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j j j j i j j j j i ! j [ I j i j I I | j | , | 1 • l , I I I 1 1 Huntington Form Chart HUNTINGTON. W. Va.. Saturday. April 21, 1923. -One mile. Ninth day. West Virginia Jo key Club. Spring Meeting of 15 days. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. W. E. Phillips. Associate Judges. J. C Reeder and Dr. F. W. Ashe. Starter, Tom Brown. Racing Secretary, J. t!. Reeder. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. 69352 yj%f%JU" ST KACE — 3 1-2 Furlongs. No track record. Purse 00. 2-year-oids. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third. 0. Eiuiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 68320 IC.lna V. 112 V K Barham 50-100 69274 April 117 V- E Martin 400-100 68717 Bigwig 112 P R Baker 1110-100 6927 4 Rap 112 4s R Harrgton 2773-100 69274 Zunelle 109 5: W Fronk KOO-100 Nano Roman 1101 6* T McClymont 5975-100 Mabs H. 109 7 R Ball 3300-100 mutnels paid, Edna V., .00 straight. .40 place. .20 show; April. .00 place. .10 show; Bigwig. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds — Edna V.. 50 to 100 straight. 20 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; April. 30 to 100 place. 5 to 100 show; Bigwig, 30 to 100 show. Time. 41%. Track fast. Winner J. A. Halls ch. f. by Flying Squirrel — Hetty Fuller, by McOee trained by F. Easiey: bred by Mr. J. A. Hall. Went to i ost at 2:05. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; .second and third driving. Scratched— 09173* luk. 109. Overweights Nano Rouan. li pounds. I fiQ SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. April 19.1 | voitvxJ 1923—1:03—4—115. Purse 00. 3-: year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net lvalue to winner 75; second. 5; third, 0. Kiuiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69295 -Last Brush 109 V E Martin 103-100 67836 Old Blue 102 21 J Pierce 2200-10 69276 Doris 1*18 31 R Harrgton 1990-100 69294*Nvlorae 931 PI W Fronk 493-100 Calihan 112 5 R Bailor W-M 69275 3 Mammon M P 15 S heffel 6W-100 69295 Aji 105 75 W Organ 1120-100 69261 Eug. Jomez 102 8« W Lancet 3700-10 69294 Nebish 102 9« W Bogowski 1265-100 C8326 ir ne Walton 102 10 L Gregory 1170-100 mutuels paid. Last Brush. .10 straight. .40 place, .20 show: Old Blue. 0.00 place, 3.00 show: Deris. s1k w. Equivalent booking odds -Last Brush, 105 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show; Old Blue. 1230 to 100 place. 5S0 to 100 show; Doris. 220 to 100 show. Time, 1:01% new track record. Track fast. Winner- 1. L. Hoffmans b. f. 4. by Ben Brush — Tildees Last, by Ornament: trained by J. Ever-mun: bred l.y Mr. T. J. Enibrevi. Wont to |K st at 2:45. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. Overweights -List Brush. 2 pounds; Doris, 1: Nylorac, 1%; Aji, 3; Eugenia Coniez. 5; Irene Walton, ." ; Mammon. 3. fiQA vvwx THIRD RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 19 1923— 1:07%— 3— 96. Purse 00. 4-ycs.r-old» and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second. 5: third. 0. Eiiuiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69218 Hohokus 115 1] R Ball 570-100 69275 Brn Check 115 Bj W Bogowski MP M 69278 Oraleggo 115 P| E Martin 65-100 69276Sea Board 115 41 R Harrgton 1125-10 69263 Whipporwill IK P E Barham 2990-10 69275 Emden 116 H J IV 11 2100-UW 69276 Hatt. Willdo 105 f J levic fVUt-IM 68305 A. Middleton 110 81 R Baker 1900-100 66985 Flaxy Mae 105 9 W Fronk t MHOU Pop 110 W W Lancet 4260-100 69198 Mi Murphy 1M W W Organ f 68396Hry Glover 115 12 B Si. heffel 5700-100 tMutuel field. mutuels paid. Hohokus. 3.40 straight. .00 place. 40 show; Brown Check. .20 place. . SO show: Oraleggo. . SO show. Equivalent booking odds Hohokus. 570 to 100 straight. ISO to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Brown Check. 300 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Oraleggo. 40 to 100 show. Time, 1:07% new track record. Track fast. Winner -W. A. Youngs br. g, 7. by Hessian -Minnie Colden, by Bolero trained by W. Young; bred by Mrs. M. V. Haggin. Went to post at 3:23. At post 5 minutes. Stan good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving, Scratched -1 09255 Spods. 110: 09275 First Consul. 110; 09279 Capital City. 110; 09295 Bob Giles, 115; 06335 Aruphoe. 110. Overweights Emden. 2 pounds. fiOOKK vuauu FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 12. 1923— 1:14%— 7— 113. Chamber of Commerce Hardicap. Purse £000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Eiuiv. Odds. Ind. Hoise. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69265 Mluvnor 101 1" LCrogory 1510-100 68130 Ed. A. Poe 119 2"t R McAlaney 295-100 66782 Mrrrimac 115 3 J Bell 1040-100 69251 High Cost 114 P R Bauer 70-100 68737 Lucidua Ml I R Harrgton 1735-100 66931 Bry Sannon 105 I.up.N Burger t iCoupled in betting as W. 1. Bernhardt entry. mutuels paid. W. I. Bernhardt entry. 2 20 straight. .00 place. .50 show; Edgar Allen Poe. .40 place. .90 show; Merrimae. .50 show. Equivalent booking odds W. D. Bernhardt entry, 510 to 100 straight, SO to 100 plaee. 25 to 100 show; Edgar Allen Poe. 70 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Merrimae, 75 to 100 show. I | Time, 1:12% new track record. Track fast. Winner--W. D. Bernhardts eh. g. 5. by Superman- Verdict, by Tyrant trained by D. Wound -dorff; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Went to post at 4:04. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and till: d Hie same. Scratched M,9251 Macbeth. 108. Overweights -Merrimae. 2 pounds; Lucidus, 1%. 69356 FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. No track vvvv record. West Virginia Derby. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner, ,765; second, 75; third, 25. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69264 ITendor Sethll8 1» W Fronk 150 -100 69264 Wild Cat 118 21 J Bell ..25-100 69297 Glabella 113 3" N Burger 273-100 69264 = Kent L. 118 4n R Harrgton KBMM 69264 Irish Pat 118 P R McCrann X.;0-100 692B9 Reel Foot 118 6= ■ Martin 1375-100 68661 Rockabye 113 7 B Scheffel 1BB-M uiutuels paid, Tender Seth. .00 straight. . St place. .SO show: Wild Cat. .40 place, .10 show; Mabel la. .00 show. Equivalent liooking odds —Tender Seth. 150 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Wild Cat. 170 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; ilabella. 50 to 100 show. Time. 1:54%. Track fast. Winner — E. C. Knebclkamps ch. g. 3. by Seth — Tender Bloom, by Sir Dixon I trained by II. Cav-auaugh: bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Went to post at 5:01. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched— C932G*Jup:ter, 118; 09297 Sweet Mama. US. vvwwi 69357 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Appil 2,, 1923— 1:47%— 9— 107. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third. 0. Eiuiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 692 7 9 Rustler 112 M R Harrgtou 170-100 69324 Jake Fell 112 21 E Martin 493-100 69250 JBuckboard 112 3J R McCrann 210-100 69266 Aleso 109 4=1 R Baker BM M 69 1 99 5* Pie 107 51 W Fronk BB-BB 692763Wreckless 112 6i J Pevic 1.50 100 692751erfeet Lady 102 7 W Lancet 2511-100 mutuels paid. Rmller. S3. 40 straight. ?3.00 place. .40 show: Jack Feld. .00 place. . SO show; Buekboard, .00 show. Equivaleut booking odds Rustler. 170 to 10 straight, 5 t 100 place. 20 to 100 show: Jake Feld. 130 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Buekboard. 30 to 100 show. Time. 1:47%. Track fast. Winner -J. Whites h. g, 5. by Transvaal — Rusila. by Iuryear D. trained by E. White; bred by Mes-sis. Morris and Waldenl. Went to post at 5:49. At post I minute-i. Start go d and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. Overweights — Aieso. 2 pounds. 6Q35R vuvvu SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. April 20, 1923— 1:41%— 3— 85. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third. 0. Eiuiv. Odds. T ml- Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69278 Ihineteague Ml P W Primros ■ 540 lei 69323* Yoriek 101 2J W Bogowski 5o0-li 69278»Bees 111 P W Fronk 65-100 69276 Nordeck 12 43 R Baker 1100-100 69298* British Lincr107 P R Doyle US-MI 69298 = George W. 112 6 It McAlaney 6B-BB mutuels paid. Cliincateague. #12 .SO straight. SO plaee. S3 IK show; Bwfcft, S5.00 place, fl.20 •-how: Bees Wing. .00 show. Kiuivalent liooking odds — Chineoteague. 540 to KM straight. 240 to 100 place, SO to 100 show; Yoriek. ISO to 100 place. 110 to 100 si.ow; Bees Wing, 100 to 100 show. Time. I*M% Track fast. Winner — O. K. Allens ch. m. 5. by Trap II rk — -Anna Russell, by Uussell trained by C K. Allen; bred by Mr. August Belmont. Went to post at 6:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and t M u 1 the same. Ser itched 09327 lExhorter. 107. Overweights — Chineoteague. 1 Uj pounds. *