untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-04


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ATTENTION! BILL WILSON, Wire me your present address. W. J. DOWLLNG, • yosso, Mich. PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS Do you invest in the raci-g game? Have your investments in the past proven profitable I If not, yoi had better consult me. because the racing game is my business and I honestly believe that I can help you to become A PROFIT SHARING INVESTOR. Here are some of the investments my clients were advised to make recently: I Thursdays Investment: OFF COLOR 2.00-12 WON Wednesdays investment lost. Tuesdays investment: RELENTLESS .00- WON And what is more, this was the only investment tliat I advertised Tuesday. Mondays Investments: TIDINGS 2.40- WON j Saturdays Investments: CHICKYALE 0.30- AVON I ! Fridays investment: CALIGULA .90- WON Thursdays investment lost. "Wednesdays investment: HOLSTER .00- WON Tuesdays investment: STAR REALM 6.60- WON Mondays investment: POOR SPORT .50- WON All my horses on file in advance with Daily Racing Form. Right here I wish to state that I advise but ONE HORSE A DAY. Excepting rome days when I get lato word from my track ; ■ representative on something extra special. I include same in my wire without any extra cost to my clients. NEVER MORE THAN TWO HORSES ! ANY DAY. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS and the results above speak fcr themselves. Its up to you. Why not become a profit sharing investor? Dont delay — start today. My fee — 0.00 for one days service: 0.00 for f six days, payable in advance; no propositions. G. W. HAMILTON, No. 5 Columbus Circle, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. m ADVERTISER i would like to do business with responsible man who can make substantial investment. Busi- ! ness man preferred. Transaction must be strictly confidential. Address W. H. M. 149 Broadway. Room 806. New York City, N. Y. - OPULENT .50-f« WON* « WAS WEDNESDAYS BEST. BE GOOD 4.00- 3rd j WAS WEDNESDAYS LONG SHOT. Jntt as we said before: this sheet cant be beat * at any price. Be a rer-ular subscriber so as not to 0 miss the good o.es. ALL IT COSTS IS 50 cents— DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 60 cents s If your newsdealer does not handle it. mail direct to this office 1 week. .00; 2 weeks, .00. ■ I I 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. ,. I j I ! ED BRADLEY GOTHAM BANK BUILDING. 1819 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. KENTUCKY INFORMATION EXCLUSIVELY My hirst betting proposition, released yesterday, JAMES B. BROWN 3.80-,WON MY NEXT HORSE GOES Saturday and Will Pay 10-1 And believe me, boys, this is another SPEED DEMON TIllll 5 for Saturdays horse. Wire yonr order by Western [Talon. ; ! f m - « JUNE GRASS ..0.20- WON ROUND ROBIN 7-1 WON .BETTER LUCK 6-1 WON OPULENT .50- WON Above were 4 dandies that were given on the middle page of our LATEST BOOK. TALK ABOUT CLASS: You certainly will have to take your hat off to the STANDARD when you cai get information like the above for 35 cents per week. Three copies maled direct for .00. We have been telline? you for a Ion? time that when yon have this booklet you are as wise as the wisest, not only one week, but every week. Be sure you get ore today before i your newsdealer is sold out. Over 16 years in business under the same name. CHITTAGONG 7 60- WON Was Wednesdays One Horse Daily. TERMS: 00 for six days. I Todays Form Special: No. 5 Middle Page No. 833. 403. 22 WEST ftULNCY ST., - CHICAGO, ILL. j * 0 s ■ BUD RALEIGH Have boen on the ground for the past two weeks at Maple Heights and will have some real sleepers. which should win at long odds. Wire name and correct address for Saturdays Special. TERMS: Winnings of .00 straight play, pa -. able after you collect. All horses on file with this paper. 5T03 Broadway Room 6 CLEVELAND. OHIO. I I ,. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Ml PLYMOUTH C0URI :: CHICAGO. ILL.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923050401/drf1923050401_11_3
Local Identifier: drf1923050401_11_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800