untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-13


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; I I | I | ■ I | ; I Monthly Form Book FOR MARCH NOW ON SALE iMII:nMIBaBHnMM|BHaB1|aHaiaMaaBBBEaaiIHBMBnvBaBBIBHBBaBHB THE M0NTHL Y FORM BOOK issued on the. first day of each month, with complete charts of the previous months racing in North America, now carries an index showing each and every start of all horses in training, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track conditions designated. By means of this arrangement it is possible for the user of the Monthly Form Book to instantly determine a horses abil-I ity to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired, as shown in the following examples: CALCUTTA, ch. c, 3, by Colin— Jamma, by Delhi G. R. Allen X PT74/Sb 67520* "07584* »C7817h -G7901 JC8153m »!S19lb r6sso6 FULL MOON. Hk. m, 5, by Dick Finnell— Caller On, by Oddfellow J. McGinn X ■SISlla M67546 MSSS8SJ rC7679« R67805 «"67833 -67933*h c67957h sG80C0h K3808I » «8151m »C8199m i-08242h BEST PAL, br. h, 6, by Helmet— Fadula. by Laveno S. N. Holman X •674Slh H*Wn "07774* "67901 "67965 -6SJ0C . P 68288 MIDIAN, b. h, 6, by Meridian— Veneta Strome, by Ben Strome J. Rice *!• f«7451 "67573= 07617 K67073 »67S02 «07872m 6789fim rf 7933h s«8000m 1 68020-m bC8055h 6S198m •■68222*m K6S241h N. K. REAL. ch. h, 9. by Glorifier— Puritan Girl, by Yankee. . H. T. Palmer ® 1C7748 j67915m "i;79Slm °e7997m «08041h «6S129 -G8186-h "6S304* «G8341» QUECREEK. b. g, 5, by Huon — Jessie Woodson, by Scorpion. Summit Stable R • X 3GS079 "68255 ji 08272 "G8311 1683.54* P6S37G* •ROISTERER, ch. g, 6. by Ethelbert— Roxanna, by Rock SandC. E. Groves X jl!7t;o- PG7G7G* "07728- PG7803 i;895m P67930-h •6805911 P68088 R58128 168303 "68318 "168345* "G8405 P68468 EDWARD GRAY, blk. c, 3, by Von Tromp— Bonsetta, by Ma- Setto w- Daniel "G7GS4 "G7881 tG798C nGS201* P68323* P6S3S9 •SUN BRAE, ch. g, 5, by Sund ridge— Sweet Briar II., by St. Frusquin W. A. McKinney X JG74G8 JG7590 "67635 J6769G* J G7795 "C7815 167994 kegi7G lSBZMl Index numbers in parentheses indicate winning races, seconds and thirds are designated by superior figures and the condition of the track is shown by the designations following the index numbers as foliows : "s" for slow, "sy* for sloppy ; "m" for muddy and "h" for heavy. When not otherwise designated, fast or good track conditions prevail. S indicates that the horse has run in steeplechase and hurdle races. * Fair mud runner. X Good mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. * Imported, t Disqualified. Index figures in italic face type scw b indicate stake race. Before each race number in the index below an alphabetical sign is prefixed, which shows the distance at which the race so numbered has been run. The key to these distances is given below: 1-4 and 3-8 Mile A 1 Mile N B From 1 Mile 20 Yards to 1 Mile 3 1-2 Furlongs 1-2 Mile D 100 Yards O 4 1-2 Furlongs W 1 1-16 Miles P 5-8 Mile G 1 1*8 Miles Q 6 1-2 Furlongs H 1 3-16, 1 1-4 and 1 5-16 Miles R 3.4 Miie J 1 I"2 and 1 3-8 Miles S 6 1-2 Furlongs K 1 5-8 and 1 3-4 Miles T 7-8 Mile L. 2 to 3 Miles U 7 1-2 Furlongs M 3 to 4 Miles V ____ In addition to the complete charts of all races run on North American tracks during the month, comprehensively and correctly indexed, the March book contains the following NEW FEATURES: Calendar Table of April Racing Dates Stake Dates for Month of April Alphabetically Arranged Complete Index to Stakes Run Since January 1, 1923 Thirty Leading Owners Since January 1, 1923 Thirty Leading Horses Since January 1, 1923 Track Records for All Distances The Price Remains Unchanged, .09 Single copies by mail must be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration. Not responsible for books sent by mail without registration. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court - - Chicago, DL 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - New York, N. Y. 74 Exchange Street - - Buffalo, N. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923041301/drf1923041301_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1923041301_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800