M Hanley Owssr Hanley Cisler Breeder J D Carr Ere EreG8558 G8558 Tijuana Im70y 149 mini 41 313 4 2 2 21 C Thpson 8 leorceJames Veteran Plurality 68436 Tijuana Im70y l47 fast l f 113 8 4 61 5J C Thpson 13 kyPearl SenIX nlan McCroan 68360 Tijuana Ini70y 143 fast 13 10S S 7 5 5 F Watroubl4 ittledink Cleuzar LuckyPearl 68312 Tijuana Im70y It7fast 16 113 S 11 30 sn T Wilson It omCraven Cohrita Mike Tiaiy 68146 Tijuana 1 1S L42feniiid 7 111 3 4 C 5 = C Thpson n hus Plurality Little Dear 68053 Tijuana Iin70y 155 hvy 8 113 8 S 41 4 1 II Molters 11 lender Clitieilulters Uicchm 67892 Tijuana 3 118 mud 4 100 6 8 6s E I etodtl2 icicle Fancy View Knuitana KnuitanaDANCING DANCING STAH b rn 10 105 By Heno Albertola by Albert AlbertTrainor Trainor P Lycaa Owner P Lycan Brooder A B Hancock HancockG7G75 G7G75 Tijuana 1 1S l5bHfast 45 113 6 7 S1 9 H Molters 9 Montona Gen UVIIK Pattern 67598 Tijuana 3m70y 1 4S fast 103 110 6 7 8 TomCrnvcn FIrewlh Cafeteria 5291 Cheyenne 34 1 16fast 11 104 7M G Emhry 8 Sen Dana HofKeys AftNijbt 35181 Cheyenne 34 llCHfaat 49 107 Fell G Einbry 8 RFarley UWKiskcr BProspt 35110 Chpyonne 34 l S fast 9 105 4 G Embry 7 Pat Gsmnou In ot Oscuro OscuroCLEARFIELD CLEARFIELD b c 7 107 By Teitilo Orizel by Aintree AintreeTrainer Trainer B B Bond Owner B B Bond Breeder B Smith 68512 Tijuana 5 f 110 mud 58 113 7 7 6 = J 51 II Molters 8 MissKdna JCmpbill UtSmile UtSmileC8358 C8358 Tijuana 34 l15 l15sfast sfast 20 307 9 10 91 92 H Bauer 10 Woolday KnuiviWeller Modiste ModisteC8313 C8313 Tijuana ImVOy l47fast 27 110 3 3 6 C Thp onl2 Plunder York lassie Halfour 68238 Tijuana 34 121 hvy 45 111 8 5 Es 5 = 3 E Render 9 Jasz King Worth Mistake 08183 Tijuana Im70y l50 hvy 10 104 8 4 61 Cls F Stevens 8 Tawawiitha Auita K Cnamano CnamanoEMELDA EMELDA ch m 11 110 By Salvation Armadora by Gann GannTrainer Trainer W D Lcrscn Owner J McNeff Breeders LawTence Comstcck 68558 Tijuana ImTOy 149 mud 0 104 3 4 51 S50 E KessRer 8 George James Dora Veteran VeteranG8511 G8511 Tijuana Im70y IMJVtinud 15f 3C2 6 6 C F Cantrell R lirecw North Tower War God 68135 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 47 104 6 5 10J 12 F Cantrel 12 Kalfnur Meteor Ilopover IlopoverC8258 C8258 Tijuana 34 l Sifast 22 105 4 6 4 41 F Cantrell 10 Woolday Kmnia Wellcr Modiste 68102 Tijuana SI f 1 CS = ifast 108 1CK 4 9 9J 6 F Cantrelil2 PrivatePeat Delancey SthiaC SthiaCG7926 G7926 Tijuana 31 llShvy 32 101 1 6 C1 0 F Cantrellil ClioirMaslcr JackLcdi Palfour PalfourC78G9 C78G9 Tijuana 5S l03Hmud 6f 103 3 8 51 4 L Creery 12 Careen airier Cicely Kay KayCAMILLA CAMILLA MULLEH blk ra 5 110 By The Elector Kisberdala by Jim Cora CoraTrainer Trainer C L Dickeson Owner C L Dlckerson Breeder P Lansing LansingGX435 GX435 Tijuana Ira70y 147 fast 33f 111 10 9 9 = 1 3 C Tlipson 12 IJalfour Meteor Hniwvcr 68315 Tijuana lm0y l47fast 6J 107 9 12 12 12 E Ulind 12 Plunser York Ijssle ISalfour ISalfourG7518 G7518 Tijuana 1 18 l56Hfast 13 103 8 8 8 S1 I Parke 8 JndKe David Fireworth Dora 67409 Tijuana 3 1S 157 fant 12f 108 2 61 CJ L Barber 9 DriftiiiK Anrriito John Arh r 07356 Tijuana Im70y l47 fast 21f 30S 4 C Cl l3 L IJarher 11 KHarriKiin LCocliron Driftins DriftinsC6897 C6897 Tijuana lu 70y 1 47 47slo slo CO 110 8 10 91 9 II Ix nff 11 CavalcadrII Torsida Yermnk 3731 Hino Im70y 1 4fifaat 43 10 311 63 B McEwcn 9 Itobulink ISrldKette J Inderwd InderwdG3590 G3590 Reno Im7uy l45Jifaat ICf 107 51 IJ McEwenlO Caamano Madrono Jlnderw U 03270 Keno 1 143 fast 7 104 li E Petzcld S XebraskaLad VeraWoud Petlat

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030901/drf1923030901_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1923030901_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800