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1 1S rviiles 4yearolds and upward Claimiu r 3farcli 17 1J O 151 45 S IIS LUCY KATE ch m 5 101 101Trainer By Uncle Royal Lady by Royal Flush m Trainer P J Miles Owner P J Miles Breeder A L Rogers 08617 Jefferson 1 116 l49fast 8 104 2 9 7s C J W Reid 9 Kirkgton Bgoync DSinker 68176 Havana 51 f lC6 fast 15 94 7 7 7 41 AV Milner 7 SunBrae Moun Lassie Isosceles i i 68080 Havana 1 139 fast 4 93 5 6 42 2 W Milner 6 Tony Beau Primo Glenn 68036 Havana 1 116 l4S fast 5 93 2 3 22 21 AV Milner 4 Fincastle SeaPrce Brocklesby 67783 Havana ImSOy l42faat 3 101 1 6 41 31 T Burns G Guelpli Dad Janku JankuG7739 G7739 Havana 1 116 l45fast 21 92 5 4 4J 3i AV Mimer G Brocklesby TonyBeau Fincastls Fincastls07G71 07G71 Havana ImoOy 142 faat 4 90 4 G 6 55J W Milner G Cromwell Perhaps The Pirate PirateTOPMAST TOPMAST ch g 4 108 By Pennant Golden Red by All Gold GoldiTrainer iTrainer J B Partridge Owner W M Cainl Breeder H P Whitney 68577 Jefferson 1 116 l4Sfast 30 103 10 S 4S 1 W Reid 11 MRobts DSinker Kirklevton 68493 Jefferson 1 18 159 slow 7 103 7 o 71 72J B Harvey 9 Ettahe King Trojan Ballotcar 08411 Jefferson 1 12 237fast 6 99 5 Lost riderJ MJestic 9 GJouett Ldlleibert LhtAVine 08267 Jefferson I 12 237 faat 32 108 5 2 2J 3 L McDott 5 Pit Mountain Rose II Moody 68116 FGrnds 113155 fast 115 106 5 4 I1 1J B Harvey 8 MirleMan Moody GenCadorna GenCadornaG8074 G8074 FGrnds 1 11S 1 50hvy S 103 S 5 52 0 i B Harvey 12 Loveliness Execution WCares WCaresG7947 G7947 FGrnds 1 1S l52fast 20 105 3 5 5 CJ R Doyle 9 SFrank TMcTaggart Attorn 07839 FGrnds 1 116 l50Iivy 20 10G S 8 C G1 R Doyle 8 Amaze Kirah lluonec 67712 FGrnds Im70y l4Cfaat 12 102ilO 9 1015 9 R Doyle 11 GrsTree XjiPAnnee PccAAellea PccAAellea647G7 647G7 Dovshiro 1 18 ljSXhvy 6 102 5 5 2 4 = i E Petsoldt G FFogarty CleanGone Comma Ci 64622 Devshiro 1 18 l3Shvy 4 100 3 3 3 3 E Petzoldt 5 SisterFlo FniukFogarty LouU LouUBERMONT BERMONT b g 5 111 By Light Brigade Five Aces by Dlsuisa DlsuisaTrainer Trainer E C Crockett 0 ner Hamilton Stable Breeder J N Camden CamdenG8577 G8577 Jefferson 1 116 l4Ssfaat 25 113i 9 9 71 7 1 J D Mneyll Topmast MBolierts DeepSinker 68535 Jefferson 1 1S l5Ssfast 30 111 11 12 12 125U N Swart 12 Tulsa Dumbfuuiidor Sergcman 8116 FGrnds 1 1S 155 fast 135 111 3 3 4 J Corcoran S Topmast Miracle Man Moody 67989 FGrnds 1 116 l47fast 20 113 3 6 5 51 E Roehm 10 TMcTagt Carrncncita Natural 07904 FGrnds 1 116 14S fast 12 113 9 9 jfl 9 B Harvey 12 Magician AVylie Tulsa 67680 FGrnds 1 316 200sfast 12 112 9 2 31 31 E Pool 10 Iluoiiec Hickory MormonElder 67629 FGrnds 1 116 148 fast 8 96 3 1 1 1s J Crcoran 9 Carnarvon 67565 FGrnds 1 116 liSfast 12 107 S 5 4l 42 E Martin S Scgeman FrnnkAV GcnCadna 67383 Jeffeison 1 18 l567sfast 7 112 3 5 6 5 E Martin 12 Maize Tricks Bill and Coo 67348 Jefferson 1 316 203vifast 40 110 110REPEATER 1 1 1 31 E Martin 12 JOverton StGermn 11dBound REPEATER ch g G 103 103Trainer By Ballot Sweet Lavender by Goldfinch GoldfinchSwain Trainer F Swain Owner F Swain Breeder J E Madden 08173 Jefferson 1 116 l53hvy 7 113 4 3 33 2s J Bell 7 Suugs Dmnbfoumler Tulanc 68270 Jefferson 1 115 l4S fast 8 111 5 8 62 G B Harvey 9 MiOol TMeTst Stoiirsemar 68158 FGrnda 1 316 201imud 75 5 105 4 1 22 2 B Harvey 7 Mechanic Amaze Light AViue 68031 FGrnds 1 316 202fust 75 301 711 1i J CrcnranlO AVylie Ashland Phelan 67939 FGrnds Im70y l44Hfast 12 110 2 4 4t 421 F Smith II linut AIBoyll M Roberts 67812 FGrnda 1 116 I50l4mud 5 111 4 5 41 31 L McDott G Slippery Elm Tody Kirah 67713 FGrnds Itn70y 145 fast S 103 2 S S2 C F Smith 9 Imipiis Fornnvo Citation 6783 DadePrk 1 116 l52 hvy 12 109 3 2 Il 1s J Owens 4 Dadja Herald Bees Wing WingOUR OUR BIRTHDAY b h G 103 By Golden Maxim Autolee by Lottoon LottoonTrainer Trainer E J Salt Owner E J Salt Bred by A V Thss s sG8514 68514 Jefferson 1 116 l49ifast 7 113 7 2 21 3 J AAallace 9 Primo HloPjirdncr Hi High Gear OR447 Jefferson 1 116 l51 imud 135 111 1 1 3J 5T J Owens 9 Gondolier Tody AVvlie 68370 Jefferson Ini70y l43ifast 3 112 4 2 2 32 II Thurlier 7 DukeJohn HPardner Quesada 07839 FGrnds 1 116 l50hvy 6 113 7 2 S S23 L McDott 8 Amaze Kirah Huonrc 07735 FGrnds 1 18 l34fast 7 111 4 3 62 6 E Smwod 7 Escarpolte Tliornbedgc Kirah KirahG7007 G7007 FGrnds 1116143 fist 1SG 110 6 7 7s 7 H Shilllck 8 FrzyiJnzy AValtllall AVcoune AVcouneG7420 G7420 FairGds 1 116 l52Mhvy 41 109 4 2 11 21 E SmwodlO Kama Cantilever Natural 07255 Jefferson 1 316 20J5fast 11G 112 4 10 10 102 J AVtxllace 10 LHerbert Phelan IIonol = ihiBoy ihiBoyG70G2 G70G2 Jefferson 1116154 hvy 1S5 112 9 1 1 I2 E SmwodlO Rama StDonard GenCadorna 07015 Jefferson 1 1S l3Smud 90 116 2 2 2 22 J AValluce 6 Riclielicu Ballotcar BeesWing BeesWingSCOURGEMAN SCOURGEMAN b g 8 103 By Stanhope II Salami by Sensation SensationTrainer Trainer J H Tevis Guvnor J H Tavis TJreeder Mrs L A Livingston 68535 Jefferson 1 1S l53fast 31 111 4 4G8446 9 a1 3s F Smith 12 Tulsa Dumbfounder Tinsling 684 G8446 46 Jefferson 1 116 lulrimud 7 106 4 4 4 3 G Mein G TonyBeau TMcTsart TanSon 168390 Jefferson 1 116 l47fast 3 108 11 11GS270 G 42 2 G Mein 11 StDonard Gondolier Carmcita GS270 Jefferson 1 116 IMSIifaat 6 107 9 9C8115 5 42 3 E Roehm MInoI TMcTst AViunecotine C8115 FGrnds 1 1S l51wfast 1S5 55 113 9 2 1 I2 G Mein 10 JackFarman AVarPrire Fornovo 67947 FGrnds 1 18 1 r2fast 7 107 S 7 9 9s T Doylo 9 SFrink TMcTaRsart Attorny 67692 FGrnda Im70y IMGfast 75 5 109 8 8675C5 8 71 61 J Crcoranll TMcTncgart Holster Handfull 675C5 FGrnda 1 116 l48Vifast 21 101 6 4 3 1 G Mein 8 FrankW GenCadorna Bermont 02555 Belmont 1 116 l4 5 fait 165 115 6 6 G 6 A Johnson G Devouitc Lordllerbert SerStar THE WIT cb e 8 114 By Ormondale Witfnll by Mirthf = Trainer B I Rogers Owner B L Rogers Breeder J E M dJ n 6515 Jefferson 1 12 236Hfaat 3 HS4 G 3 2 2 R Harton 7 Tan Son Moody Pit 351 Jefferson 1 31S S a faat 4 113 9 3 SI 11 R Harton 12 Moody Hickory SpectacnlarCirl 68031 FGrnds 1 316 2C2fast 6 109 5 6 8 8 A Wilson 10 Repeater Wylic Ashlaod 67947 FGrnds 1 1 l52fast 10 112 7 9 S 8 H J Burke 9 SFrank THcTagsart Att rny 7562 FGrnda 1 13 l5575good 4 109 9 7 71 6 A Wilson 10 Ettahe JtFalrman GCadoma GCadomaDUMBFOUNDEB DUMBFOUNDEB SandTrainer b K 113 By Ferole Dona Boca by Bock Sand Trainer C Houbro Owner C Houbre Brooder A Belmsst Belmsst6859G 6859G Jefferson 1 11S 14S fast 8 110 5 4 71 7 1 A Abel 9 Doushnut Primo Ettahe 6 535 Jefferson 1 1S l55 = ifast 7 103 1 1 2l 2 A Abel 12 Tnlsa Scourscman Tingling 68473 Jefferson 1 116 l53 = 3hvy 4 108 1 2 2 3 G Mein 7 Spugs Repeater Tulane 68371 Jefferson 1 1lfi IMSUfast 20 110 4 2 1 I1 J Wallace 10 Eihorter White Hafen Ace 68321 SilvcrSprincsGX203 Jefferson El t l07 l07sfast sfast 15 115 12 5 3 3 1 B Smwodl2 Birdie C Sultan SilvcrSprincs GX203 KGrnds 34 l14Salow 10 1011 1 3 10s 10 G Mein 11 Terminal Sandalwood MinOI n 68062 FGrnds 34 l15 mud 12 95 5 5 3 2 B Harvey 11 Clarkson Ueos Wing Tingling 67771 FGrnds 34 l13 ifast 30 103 C 14 14 14 J Lang 14 Kklgtou Marrnn CJCgmile CJCgmileWYLES WYLES ch g 4 109 By Pataud Hulrne by Canard Trainer J HcKeever Owner B McKeever r Breeder P T Cbinn Cbinn4J 68570 Jefferson 1 116 l47fajt 15 100 9 4J 41 L McDott 9 Doushnut Attorney Ettahe Ettahe4l 68447 Jefferson 1 115 l51 mud 12 105 7 4l 3 i H Thomas 9 Gondolier Tody Ballotcar BallotcarGh 68269 Jefferson 1 116 l4Sfast 6 10917 10917G8031 Gh 6T E Smwod 7 KAmmie ZdArraee CTmencita CTmencitaII G8031 PGrnds 1 316 202 faat SI 99 0 II 21 J ChlmerslO Rereater Ashland Phelin PhelinSi 67904 PGrndp 1 11C 143 fast 6 106 3 Si 2 G Mein 12 Magician Tulsa Ace 7G93 FGrnds ImTOy l46fart 8 107 7 4 2 G Mein 12 Demos Ituiom Gen Cadorna 67058 FGrnds 1 116 l4Sigood 6 109 6 21 2 C Lan 9 Iluonec Bravo Amaze AmazeBy BALLOTCAB ch h 6 111 111Trainer By Ballot Carpathia by Star Shoot ShootBred Trainer J HilL Owner H W Barnes BarnesC8493 Bred by W S Kilmer C8493 Jefferson 1 1S 153 slow 21 111 4 4G8417 6 3 A Abel 9 Ettnhe KgTrojan Escarpolclte G8417 Jefferson 1 116 l51 mud 7 107 2 2G8072 51 t w Fronk 9 Gondolier Tody Wylie G8072 PGrnds 1 18 l57 hvy 8 111 3 3C7840 35 35J E T MoorelO Ettabe Escarpolettc Demos C7840 PGrnds I 116 l50 hvy 6 113 6 4i 35i K T Moorel2 LitAmmic MircIeMan RStride 67691 FGrnds 1 316 200fa t 10 110 5 4l 4 E T Moore 7 Walnut Hall llama Gem 67421 FairGds 1 316 207 hvy 7 112 3 3SERBIAN 11 1 E T MoorelO Matinee Idol Iluonec Tulaa TulaaBy SERBIAN ch g 7 111 By Ivan the Terrible Arline by The Commoner Trainer H Ntnsteter Owner H Neusteter Breeder C C Patrick G84ri3 BniomG 3 Jefferson 1 116 154 hvy 135 115 3 2 4l 5 L Morris 8 GDaughcrty VivaCnba Bniom G FGrnds 1 116 l50slow 4 116 2 1 2 2l L Lyke 7 Attorney Execution SerriccStar 8 FGrnds 1 116 l47fast 30 112 7 7 7 7 J D Mney 7 Wincounc TPeruvn DeTonite 10 FGrnds 1 116 l50Hhvy 5 103 8 9 9 77J G Mein 12 LAmmie MiracleMan Blotear 0 FGrnds 1 116 l51V hvy 4 114 3 3 li 11 E Pool 11 GDgherty Ballybell Cotnnder 9 FGrnds 1 116 14S fast 12 106 5 7 6 5 F Sharpe 9 Bermont Carnarvon Tingling 53 FGrnds 1 11C l34 hvy 5 106 4 6 6 6 J Owens 9 Bncvillo Waukcag Thornhedge ThornhedgeONITE ONITE BroomstickTrainer br s 4 110 By Granite Devonshire Dolly by Broomstick Trainer J Bishop O nsr J Bishop Breeder J H Louchiieim LouchiieimfO fO Jefferson I 116 l47fast 10 109 6 9 9 9 J Majestic Doughnut Attorney Ettahe 17 Jefferson 1 116 l51fmud 6 107 9 7 6 61 J Majestic 9 Gondolier Tody Wylic 8 FGrnds 1 11G llfast 10 10S 5 2 31 4 J Majestic 9 Mom Riff Bang Double Cross 2 FGrnds 1 1S l5SJihvy 4 100 5 2 2 lh J Majestic 9 HIardner WnrPrizc Magician 35 FGrnds 1 116 150 mud 12 103 5 5 2 2 J Majestic G Tody IlermiKKemble Day Lilly 8 PGrnds 1 116 l47faat 12 110 2 4 S 3 J Malestic 7 Winconne TPeruvn StDcnd 9 FGrnds ImVOy l44 fast 12 108 9 8 8 91 J Majestic 11 Dclimu AtKoyll M Koberts 12 PGrnds 1 116 lSOV mud 107 6 4 3l 51 J Majestic G Slippery Elm Tody Kepeatcr 55 FGrnds 1 18 l54fast 12 109 7 1 2 4 J Smith 7 Escarpolte Thornliedge Kirah QSWOBTHS LAST blk s H 111 By Wadsworth Aprils Lady by Linden Trainer H Cavanaugh Owner T T Looncy Breeder Mrs F E Driver 55 Jefferson 1 1S 1 55f ast 15 111 8 S X 571 L McDott 12 Tulsa Dumbfounder Screemnn 57 FGrnds 1 1S Iri7mu l 10 105 4 7 1 7IS J McCoy 9 Tulsa Ettalic MountainRosell 17 FGrnds 1 1S lMfast 0 112 9 C G 5 1 L McDott 9 SFrank TMcTagsart Attorny 13 PGrnds 1 18 l57 fmul 6 113 9 8 5 4 1 Jj McDott 9 Demos Austral Sam Frank 35 FGrnds 1 31C 202Vfcfast 12 109 1 3 3 Il L McDott 9 The Wit Doctor Jim Austral AustralS3 S3 LinerJl PGrnds 1 316 202 fast 10 115 7 9 5l 6 I Lyke 9 Lordllerbert MaJzc Brit Liner Jl FairGds 1316207 hvy 10 10210 10 Ss 8 W Fronk 10 Knllotcar Matineeldol Huonec 19 Jefferson 1 11C l51J hvy 7 110 11 9 S1 813 F Werner 11 Iluonec Wylic IJooneville IJoonevilleI I br c 4 107 By Doncaster Dolly Hainan by Crighton Trainer B N Vestal Owner G L Blackford Breeder W MdLcmoro G4753 Churchill Im70y 145 fast 21f 101 9 9 5 5 n Mlhewsll Opulent Smuts Ilojul I i4G53 Churchill Im70 l45fast llf 100 6 9 3 3G2992 911 w jooi 1L iWidrig Opulent TSM = tra s I G2992 Latonia ImOy 147 good 4710f 103 3 1 1 F Smith 12 Ilojul FlyPrince AlamedaGirJ 62367 Latonia 1 11C l47fast 9 J07 6 6 4 S McGrawl2 FPrince MichUDaly llobShea G2GG4 Latoniu 1 11C l47 ifaat 441 100 8 8 711 S McGrawl2 Red Ixus Damoris Nurture PEIMO ch h 6 119 119Trainer By Plaudmorc My Honey by Yo el Bey Trainer J F Hynes Owner J F Hynes Breeder H Giddings G8593 Jefferson 1 11C 148 fast 10 118 1 2 2 Cl J Butwell 9 Doughnut Ettahe Uncle Velo 085 14 Jefferson 1 11C l4yrast l4yrastG8080 12 110 4 1 11 1s II Thomas 9 IlParducr 0 Birthday H Gear G8080 Havana 1 139 fast fastG7909 6 105 6 2 3 3 W Taylor G Tony Bean Lucy Kate Glenn G7909 Havana ImSOy l44Tsfast l44TsfastG7007 31 116 6 2 21 2 G Walls S Tamper Hread Line Homain G7007 Havana 34 l12fast l12fastGG3G1 6 G Walls 8 WarUap Col Murphy WorQuil WorQuili GG3G1 Toledo Ab b 34 109 fast fastGG2GI i iu L i C 615 F Murphy 7 Manna Planloou Amer Eagle EagleIS GG2GI Toledo 1 140 fast IS 111 B 3 3 3 1 T Burns 8 Mallowmot Col Matt Ilillllead GG23J Toledo 1 lm0y 145 fast 51 113 1 1 31 5 W Heinch 7 Tarascon DukeUtiff UlosHouse TULSA b g G 114 By Ivaa the Terrible Useeit by Bonnie Jss Trainer J T Owner C J r Brockmiller Breeder Mrs R M Hoots G8577 Jefferson 1 116 l4gfast 12 114 566 = 6 i J McCoy 11 Topmast MRoberts DeepSinker G8535 Jefferson 1 1S l55fast 20 111 2 2 1 I2 J McCoy 12 Dbfonnder Scrgcman Tgling C8493 Jeffrrson 1 1S 1D9 slow 10 109 6 4 6 6si A Wilson 9 Ettahe King Trojan Ballotcar G8453 Jefferson 1 116 l54hvy 96 110 4 G 5 47 G Mein 8 GDauRherty Viva Cuba Borom C8209 FGrnds 1 18 l55fast 5 110 C 3 3l 45J J Crcoran 8 MnKosell LitAmmie Natural GSOG7 FGrnds 1 18 l57mud 10 10G 5 2 21 I1 J Crcoran 9 Ettahe MlainUoscIL Amaze G7901 FGrnds 1 116 148 fast 15 11010 5 5s 3si H Shillickl2 Magacian Wylio Ace 78G2 FGrnds 1 1S l53ood 8 lOi 8 4 41 4J1 J CorcoraniO Ettahe JkFainnan G Cadorna TOM CAS3IDY b g 4 103 By Wrack Sobriquet ty Toddington Trainer C Sanford Owner H Acker AckerG8G17 Breder J T Gwathnw G8G17 Jefferson 1 11C l49fat 8 103 S EC8535 E 6 T7 R Doyle 9 Kirkgton Bpoyne DSinker C8535 Jefferson 1 l l55fast 8 109 6 11 10 91 G Mein 12 Tulsa Dumbfounder Scrgcman 08473 Jefferson 1 11G l53hvy 3 103 G C CG8391 6 C B Harvny 7 Spugs Repeater Dumbfoiimler G8391 Jefferson 1 316 202fast 2 108 C 1 1C8290 1 1 1 G Mein 11 Pastoral Blackllackle JakcFeld C8290 Jefferson 1 18 150 fast 135 35 104 6 7 7BLUE 71 7 ° A Abel 11 Buxom Pastoral Pirate McGee BLUE BRUSH br g 4 HastingsA 108 108Trainer By Sweep Blue Ball by Hastings Trainer T Kane Owner B A A Leigh LeighG8G1G Breeder J W Townsend G8G1G Jefferson 1 116 l48 fast 7 10S 7 1 1C8571 7 0 10s A Abel 12 Natural Fluff Little Ammie C8571 Jefferson 1 18 l55fast 15 107 4 1 1G8390 I3 I3 A Abel 2 Mravo Cliateaupay Corson G8390 Jefferson 1 I1C l47fast 20 106 9 9 9G7882 9l 9 H Tliurberll StDcnard Scrgeman Gondolier G7882 FGrnds 1 11G l47 fast 20 100 3 6 6 5 J Wallace G Ramkin Tody Consort 7693 FGrnds Im70y l46fast 8 103 12 8 8G7501 8 6 J Owens 12 Demos Wylie Buxom G7501 FGrnds 1 11G 148 good 20 106 7 6 6G7089 61 7 J Walluce 7 Tan Son Slippery Elm Lampns G7089 Jefferson Im70y 149 hvy 4 105 4 3 6J G1 G W Car110 UmisKiinble Ofarite GrsTree