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DA yearoldsnAut PC S Mile yearolds Claiming Dec Kl 1111 nAut 112 15 117 SANDALWOOD ch h 5 5Trainer 110 110irvin By Luke McLuke Duhe s Kathleen by John JohnBreeder Trainer G Arvin irvin Owner J B Cloher Breeder Kecne Schorr SchorrIl 08573 Jefferson 51 f 1 lC6fast S 105 4 1 1SI Il 1J B Harvey 11 Feodor Jao Prince Welles 68321 Jefferson SI f 1 1i l07 rast 31 115 4 2 9 10 G Meln 12 Uirdie G Sultan Diimbfoundtr i 08203 FGrnds 34 1 lllHsow 101 6 4 3l 2J A Abel 11 Tciminal MinuteMan Runnyol 08005 FGrnds 34 1 1C7035 l135fast 41 113 5 5 5 41 H ThurberlO I oarno Black Hackle Alcxll C7035 FGrnds 34 1 113 last 10 105 4 4 21 2 H Thurbcr 1 Mom Fusee Locarno 07128 Jefferson 34 1 llSmutl C 115 S 7 Gk 5 1 II Thurberll FireCrackcr Hjtchison Herald 07092 Jefferson 34 1 1G0993 I16J hvy 20 111 4 6 9i 9 H Thurbei 12 Whalcbouc ScwConib4 Ettaha G0993 Jefferson 34 1 118 mud 365 118 6 2 21 4T1 II ThurberlO Mary G Luri Mihuny 00778 DadePrk 34 1 1GG7GO l15 ihvy 235 107 1 1 1s 1s II Thurber B TtheMk Marmite CantGirl GG7GO Dadelrk 34 I 118 Iivy 4 111 G 5 5l 5 II Thurber S Serbian Mabel Rule RoyalDick 00751 DatlePrlc 34 1 1OGARITE l17mud 2710f 105 4 5 41 5 ° 11 Thurbsi 12 Herald Mabel Rule Tthe MarK MarKBy OGARITE b f 4 102 By Granite Annagh by Brocrastirlc Trainer M J Beanchamp Owner I H Sewell rell Breeder J H Loucsicira 08507 Jefferson 34 l13fast 1S3 107 4 2 2G8285 2 25 J Chlmers y J nJph DpSinkcr CJCgmile G8285 Jefferson 5i f 107 fast 7 10S 2 3 2 22 E Roehm 12 Whalebone Guvnor GoldenFloss 08225 Jefferson 34 l14fast 30 107 G 7 7G800G 6 61 E Roehm 0 High Cost Ablaze Sagamore G800G FGrnds 34 l13fast G 105 9 10 9l 3 E Jtoehin 10 ChasJCraigmilo Orlova Tlieo 07089 Jefferson lm7Cy 149 hvy 4 102 3 2 21 2s G Mein 10 HmisKemble GrsTree Tulane 67001 Jefferson 34 l197shvy 5 105 7 4 4G7011 31 55J G Mein 12 Miles S Mensc Simplicity G7011 Jefferson 51 f l10Vimud 10 108 3 2 2G69G8 2 31 G Mein S Monastery LMEffort QnickRim G69G8 Jefferson Im70y 140 fast 32 106 4 2 2ORLOVA 21 3s E Roehm 0 GrassTrce BluelSiush DSiuker ORLOVA b m 6 105 By Free Lance Victoria B by Bsb Miles LonsC8574 Trainer R McGarvey Owner R McGarvey Breeder G J Lons C8574 Jefferson 34 l14fast 31 103 3 2 4 3l B Harvey 10 MBodine ArAlexander Thco 08327 Jefferson 34 l13fast 10 10S C S 51 5 = J J Owens 12 Orcus The Peruvian Thco 08000 FGrnds 34 l133fcfast 3 10S 1 2 2U 21 G Mein 10 CJCraigmile Thco Piotrus 07879 FGrnds 34 liifast 1S5 105 7 S 7i S15 J Owens 11 SewCombs PaulMicou Alexl 0749 07499 FGrnds 34 I14good 7 106 5 3 4l 4J J Owens 8 Paul Micoii Elmer K S Com Comba 07240 Jefferson Im70y 147 good 13 1011 2 7 71 S1 R Doyle S Goaler Dimples Matinee Idol IdolGG723 GG723 DadePrk 7S l25Sjfast l5 112 2 4 3s 31 J Owen 7 GreenGOid PlossomHoiise Gem 00448 Iatonia 34 l13 fast 21 107 1 1 1 I5 II Thurberl2 Carnarvon Bojul Vouneed VouneedYOUNEED YOUNEED b h 7 115 By Ogden The Farse by Yaakes YaakesTrainer Trainer R J Gilmore Owner D Gilmore Breeder J E Madden 08574 Jefferson 34 l14fast S 113i Left at pest J D MneylO MayBo lino AAlexander Orlova 07984 FGrnds 34 l14fast 5 115 3 1 1 1 = J D MneylO Mahony Rolo Diana 67858 FGrnds 34 l14soT r 8 112 3 7 S S G BreninglO KkPgton MnRosell WPent WPent67G81 67G81 SpringValeG7554 FGrnds 34 l13fast 1S5 103 1 1 1s 1s C Lang 13 FastTrial Oraleggo SpringVale G7554 FGrnds 34 l14 = igood 6 112 1 1 21 2 E Pool 11 Ilillsdale Clarkson MinuteMan 00992 Jefferson 34 118 mud 41 115 4 9 9s 9 B Pool 12 RoyalDick Mhiavelli Wnecno 00970 Jefferson 34 l14fast 5 115 3 1 21 3s E Pool 12 PMicoit TlipPeruvn GCndna 00909 Jefferson 34 l13fast 5 110 1 2 3 37J E Pool 12 Mnhony Esiiuiie Blue Brash 10 111 4 7 7 J Kederis 12 Sir Lawnfal Bullion Sam Reb RebBy THE PERUVIAN ch c 4 113 By Hesperus Rural Delivery by Mortlaka Trainer C Houbre Own r G Oddo Breeder A II HacoinSer HacoinSerSJ 68570 Jefferson 1 116 l47fast 5 105 5 3 SJ 8 A Abel 9 Doughnut Attorney Kttahc 08327 Jefferson 34 lJ3fast 20 10G 5 5 21 21 G Mein 12 Oicus Tlieo Archie Aiexansler 08228 Jefferson Im70y 147 fast 31 110 6 1 71 S1 F Sharpe 8 Gondolier MayRodine Magician 08008 FGrnds 1116 l47fast 6 105 5 3 2 rh G Mein 7 Winconne Dcvonite SlDonard 07898 FGrnds 34 ll2Hfast 7 IBS 3 3 3G72I1 II G Mein II Fluff Hobby Alien Jago G72I1 Jefferson 34 l157sgood 5 118 4 3 3 4J L Lyke 9 SlICombs LAmmie Scrv Star 07174 Jefferson 34 l16hvv 12 105 1 7 7MAY 71 57 J Crcoran S GoIdcnFloss Kirili PromisTom PromisTomBy MAY BODINE b m 5 117 By Golden Maxim Mary Bcdine by Star Shoot ShootBreeder 117j Trainer H T Walts Owner R T Watti Breeder T M llurphy 68574 Jefferson 34 l14fast 4 112 5 4 21 li J Owens 10 A Alexander Orlova Tlieo 08228 Jefferson ImTOy 147 fast 6 114 4 2 23 2 = J Owens 8 Gondolier Mnxicinu Jordan 081 14 FGrnds Im70y l45Hfast 5 IOC 1 4 Cl 75 J Owens 8 MayRcbts SliprElm Magician C7C82 VGrnds 34 l13fast 3 109 2 7 5s 3 J Owens 10 Camflage RalChlie Pr Welles 07555 FGrnds 34 l13 good 10 110 5 2 1 1 J Owens 13 Alex II Spngs Full o Fun 07219 Jefferson 34 l15islow 31 30J S 7 SI S J Owens II SprgVale SintGuy Winnecnfl 00589 Iatona Im70y l4l tfast 31 101 6 6 51 6 J Owens 8 IlticUltra TdHonr ISelnQiin 00179 Iatonia 31 l12 ifast 2310 101 4 6 6CHARLES 5l 23 J Owens 0 LiistOnc TdHonneur Mahony MahonyBy CHARLES J CSAIGM1LE b s 6 110 By Pataud Miss Jordan by Sir Dixsn Trainer W A Burttschell Owner er W E Matthews Breeder E Gallicn Gallicn4i G8507 Jefferson 4i lit S 4 31 431 A Abel i JohnJoseph Ogaritc DeepSinker 68090 FGrnda 34 lltsgood 3 107 2 3 U 1 A Abtl 8 WofCorman Guvnor MinMan 68006 FGrnds 34 l13rjfast 4 101 7 3 3 1i J CrcoranlO Orlova Theo Pietrus 67771 FGrnds 34 l13ifast 6 102 12 4 4 3i H ShiHick 14 KklevRton Mavournecn Spngs CC FGrnds 1 11C l4Sfcfast G 106 7 1 4J H Shillick 11 I ocharesII MvRosle UFisher G7498 FGrnds 34 113 good 135 5 107 11 9 6t 2 H Shilllck 13 Vireless Mildred Rnth Ormont 07092 Jefferson 34 l16hvy 10 114 11 11 Il 11 C Lang 12 Whalebone SewICombs Ettahe EttaheSf 60063 Pimlico 1 l40slow Sf 1C6 S 9 12 = 12 E SmwodlS Kof the Hr Swcepy UldJewel FEODOR ch e 110 By Ivan the Terrible Nannie Hodge by Rosslngton Trainer M J Murphy Owner S Louis Breeder W W Uardon UardonI 68573 Jefferson 61 f IKMS faat t 11 114 S 2 2C8490 2 21 G Mein 11 Sandalwood Jago Prince Welles C8490 Jefferson 34 116 ftslow 20 107 10 4 3 45J G Mein 12 Terminal Minute Man Oralegjro 08090 FGrnds 34 m4good 12 112 7 7 C1 l L Morris S CJCmilc WofCman Guvnor 08025 FGrnds 34 l13ttfast 20 110 S 5 11 10 II Thomasll Green Gold Mom Whalebone 67943 FGrnds 34 l14ysfast 5 110 7 2 in 11 E Pool 12 Adventure Blackilackle Stamp 67771 FGrnds 34 l13fast 12 107 10 5 h 6 3 1 McDottll Kklgton Mavrnu CJCgmile 07505 FGrnds 1 116 IMSHifast 7 107J 3 3 7 7 E Pool 8 Scgemnn FrankW GouCadna 07478 FGrnds 34 lichvy 7 105 3 3 3KIRTLE 21 21 W Organ 11 Moon Winks Silence Execution KIRTLE br f 4 99 99Trainer By Olambala Kerr by Uncommon UncommonC Trainer E Peters Owner E C Steiaer Breeder R T Wilson 08530 Jefferson 34 115 fast 15 108 5 4 4 4el B Harvey 12 Fluff Hysteria Galeta 08387 Jefferson 34 l147 fast 30 109 6 8 8082B5 S2 Ss F Murphy 12 Mavournccn Galeta Hysteria 082B5 Jefferson 51 f 107 fast SO HysteriaSO 104 9 8 9 9J B Harvey 12 Whalebone Ogaritc Guvnor 67810 FGrnds 1 115 l50fchvy 25 1C 1 7 12 12C7G93 12 12 C Lang 12 UAmmie MiracleMan Itlotcar C7G93 FGrnda Im70y l46fast 20 WJ 3 11 12 12 A Abel 12 Demos Wylie Huxom Huxom1G 67517 FGrnds 34 lUgood K 101 6 S 8 85 G Mein 11 GrnIoM Rdbilily Fliltybet 07325 Jefferson 34 116 hvy 20 101 8 8 S S14 H Thurber S HKcinble rainfhigc Whbonu 03077 Empire ImTOy l46fast 10 9518 9 SI 7l J Merimeul1 Con ort Pibroch Maize 03401 Empire ImTOy IMSifefast 165 65 90 5 9 9 S1S E Bell 0 HardGiiess HighC MANoonan 03281 Aqueduct 1 116 l4SVofast 21 56 3 2 2 2 = J Callahan 4 ISeekna Algoa Horeb GUVNOR ch s 5 113 By Superman Verdict by Tyrsat Trainer D WomelJcrff Owner T H Bernhardt Breeder H T Oxnard 08014 Jefferson 51 f l07ifast 7 ICG G 5 C1 510 J Chalmers 7 GolFloss RapDay ThcFcisisn 68471 Jefferson 34 l17hvy 8 113 3 2 2 3 F Smith 7 Sagamore Ralio Sewell Combs 68408 Jefferson 3H l13ifast 20 103 5 1 21 21 F Smith 7 Colamlo Canyon Ralto RaltoS C8285 Jefferson 51 f 107 fast S 115 5 4 41 31 E Smwodl2 Wliiilcbonc Ogarltc GoldenFloss 08090 FGrnds 34 11S KOO 1 3 107 1 1 21 3 = 1 J Crcorar S ICgmile WofCman MMan 07941 FGrnds 34 l12 faat 135 5 110 5 3 5 71 J Crcoran S ElmcrK RCharlie Mavournd C7S37 FGriids 54 l14Hhvy 5 1C6 3 3 4l 4i J CrcoranlO Sasamore MinuteMan Guvnor C A PE1NHHART b c 3 98 98drainer By Colonel Vennie Wondawhy by Sempronlua drainer W V Walsh Oxtmsr Respesst J S Ward Breeder J B Respess 08407 Jefferson 51 f l071ifast t 971 1 2 21 4 B Harvey 12 PrSport Lady Ruse Thcrolonel 8200 Jefferson S4 l144fast 110 5 31 31 B Harvey 12 Stone Age Iady Rose Xoona 18131 FGrnds 34 l16slow 8 105 1 11 1 li Harve 13 Reformer Royal Crown LItAnn 07983 FGrnds 34 114 fast 4 115 1 6 11 1014 II J HurkcH Eulalia Sultan First Hlush 07878 FGrnds 34 lU4fast 20 107 3 6 6s Si B Harvey 11 Childs Play Poor Sport Rork Rorkt57687 t57687 7687 FGrnds 34 l14fast 30 116 5 5 3J a1 B Harvey 12 TQKelly FlrstRIusli Allurins GGG87 AllurinsGGG87 Pimlico 34 114 fast Bf 1031 9 6 6l 6 C Studer 15 Tassel Reap Racket RacketGG590 GG590 Pimlico 34 USHfast lOf 115 10 11 12 9 E Fator 12 Athstono Rkllottom TMintPS TMintPSGG382 GG382 Latonia 34 l137ifast 19 SS 2 3 2l 2s J Corcoranll Gst ofUonor Procds AlStcbler AlStcblerGLENLIVET GLENLIVET b c 3 90 By Mcelick Dona Hamilton by DonaH A Trainer R N Vestal Owner G L Blackford Breeder G L Blackford 08372 GcnPetaiaC830G Jefferson 61 f lOSfast US 110 3 1 1 1 F Smith 12 SFlax MLcighton GcnPetaia C830G Jefferson 6 f 108 fast 15 11010 7 7 4 F Robhlnall JnJoseph HodyGuard liillyBern 00549 Latonia 24 l13faat 8 112 4 1 51 S F Smith 12 Pompous Waywsamo Bedazzle 05857 Uatunia 51 f l07fast Cl 115 8 7 7 7 E Robbins 9 GtIaz GnSpring HleysToney 03287 Latonia El f Irf84fast S 115 1 2 Il 2J1 A Johnson 7 MtCarrel GrnSpring Rencelaw RencelawG2912 G2912 Latonia El f l09Hmu i 13 100 6 5 i C E RobbinslO MOHara MCarrpl Stone A 02158 Churchill 41 f 54fast 5 115 3 6 El 4i E Barnes 10 Slanderer Tuylnrllay MrCurn l 02007 Churchill 41 f 54 fast 216 115 T 3 31 B Barnes 12 ProfUmbria Rust ica tor Pceed 01810 Churchill 12 49HsIow 1S6 115 7 7 7 7 1 A Wilson 11 Hera L Kent I Athlete AthleteI 01470 LeVton 12 47tast 21 110 4 6 6 J A Wilson 10 Certain Prince K Gold Apple HLLLHOUSE b c 3 94 By Honeywood Geheinmiss by Swn Trainer A C Porretto Owner W J I Ifnmer ramer Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 08494 Jefferson 1 11C l52V slow 8 103 G 1 21 31 G Meln 7 Glnbella Irish Pat Blae Rirtl 68100 Jefferson E f l S fast 7 1021 1 3 31 A Abel S Raffles ElizabHean Fernando C83C7 Jefferson 34 l14fast 10 106 G 2 li 1 A Abel 12 Full Fun Rndiant Fermindoa 08133 FGrnds 34 l15slow 15 104 12 12 9l 1 B Harvey 12 Rupee Tender S th Radiant 08010 FGrnds ImTOy IMSitfast 30 104 7 10 10 10 E RenzettilO Yorick Ghost Marjoric Vcod 07182 FGrnds Im70y 149 hvy 20 102 3 2 41 4ll J Wallace S AlStebler MarjWood PGorda 07158 FrSrnda 34 llShvy 7 112 4 6 6 6 J AVallaco 7 Macbeth Rork Flying Devil 07250 Jefferson 31 Ua fast 15 103 1 4 3l 31 C Lang G Bedazzle Ixslie Al Steblcr FERNANDOS br f 3 89 By Cruzados Fernanda by Rey el Santa Anita Trainer F M Sjnlth Owner L J Koatine e Breeder Miss A M Baldwin 08593 Jefferson 34 l13Xfast 20 105 2 7 6 A Wilson S Lady Rose PoorSport Felicitous G8I50 Jefferson 12 92 G GSO 41 5 I Ward G Monlery Col Floss Itcmcareful 08400 Jefferson 51flOS fast SO S3 4 6 3l D Jones 8 Raffles Klizabhlcan FlylKvil 08307 Jefferson 34 l14ifast 12 106 C El FlylKvilEl 41 G Meln 12 Hillliouse Full o Fun Itadiaut 08191 FGrnds 1 l42bvy 100 93 2 2EXX 6 C D Jones 0 Calcutta Veiinio C o Dawn C8155 FGrnds 1 l40mml EXX S7 3 5 54 D Jones 5 STKean TWItchet CoDavvn CoDavvnI 07814 FGrnds 34 iis hvy 8 110 7 I I1 L McDolM2 Sultan Bonfire Rupee 07G87 FGrnds 14 lHHfaat 23 111 8 9 10 J Crcoranl2 JQKelly Firstllush Allurins 67584 FGrnda 1 l40 ifaat 20 Ml 4 5 5 J Chlmeni 5 PceTiiTli Calcutta BctTiuici iI7555 FGrnda 34 113icood 15 20 10 10 10l 10l J CrcoranlS May Bodlnc Alex II Spugs FIRE CRACKER blk h 8 117 By Dr Bailey Kitty Smith by Jack Point PointTrainer Trainer D B Freeman Owner D F Bryan Breeder T Dunman G8574 Jefferson 34 l147sfast 15 112 2 3 31 GTJ E T MoorelO MayBodine AAlcxandcr Orlova 08443 Jefferson 51 f l09 = imud 12 116 7 6 G 6 E T Moore 7 G Floss Camouflage Mavonrnn 07879 FGrnds 34 l13 fast 20 117 5 5 51 5tJ A Wilson 11 SexvCombs PaulMicou AIcxU AIcxUM 07614 FGrnds 34 l13sfast M 103 4 2 2 1 A Wilson 10 Pietrus Tlieo Reliability 67364 Jefferson 34 l15Vifast 7 112 11 9 SI 71 J Crcoranl2 BobAlten Hillsdale Hereafter 0725 1 Jefferson 15 113 1 9 101 105 E T MoorelO Orcus Kirklevgton M Roberts 07128 Jefferson 34 llSUmud 41 115 4 3 30695G 11 I E T Moorell Hutchison Herald Feodor GG95C Jefferson 34 l14fast 60 IOS 4 G GBELGIAN 41 4 E T Moore 7 Ararat Jnlloslior Jake Bcreer BcreerBy BELGIAN QUEEN b m 8 111 111Trainer By Aeronaut Agnler by Clifford CliffordBreeder Trainer J N Pitt Ownsr W L Marksl Breeder E B Cassatt 08570 Jefferson 1 116 l47fast 10 101 2 4 6 6T W Ftonk 9 Doughnut Attorney Ettahe 08514 Jefferson 1 116 l49fast llo 106 2 3 61 u A Abel 9 Irimo llranlncr O Birthday 08328 Jefferson 1 116 IMS fast 6 112 3 2 2 2 J Owens 8 MIlobts GDpherty Lovclins 68269 Jefferson 1 116 l4Sfast 41 107 1 5 4l 41 J ChImers 7 LAmmie dArmec Cmencila 67987 FGrnds 1 1S 151 fast 7 SS 3 7 61 6 J CorcranlO Huonec StipKIm Escarpolette 07879 FGrnda 34 l13 fast 15 108 10 9 9 911 A Abel 11 SewCombs 1anlMicoii AlcxII 67564 FGrnds 1 1S l54Jifast 8 110 4 3 3LAST 41 61 J Owens 7 Sagamook Attorney Mat Idol IdolBy LAST EFFORT b f 4 109 By Ultimus Dorval by Darehls Trainer D F Cannon Owrcr G Drumheller r Breeder L Smiths Smiths5i 68152 FGrnds 34 l14mud S IOS S 5i 4 A Wilson S Mom Camouflage Spugs 68070 FGrnda 31 l13hvy 7 100 4 6 6 J Corcoran 7 TipWitcliet ScaCove UarryB 78GO FGrnds 1 l40good 41 961 7 6 61 J Corcoran S Olynihus Plucky Colando 07816 FGrnds 115 99 6 22 J J Crcoran 7 Monastery ChasIIcnry Colaado 6764 G FGrnds S4 l13 = ifast 10 97 8 5 4t J ChImers 9 LEffare Sunny GirL Fame G75G2 FGrnda 31 l13fast 10 101 9 6 6i L McDottlS Louis A Rapid Day Mom 67439 FGrnds 34 l16hyy 1S5 101 101i 2 4 3 32 II Shilllck 7 Haurian Mom Elmer K 67252 Jefferson i I41 ifist fast 4 101 5 2 G 7 J Crcoran S St Donnrd Tody Tan Son 67147 Jefferson 34 34116 116 hvy 21 106 2 4 4 4 1 J Crcoran 7 Ralco AVilliamA J F OHara OHaraRELIABILITY RELIABILITY b f 4 105 By Transvaal Dependable by Dalhousie DalhousieTrainer Trainer H Hecstcter Owner K Nensteter Breeder Morris Walden 08574 Jefferson 34 l14fast 12 100 6 G 6 6 1 AV Fronk 10 MayBodine AAlexander Orlova 08025 FGrnds 34 l13 ifast 10 102 2 6 5 7 1 G Mein 11 Green Gold Mom AVhalebone 07730 FGrnds 34 l13fast S 102 3 1 HUB Harvey 11 RStride Flibtygibt ANAkin ANAkinG7G44 G7G44 FGrnds 34 l13 fast 6 100 2 5 42 4 J CrcoranlO Fire Cracker Pietrus Theo 67517 FGrnds 34 llgood S 101 3 2 2 2 II ShiUick 11 GrnGold Flibtybet FRoostcr 06807 DadePrk 34 l17imud 16 107 2 4 30 4 J Owens 5 Ruby Elmer K Uncle Sonny Sonny66G98 66G98 DadePrk 34 113 fast 21 104 2 2 5 E Petzoldt 7 Topmost GdenFloss RoyalDick RoyalDickOG447 OG447 Latonia Im70y l43fast 19 98 7 7 S2 S 3 J Corcoranl2 Louanna Manicure Pumps 4 103 6 4 4l 5 1 S McGrawll Money Nenettc Toy Miss