Few Going to Maryland: Only Three Carloads of Horses Leaving New York for Havre, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-13


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FEW GOING TO MARYLAND ♦ ■ Only Three Carloads of Horses Leaving New York for Havre. ♦ Trainers Max Hirsch and T. J. Healey Leave for Havre — Careful to Start in Harford Handicap. ♦ NEW YORK. N. Y.. April 12— Few horses which wintered at New York tracks will take part in the racing at Havre de Grace, which opens next Monday. Thus far but three carloads of thoroughbreds are scheduled to make the trip to the Harford County course. These are the horses of Max Hirsch and the R. T. Wilson-W. J. Salmon string, in charge of T. J. Healey. Trainer Hirsch has several horses of his own in addition to the strings he is training for G. W. Loft. Stephen Pettit. Samuel H. Harris, J. B. Smith and Admiral Gary T. Grayson. He will not take all of his horses to Havre de Grace, however. He has reserved one car and, it is understood, he will take about sixteen thoroughbreds to Mar -land today. Trainer Healey has reserved two cars and will take a considerable division of the Wilson and Salmon horses to Havre de Grace. A number of the horses in his charge have stake engagements at both Havre de Grace and Pimlico. "0 LOCAL STABLES AT BOAVIK. Not a single stable which wintered around New York is taking part in the Bowie meeting. Ordinarily a large number of horses from the Long Island tracks go to Maryland for these early meetings, but the continued cold weather has so retarded training operations this spring that few of the thoroughbreds are ready for actual racing. Mr. Salmons fast mare Careful baa received a thorough preparation for the Harford Handicap, which will feature the opening days card at Havre de Grace. She has been going along wonderfully well in her training at Belmont Park and has shown such speed in short trials that there is little doubt of her playing an important part in the coming meeting. Careful has always been a favorite in Maryland. She seems to be at her best in her Maryland campaigns and, in view of her fine condition at present, she appears to be ready for another strenuous campaign at Havre de Grace and Pimlico. Trainer Healey has five three-year-olds in his charge which he is grooming for the Preakness. Vigil and Luminist are the Sal- toutiuued on twelfth page. , : | FEW GOING TO MARYLAND Continued from first page. mon candidates for the big Maryland Stakes. Tall Timber, Wilderness and Forest Lore will probably carry the colors of Mr. Wilson in the big race. AU five of thes-e horses are entered in the Chesapeake Stakes, a mile and a sixteenth event for three-year-olds, which annually serves as a preliminary to the Preakness. This race will be run Saturday, April 28, the last day of the Havre de Grace mt eting. Several stables wintering around New York had planned to make the trip to Havre de Grace and accordingly made nominations for the Various stakes for which they had elipri-bles ; but now that the time for shipping is rapidly approaching the trainers are finding that their charges are still far from racing condition. The Quincy Stable of James F. Johnson is one of these. Trainer James Fitzsimmons has practically decided, it is said, not to ship any horses to Havre de Grace. The Quincy horses have wintered well at Aqueduct, but they have been handicapped by the backward season and are scarcely ready for hard racing. It is known that trainer Fitzsimmons is planning to begin the 192.1 campaign at Pimlico and it is unlikely that any horses will start in the copper and cardinal before that meeting opens. COE YOUNGSTERS TO BOWIE. Trainer W. H. Karrick of the W. R. Coe stable has sent three two-year-old home-bred fillies to Bowie to be raced by his son. K. K. Karrick. at that meeting as well as at Havre de Grace. The younger Karrick recently arrived at the Maryland track from Havana with the five horses remaining of the fifteen which he took to Havana. The youngsters which trainer Karrick sent to Bowie are : Hello Maid, a bay filly by Hells Bells— Fair Maid, by Orvieto : The Reaper, bay filly, by Hells Bells — Gainer, by Radium, and Sun Maiden, bay filly, by Sundridge — First Attempt II.. by Symington. Jockey Merritt Buxton, who has been assisting Max Hirsch in preparing his horses at Belmont Park during the last few weeks, left Monday for Bowie to ride for his brother, Clarence Buxton, who recently arrived there with his horses from Tijuana. A .

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923041301/drf1923041301_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1923041301_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800