Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-22


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Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA SUNDAY, APRIL 22 ■%vi;atiii:u CUBAMi tuack fast. Tho figuiej unJcr the heading "Rec." in tlio entrie; below show the best tune of r: ■■ h li3iso at the Mataaaa since January 1. 1C21, no matter where it finished. In cases wheie luord was laade on other than a lit or good track, abbreviations show tiack conditions. Racing starts at 1:55 p. m. Chieaeo time 3:55. ® Superior mud miner. X Good until runner. :: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race — 1-2 Mile. Purse .1.0. 2 year olds. Allowances. Track record: May 12. 19Bi 47. 2 123.1 Toilays Ind Horse. Wt Rec. A Wt.IIau I 69307- Wiki J;-.ck Ml... 95 :49:. 110X72T. I 69307 Beta** Alibi 112. 720 j G9231 Ida Kra rices 1 12 .. 71 5 69G071 Back Heather MI1M :49 BM..71C 68942- Porter Ella MM :49H 112. 710 I C9231 Miss Ieggo 117 :49.. 115X705 C9307 Salt Shot Ml 10!. .700 ! C9307 Josephine Newell M| 95 :51i 107X700: Second Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse S50O. 4-year-ol.ls and upward. Claiming. Track record: March lo. Etsl 1 :423f. -I! 11$. CrISSt5 bPrnk Tenny 112 1:47, 7 111x725; 693S8- Bora 9S 1:45 -s 5 111x720 iCS368 Gen. Byng 115 1:43% 7 113x715 GSZGand- .Mrs. Pat 107 1 :44Ht 4 107.715 C93683 I a!woo l Kr7 1 :4«r. ■ 113x710 C93CC3 I anvasbaek 110 1:4S S IttXTM C9S68 Mobrit.i IM 1:415*-, ■ 111x705 C9S67 Tag Bay Ml Ill l:4«t. 4 109X700 1 69375 Dienero 117 1 :4Xt, 10 113..7OIJ 69203 Mike Daly 112 1:45:. 9 113..7O0J Third Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 0; I year ol.ls and upward. Claiming. Traek iecor.1: Dec. 20. MM -1:11%— S— ll»l. I 66338 *l Capnn 113 1:14. 5 110.725 0?3.s »Ja k fountain 7 110. .720 69CC8 Orleans Girl 100 1:1S% 0 113X715 C3S30 I-idy Tiptoe 113 1:15-. 5 113. .715 | C9337 Midniaht Bell iMl !S 1:11 | MM. .715 G3159- *Irene Delsa I M I . . 100 1 14 V, 4 105. .715 69S36 •Smiling Maggie ..109 1:14 10 MMXTlol 69C363 Bookworm IM 1:15% 5 113.. 710 69337 ..halt 113 1:15*-. S 115X710 69179 •Lola Fluke Ml 94 1 : 1 7 «r. 3 95. .70.1 69C36 Kinelda 105 1:15*-, 11 MMXTM 69232 Ruth E. Mi 110 1:17% 4 111. .710 69336 Ijidy Betty 102 1:13% 9 113©70.1 C9233 Little Alx- 109 1:17 11 115X7KI 69179 Vi.tory Won M 1:11 5 U3..VM CS366 S!ircups Ml C US. .700 Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. :-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 20. 1920-59 4 117.1 69201 lillarp of the NorthlOO 1:01-, 5 10 CSC39; »Wild Tleushts ... 97 lMa% 5 101x720 69310 lDancing Girl 109 1:01-, 7 MMX713 60080 Enima Weller 107 1:01V. I 1M971S 692C3 Black Pat 112 1:02V, 5KIS..7I0 69232 »Lidy M mre 101 I4X% S 101.. 7 10 693C9 *Klla YfnMo 101 1:02 5 101x710 69337 UPerch 114 1:01% S 100x710 69338 Hunters Point ... 99 1:4B% 5 KKSX715 C9"03 Toyon 10S 1 :03 . 4 100 X 705 6E017 •Boscim- Goose 113 IM9% 11 1030705 C9225 Stanley H 107 1 :00t-. 13 10SX705 C9224 Bnaaii Girl 95 1:02*-, I M. .700 69233 •Chailolta Smith ..105 1:02-, 4 100X700 631G1 Brolaski 114 1:02** 5 103.701 C?o03 Itunnebelle Ill 1:02*-, 5 100.. 700 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. I year ohls and upward. Claiming. Track recant: March 10, 1923 1:42% 0 IIS. 69372 •bSundial II 103 1:44 7 112.725 69313 MUag Baal 1 02 . 1 :47 % 5 112.720 G9164 •Penwell 5 105.715 C9374 *6oU Bryan ■ 6 110X710 62375 •W-.l.iing Prince . 120 1 :4S 4 107X710 69227 ■OEra V.!1 95 1 15*-. ■ MCX7K 69C63 Midr..n» 112 1:45 V. • MSXTM Sixth Race— 5-8 Mile. Paw fJMt. 3-year-olds and up-.vanl. Btaaarap. Track reeoid: May 20, 1920 59 1 UK. 1 GS?!1 ABAIIANi: IIS l:00;- K131--7r.il 6C371 Kin-jlike 112 1:00. 5 1109741 69124 H.ei.,- Cartoll ...105 10o 1» MX13G G9371 - II it i. v II Ill l:0O;.. ■ 104X735 6371 Wild Heather B MS. .735 63183- Aii-ela 105 101 4 MXTMJ 69183 I.Mavor House 7 MX 723 CD114 Be Frank 7 112X.725 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Purse .MM. 3-year-olds and up.vard. Handicap. Track record: March 11. BI23 1:44% 3 110. 691K1 ratty Wale M I : 17 -r. 4 HH 7r.» 69372 Beaa 3 101 745 C9372 MM Paul Jones . Us 1 ; |3% 5 107.715 69227 IP. ter Pit rata ... I Bll.. 745 COOiO liJ.ilin S. lteardi.n.. .1i»i 1 :15.-. 5 111-711 66548 Mareella Boy 119 LIS 5 9.5. 735 C3371 Will Heather 5 Ins. 735 ■UP bllalu 113 1:43% 5 107/731 69372 bSiuinyland 117 1:45% S 107x730 G3341 Power 92 1 is I 33X723 Gf?41 Mnir.lella 3 35X7X3 6S163 Van Patrick 101 1:43% I 33X713 Eighth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pur e $ KI. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming Track ic.ord: Manh 10. 1923 -1:42%— 3—1 13. 1 CDC42"*bRreez.. 100 1:44% 3 138X723 63314 -••] Pon her 110 lt45H ■ 133X723 C9342 fePair Orient 114 1:44% M 113X713 69075 I.Kecres 11:1144 9 110x715 C9:G1 *M. ices Pink 134 1:43 4 I3SX713 C3S75 *Iv;genia K 134 1:43% 3.138X713 C3342 B.-.vsprit 91 l:43%a I 34X713 69164 lMinirkin II 114 1:45., 8 118X713 C3223 PaaaEe Nail 113 1:45., 7 1I1X7KI C£05 N.l.raska L:d 113 1:41% 5 113. .783 633391 St. AagHlaa I 32X731 C2342 |.B.iiii k4iie 182 1:43% 8 183X783 D920S M iss Jane 32 1:48% I 32. .730 33S3S i.Mav M.mlsby 187 1:47% R 113. .783 G3r75 liPucl.l 8 118X788 G9375 Silk Bas MB 1:43% I !!»x.70.i Ninth Race — 1 1-4 Miles. Purse 00. 4 year ol.ls and upward. Claiming. Track ieeoi.1: May 18, IBM 2:05-..— I! 115 C:237- Louis 104 2:0 5 5 113.725 09342 l.Pou-n 184 2:38% 7 113X720 C3;G8 •blwaM Oavid 123 243% 7 111-715 3343 *Glad News 4 102X713 C9239- *Piow Steel 4 101X71. GD375 •Tark Lassie 33 243% «5 1o«l 71l GP343 •Ohmpiid 4 10IX7M CC373 *He-sie Y.-uiig 4 107X718 C9310 •Shoreacies 118 243% 8 111X7*3 6EC68 liPei-iles; One I 111X705 69342 Wo die Miutgomi ry M 18HX733 f 0208 M v lto e 5 1 1 I X 705 GS3.0 Ihlpb MB 248% 5 113X705 63368 bSi.ex II 113 2:11% 5 113X705 G3113 bOotajt Muehleha-h 7 113X783 Tenth Race — 4 1-2 Furlo:gs. Purse !00. 3-year-olds an I upwaid. Claiming. Track ree.r.l: Jan. 3, 1921 33% M 105.1 C8SE7 I. Hi. k Trrpai MM 34% 1188X723 [883J3 blaracaaar* M8 :"4 4 113x723 G3165 Ask Jessie 7 111 715 67855 liKthcl Brown 91 :54 B 113 715 C3315 -•I.Hone t Georg e 111 :55 7 113X713 G87S3 Joe Blair MS :53 % 12 15*5x711 63101 aCaracatlct 117 iS4 8 113X718 C9225J B tier I U Owen ... S 113x710 CS650 *Athaimi 3 93. .700 | C8087 •Bill B.ackwell ... 8 333X331

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923042201/drf1923042201_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1923042201_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800