2nd Race [2nd Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-13

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Onrl DA PC 7_!S Mil**- 3-year-olilK. Itlnitlrns. Allowance!*. Nov. 21. l!»l lIQ nAUt, l:*i»; 2-5 1 11G. BANTLEY. ch. c, 3 M 114 By Star Shoot— Antell*. by Planndes. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner, Andley Farm Stable. Breeder, J. E. Madden. C9011 Bowie 51 f l:07%fast 11 116 3 3 31 63 II Lunsfd 12 Oran. Kosa Ye;a. St. Lawrence 64888 Chunh:! ii t l:GC%fust 23-10 105 I 5 51 f.» W Pool 0 Miss Viina. Sympathy, Delusiv. 64652 hunhill L-8 1 :01fast 7 Hi 10 11 8 »J W Pool 14 Who Knows Me. Cash." RenceLiw WARBURTON. br. c, 3 M 114 By His Majesty— Qua b. bv Orme. Trainer. W. Newman. Owner, W. Newman. Breeder, M. F. Shapoff. 69152 Bowie 3-4 1 :l.".fast 10 104 4 6 6 6J S McL*MC 11 Papillon. Hillliouse. Sultan 69087 Bowie 2-4]:17*imud 14 108 8 7 4 33 S Mcline S FaihW .. D.sDghter, E. Sawyer 69041 Bowie 51 f 1 :07«£fast 66 116 2 8 7j C7 ■ Smwo112 Oran. ltosa Veta. St Ixiwieii.e 68737 Jefferson 51 f 1 :09*sfast 30 115 12 11 U» M*« J Owens 12 Jupiter. E.niGallie MissLgliion •S612 Jeffersc:-. 3-4 1 :15-fast 20 110 11 10 111 H:3 U McCrnnl2 Amelias., The Colonel. Fleeliag WEST PITTST0N. b. f, 2 M 109 By Sweep— Santa Maria, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. J. Coffey. Owner. Triple Springs Farm Stable. Breeder. P. T. Chinn. 66869 Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 21 111 8 9 8» 9* H Thomasl3K.Cii.umg. S.layBest, Quarrel •6855 Bowie 7-8 1:31 fast 11-5 10» 13 10 71 f* V Weiner 13 Glabella. Jigstep. Zeus Isaie C6452 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 29 102 7 6 6s 3» H Houard 9 Kcllermaii. Minima, Jimmie B. •6282 l aurel 3-4 l:14%fast 27 112 2 3 6 6" B Marielli | Sog.Aroon. Ro aYeta. T.Minutet •5646 Aqueduct 6-8 1:00 fast 40 114 4 6 6 1 4" M M main 8 Marionette, Contour, Mazeppa •6328 Aqueduct 6-8 68 fast 12 112 1 8 8 8» L Ensor S Amusemt, P. Wow, Bphrizonia •6*07 Belmont M at 66%faat 100 102 U 13 12 12* 11 Ho wardl2 Sallys Alley, Miss SUr. Kippy .. " c,. v. iw or *• °" 1S rel tes lia J I i i I I , ■ , I » BUDDUGIE. br. g. 3 M 114 By BerriUdon— Canny Miss, by Ogden. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. 7. Arthur. Breeder, W. Garth. 69152 Bowie 3-4 l:15%fast 3a 104 7 8 8« I" A Abel 11 Papillon. HWlhouse. Sultan ■9088 Bowie 7-8 1:3Hfcmud M 106.2 C «♦ Z* S McLane 7 Windigo. Neblsh, Jocose 69057 Bowie 61 f l:21%fast 77 104 6 C «• A Abel 7 PoorSport, ATatei ;irl. Felicitous 68593 Jefferson 3-4 1 Vast M 103 8 8 8 7" A Abel * I«idy Bose, PoorSport. Felicitouj 68444 Jefferson lm70y 1 :49%mud 3 103 7 7 6* «" A Abel 7 Al Stebler, Rupee, Glabella 08331 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :48-andlast y W I 9 » »* J Wallace 9 Slanderer, Rupee. Kennmare 68286 Jefferson 3-4 1 :14%fast 40 103 9 9 »» 9« A Abel 10 it. Brighton. Chiva. Tender Seth 68135 F.Grnds lmTOy l:46%slow 60 102 S 7 7» 7" A Abel 8 Kent L.. Al Stebler. W.TakeAU NIGHT LIGHT, ch. c. 3 M 114 By Prince Hermit— Flash of Nurnt. by Prince of Trainer, R. A. Johnson. Owner. Y. Kaiser. Monaco. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 69152 Bowie 3-4 l:15%fast 2fcf 109 6 10 10 10" E Amhrsell Papillon. Hillhouse. Sultan 69041 Bowie 55 f 1 :07%f ast 29f 116 10 11 ll3 9»»c H gstall 12 Oran. Itosa Yeta. St. Iiwience 60312 F.Gnds 3-8 35%good 30 109 12 lljTO* E Bobbins 12 Rockabye, Fl oKun, TaylorUay MADS0N. ch. g, 3 M 114 By Madman — Mamie K.. by Peep oDay. Trainer, C. A. Applegate. Owner, C. A. Applegate. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 69152 Bowie t 1 l:ll%f«et 18S 109 5 7 7J 7»J Q Babin 11 Pai illon, Hillhouse. Sultan 69088 Bowie 7-S l:31*imud It 110 6 6 61 53 G Babin 7 Windigo. Nehish. Bnddugio .9041 Bowie 5J. f 1 :07*ifast 70 116 6 6 6l 7* G Babin 12 Oran. Bosa Vela. St Knwreice 60:i2 F.Gnds 3 8 35*«good 50 109 a 7l 7«1 H Thomas 12 Bo kabye. Fl oFun, TaylorUay 60O78 F.Gnds 3-8 38 hvy 25 115 7 7 7* C Ponce 7 B.Whkers, Athlete. T Muleskr 59716 F.Gnds 3-8 36 hvy 60 111 9 9 J14 C Ponce 9 Prince I , Nowaa. Daniel ST. LAWRENCE, br. c. 3 M 114 By Rapid Water— Mettie Bereaud. by Jean Bereaud. Trainer J. H. Stotler. Owner J. H. Stotler. Breeder, G. W. J. Bissell. 69131 Bowie 61 f 1:21 fast 33 108 5 6 6" 6» E Ambr 9 Sog.Aroon. FlygBevil. TheRsa1y 69041 Bowie 51 f 1 :07Vast 21 116 4 2 22 3«1 C I.ang 12 Oran. Rosa Yeta. Windigo 66102 Laurel 51 f 1 :09%good 13 115 6 5 4 4« B Marielli fi Noel, Felicitous, Old Timer 65815 Laurel 61 f 1 :07 fast 36 115 2 7 7! 7»1 C Kummer 9 BetterTiines. Moonraker. MvOwn 65647 H.deGce 3-4 114 fast 27 115 6 3 31 4I5C Kummer 9 Lumiiiist, Yalador, Better Times 65440 H.deGce . 61 f 1 :08 fast 28 104 7 8 10 10"J R McirnnlO Blue Peler. Rialto, Sun Doll 63772 Kworth 5-8 IrMfcfaat 26 115 7 7 7« 6" J McTagt S Cann.ore. Curland. lycoon 63081 Devshire 5-8 l:01*4fast 8 112 2 6 61 5* D Stirling 12 Wrangle. Busiem. Radiant CARPATHIAN, ch. c. 3 M 114 By Olambala — Carpaneto. by John o Gaunt. Traner, J. Gorham. Owner, J. J. Farrell, Jr.. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 69156 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :52Vifast 132 98 8 8 8 8" FJ Beach I Wranglei. Iidslx.ve. BlneBrush 69076 I.owie lm70y l:51slop 3:1 9S 5 8 8 83» J Wallace ■ Ponfiie. Smarty. Wiepsliten 69011 Bowie 5 f 1 :07%f ast 67 116 12 12 12 12" J McCoy 12 Oran. Bosa Yeta. St. Ixiwrence DOROTHY POP. ch. f. 3 M 109 By Towton Field — Dixie Gem. by Admonition. Trainer, 0. E. Pons. Owner, Haner and Cross. Breeders, Haner and Cross. First start.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923041301/drf1923041301_4_6
Local Identifier: drf1923041301_4_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800