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Entries and Past Performances HUNTINGTON ■ MONDAY, APRIL 23 WEATHER LEARi TRACK FAST. The figures under tlie heading "Rec." in tlie entries below show the hest time of earli hoise at tlie distance sinre January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on oth»r than a fast j or good track, abbreviations show track I ccndilions. |i Racine starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. ® Superior mini runner. x Good mud runner. :i: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race — 1-2 Mile. Purse s:,i!ii 2-ycar-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Track record: April 14. 1222— 28%— 2— lift. I Todays Ind. TTorse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 69173" Ink 109 :49 ., 112.. 725 69274* Old Paige 107 :51-s lift.. 728 63274 Virginia 1! KM :51:t.-.s 107.. 715 69362 Zunello 107J :52.-.s 112. .712 69352 Rap 107 :54- US.. 70.". Little Clippie 112 Second Race— 3-4 Mile. Perse 00. .I jcar olds and upward. Claiming. Track iccord: April 21. 192:; 1 :12%*- S 101. 69177 ilenn MS 1:131% 7 107.72:. 69278 hAssumption 112 1:12-. 7 112. .720 C9275 I First Consul 1*2 1:12% 0 100x71:. 69354 Ornleggo 122 1:12% .".112X71.". 69262 Kentucky Smiles .103 1:14*7. :! 100.. 710 C9295 p b Piles 113 1:15% 9 112x710 69275- l.Oakl.iwn Polio ...122 1:12% 10 107x710 69354 ETalpua fill 11| 1:12% B 112X723 69323 Ting a, Ling 109 1:12% 10 112x70:. 69354 Flaxy Mac 128 l:M% 4 102..7Kt 09?58- Yorick 112 1:U % 1122X7*2 69253 Xehisli M 110 l:20f,h 3 105X700 Third Race— 1 Mile. Purse 00. I vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 20, 1923 1:41-.-1— 95.1 69266 Folia 3 9...72:. 69327 rVHHI 107 1:39*;. ■ 10ii:l:720 69298 Mooresqtie 103 1:42 4 100. .71.". 6935S1 Bees Wing 2*2 1:41% 2 MCX71S 69325 1. Adventure 107 1:45V.s 4 111x710 692S63 Hoover 104 1:55V." 2 112.. 70.". 60357 Aleso M 100 1:42% 4 106x700 Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Country Club Inrsc. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track lecord:" April 20. 1923 1 :47V;, —2 107. 69279 •JORDAN 100 1:46%. 4 97. .72.". 693271 *Kxhortor 109 1:44% 9 107X71.". 69277 High Gear 112 1:43% 9 110X71.". 69327- hThc Wag 95 1:22% 4 102x710 692S6-»l.l-ar Fast 0 103x710 69277 Peep Sinkur Ill 1:45% 4122X714 69328 bMiss Prosperity ...222 1:42% 5 97X700 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 12. 1923 1 :49%— 6 -110. 69265 •Rallvbell 110 1:48% 6 107X725 69196 M.L- Balafrc 1*2 1:42% 7 107 * 720 69279 l.Harrv M. Stevens. 108 1 :4i% 7 112X715 69298s Chelan 222 1:48% 5 112X715 69279 bLiltlo Kd 112 1:47% 7 112*710 6S328- *Kingling II 102 1:40.-. 10 107x70". 69357 I. Hustler 114 1:49,5 5 112X705 69324 Needy Ml I 23. .7*2 C9279 *Kapital City 9 112X700 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. Iurso 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 20, 1923-1:41:,- »— 95. 69327 I.FIil.bertvgibbct ...228 1:22% « 115X725 69354- Itn.wn Check 107 1 :39 h 5 111.. 720 CS2S6 l.Frcd Kinney 115 l:5:t%h 4 115.. 715 69278" Kau Callie 3 95X710 69324- I.Kapid Stride 114 1:41 %s 6 115x710 69278 Hon! 109 1:40% 0 111x705 69297 Mildred Ruth 101 1:41% 3 95x700