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7Th DAPC j 1-14. Miles. :t-ye:ir-« l:ls and mnvanl. Claiming. Sept. 18, fill llHOL KBSW 1:44 4-5 :i IBS. BEBADOU. b. g, 8 111 By Broomstick — Leayonara, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. L. W. Garth., L. W. Garth. Breeder. L. S. Thompson. 69259 H deGce 1 1-16 1:49 slow 11-5 10S 2 1 11 1 C Ung 8 Antilles, Tony Beau, I-ads Ix ve 66801 Howie 1 1-16 l:51 i;fast lit 106 13 6 8» 9= C Lang IS Ilialaris, Natural. Royallieu 60825 Howie 1 1-8 1 :5S%fast 27 1C4 7 10 10* 10 - C Lang 12 Goal»r, lluonee, War Mask 60702 Himlico 2 3:54Afast 11 l."9 8 Fell. A Wliams B Giame, Briganna, Luckv Find 66454 Laur.l 1116 1:49 fast 6 113 1 6 51 5H C Lang 15 Ettahe. Phalaris, Mayor House 66322 Laurel 1 1 -8 1 :.".61/f,fast 13-10 113 3 3 3= 33 C Lang S J. Overton, On High, Solid Rock 06227 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :49-,fast 2 114 2 3 3°* 3»t C lang 7 K. Rankin, Penelope. WarVietof 45868 Laun I 1 3-16 2:01 fast 8 112 4 1 in 3= C Lang 11 KingTrojan, Royal Duck, Padua 65490 H.deGcc 11-16 1:49 fast 3 112 5 7 9 S» C- Kummer 9 WaiMask. Moco, Hello Pardnet 65303 H.deGce 1 1-8 1 :56«ifast 12 105 4 2 : 1J E Smwodll K.of the Hr, At.Muir, Deckmt RUNNYOL, ch. g, 4 105 By Runnymede— Olathe, by Solitaire II. Trainer, S. Judge. Owner, T. 0. Webber. Breeder, A. B. Spreckels. 69293 H.deG ce 1 3-16 2:01fefast 41 MB 4 1 11 B*| W Tool 9 Bolster. Chatgay. AttornevMuir 69072 Howie :,-4 l:16Vandhvy 2 110 6 5 S» B" C Lang 7 Wrangler, Ticklish. Ira Wilson =9034 Howie 61 t l:22%fast 9 108 1 3 3 V G Habin 13 HelenAtkin, DayLilly, Serv.Star 68697 Jefferson 3-4 litttfcatew 8 113 1 4 41 V F Wilson 12 Stamp, Twopair, Jacobean 68321 Jefferson 51 f 1 :07%fast 15 120 8 6 61 5° J G Ietz 12 Birdie 4!., Sultan. Dumbfounder 68203 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%slow 20 106J 5 7 5i 4:J II Thurberll Terminal, Sandalwood. Miu.Man 68069 F.Grncls 3-4 l:li/ihvy 12 107 6 5 54 5-l L McUott 8 Jago, Jacobina. Anticipate ANTILLES, ch. m, 5 105 By Rapid Water— Maria C, by Yankee Gun. Trainer. J. H. Stotler. Owner, J. H. Stotler. Breeder, G. W. J. Bissell. 69259 H.deGee 1 1-16 1 :4:i slow 41 103 3 2 B* 2 A Clav r B llebadou, Tony Beau. L:ldsl»ve 69167 Howie H f l:22ifast 23 10 105 2 3 21 V E Ambrose 8 C.J. Cginiie, Redhrand, J.Itrant 69129 Howie 7-8 I :29 fast 19-5 11 1 1 ]i" V C Lang 11 St.Donard, Wrangler, Jos. Brant 69073 Howie 3-4 l:16-.-.slop 2 107 2 2 2s 2« C Lang B Tidings. Galeta, Blazonry 60038 limlico 1 1:41 fast 6 112 6 6 101 lo2 E Sarnie 11 Jyntee. Gazinta, Mollie Barnes BBSS! Laur.l lm70y le-Sfast 22 108 7 2 21 33 J Callahanll FzySneezy, L.Ammie, Penelope 66222 Laurel 3-4 l:15«5fast 26f 112 4 9 101 B| C 1-ang 14 Tidings. ian Boiling, Rolo 65489 H cl.Cre 3-4 1 13 112 7 9 9 123 .1 McTagt IS Camouflage. Fleer, Ira Wilson 63124 Devshire 3-4 1:18*ihvy 31 1081 8 2 B l»k D Stirling 12 Trooper, Colando, Nightstick JOHN MORRILL, b. g, 4 105 By Fayette-Aerophane. by Arizona. Trainer, G. W. Campbell. Owner. G. W. Foreman. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. 69214 B*Wf« lmToy l::,I-:.slop Ml-lO 1031 6 6 V 63 G Mein B The L-inib. Dantzie, Lads Love 69160 Howi.- 61 f l:21«sfast 23-10 102J I 3 32 t G Mein 8 Delhi Maid, Ticklish. Ina Kay 66882 Howie 1 1-8 1:59 fast 8 101 4 4 41 ll14 G Mein IS Rouen, L.Herbeit, TheClockmCT 66808 Howie 1 1-16 1 :53Vr,fast 33-10 106 9 11 5 B*| M Schwtzl3 Mystic, T.Clckmender, IteiUct 60828 Howie 61 f 1 :22/ifast 5 105 I 6 5 4 H Marellilrt So It 4!oes. Tidings. Care Free j 66006 Himlico 1 1 -16 1:48/Dfast 7 106 4 5 61 723 P W"dsfkl2 Ra.lolMarU, Southl.reeze. Moco ; 60555 Laurel 1 l:42%fast S3 10 103 8 8 5; 2" W Wdstk S MinuteMan, IidsLove, Tidiug, ! THE LAMB. b. g. 6 111 By Uncle— Winifred A., by Sir Bixon. Trainer, A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke;. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 69271 H.iMitv 1 l-it; 1 :47=-r,fast 18 111 2 8 72 B" 8 Mi Lane 8 St. Donald. I.illv Barton, Mom 69214 Bowie lmTOy l:.M-.slop 1ft". I 2 21 » S McLane 8 Dantzie. Lids Love. Buxom 69171 l-.-wie lm70y 1:49 fast 29 102 2 1 I1 3SS It Costello 9 Tulsa, Smaitv. Little Amniie 69140 Howie lm70y IdSffcfaat 18-5 103 7 f. 5 5Ti It Costello 7 Jacoues. Miracle Man, Satana 69130 Howie 61 f l:21%fast 52 106 2 4 :.- 5* R Co.-tello 8 Spngs. Tid.ngs. elemental 68270 Jefferson I 116 1 :48fast 20 112 7 6 9 9° A Abel 9 M.hcl, T.MeTgt. Scourgemnn 4.8228 J.ff.rson lm7oy 1:47 fast 12 111 3 6 41 5"! I, McDott 8 Gondolier. MayHodine. Magician 68192 F.Grnd.s I 1-S 1 :58/«,hvy 12 107 4 3 5" 6 •■ II Thomas 9 Devonite. II. Pardner, Warlrize 68008 l-.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 8 108 6 6 5* 5° I, McUott 7 Winconne, T.leruvn, Devonite C7752 F.Gr nds 3 4 LLiilast 15 111 11 12 11 13» C Lang 14 RapidDay, Monastery, Sagame PICNIC, b. g. 4 111 By Pebbles— May Queen, by TJltimus. Trainer. F. Toner. Owner, J. S. Dann. Breeder. J. Butler. 69317 H leGc. I 4 1 :14V,fast 19 108 1 4 21 1" WT Tool 11 Fo:estQt:eon. Fusee, JosephHra tit 68779 Jefferson H t l:092shvy 4 110 7 6 6° 6= J McCoy 7 Sagamore. T.leruvn. Gol. Floss 4.8738 .Jefferson 3-4 l:15Vr,fast 8 109 8 7 6-i 6 G Mein 11 Theo. Roseate II., Marimba 68614 J.-ff.rson 51fl:07%fast 12 108 3 6 7 73 G Mein I Gol. Floss, Rap.Dav, T.I nciscan 67562 F.Gr nds 3-4 7 112 1 8 12= *W C Iing 13 Ixiiis A., Rapid iiav, Mom 67384 J.ff.rson 3-4 !:!4- B 10S 4 1 2 8*1 0 1-ans 7 K.of t.Hther, Hadiian, HiiCost 67285 Jeff, rson 3-4 l:12,fast 6 110 6 6 B 6 Li McDott 0 Yalor, HiddenJewel. Rapid Day 60881 Howie 1 1-16 1 :51fast 8 112 1 4 72 9" C I.ang 10 Douglinut. War Mask, Plucky 66870 Howie 61 f l:21%fast 2i 111 4 3 2 ll C Lang 12 Cahalan, Wraith, Sweepy 60832 Howie lm70y l:48%fast 15f 101 5 4 41 21 G Mein 12 All Fair, Crank, Sad. and Boots MOOBY, b. g, 5 111 By Broomstick— Contrary, by Hamburg. Trainer. W. V. Casey. Owner, W. V. Casey. Breeder. H. P. Whitnev, 69272 H.deGce 1 IS ISStfctaat 41 108 3 4 42 3« G MHn 7 Tom Cassidy, Hotifire. Medusa 69240 11 .l.Gc. 1 1 8 l:.!* l 9 111 2 7 7« 6 A Abel 8 MtiiKo.-elL. Day Lilly, " Kttahe 4.9157 Howi. 1 1-16 l:5r-r.fiist I 110 7 1 1! 2» A Abel 7 Bonfire, Tom Cassidv, Mizar 69108 Howie 11-16 1:52 fast 5 107 4 6 B] 6"S McLane 8 O.Btlidav. Lttahe, T.Clkmder 69040 Howie 1 1-16 7 102 1 1 1° 1» A Abel 7 Service Star. Warlike, Radical 68597 Jefferson 1 1-2 2:36«£.fast 9-5 107 2 2 2 31 G Mein 7 Sianlcv. Finan. Rooster, Lit. Dd 68515 Jefferson 1 1-2 2:rCfast 7 99 2 4 3» 3" II Harvey 7 Tan Son, The Wit, Pit 68351 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:02%fast 15 113 8 1 1 21 J McCoy IS TheWit, Hickory, Spectae Girl JACQUES, 1. e. 5 111 By King James— Franks Daughter, by Frank Gill« Trainer, R. B. Jacksoi. Owner. W. S. Murray. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 69271 H.deGee 1 1-16 l:47%fast 15 109 8 .1 2"k 431 H Shillick S St. Donard. Billy Marton. Mom 09192 Howie I 1-16 IMWtp 37 10 108 1 2 1 2"U S McLane 7 St. Germain, Zouave, Blazonry 69140 Bowie ImTBj 1 BWI 37-10 103 2 2 21 1" 1 McI.ano 7 Miracle Man. Satana. Ikase 69103 Howie 61 t l:21%fast 7f 115 5 5 .S3 9;0 D Stirling 12 amouflajre. T leruvn. Joaquina 69075 Howie 61 f 1 :22%slop 3S 116 4 3 4* ri 1 Stirling 7 Spiigs, Biff Bang, Camouflage 66864 Howie 1 1 16 Holdfast 51 108 7 5 42 43 S Ij we 1- Attorney, Gallivant, Tribune 66840 Howie 1 1-16 l:52%fast 3 102 4 4 9| II3 E Smwod 14 Transient. Betty J., Bravo CLEAN GONE. b. h, 7 11* By Olambala— Lizzie Gilman. by F«m«. Trainer. R. L. White. Owner. J. J. Farrell, Jr.. Breeder. B. T. Wilson. 69042 Howie 61 f 13S%flMt VI lit S 9 8 7« .1 McCoy 9 Theleruvian. Camou flare, Sii|mt 66825 Howie 1 1-8 1 :5SVast H 101 11 12 12 12=3 H Thoma?12 tioaler, Huonec. War Mask 66111 laurel 11-8 1:57 good 61 113 8 5 3i 21 L Morris 9 On High, Dolly C. Little Ed 65958 Laurel 1 1-2 2:35mu«l 13 102 7 I 5 4» H Marielli 7 Dresden. War Mask. Moody 65653 H.deGee 1 1-4 2.09 fast 18 5 110 3 4 5 5" L Morris 7 K.of t.Uer, Balustde. W. Victor 65492 H.deGee 1 1-4 2:09S fast 2 110 5 1 lJ 1= L Morris 9 Deckmate, Hickory. I G. King 65209 Thcliffe 1 1-2 2:36/Bgood 0 108 7 7 51 31 M Schwtz 8 Jn ofArc, OldFritliful, JuueFly JOAQUINA. br. m. 5 105 By Garry Herrmann — Joannina, by Voter. Trainer, J. Bauer. Owner, J. Bauer. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 69321 H.deGce 1 1-16 1 :4XVandfast 20 110 10 9 81 8" B Mariellilt Gondolier. King John. Mom C9247 H.deGce 1 1-8 1 :58«/Emu«i 14-5 11012 3 41 53 ■ Smwod 8 Bravo, Holster. Austral , 69172 Howie 1 1-8 1 :57fast 4 5 101 6 3 33 3»J 11 Shillick « Hravo. Wylie. Lucy Kate 69133 Howie 1 1-16 1 :50*5fast 27-10 102 G 6 3! 231 H Stutts 7 Camflage, 4 . Birthday, Tingling 69103 Bowie 61 f 1 :21«tfast 7f 105 10 9 4* ,:31 H Stutta 12 Camf.age, T.IVruvn. For.Queen 69034 Howie 61 f 1 :22%fast 6 105 7 6 71 7° F Smith 13 Helen Atkin. DayLilly, ltunnyol 64341 Windsor 1 1 16 l:4625fast 4 111 7 8 4" 33J J Kowan 11 Gem, Fluzey. Sea Court 63838 Kworth 11-8 1:53 fast 14-5 105 5 2 2» li E Smwod S Dark Hill, June Fly. Comme CI 63798 Kworth 1 1-16 l:4BJfcfaat 5 108 10 7 63 Cl V Wilson 11 Bed Legs, Gem. Marse John HELLO PARDNER. b. g, 6 105 By Marajax— Ma Wee Dear, by Love Wisely. Trainer, R. McKea?- Owner, E. Denham. Breed jr. B. T. Wilson. 69269 H.deGce 3-4 1 :13«if".st 45 107 12 12 II1 107J S Banks 13 Felicitous. Iietrus. Whalebone 68596 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:48 fast 8 111 6 7 9 B*« W Fronk J Doughnut, Prime. Kttahe 68514 Jefferson 1 1 16 lM%fmm 4 111 3 4 31 23 i Mein 9 Prime. 4 . Birthday. High Gear 68447 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :5]«/5muil 16 5 110 3 8 S» 7"! R Doyle 9 Gondolier. Tody. Wylie 68370 Jefferson lm70y l:4B%ffcat 7 111 5 I B* zt|B Roehm 7 Diike.Ioliii, Ourltfliday. Quesad.i C8192 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1 :58«-r,hvy 6 MB 1 1 1" 2" G Mein 9 Devonite. War Prize, Magician 68008 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :47fast 3 10913 5 6 C12E Smwod 7 Winconne, T.leruvn, Devonite 67903 F.Grnds I 3-16 2:0l5fast IS 5 105 1 6 4J 41 J I "rcoranlO Huon. c Kspolet te. Illen.lett 67811 F.Grnds 1m70y 1 :4.V!.-,i,.uil 18-5 10512 3 33 34 C Lang 5 . Fpisode. Fornovo 67734 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :4C", fast 30 104 6 4 4 4" W Sharpe 8 IrishKiss, PastoialSwain, Valor 1 Disqualified. SWEET AND PRETTY, ch. f, 3 91 By Berrilldon— Stalwart Helen, by Stalwart. Trainer, L. Heripol. Owner, G. Konigswald. Breeder, L. Garth. 69318 H.deGce lm70y 1 :472ifast 6 95 1 I 33 In W Milner 9 Anna M.. /.eureka. Westlittston 69268 H.ile ;ie 3-1 1:1.1 fast 40 111 4 6 E| 5" A Accordy 9 Kevense. Demijohn. Kosa Yeta 68612 Jefferson I I lW%.tmwtt I Br! .". 8 8= !•§ A Abel 12 Amelias., The Colonel. Fleeting 68366 Jeffeison 51 1 148 fast 12 105 9 6 51 5" F Smith 11 J*nJosei h. Br.d.vGnai d. Pillyl.eni 67941 F.t.rnds lm?0y 6 100 7 S 8l S«l J Chlmer =12 Kennmare. Bu[iee. AHAmerican 67754 F.Grnds I l:40fefast 15 92 3 6 « 6i .1 ChIm is 9 PceTiiTii. Bcseatell., Majority 67710 F.Grnds 2-4 1 :i::%fast 15 MBjll 11 12 9«J C Lar.g 13 Islie, Kliz.iln-lli Lean, Cliiva 67602 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :15Afast 10 103 I 5 2» 2 C Lan.j 11 Kadiant. G. Mount, SweetMama 67518 F.Grnds 61 f l:08M good 15 104 6 3 6! 6*4 C Lang 8 Miss Meise. Contour, liitiied THE ROLL CALL, ch. c, 4 108 By Lough Fcyle — Beth Stanley, by Golden Maxim, Trainer, W. Cahill. Owner. W. Cahill. Breeder. S. Koss. 8921 Havana I I Btflll 3.1 101 I .1 BJ 1* S Hanks 5 4hiefS]iousor, A.h an. i . dl.Cliile 68769 Havana Im.lOy 1 :43Afast 2 MB B 1 ** 2| W Taylor .".Stonewall. Salvo. Watereo 68677 Havana 1 l:28%fast 31 106 2 I 3" f I Burns 5 Hamaii. Tamper. Salvo 68460 Havana 1 l:381,fast 6 102 8 4 41 3S1 II Click S Wild Cat, Ham. in. Salvo 68311 Havana lm50y 1 :44-fast B Ml 1 I 21 3- S Hanks | Quecreek. Fineaslle, Herron 68275 Havaru Im.lOy l:44V,fast 4 107 4 I 4 :.,fJ A McLiin 8 Silvo. Mallowmot, Herron 66881 Howie 1 1-16 1 :51%fast 12f 104 8 9 92 7" E Martz 10 Doughnut, War Mask. Plucky 66839 Howie 1 3-16 2:06%fast 6 10.1 G 5 413S1.S Lowe 6 Plucky, Dark Dorse, Attorney 66818 Howie lm70y l:50V;,fast 9 108 9 7 6 h ■ Taplin 10 J.Dundee, Niphtboat. Crossless 66804 Howie lm70y l:4S ifast 8f 102 10 11 ll2 93 E Martz 15 Cop. Demon, H.Iaidncr, Servitor JOHNNY DUNDEE, b. g, 4 115 By Brummel— Gylfi. by Dr. Leggo. Trainer, C. Buxton. Owner, C. Buxton. Breeder. J. S. Barbee. 69259 H.deGee 1 1-16 1:49 slow 6 107 S 3 4 t 6i A Abel 8 Debadou, Antilles, Tony Beau 68893 Tijuana 11-8 1:55 fast 7 10 102 3 I l1 2" F Stevens .1 F.Hrient, F.Nail. W .Montgomery 68827 Tijuana 1 1-8 4-5 104 2 I 1" 2" F Stev. ns ti F. Orient, Black Tl:. ng. Yukon 68797 Tijuana 1 1-8 6 102 1 1 l2 l3 F Stevens S Fan.Nail, FrOrieiit. Gla.lNews 68650 Tijuana 3-4 1 37 1M M 10 10 92F Wi iner 10 Dr.T.S.Daby, O.dinla. lltCge 68365 Tijuana I 1-16 1 :47/r, 6 106 4 4 4J 510 M Andson • Philanderer, BI. House. Sum. Sigh 61930 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :51hvy 4-.1 109 1 2 331 V M Buxton 7 Barriskane. Loisteier. F.Kogarty 67854 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :49V5muil 21 103 4 I 24 231 P Walls 7 Cath.Marrone, l.ann.i l"i Hirt G7801 Tijuana lm70y l:42-fast 9f 101 11 15 15 152i M Andsonl.1 Sunnylan.l. Ci.ff ield. Aliadane VENAL JOY, b. K, 6 110 By Lovetie — Miss Rose, by Russell or Winfred. Traicer, J. Bcoker. Owner, M. J. Cremen. Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 69242 3-4 l:16-..mud 14f 10.S 12 7 7 6" J Rowan 11 StarKealin. l-IMi.on. I op r.ght 66877 Howie 61 f 1 :22 fast 17f 110 7 6 9s 8;S H ThomaslS Sling, Kttahe. Fluff 66847 Howie 1 1-8 2:00/andfast 27l 107 8 6 10 ll» E .It -11-y 14 T.Ckmder. M.KoselL, Dkmate 66828 Bowie 61 f 1 :22Vsfast 33f 10S 10 10 10 i»J E Jelley 13 So It tloes, Tidings, are Free 66775 Mboro Ab 61 f 1:29 good 41 111 I 2 3 521 E Jelley 7 Salt Peter. Kuniian. Star Court 66747 Mboro Ab 61 f l:24fast 6 113 5 2 2* 2 E Jelley 7 Ina Kay, Key Knnis. Vmmm OUR EETSY, b. f, 4 100 By Huon— Mary Le Bus, by St. Savin. Trainer, J. J. Alt. Owner, D. B. Jones. ..Breeder, A. L. Ferguso". 68229 Jefferson 1 1-16 M 107 I II 10 10!,J Chlmrsll Trooper, Kxlmrt.r. Mo: inonEhler 67777 F.tirnds 1 1-S 1 :51r5fast 15 M 1 10 MI 10" J ChalmerslJ Natural. Caiiiien. ita, .ALUoIhtis 67692 F.Grnds lm70y l:46Vifast 30 104 9 11 101 10° J Chlmersll T.MeTaggart, Bolster, llandfnll 67420 FairGds 1 1-16 l:.12"7r.hvy 1.1 103 10 10 10 ]f=: J CktanetsUI Kama. Oiirl.irtlid.i.v, Cantileer 67326 Jefferson 1 l:44 .hvy 1.1 99 6 7 5 32 J Chlmersl2 Cliateaugay. B.ny.i., S:],iplicity 66958 Jefferr.on 1 1-16 1:47/Dfast 2.1 103 S 7 S1 B«« J CkhaenM A.BoylL, Attorney, Ilib GrasM 66713 DadePrlc S4 101 6 6 6 6"* J Chlmers 8 Jn Uoshor, IlighG. ar. Jacoliean 66147 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:14%sIow Si 102 3 4 2i 2-1 J Chlmers G Fitz-Bdle, M.Pcperily, Bkbrd STAUNCH, b. m. 5 100 By Astronomer— Faithful, by Broomstick. Trainer, C. N. Freeman. Owner. C. N. Freeman. Breeder. D. Gideon. 69269 H.deGee 3-4 l:13Sfaat 21 MB 7 10 122 12 " R Farlan.113 Felicitous. Iietrus. Whalebone 69242 HdeGce til MTj—ll 33-10 OS 9 11 Ml 11" N Farland 11 StarKealin. CIMkoii. I iqu right 63887 Kworth 7-8 1 .27%fist 43-10 102 10 9 9i ?J F Wilson 12 Anticipate, Ballymw, IlingKose 63832 Kuortn 7-8 1:26 fast 61 115 5 4 3i 26 F Wilson 11 Creenld, . V. Colleen 63774 Kworth 3-4 l:1325fast 58 110 3 4 E1 67i F Wilson 10 Doric. Iti lo, Ballymw 63262 Devshire 1 1-16 l:47%fast 10 105 1 1 2"tl0° N" Swart 11 Belario, Mark West, Secretary 63168 Devshire lm70y 1:47 fast 18-5 114 2 3 52 52 J Metcalf 10 On hi l.-i, T.S.Not Pass. Stanley 62758 Dorval lm70y 1 :.15hvy 7 102 6 1 l3 l3 J Wallace 10 Am. Soldier. Wakef.l. W. Willow 62671 Dorval 1 1-16 1 :54:1jsIop 6 108 3 5 43 4" F Wdstclc 8 L.Ammie, Prospector, KgTrojau 62525 B.Hnnets 7-8 1:3 good 11-5 108 7 8 S« 4J Turner 9 Hdoostan. Ti -ksterll., Oraleggo 62443 H.Hnnots 1 1:42 fast 17-10 111 2 2 2 3 1 C Turner 14 Lit.Ammie. Iea.elal, M B.hca 62275 Connght 1 1-16 1:49 Lust 41 110 4 2 31 4" M Andson 4 Kxhortor. Duke Matt, Glenn 62223 Connght 1 1-16 l:4ii*ifast 9-10 107 2 1 1* ll C Turner 7 Pltarcde. . Faithful. LittleDear CORK ELM, blk. c, 3 95 By Atheling II.— Schwalbe. by Sale. Trainer, A. Zimmer., J. M. Zimmer Breeder. Nevada Stock Tarm. 69259 H.deGee 1 1-16 1:49 slow 79 971 7 7 73 7"i P Walls 8 Debadou, Antilles, Tony Beau C9189 Bowie 61 t l:22-V,slop 28 Ml 6 7 7 72- H Shillick 7 B lighton. 1. odor 66863 Howie 11:45 fast 3v 97 8 8 71 4°1 H Shillick 8 Dks andDkes. Pennon, SeaTag 66856 Howie CS f 1:22 fast 39f lu2 I 9 91 •.•- II Thomasl2 Cum Sam, Kttahe. Fusee 66799 Howie 3-4 l:14"5fast lOf 111 I 10 11112" J McTagt IS Lit. Hope, Adventuress, PrSpo.t 66455 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 23 108 5 5 5 5" E Barnes 5 True Flier, Lidy Myra, Tassel 63880 Empire t| f l:07=ifast 7 109 5 7 7 7» A Gantner 7 B.ofB.Uge, Mond. Ila. D VDter 63593 Empire 5j f 1 07Sfast 15 102 2 6 63 4*1 A Gantner 7 Pet. Brown. Tlir. Square. Paisley 63323 Empire 51 f 1 :0S:Yslow 7 108 10 10 10 9° A Gantner 10 Paisley, Daniel, Lilly Inez 63028 Aqueduct 5-8 1:00ast 4 106 1 1 l2 V H Parke 17 Pud. ILWarren. 1. Bother Me HELEN ATKIN, ch. m. 8 108 By Jack Atkin— Helene. by Hermit, Trainer. E. Sauderson. Owner, E. Saunderson. Breeder. F. D. Weir. 69193 Bowie 1 1-16 1:53 slop 16 112 14 6 63 E Scobie » Bonfire. Tingling, War Victor 69136 Howie 61 f l:22"r,fast M 10S 2 2 6i 7" ■ Scobie 10 TliePeruii. Hol.Bak.r. Miu.Man 69034 Howie H f l:22-r,fast 20 10713 1 l2 11 E Scobie 13 DayLilly. Kunnyol. Sen ice Star 68719 Jefferson 1 3-16 2: 3r,fast U 110 1 9 1! ll" II Thurberll Anlito, Old Chap, Harvest King 68469 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :54- .-,hvy 20 10613 1 4 4" It MfcCl nnl2 Tingling, K.tarp. ulcr. NpollUa 4.8351 J.ffersim 1 3-16 2:02Sfast 30 108 7 10 12 12T3 H Thurberl2 The Wit, Moody. Hickory 68189 3-1 l:152ihvy 13 99 5 0 71 B" ■ Harvey II Sweet, Mania, Oaleta, Hysteria FRANK MONROE, b. g, 9 110 By Nealon— Eugenia B., by Balsowas. Trainer. B. E. Chapman. Owner. B. E. Chapman. Breeder. B. Schreiber. 69189 Bowie 61 f l:22.slop 42 llf. I .1 .1 V* M Bchwta 7 B.I -ight n. Whalebone. F.x dor 66X61 Howie 1 1 16 1 :51*f,fast 111 106 2 3 BJ B*| M Schwtzl.1 Phalaris, Natural, Koyallieu 66840 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :52:V;fast 13 107 6 10 1117" M Schwtzl4 Transient. Betty .1., Bravo 66250 Laurel 3-4 l:14»Gfast Sf 111 S 13 132 9"i M Sihwtzl.1 Pietius. Sini| licity. Cum Sab 65579 H.deGee lm70y l:4t%t*at 8 108 5 6 5 5" M Schwtz •. Camouflage, Clan-man. Sword 65398 H.deGee lm70y 1 :4S„fust 25 110 2 2 2 31M SchwtzlO HloPardner, Tingling, Hickory 64980 Thncliffe 3-4 1 :13/t fast 41 107 6 0 6 71 M Schwtz 8 Lit. B. Sheep. Ognrite. DeUahm C4587 Devshire 3 4 1:13 fast 37 115 7 7 63 B*| M Schwtz 8 L.B.Sheep, T.otbMng. Sirocco 61498 Windsor 1 1-16 l:5t3sslow 16 109 1 7 75 V M Schw tz 8 Greenland. FrkFogarty, J.ofArc