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~~ 1 Daily Racing Form Handicaps 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 E 6 e 7 2 - 3 3 1 E 6 6 7 7 1 1 2 2 3 _ 7 1 I 2 , « 3 4 5 1 , 6 1 . 7 i ; , I 1 . J 5 » - 8 t ? e 1 e e d e e e , of ,f it e j to o e ;t o In n 1- t ie ie 1- 1_ jr HAVRE DE GRACE The horses which seem beat in Mondays , races are : Havre de Grace, 31 d., April 21, 1923. ! — Humble, Venus, A. J. Buja. — Rosa Ytta, Sun Quest. Ontario. — Pietrus, Fusee, Gaudy. — GOLDEN* RULE, Now Hampshire, Blue Hawk. — Brookholt, Sedgefield. Bygone Pays. — Bonfire, Bessie Leighton. Ioor Sport. 7— LVbaduu, Johnny Dundee, The Roll Gall. T. K. Lynch. Aeiv York Handicap. 1— Humble. Friday 13th, A. J. Buja. Venus. — Rosa Yeta, Sun Quest, Spartina, Ten Minutes. — Pietrus, Sun Turret. Copyright, Burl. 4— Comixa, New Hampshire, Golden Rule, Thessaly. 5— BYCONE DAYS. Brookholt. Hermis Kem- ble, Sedgefield. — Bonfire. Boor Sport, Papillon, Bessie leighton. — Debadou. Antilles, Picnic, Moody. CklMfl and Buffalo Handicap. — Humble. Friday 13th. Venus, Bramton. — Ten Minutes. Sun Quest. Rosa Yeta. Spartina. — Fusee, Purl. Pietrus. Joseph Brant. 4— NEW HAMPSHIRE, Comixa, Golden Rule, Raffics. 5— Brookholt. Stilgfuld. Dream of Allah. Bygone i »ays. 6— Bessie Leighton, Poor Sport, Bonfire, Relphrizonia. — Debadou, Runnyol, Antills. John Morrill. Observer* Handicap. — Humble, A. J. Buja, Moon Dream. Friday 13th. — Sun Quest, Rosa Yeta, Spartina. War-burton. — Pietrus, Sun Turret. Purl. Copyright. 4— NEW HAMPSHIRE. Golden Rule, Comixa. Ethel Clayton. — Brookholt. Bygone Days, Dream of Allah, Sedgefield. — Poor Sport, Bessie Leighton, Belphrizonia. Bonfire. — Antilles. Debadou. Moody. Picnic. Consensus of Handicaps. 1— HUMBLE, Friday 13th. Venus. A. J. Buja. 2 — Rosa Yeta, Ten Minutes. Sun Quest. Spartina. 3— Pietrus. Fusee. Sun Turret. Purl. 4 — New Hampshire, Golden Rule, Comixa. Blue Hawk. 5 — Brookholt. Bygone Days. Sedgefield. Dream of Allah. 6 — Bonfire. Bessie Leighton, Poor Sport. Bel- phrizonnia. 7 — Debadou, Antilles, Picnic, Moody. HUNTINGTON The horses which seem best in Mondays races are : Huntington, W. Ya., April 21, 1923. 1— Ink, Zunelle, Rap. 2 — Assumption, Glenn. First Consul. 3 — Ilena, Mooresque, Bees Wing. 4— EXHORTER, Jordan. The Wag. 5— Ballybell. Kingling II.. Le Balafre. C— Eiu Gallic Rapid Stride, Flibbertygibbet. F. J. Oitel!. Kpw York Handicap. 1— Ink. Old Paige. Zunelle. Rap. 2 — Oaklawn Belle, Bob Giles, Oraleggo, Kentucky Smiles. 3 — Ilena, Hoover, Bees Wing. Adventure. 4— EXHORTER, The Wag, Deep Sinker, Jor- dan. 5 — Kingling II., Rustler, Fhelan, Harry M. Stevens. 6 — Rapid Stride. Eau Gallic, Flibbertygibbet, Brown Check. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap. 1 — Ink, Old Paige, Virginia P.. Zunelle. 2 — Glenn. Assumption. First Consul. Oraleggo. 3 — Ilena. Flypaper, Mooresaue. Bees Wing. 4 — JORDAN, Exhorter. High Gear. The Wag. 5 — Ballybell, Le Balafre, Harry M. Stevens. ;, Ihelan. 6 — Flibbertygibbet. Brown Cheek, Fred Kin- nev, Eau Gallie. Observers Handicap. 1 — Ink, Old Taige. Zunelle. Virginia B. 2 — Assumption, Oaklawn Belle, Glenn. Oraleggo. 3— Hoover. Ilena. Flypaper. Adventure. 4— EXHORTER, The Wag, Jordan, High a Gear. 5— Phelan, Kingling II.. Ballybell. Le Balafre. I G — Rapid Stride. Flibbertygibbet, Brown Check, Eau Gallie. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 — INK. Old Paige. Zunelle. Virginia P.. 2— Assumption. Oaklawn Belle. Glenn. First X Consul. 3 — Ilena. Hoover. Mooresque. Bees Wing. 4 — Exhorter. Jordan. The Wag. High Gear. 5— Ballybell. Kingling IL. Phelan. Le Balafre. G — Rapid Stride. Eau Gallie, Flibbertygibbet, t, Brown Check. TIJUANA, The horses which seem best in Sundays s racts are: Tijuana, Mex., April 21, 1JI23. 1 — Seths Alibi. Rock Heather. Wiki Jack. 2— Mrs. Pat. Dora. Mike Daly. 3 — Iady Tip Toe, Midnight Belle. Capon. 4 — Wild Thoughts, Perch, Harp of the North. * .j— SUNDIAL II. . Glenwell, Ringrose. 6 — Abadane, Wild Heather. Kinglike. 7 — Polly Wale. Sunnyland. John Paul Jones. , 8 — Siik Sox, Fair Orient, Fannie Nail. 9 — Glad News. Shcreacres, Louis. 10 — Dick Terpin. Athanna. Honest George. G. W. Schilling. Xen York Handicap. 1— Seths Alibi, Wiki Jack, Porter Ella, Rock k Heather. , ! ;, a I X t, s * , k 2— Dorn, Canvas Back, Tag Day. Gen. Byng. I Irene Delsa, Stirrups. Bookworm. Orleans Girl. 4 — rerch. Harp of the North, Emma Welter, Charlotta Smith. 5— Sundial II.. Wedding Prince, Gold Bryan, Penwell. 6— ABADANE. Harry D., Dr. Oortett, Wild Heather. 7— Halu. John Paul Jones, Reap. Van Patrb k. 8— Fair Orient, Breeze, Barriskane, Manhikin II. 9 — Louis. Peerless One, Woodie Montgomery, Plow Steel. It— Honest George. J e Blair. Robert L. Owen. Ineognance. Ihlrago and Bnffalo Handicap. 1— Wiki Jack, Seths Alibi. Ida Frances, Rock Heather. 2— Pink Tenny. Dora. Gen. Byng. Mrs. Pat. 3 — Capon, Jack Fountain. Orleans Girl. Lady Tiptoe. 4— Harp of the North. Wild Thoughts, Dancing Girl. Emma Weller. 5— Sundial II., Ring Rose, Penwell, Gold Bryan. 6— ABADANE, Kinglike, Doctor Corbett, Harry D. 7— Polly Wale, Reap, John Paid Jones, Peter Pierson. 8 — Breeze. Poacher. Fair Orient. Rereso. 9— Louis. Rouen. Judge David, Gted Ne.vs. 10 — Dick Terpin. Ask Je:-sie, Ethel Brown. Observers Handicap. 1 Pack Heather. Seths Alibi, Wiki Jack, Porter Ella. 2 — Dora, Mrs. Pat. Pink Tenny. Gen. Bvng. 3 — Orleans Girl, Capon. Bookworm. IrCM Delsa. 4— Perch. Wild Thoughts, Harp of the North, Ho titers Point. 5— SUNDIAL II., Glen Well, rcnwell. Ring Rose 6 — Abadane. Kinglike, Wild 1 bathe:, Harry D. 7 — Halu. Polly Wale, John Taul Jones, Van Patrick. 8 — Breeze, Fair Orient, Poacher. Bowsprit. 9 — Louis. Glad News, PLW Steel, Juiie Daid. 10 — Incognanee, Dick Terpin. Honest George, Kobeit L. Owen. Consensus of Handicaps. 1— Seths Alibi. Wiki Jack. Rock Heather, Porter Ella. 2 — Dora, Mrs. Pat. Pink Tenny. Gen. Byng. 3 — Lady Tiptoe. Irene Delsa. Capon. Orleans Girl. i null. Wild Thoughts. Harp of tin North. Emma Weller. 5— SUNDIAL II.. Glenwell. Ring R -se. Gold Bryan. 6 — Abadane, Kinglike, Wild Heather, Harry D. 7 — Polly Wale. Halu. John Paid .Tones. Reap. S— •Breeze. Silk Sox. Fair Orient. 1ouelier. 9 — Louis. Glad News. Plow Steel. Judge l»si- vid. 10 — Pick Terpin. Honest George. Incognanee, Robert L. Owen. COLUMBUS The horses which seem best in Mondays races are : Columbus, Ohio, April 21. MB, 1— Ciscjua. Rosie II.. Athlete. 2 — Jacobean, Jake Schas. Babylonian. 3 — Mallowmot. Arrow Point. Elmont. 4 -Jack Fairman, Financial Rooster, Jacquerie. 5— J. A. PARSON ENTRY. Royal Dick, Verdi Locn. I — Carrie Moore, Kuklux, Miss Caltha. 7 — Sun God, Amaze, Har.dfull. J. J. Murphy. New York Handicap. 1— Cisqua. Midday. Rosie H.. Miss Ruth L. 2— Mannchen, Edith K., Jacole m. Solid Rock. 3 — Machiavelli. Mallowmot, Vansylvia, Elmont. 4 — Burgoyne, Mary G.. Hazel W., Financial Rooster. 5 — Tamper, Royal Dick. Huron II.. Chief Sponsor. . — Search Light III.. Mary Maxim, Miss Caltha, Carrie Moore. 7 — SUN GOD, Bribed Voter. Amaze, Stevenson. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap. 1 — Cisqua. Midday. Athlete. Rosie H. 2--Mannchen. Jacobean. Edna D., Sporting Chance. I — Mallowmot. Machiavelli. Mayrose. Lura. 4 — Vanity Dresser, Jacquerie. Hazel W., Consort. 5— CHIEF SPONSOR, Royal Dick. Huron II., Verdi Loon. C — Carrie Moore, Little Pointer, Kuklux, Spring Vale. 7 — Sun God, Amaze, Handfull, Yankee Boy. Observers Handicap. 1 — Cisqua. Rosie H.. Athlete. Midday. 2 — Jacobean, Mannchen. Edna P.. Edith K. 3 Mallowmot, Machiavelli. Arrow Point, Lura. 4 — Jacquerie, Vanity Dresser. Burgovne, Mary G. 5— CHIEF SPONSOR, Royal Diek. Verdi loon, Huron II. 6 — Carrie Moore. Mary Maxim, Spring Vale, S arch Light III. 7 — Sun God, Amaze, Bribed Voter, Handfull. Consensus of II and lea us. 1— CISQUA. Rosie H.. Midday. Athlete. 2 — Jacobean, Mannchen. Edith K, Edna D. 3 — Mallowmot. Machiavelli, Arrow Point. Elmont. 4 — Jack Fairman Burgoyne, Vanity Dresser, Jacquerie. 5 — Chief Sponsor. Tamper, Roval Dick. Huron II. G — Carrie Moore. Search Light III., Mary Maxim. Miss Caltha. 7 — Sun God, Amaze, Handfull. Bribed Voter.