Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-13


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Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA FRIDAY, APRIL 13 WF.ATIIF.n CLEAR: TRACK HEAVY. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of eah horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In cases where record wns made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track cenditions. Racing starts at 1:5." p. m. Chicago time 3:55. Superior mud runner. y Good mud runner. :: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. *Apprenticc allowance, b Blinkers. First Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. rur?o 00. 3 -year olds. Maidens. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 8. 192153% -10--10.".. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt Rec A Wt.IIan 69159 Midnight Bell 107 £•% 100x725] 68S43 Jane A 109 :.r.r., 105.. 720; 691792 •Vanlm 102 :5 V. 10?.. 715 ] 68712 •hGilliflowvr 97 :.r.i;*-, 100.. 715 | 69119 Mae Seth 105 :.r.7-. 10."... 715; 69079 *Eady Lioness 100 Ju% 10»..715| 68123 Spring Bonnet 100 :57 10" . .710 C9047 Tough Nut 107.. 705 ! 69179 *Ix.li: Fluke 103 :57 100. .705 ] 64553 Bettie Dear 100.. 701 i 69054 •Regular Girl 88 -.57 100. .700] 68848 Betty Zane 107 :.r.8% lit.",.. 700 69109 Edna Y 100 :57 10"...7?.0j 69047 y.arin 107 :5SS5 105. 700 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlonjs. Purse 00. . 3-year-ods and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 25, 1923—1:05—8—122 69048 •Cobalt 8 10SX725 69C26 *anvasback 111 l:08"-f. 6 1X720 C9160 •breich 110 147% 8 106X715 ! 69048 Onwa 1 15 1 :f:9 9 113x71". 69180 I„tdy Betty 101 1 :0S o 1110715 69080- l.Tillotson 11", 1 : S.-. 11 113x715; G9099 t.IIarp cf the Northll3 1:070 5 113x715 1 68807 •bCapt. Evans 8 108x710 i 69119 .Mr. Kruter 1111:07-. 7 108..7C".! 68958 Maudie Wilson ...10Sl:10Ss B 111X783 69047 •Sarjr Irk M 95 l:094i 4 M7..74W 63943 Bookworm 110 1:08 B 111:1:700 ! 69080 Jack Ie 115 1:09 5 113. .700 69159 Bon Sante 10S 1:09 7 113.. 700 69121 Contriot M 109 1:0S»i 5 110. .700 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Iurse "0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 25, 1923 — 1:05 — 8—122. 69146 bDancing Girl 107 1:07 7 110Y725 69066 bTavvasentha 97 1:08: B 110-720 69113 Tactea i ios l :07:;-. r. 1 10 x 71 ". 68977 Charmant 1111:0S4 5 110x715 G910S1 Haaillaft Masarte ...108 1:07—. 10 110x715 6S110 Miss Dunbar 95 1:0S-. 5 110x715 69109 I-tdy Moore 110 1:09-:: 8 110. .710 69146 Ermitana 105 1:0s1-, 8 1 19X718 69017 Ternette 100 1:09"3 7 110X705 69158 Isphani 1OSl:0S.-. 6 110. .70". 69110 Bessie Young 103 l:Kl 5 4 110-70". 69111 Bonnebelie 106 1:09 B 110. .700 69161 Promenade M 115 1:07% 4 110. .700 69016 Bode Adams Ill 1:0S4-, 7 110. .700 69017 Bettie Stuart 112 148% 5 110. .700 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 1923.sh00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 20, 1910— 1:11 ~-3— 110. 69144 St. Angelina 100 1:14--. 3 100x725 69CS6«bIIarrigans Bate... US 1:12% 6 111x720 69081 •Black Prince 101 1 :VS 6 110x715 GSS45 North Shoie UK 1:14% 5 113X715 C9i2L"H.IIack:.mo:e 110 1:12% 8 1114:713 G90»i4- Chrome 115 1:15% 6 115x710 69145 bit 106 1:141-. 4 115x710 6and051 Rungeorge 5 115. 710 69113- Cat Snider 122 1:14% 6 115.710 69144= Don Jose 112 1:14 8 111:;:705 69127 Pokey B Mai 1:12% .7 115 7". 69185 Silver Maid 1121:17=-. 3 101 7HI 691463 Horinga MV 1:14% 4 111.. 700 69084 Review Mt 1:18% 6 115x700 69145 Calway 110 1:15 % 7 115x700 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-vear-olds and npward. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 20, Hit— 1:11%— 3—110 69162*bPoacher 122 1:14% 8 110X725 69050 Bamm MB 1:14% 8 14MX728 63100 •bllerdcr 115 1:14 8 110X715 63974 bJohn Jr 113 1:12 10 115X715 6914f3 Ollie Wood MB 1:12% 6 115X715 G8564 bKailbird MB 1:M% 7 115x715 69144- • Kirk wood 110 1:M% 5 110. .710 63145 •bAniackassin KM 1:22% 8 110X710 69144 Pay Off Ill 1:14 8 113x710 C9I85 bMistake 110 1:M% 7 115x710 69055 bKed Man 112 1:13 9 115x705 G9162 Midian MB 1:12% 6 113:i:705 C8959 Ten Rita MB 1:13% B112X788 69120 •bCaatnano 107 1:16 8 110.700 69111 Knight Templar... 12 115. .700 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 1923.sh00. 3-year-olds and rpward. Claiming. Track record: March 10. 1923 -1:42%— •— 118. 69184 *bCEIP 112 1:48% 7 108X725 C3149»bhief Barthell 93 1:48 B 188X713 63150- hF.iir Orient 114 1:44% 10 113X715 6S116 MIegieso 119 1:44 9 113x715 69113 bWater Willow MB 1:41. 7 111x710 69035- Nebraska Ead 113 1:48% 5 110. .705 Seventh Race — 1 1-4 Miles. Iurse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 16, 1920— 2:05!i— 6- 115. 69158 *C,en. Bvn? 110 2:11 7 102X725 C9143-«bJohn Arbor 99 2:07.-. 5 102X720 ,69181 Bills Luck 4 105x715 69143 ll.orena Moss 105 2:!7. T188X719 6s 181 bVctcran 128 248% 7 110X715 69181 bCobrita 8 188X788 69118 •Yorkshire Maid ... 4 188X783 65143 Seven Seas I 102. 705 C9181 Tag Day M 105 2:12 4 182x788 69179 Country Ml 188 2:18% 4 102.700 88812* Mike Daly 188 248% 9 102. .700 69143 Wilton Arrow 112 2:11% 8 102. .700 69181 Dienero 10 107. .700 6S181 Si.ex II 115 2:ll"i 6 107X700 Eighth Race— 5-8 Mile. Purse $» 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track leccrd: May 20. 1920— 59— 4 — 107. G6683 Mt. Itcse 122148% 107X725 68810 Meladirino 110x720 69098- Allie O.hs 88 148% 188. .715 69184 Nanev Win t 188.. 710 69147 A-irginius M 112 1:00 110.705 69184 Scraps M 888141% 110. .705 69147 Maude Harvey i M 185 148 105. .700 69117 May Brueu M... 88 148% 105.. 700 Ninth Race— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and npw-ar;!. Claiming. Track record: June 17, 1916 -1:3S — 3—95. 69150 •Calithnmp 106 1 :42=i 5 113X725 88188 «Ftea MB 1:42 .". 10SX720 6SO03 •Kudv Leonid 81 1:48% 3 S9X715 68392 Anita K 84 1:42% 3 88X713 68961 Royal Maid 93 1:43 I 88X715 69185 Miaa Edna 3 84X713 88888 Mavsville 100 1:4»i 5 113. .710 6P07S Martha L 4 104. .710 C9181 Y.mgeria 4 188X788 Candm- Miss Jane 91 1 :43 % 3 94. 705 69121 ; leaie Flag 88 1:48 3 88X188 G9112 Icon 117 l:50-.m 5 113. .700 i 69143 My Rose 888 1:88%* 5 118x700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923041301/drf1923041301_7_3
Local Identifier: drf1923041301_7_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800