Havana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-09


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Entries and Past Performances FRIDAY MARCH 9 9AVEATIIER AVEATIIER CLEAR TRAGIC FAST Tho figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished la cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 200 Superior mud runner X Good mud runuer Fair mini riitiner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 5 12 Furlonsrs FurlonsrsPurse Purse iOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 l0oi 5 102 Todays Horse Wt Rec RecTwo AWtIIan Two Eyes 97 107 if ifJack 5 110X2r Jack Healey 115 1OS 1OSBig 7 115X70 Big Nolso 104 107 107Josephine 4 112 715 715r Josephine K 10S 107 107Ouanlsman r no7ir Ouanlsman 114 108 108bBab 5 115710 bBab 107 109 109bCInrk 4 107 710 bCInrk M 103 107 ii iiInfield 13 115X710 Infield 105 109 109Betty 5 115X705 Betty Mae M 97 108 5 5Little 3 97 700 Little Niece 10S 107 107IiMcMurphy G 110 700 IiMcMurphy Ill lOS i ibTom 12 115 700 bTom Can 10S lOS4s lOS4sSecond 10 115X700 Second Race 34 Mile 500 3yearolds and upward ick record Jan 8 IStllO 111 Forcwarn 101 1 15 Jennio C S 1 Ki Mambi 105 115 115lKlimmt lKlimmt 10 113 113bFrank bFrank Shannon 118 114 First Pullet 104 112 bllaran 112 113 Lt Win J MurntylOS 111 111Immokaleo Immokaleo 9S ll1f ll1fCarrie Carrie Baker 112 lir lir1s 1s 1stjtianuli tjtianuli 105 112 112Don Don Pepc 120 l14 l14s s Third Race 34 Mile MileHopeful Hopeful Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 800 3yearolds 3yearoldsTrack Track record Jan S 1920 111 0 102 68460 750C8E52 WILD CAT Ill l17f 102 750 C8E52 Pony Express 113 113 102 740 740GS498J GS498J Lorena Marcellia 109 114 107X740 68580 Wida 103 113 112X740 G78S4 112X740G78S4 Frank S 1011115 = 9SX733 9SX733Fourth Fourth Race 1 11G Miles MilesPurse Purse 500 4ycarolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 3 191S 144 fc 3 92 635161 Uncle Sonny 4 IOC 725 68581 Bloomington Ill 14 54 5 I12X7O 68581 hTl 08 F McMuhonllO l48t 7 107X715 68593 Califa M 4 97 710 710G853G G853G 710G8516 bBrennan 110 143 4 103 710 G8516 Harold K 112149 B 112X710 68602 Forrum M 105 l48ft 4 102 705 68520 Edith K 103 149 6 105X705 68G22 105X70568G22 Yankee Boy 07 1484 0 105 700 700Claiming 700Fifth Fifth Bace 1 Mila MilaPurse Purse ClaimingTrack GOO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec G 1922 138 101 68582 = Acosta AcostaC3G23 103 141 4 100X723 C3G23 Orris OrrisC3583 101 141 4 95 720 C3583 liltolbod Hnir HnirGS179 1041141 4 100X715 GS179 Duke Ruff RuffG3S5G 101 139 7 107X715 G3S5G Coscorron 1K 141 4 100X710 63521 bTop RmiK 109 140 7 109 710 68553 Ix tta Speed 103 1421 r 119X705 C8G003 Ike Mills 107 141 j 8 109X105 Sizth Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse COO 4yearolds anil upward Claiming Track record Dec G 1922 1345 1 101 101G8519 G8519 bFar East G 104X725 104X725G8501 G8501 bli Bonero 101 139 4 100X720 100X720C8579 C8579 Medusa KM 140 8 104X715 104X715G355G G355G Mnllowmot 7 139 9 110X713 110X713CS55G CS55G Miike of WellirigtonlOS 141 G 104 710 63556 = bStouewall 7l3l 4 108X715 108X7156355G 6355G bThe Wag S 7 140 4 111X703 111X7036855G1 6855G1 San Pablo 92 140 0 109 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030901/drf1923030901_6_3
Local Identifier: drf1923030901_6_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800