6th Race [6th Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-13

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C4U DAPC 1 1-16 Miles. M-j-ear-oldu and upward. Claiming;. "ov. 25, Dill RAUL 1JH5 1:4S 1 11G. ZOUAVE, blk. g. 9 103 By Sain— Black Tail, by Disgniae. Trainer. M. Hackett. Owner, M. Hackettl. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 69137 Bowie lm70y 1:50 fast 6-5 103 1 1 1* P| H Phillick 9 Smarty. TheForeigner, Serv.Star ": C9058 Bowia 7-8 1 :28Vvfast 13 1 :5 I 1 l1 2* H Shillick ■ Mizir. C.J.Ctaigmile. IjdsUivp j 66833 Howie 1 1-16 1 :53%fast IS 104 7 2 31 4«1 S Mcl.ane IS Mysiic. Radical. Kings Belle j 65648 ll.l.C.ce 3-4 1 fasl 17-10f 10S 7 7 S 73 M BcaWtslB 1 leer. Whalebone. Tidings 63774 Kworth 3-4 l:13%fast 13 105 6 8 61 4-J B Flynn 10 Doric. Kclo, Ballynew 63349 Devshiro 1 t.at%imB 8f 109 4 1 11 2* R Flynn 11 TlieyS. N.Bass, Sol.Kock, Ettah* u 63126 D vshire 3-4 1:20 hvy 41 115 4 5 5"* 4* J Tnomar B Biiise, Ilolo. S ct« MOODY, b. g. 5 103 By Broomstick — Contrary, by Hamburg. Trainer. W. V. Casey. Owner, W. V. Casey. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 69157 Howie 1 1 16 1 :51*sfast 5 110 7 1 1* 2" A Abel 7 Bonfire. Tom Cassidy. Mizar ;9108 Bowie 1 1-16 1:52 fast I 107 4 6 H 6" S Mcl.ane 8 O.Bthday. Ettahe. T.Clkmder at 1 9016 Bowie 1 1-16 iJBffljCMt 7 102 1 1 Is 1* A Abel 7 Servi. e Star, Warlike, Radical j 68597 Jefferson 1 1-2 2:36%fast 9-5 107 2 2 21 351 G Mein 7 StanVy. I"«uan JUsatcr, Lit. Bd M I 68515 IlfltflH 1 l-I 2:.".6fast 7 99 2 4 3» 3" H Harvey 7 Tan Son. The Wit. Bit ! 68351 Jefferson 1 2-16 2:02fast 15 113 8 1 l1 2J J McCoy 12 TlieWit. Hickory, Spectac.Girl rt HILLHOUSE. b. c. 3 90 By Honeywood — Geheimniss, by Sain. Trainer. A. C. Porretto. Owner. W. .T. Kram»r Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 69152 i.owie I I llSTtfM* B-S HI 8 4 l| 21 E Smwodl B:piHon. Sultan. B..diant :9089 Howii- ::-4 I ItTtriaw 37-10 113 I 1 l1 2* E Smwo.l 7 Flying Devil. AI Stebler. Leslie ie 69077 Howie lm70y l:M*is!op 41 95 3 2 2* 31 R Costello 7 MtainUosell.. Satana. Griselda ■ 69042 Howie CI f l:22fast 6 97 3 3 2* 471 R Costello 9 Theleruvian. Camouflage, Sii| er 68762 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :52%muil 5 107 1 1 1* 1" B Harvey 7 Little Ann. Reel Foot, Macbeth S ; 68633 MhMI 3-4 l:14fast 20 94 10 2 in 11 R Costellol2 C.J.Cgmile. ThePerun. B. Queen i-n ! 68494 Jefferson 1 1 16 1:52"t,s1ow 8 103 5 1 ll 3 G Mein 7 Glabella. Irish Bat. Blue Bird a 68406 Jefferson 51 f 1:3S fast 7 10-J 1 3 31 5» A Abel 8 Baffles, Elizah.Bean, Fernanilos BLAZONRY, br. g. 3 101 3y Whisk Broom II.— Pageant, by Delhi. Trainer. G. H. Mason. Owner. G. H. Mason. Breeder, H. P. Wbitney. 69141 Bowie 1 1-8 1 :59i£fu.st 27 112 5 3 4» i1 D Stirling S .Mt.-inKosell.. Ettahe. Ashland ad 69073 Howie t-4 laWBjal*P 24 118 S 8 7* 4 D Stirlinir S Tidings. Antilles. Galeta 68763 .]■ ff-rson 1 1-M 1 :f 2 ,mud 8 116 12 6 41 5* B T Moor. 12 Herald. Burgoyne, Bhelan 68637 Jefferson ImTOy I aBKf 10 114 11 4 3* 2l ■ T Moor-12 Eve.ution, Adventure, FastTrial 6K397 Havana I ldB%feCt 8 115 1 8 8 8" R Mi DoU S Jap Munia. Top Hung. Cavalier 68337 Havana lm.Oy l:4B%Cut 6 1J7 I 7 71 SiW Milner S Top Ki:ng. The Wag, Coscorron 68215 Havana lm5oy llfast 3 113 3 4 51 l| T Burns 7 Allivan, Dieknell, I ady Uachel "i" JACQUES, b. g. 5 108 By King James— Franks Daughter, by Frank Gill. u- Trainer, R. B. Jackson. Owner. W. 3. Murray. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 69140 Howi.- Im7y l£B%faat 37-10 103 2 2 2 i Ink S McLane 7 Miraile Man. Satana. Vkase 69103 Howi« t% tltXl%/mM t 7f 115 5 5 8 9*° D Stirling 12 amouflage. T.Beruvn. Joaquina na 69075 Howie 61 f l:22Sslop 3S 116 4 3 4* J«J D Stirling 7 Spugs. Biff Bang. Camouflage •■ 66860 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :51%fast 51 108 7 6 4* 4s B Ix we 12 Attorney, Gallivant, Tribune 66840 Howie 1 MS 1 :52 fast 3 10? 4 4 91 11" E SmwodH Transient. Betty J.. Bravo 66825 Howie 1 1-8 1 :5S*ifast ISf 107 2 6 5* 4« ■ Lowe 12 Coaler. Huonec. War Mask 66717 Pimltco 1 1-16 1 :47sfast 7f 11110 11 8* 5"H Shillick 13 Tribune. Gazinta. The Roll Call i;i 66635 Bimlico 1 1:40 fast 32 116 12 13 lJ- 11 * W Martin 14 Leghorn. Cum Sah. Attorney ST. GERMAIN, b. h. 6 108 By Sea King— Queen Dixon, by Sir Dixon. * Trainer. A. B. Maguire. Owner. F. Holmanl. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 69155 Howie lm70y l:49Vs,faat 8-5 118 I I 4« 4s H Stutts B Tingling. it.ition. Serbian 69092 Howie 1 18 2:02 slow 14-5 104 7 4 1 V A Abel 8 Day Lilly. Warlike. Wylie 69062 Howie lm70y 1 :50rsfast 13-5 110 6 3 31 ui H Stutts 7 W. Cares. A-liland. T.CIoekmder 69038 Howie 1 1-16 1 :.",2%f ast 35 107 8 6 l 21 H Stutts 9 Ettahe. Stanley. S.igamcok 68652 Jeffcison 1 3-1C -:02 fast 12 loS 7 7 8* S" A Abei 9 DarkHUI, TlieWii. l.ittleAmmie 6K111 Jefferson 1 1-2 2:37%fast 15 101 7 6 7» 7" J Wallace 9 Cloned, LdHeibcrt. LhlWine n e 4i8317 .!• flcrson 1 3 16 2:021/5fast 10 108 7 3 3* 1 E Smwodl2 Stanley. A. N. Akin, Nea;iolitau DANTZIC, br. g, S i06 By Bryn Mawr — Dance Spirit, by Rock Sand. Trainer. T. E. Edwarda. Owner. T. E. Edwards;. Breeder. T. Clyde. 69153 Howi. 61 f 1:21 fast 65 113 2 5 5* 5" W Wilcox 7 Forest Queen. Super. Mtra 69130 Houl- 6 f l.-lfast 92 108 7 8 8 S7 W Wilcox s Spugs. I .idincs, Klemenlal 68721 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :47*%fast 20 109 6 5 5* 6" J Smith 6 H.Kemble. Duke.lohn. Mavneen 68700 J.ffersoii 1 1-M LtSslow 20 104 5 7 7 7" J Smith 7 Fannie Bean, Ralco. Rama 48348 Jefferson 3-4 l:13Vsfast 6 104 3 4 C 6" J Smith .Onus. anyon. Biff Bang 4.8268 Jefferson 3-4 1:14 fast 30 117 4 6 «* CJ J Smith B WolfsCry. St. Allan. SunnyGirl 1,1 67946 K.Grnds 1116 1:46 last 15 108 1 3 7 7" W Fronk 7 Valor, Fannie Iie:in. Normal 67734 FGrnds I I M I BHLfBBl 30 104 3 7 8 S:» R Doyle 8 IrishKiss. BastoralSwain, Valor lor THE CLOCKMENDER ch. g. 4 101 By Sea King— Amphoraria. by Amphion. Plainer, C. F. Pleevel. Owner. J. Nechamkin. Breeder. T. F. Ryan. 69141 Bowia 1 l-sl:59Vast H 112 1 5 5« 5*J H Phl.i. 1; 8 MtaiiiRo.l I . Ettahe. Ashland nd 69108 Howie 1 1-M 1:52 fast 8 103 5 3 3* 3* H BtuUkrk 8 »ur Birthday. Ktt.ihe. Mystic 69062 Bowta lm70v 1 fiOfast 8 101 E 5 4- t:j II BhilHck 7 WhoCares. A.liland. St.Gerniniu i in I C6882 OmWtB 1 1-8 1 M fast 7 98 6 5 5* 31H BkilUck IS Rocen. Lord Herbert. Bull 66868 Howie 1 1-M llfUf—t 10 105 12 6 61 2 H BkillicklS Mvstie. .I0I111 Mo. rill. Thriller 66817 Howie 1 IS 2:00Wast 27f 9S 3 3 3* 11 H Shillickll MnUosell.. Decimate, At.Muir uir

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923041301/drf1923041301_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1923041301_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800