Western Breeding Booming: Frank J. Kelley, Chicago Turfman, Among Latest to Establish Stud Farm in California, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-13


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WESTERN BREEDING BOOMING Frank J. Kelley, Chicago Turfman, Among Latest to Establish Stud Farm in California. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., April 12— With the revival of breeding going strong it looks as though the West will soon have more thoroughbreds than in the "golden days" of Theodore Winters. K J. "Lucky" Baldwin, William OBrien Macdonough. Behind Stanford. Naglee Burk. Burns and Waterhouse and other noted producers of high-class race horses. Nearly every day reports reach here of well-to-do men embarking in the fascinating pastime. With the stock farms of A. B. Spreckels. Rudolph Spreckels. A. K. Macomber, George Wingfield. John H. Rosseter, Charles T. Boots and George Van Gorden as a nucleus the new places put this part of the country firmly on the map once more as the home of the running horse. Major Sven Christen-son, J. W. Marchbank. H. D. "Curly" Brown and several others are off to a good start. No one county is getting a monopoly when it comes to the establishment of the thoroughbred nurseries. Santa Clara County is in the lead just now. but there is no teiling how long its premiership will be held. The Chicago turfman. Frank J. Kelley. a director in the Pacific Coast Jockey Club, plans to have thirty or forty brood mares and young stock before the end of the year on his 1,1M acre place near Warm Springs, recently acquired from the estate of a relative of the late Senator Stanford. Counting in the Kelley farm Santa Clara has three haras, those of A. K. Macomber. . T. Boots and Kelley. This does not include the holdings of Rudolph Spreckels on the Boots place in the way of brood mares, two-year-olds and yearlings. GENERAL KOBlltTS HOME. Contra Costa County has long been the home of the Brutus stallion General Roberts and some well-bred matrons belonging to t lie veteran George Van Gorden. who calls his place Kl Riposo Stock Farm. The Heather Stock Farm of .1. W. Marchbank, not far from the Van Gorden establishment, was started two years ago, when Marchbank purchased the Celt mare Antrim, dam of the undefeated King Heather and three other mares. Since getting hold of the Contra Costa site the well-known San Franciscan has made many improvements until now it is thoroughly up to date. The owner of the farm justly takes much pride in it. The A. B. Spreckels stud in Napa County has been turning out good ones for a score of years and more, as is well known, while the Wipiup Rancho of John H. Roaaeter in the neighboring county of Sonoma is famoiid as the birthplace of fleet sons and daughters of the Rock Sand stallion Friar Rock and of Dominos son Disguise. The Christenson establishment over in Alameda County. Meadowbrook Stock Farm, is fast becoming favorably known through the achievements of imported War Shots progeny, such as Battle Sht. George Wingfield is right to the fore in sending out winners from lis Nevada Stock Farm and that other high Sierra nursery of "Curly" Brown up near Mount Shasta will have youngsters at the races in a year or two. Down in the San Joaquin Valley at Sanger, Colonel J. J. Graves is making a start with the imported stallion Heroisme and half a dozen brood mares. Colonel Graves is pbua. ning to have his colors up at Tanforan and other tracks of the Coast circuit befcr? many more moons. Fresno County comes into the limelight through the establishment of the-Graves farm.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923041301/drf1923041301_12_7
Local Identifier: drf1923041301_12_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800