5th Race [5th Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-13

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Kfh DA PC ■ Mile and TO YiiriU. Owner* Consolation Pomp. -year-old* 1 Olll nMUL and upward. laiinin. April 1 O, 1!1» 1:45 1-5 4 107. LAD S LOVE, ch. g, 7 101 By Hamburg— Ballet, by Ben Brush. Trainer, A. C. Pcrretto. Owner. W. J. Kramer. Breeder. Grcentree Stable. G015« Bowie 1 1-M l:52U,fjist t.J 105 6 1 1 J CI A Abel S Wrangler, I.lue Brush, Maize «9I03 B*Wta 6i f l:21V.fast 7f 110 12 12 12 12-T A Roach IT ITW fill. T TrrTB Til |ll~ I 4i!»05X B*Wta 1 I I ■%!■■! 20 105 1 5 41 l« H StUtU 0 Mizar. /..nave. C. .1. Craijrmile ■ fi«819 Howie 11-16 ldBtfctMt 7 114 9 7 6* 90£O I.ans It Rouen. MnRoscII.. I.MIIerbcri 1 MM! BlWh 1 l-Mlil fast 11 111 2 1 91 12" C Lang 14 Coaler. Transient. Gallivant CCCC6 1imioo 1 1-N 1 : 5slow 11-5 10S 1 2 4s 4* A Abel 7 -irVictor. Gallivant. IV lly C. Nili i.uui-1 1 l:42%fast 27-10 111 3 6 0« S:0 A Abel S Mln.Man, John Morrill. Tiding? ■ SUPER, k g. 6 101 By Superman— S:ster Jeanie. by Midlothian. Trainer. G. W. Campbell. Owner. G. W. Foreman. Breeder. J. A. Buchanan. BB 1U l;..u - I : 1:1 fast M 107 7 2 2* 25 Q Mein 7 Forest Queen. Mum. Kins -lohn 1 «.! 075 Bowie C; f l:j.i l ;i 10 ~ 1:2 7 4 r,J Gi J IunnUon 7 Spec*. Biff Bam:. I.uno"! 1. •-.-" •9042 Bowie Gi f liLCsfast 8*114 9 6 5* - *k 3 Dfnnisnn 9 T.IVnivn, Camflaue. Hillliou.e » MMI Bowie I 1 It 11Hflg 27-10 M I S S1 10» M Schwt/10 Dous.inut. War Mask. Ilu- ky C68.~ : Bowie 1 1 In l:4 Vsfast 40 106 7 7 7 7" H Thomas 7 15. Homme. Jcliiil*.-Jones. K.Albt • 4.6814 Howie 1 1-1 ; Filfast 7 Ml 6 11* S-J II Thomas 7 All Over. Joliu P.Jones, yueereek 1 KEZIAH. br. m, 10 96 By Ildrim— Kerchief, by I.issak. Trainer. C. W. Gasser. Owner. C. W. Gascer. Breeder, Mrs. L. A. Livingston. f9137 Bowie lm70yl::,0 fa.-t ."-5 105 7 5 6| oM W Pool !» Zouave. Smarty. The Foreigner K9091 Howie ImTOy l::.lslow 20 106 1 3 4* 4" H Shilliek 5 Tinjrlini;. Ashland. Kins Trojan 1 1.9062 Howie ImTOy 1 aOfast 35 95 2 4 51 5*1 B Coste.lo 7 WlioCares, Ashland. St. Germain 1 69034 Howie Ci f 1 :22-*.fast 60 105 13 13 13 11" H Wafcoff 1.1 Helen Atkin, DayEilly. Ruuuyol 1 C7326 Jefferson 1 l:44%nvy 30 100 11 12 12 12-" W Fronk 12 Cli.-iteaug.-iy. BettyJ.. OurBelsy ASHLAND, b. c. 4 110 By Honeywood— Busy Bee, by First Tenor. i Trainer, G. £. Phillips. Owner, J. Brown. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. €9141 Rowie 1 IS 1 :59*4fa.st 5 112 2 1 1" 3s G Rabin « MtainRosell.. Bttalie, Blazonry . 69091 Rowie lm70y l:M%slow 9-5 108 3 2 2* 21 E Smwod B Tinglinjr. King Trojan. Keziah 4 90 2 Howie lm70y 1 :50%fast 7 110 4 2 2* 2* E Smwod 7 W. Cares, St.Genuain, T. Clock er r .MISS Howie 1 1-16 l:52?tfast 14 112 3 2 61 S" 1 Rabin 9 Ettahe. St. German, Stanley 68226 J.-fferson 1 1-16 l:49fast 13-5 107 5 1 ll 1* E Smwodll J.Fairman. Wliitellaven, lhelan a 18194 lOrnils 11-16 1:50 hvy 31 106 6 7 61 6" J CrcoranlO Spujrs. Rckab. Buxom 08095 K.Grnds 11-16 1:50 good 9-5 109 6 7 6j 21 H Thomasll Bight Wine, Hickory, Stanley MIRACLE MAN, b. c. 4 101 By Sweep— Biscayne. by Rensselaer. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. D. L. Richards. Breeder. W. C. Goodloe. 69171 Howie lm7iy 1:!9 fast 19-5 102 7 3 6* SM A Abel 6 Tulsa. Smarty. The Lamb 69140 Howie lmTty 1 :50*ifast 4 103 3 1 11 Jo* A Abel 7 Jacques. Satana. Tkase 4,9129 Howie 7-8 1:29 fast 16 108 4 7 51 5« A Abel 11 St. Donard, Autilles, Wrangler r 67074 Rowie 3-4 1:17 slop 37-10 108 1 2 2" 2l A ADei 10 Mar White. Zennotta, OldSinner r 69042 Howie 6| f l:22%fast 46 107 14 6* 6" A Abel 9 Theleruvian. Camouflage. Super r 68474 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:54 hvy 41 108 S 11 11 11J1 A Abel 11 llibtygihbet. Herald. Execution n 68209 ¥ Grnds 1 IS l:55%fast 8 98 8 4 5» 6J A Abel S MnRosell.. Lit.Ammie. Natural 1 ZENNOTTA, b. f. 4 91 By Vulcain — Zenobia. by David Garrick. Trainer. M. Grant. Owner, M. Grant. Breeder, T, Piatt. 69129 Howie 7-8 1:29 fast 35f 103 !» 10 11 11" W Brown U St Donard, Antilles, Wrangler 69074 Rowie 3-4 1:17 slop 38 100 3 6 4* 31W Brown 10 Marg. White, MacleMan. O.Sinr r 69045 Howie 11-16 1:53 fast 50 93 1 6 7 7" W Brown 7 O. Birthday. Cur. Events. Satana 66868 Bowie 1 i-16 1 :53fast 19 92 1 4 41 V W Brown 13 Mystic. T.Clkmder, JnMorrill II 66786 Mboro Ab i| f l:llV5fast 10 103 3 3 3» 31 W Brown 9 W.rPennant. T.Norris, EastOirl 66759 Mrlboro Ab 7-8 l:30Vsfast 10 105 2 4 4i 571 W Brown i Burl. Tom Norris. Qn of theSpa 66749 Marlboro 1 1-1C l:55fcfast 10 100 4 3 21 4:i W Brown 6 A.Theie. Kinglingll., Dot.sliest 66521 Laurel 11:43 fast if 109 4 8 9"" 9" A Alien 14 TtM dies. Gazinta, Paul Micou BLtTE BRUSH, br. g. 4 105 Bv Sweep — Blue Ball, by Hastinga. Trianer. W. M. Shewbridge. Owner. E. J. Shewbridge. Breeder. J. W. Townsend. 69156 Bowie 1 1 16 1 :52,ifast 43-10 110 2 4 3* 3»? B McLane B Wransler. leads Love, Maize 69077 Howie lm70y 1 :51%slop 22 105 2 3 41 6:3 A Abel T MTllW ill . Satana. Hillliouse 68616 Jefferson 1 1-16 LtSfefast 7 108 7 7 91 10= A Abel 12 Natural. Fluff, Little Aroniie 68571 Jefferson 1 1-8 1 rSHfcl ast 15 107 4 1 1* 1* A Abel 12 iravo. Cliateaugay. Corson 68390 Jefferson 1 1-M l:40%Caat 20 106 9 9 9s 9" H Thurberll St.Drnard. Scrgeman, Gondolier 67882 E.Grnds 1 1-16 l:17Vifast 20 100 3 6 6 5" J Wallace G Itamkin. Tody. Consort MAIZE, ch. m, 6 101 By Uncle — Maltha, by Himyar. Trainer, H. Randolph. Owner. W. H. Fizer. Broeder. Headiey and Miller. 69156 Howie 1 1 - Hi l:525fast 21 104 4 3 4* 4»J H Stutts 8 Wrangler, LadsLove, BlueBrush 69045 Howie 1 1-16 1:53 fast 13 105 6 5 55 5»i H Stutts 7 O.Birthday. Cur. Events. Satana 68617 Jefferson 1 I M I BHfJl* 15 101 6 8 8* S" W Fronk 9 Kklevglon. Bgoyne, DpSinker 48474 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:54 hvy 12 105 U 10 10* 9" R Doyle 11 Flihlygihbet. Herald. Execution 68371 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:4SMifast 10 102 5 5 §• 5 A Abel 10 Bbtuun.ler. Exhorter. W. Haven 68229 Jeffi-rson 1 1-16 I B|ful 8 104 2 3 31 41 B Harvey 11 Trooper. Exhorter, MormonElder 68137 P.Clr nds 1 1-16 1:49 slow 15 1« 6 3 61 5" A Abel 9 Pro.Tom. Carmcita, U.Dgherty DELLAHM. ch. h, 5 1C6 By Prince Ahmed — Delia Mack, by The Commoner. Trainer. H. G. Bedwell. Owner. Kenton Stable. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross. 19140 Howi- lm7y l:50fast 11 103 16 6* 7" W Duplis 7 Jacques. Miracle Man, Satana 69042 Howie Ci f 1 :22a ,fast IS 114 3 6 41 SD Stirling 9 Theleruvian. Camouflage. Super 65961 K worth 1m70y 1 :50%hvy 4 110 1 3 41 4» .7 McTag t S KgsCourt. BlneyBoy, JuneFly 65921 Kworth lm70y l:42Hfast 7-10 113 3 2 2* 2| J McTagt ■ BlarneyBoy. Troubler, BasoBoy 65732 K "worth 1 1-16 l:48%fast 9-5 113 3 2 2* 2"* .1 McTagt 7 Kings Court, Troubler, Flea 65683 K" worth ]m70y l:44%fast 17-10 108 4 3 41 53J F Wilson S KexGaiety. Trl:ler. Mallowmot 65539 Woodne 1 1-16 1:47 fast 6 110 4 3 5 5» C Lang 5 Yorkist, June Fly, Sudor TICACEY. br. g. 9 106 By Bannockburn — Hand Bell, by Hanover. Trainer, J. Bodcn. Owner. Triple Sorings Farm1? Stable. Breeder. B. Schreiber. 66875 Rowie 1 1-16 l:52%faat 9flt0 8 3 6 5*J C Lang 18 MtnltoselL, Natural, Royallu 66861 Howie 1 1-15 1 :51*fcfast 11 M 14 9 6* 6J* K Weiner IS Ihalaris, Natural. Itoyallieu 66828 Howie 61 f 1 :22f ast 43-J0 108 5 3 31 10" F Weiner 13 So It Goes, Tidings, Care Free 4 3857 Empire lm70y 1:16 fast 5 108 5 11 11* ll30 L McAtee 13 Pibroch. King Albert, Buxom 6S595 Err. 1 ire 1 1-16 t:4B%CMt 7 101 1 5 6* 0" A Tryon 7 Halu. Cum Sah, Iady Zeua 63492 Empiie 1 1-16 1:50 good 6 10ii 2 6 41 3*1 A Tryon 10 Tliornhedge, Moody, Consort UKASE, ch. g. 4 101 By King James— Verdict, by Tyrant. Trainer, J. Boland. Owner. J. Coyle. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 69171 I.ov.ie lm7y 1:19 fast ::2 102 4 6 4 7"1 J Wallace 9 Tulsa. Smarty. The Iamb 691J0 H.»vvi lm70y l:50%fast 53 103 5 3 3* 4«| J Wallace 7 Jacques, Miracle Man. Satana 69073 Howie 3-4 1 eslop M 113 6 5 6* 7" J lionan 8 Tidings. Antilles. Galeta 68511 J. ffirson 3-4 1 :16Vfefa.st 15 113 12 9 12 12" F Murphy 12 Anticipate, Fmeii. Jacobean 67858 r Air mis 3-4 l:14*andslow 7 105 6 6 6" " 7" C Lang 10 Kklgton. MnlloselL, W.Pent 67603 F.Urnds 3-4 LllVast 6 110 7 10 10* 101 C Lang 13 Shaffer, MuWinks, N.McKiny "*

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923041301/drf1923041301_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1923041301_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800