6th Race [6th Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-22

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fith RAPF 1MI,e nn i "° v»r«,M- :C-year-uldH. Claiming. Sept. MB, 1015 BESSIE LEIGHTON, ch. f, 3 107 By Wormleighton— Bessie Moore, by Hastings. Trainer. H. Sosemcher. Owner, H. Roseacherl. Breeder, L. A. Lyne. 69289 H.deGce H t 1:07 fast 7 1W 4 9 *» 9% ■ Martz 0 Pennon, I.ady Mass. Mabel K. 69189 Howie 61 f l:22%slop 2J 101 2 3 1| ]n .1 Wallace 7 Whalebone, Feodor, Gnleta 68286 Jefferson MlMKul 7 108 5 C 3 1" ■ Martz 10 4hiv:i, TondorScth. Put andTake 66541 Kmpiro M f 1 :07%fast 4 110 2 4 3» 32 ■ Martz 4 D.sDghter, H.andCold, Driftw.l 66371 Kmpire 51 f 1 :07%fast 6 104 9 7 6 45 ■ Martz 11 Baffles, 111. Friday, S.Goldman 66303 Kmpire Ab 3-4 1 lOVifast 6 103 6 5 3 31 ■ Martz 11 Baffles. Hen Wood, The Colonel 66023 Jamaica 3-4 l:13andslop 6 107 4 5 6 G» ■ Martz 45 Ambler, Virginius. Rock Salt 65715 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 fast 4 112 2 3 21 2" E Martz 8 Al. Delis, Homesftch, Temptress 65429 Aqueduct 5-8 59fast 12 109 6 .8 8s 8« E Martz 9 Delphrisonia, AdTenturs, Seqnel 03858 Empire 51 f l:07fast 3 104 2 4 21 1» E Martz 6 P.Gorda, P.Brown, D.andDrakos 63766 Empire 51 f l:08»*fast 7 104 1 2 2« 1» E Martz 6 P.Brn, D.nudDrakes, Itoseatell. 6S475 Empire 5-8 l:04%mud 4 104 5 3 21 1» E Martz 7 Kork, Hud, Chief Flynn POOR SPORT, b. g, 3 109 By Delhi— Play Fair, by Fair Play. Trainer, W. A. Burtschell. Owner. J. R. Skinker. Breeder. J. D. Carr and Bio. 69289 H.deGee 51 f 1 :07 fast 6 112 I 5 f 4 4J A Abel 9 IVnnon, Lady Hoss. Mabel K. 69168 Howie lm70y l:f.0Vsfast 41 10 111 1 1 ll 42 E Smwod .. AlStebler, FlyingDevil, LyMjr* 69105 Howie 7-8 l:28fefast 21 142 3 5 4J 45 H Shillick 7 Setting Sun. The 4lown. Kulalia 4i9057 Howie 61 f l:21%fast 14-5 113 2 4 2 1J II Shillick 7 WaterGirl, Felicitous, Belzonia 49035 Howie a] f 1 :07fast 15 104 4 4 41 5*1 J Wallace 7 Gen.Ttcher, Sog.Aroon, T. Clown 68653 Jefferson 51 f l:07V*fa»t W 103 5 7 P f.»i R Costello 9 Cuuvon, Sewell Combs. Avbpa 68593 Jefferson 3-4 l:13Vast 21 11-5 4 3 3« 2» R Doyle 8 L*idy Rose, Felicitous. Old Top 68407 Jefferson 5J f 1 :07*tfast 11 5 113 3 1 ll l1 A Abel 12 Lyltose, T.Colonel. C.A.lCiihart BONFIRE, ch. c, 3 108 By Campfire — Honeymoon, by Matchmaker. Trainer, M. Grant. Owner, M. Grant. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 69321 H.deGce I 1-16 1 :48Wast 13 1 » 4 7 8* 4CJ W Brown 10 4JondoIier. King John, Mom 69272 H.deGee 1 1 8 1 :.13%fast 17-10 100 5 2 2* 2- J Wallace 7 Tom Cassidy, Moody, Medusa 69193 Howie 1 1-16 1:53 slop 21 103 4 1 Is 1« J Wallace 0 Tingling, WarViotor, O. Birthday 69157 Howie 1 1-16 1 :51%fast 4 95 5 2 2° In J Wallace 7 Moody, Tom Cassidy, Mizar 69133 Howie 1 1-16 1 :50%fast 12 91 4 4 61 !•• B Costello T Camflnge, Joaquina, O. Birthday 69076 Howie lm70y l:51/5slop 17-10 94 2 2 1= ll It Costello S Smirty, Neapolitan, Radical 4J9041 Bowie 5J f 1 :07%fast 61 116 11 10 103 VM Martz 12 Oran, Bosa Yeta, St. Lav.roncc 68722 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:02%fast 21 100 6 1 1" 23 J McCoy 12 BoLter, Jacobina, Bright Trash 68694 Jefferson 11-16 1:49 fast 7 9917 2 21 V J McCoy 12 Hlkllackle, Corson, Bi ighlTr:is!i 68448 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:03:khvy 3 108 2 3 22 21 E Martz 7 Heel Foot. Reformer. Little Ann BELPHRIZONIA, b. f, 3 105 By Vulcain— Belphoebe, by Orsini. Trainer. A. Swer.ke. Owner. A. Swenkc. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard, 69321 H.deGce 1 1-16 1 :4SVast 28 94 9 4 4* 6" R CostellolO Jondolier, King John. Mom 69168 Howie lm70y l:50/sfarft 12 102 4 3 i 5 R Costello 3 AlStebler. FlyingDovil, 1,yMyrn 69139 Howie 1 1-16 1 :fKfast 21 9.5 7 6 7 7» It Costello 7 BiffBang. Episode. Iastor.Swain 69057 Howie 61 f l:21%fast 11-5 112 3 3 4« 42 W Tool 7 PoorSport, WateKiirl, Felicitous 458779 Jefferson i| f l:09%hvy 10 97 5 I B» a7 It Costello 7 Sagamore. T .leruvn, Gol. Floss 68740 Jefferson 3-4 1:14 fast 8 94 S 7 8 9: It Costello 9 Canyon. Elmer K., Avispa 68692 Jefferson n f 1:07 fast 15 92 5 4 4 3"! It Costello B Bariacuda. Kirkljjdy, HnrryB. 66876 Howie 3-4 l:14Vi,fast 14 5 112 5 2 1" V- J McTagi 11 MabelK.. tloldMnt. D.andDrkes PAPILLON. b. f, 3 102 By Wrack— Butterflies II.. by King James. Trainer, M. Hackett. Owner, F. P. CapraL Breeder. W. J. Salmon. 69152 Howie 3-4 l:15%-.fast 21 Ml M I l | I* 11 Shillick 11 Hillhouse. Sultan. Radiant 69074 Howie 3-4 1:17 slop 15 100 2 i 1* PfH Shillick 10 Mar. White. Macle.Man, Znotta 66855 Howie 7-8 1:31 fast 6 111 It 7 ll2 107 E Taplin 13 Glabella, Jigstep, Zeus Lassie 66820 Howie 3-4 1:16 fast 13 97 8 4 4= VI E Best 12 Owasco. Racket, Wrangler 66186 Laurel .11 f 1:10 fast 12 112 8 5 C3 4-J B Marie1!i14 Kghthd, Radiant, Sand Pretty 4.6316 Laurel 3-4 l:16Vandfast 27 102 9 4 43 3- H Maridliir. IaiilMicou, Rae.iuett.i, lanasain 65862 liurel 3-4 1:15%fast 9 100 10 11 Kh 9rl S Bullmanll Noon Glide, Faith W., Hosie II. 65673 H.detlce i f l:07%fast 33 KK 8 9 b3 S"i B Bullman 9 Heeltaps, Druid Hill. Tassell WATER GIRL, b. f, 3 100 By Rapid Water— Maria C, by Yankee Gun. Trainer, J. H. Stotler. Owner. J. H. Stotler. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. 69269 H deGce 3-4 1 :13fa.st 3J 9SJ 6 8 71 7:J T Finn 13 Felicitous. Iietrus, Whalebone 49057 Howie 61 f 1 :21%fast 10 110 1 2 33 S] I.an;r 7PoorSp rt, Felicitous, Belzonia 66618 limliio 51 f 1:07 fast 14 103 9 7 72 6s II Thomas 9 Kniglithd. Tassel. Kvel. Sawyer 06387 Laurel ll:44 -fast 16-5 110 1 4 6- 1*1 J CallahanlO B lphrizonia, P. Sport. Felicitous 66204 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 7 104 1 I 4 33 J Callahaall Bucado. True Flier. Little Hope 65911 1-iurel 11:42 fast 4 109 4 4 44 21 L Morris 7 Little Hope, Helplirizonia, Tassel 65529 H.dedVe 2-4 l:16Vt,fast 5 112 4 3 2= 2"t J McTagt ! ILiidee. Radiant, Tassel 65395 H.deGce 3-4 l:15-fast 7 112 8 2 22 In J McTagt 9 Littlellope, Noon Hide, Ilaideo » 3812 Kworth 5-8 1:01 fast 8 109 10 7 7i 7T1 .1 McTagt 12 Hugh. -sGral. am, Reap, Old Toji 63478 Windsor 51 f 1 :07 fast 21-5 112 7 7 9"tlo=3 D Stirling 12 011 Top. Topango, Rockery 63257 Devshire 5-8 l:01.fast 14-5 108 7 4 41 11 D Stirling 10 Ail.Vernor, M.Beulah, J.Hanecy C2277 Thncliffe 4 f 55-ifast 11-10 110 ll J McTagt S Yalta, Eliz.Jewell, MissBculali 2EBS LASSIE, b. f, 3 M 104 By Zeus— Frances, by Singleton. Trainer, W. P. Rice. Owner, W. P. Rice. Breeder, White and Garnett. 69257 H.detice 2-4 1 :14Vslow US 107 7 8 8 8« .1 Zoellr-r S Comixa, M.Twain, N. Hampshire 64,855 Howie 7-8 1:31 fast 25 110 9 6 5 31 T Rice 13 Clabella. Jigstep. Spinning Flax 66848 Howie 61 f 1 :21Vast 16f 110 9 12 12 11" T Rice 12 Pocr Sport, Pennon. Adventuress 66827 Howie 51 f 1 M fast CMf 111 8 6 7 6R1 I Rice 12 Caladium. Recliabitc, GoldMnt 60478 Empire 5-8 1:02 fast 60 112 11 11 ll5 Hl T Nolan 12 StellaMaris, Beatitude, Mazeppa 4 .- 715 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 fast 60 115 8 8 8 C° H Hamtn S A1.4cl:s, B.Ieighton, Homestch C3707 Empire 51 f 1 :08!4fast 8 104112 11 10s SA Gantnerl3 W.T.AI1, DksDghler, Suspicn 63176 Aqueduct 5-8 1 :00sloi 7 109 9 7 0 6i T Nolan 9 Suspicion. L.Gaffney. Bet. Wood 63106 Aqueduct 5-S l:02«ifast 50 115 10 8 7 i 73i T Nolan 10 Giarre, Delcadia, Cheapside

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923042201/drf1923042201_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1923042201_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800