6th Race [6th Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-04

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C1U DAPC "- Mile. :»-year-old» and upward. Claiming. May 8, lt 17 Din nAUt i:ii l-c — — 115. MAY BODINE. b. m. 5 105 By Golden Maxim— Mary Bodine. by Star Shoot, tTrainer. R. T. Watts. Owner, R. T. Watts. Breeder. T. M. Murphy 69532 Ixgton 3-4 I Ifliejui 11-5 111 5 3 3 3»1 J Owens 12 DoflVace. Grayson. TheSWmer 68633 .I.ffrsm 3-4 1 14Ssfast 6 117 8 8 8J 6J J Owens 12 Hillusc. C.J.fgtailp. ThpPerun 68574 .IffeisoTi 1 1 1 1f f4 4 112 5 4 21 11 I Owens 10 A. Alexander. Orlova. Then 68228 J.fferson lm70yl:47 fast 6 114 4 2 2* "- .1 Owens 8 Gondoiier. Magician. Jordan 68114 F.Grnda lm70y l:45 ifaat 5 106 1 4 51 71 J Ov.ena 8 MayRobts. SlipyKlm. Magician 67682 F Grnds 3-4 l:13=sfast 3 109 2 7 5» 3 J Owens 10 faniflage. RalChlic. Pr. Welles 67555 F Or nds 3-4 l:13%;ood 10 110 5 2 1 1» J Owens 13 Alex H.. Spugs, Full o Fun 67219 J.fferson 3 4 1 :l.".-.sslow ?i 109 8 7 SI S" J Owens 11 SprgVale, SmlCiiy, Winaecne 66589 Latop.ia lm70y 1 :4«Hfast 31 101 6 6 f.l 6" J Owens 8 PlueLltia. T.dIIour, RelnQun 66179 1-atonia 3-1 l:12*ifast 2S-10 101 4 6 6 2* J Owens 9 LastOne, T.dllouueur, Ma bony BIRDIE G.. b. f. 4 190 Bv Vandergrift — Gretchen R.. by Bryu MawT. Trainer. C. D. Frakes. Owner, S. N. Holman. Breeder. J. W. Schorr. 69513 Columbus :,-8 1 :06*«;hvy 3 101 3»1 J Ryrne 6 .Sponsor. I/glsland. Ron. Rlue 69167 Colmbus lmnOy 1:49 fast 17-10 108 4» J Majestic « Jac-iuei ie. Ferrum. Ruggles 69403 Columbus r.-S 1 :02-Jfast a 106 4=1 J Majestic ■ Rov:.lIi -k. h Sponsor. Tamper 69360 Columbus i t lltOfctestt 8 5 108 2" J Majestic 9 .Whitney. Dit.rointer. I.Miili •8574 .Iffcrson 3-4 l:14%fast 12 103 4 5 7* 7»J R Doyle 10 MayRodine, A.Alexander. Orlova 68567 .1 -fferson 3-4 IJSftfMt 8 102 5 8 74 ?•* B Harvey 9 Jolin.loseph. Ogarite. DpSinker 68190 .Iff.rson 3-4 1 :16 «.slow 16 5 100 7 7 61 6" B Harvey 12 ieiminal. Minute Mm. Orahgo 68321 teCfenoa 51 f l:i7Sfast 41 113 2 1 Is 1"! B Harvey 12 Sultan, Dumhfouuder, S.Siirings BRITISH MAID. b. m. 5 100 By Great Britain— Crystal Maid, by Pirate of Pen- i Trainer. W. L. Lewis. Owner, W. L. Lewis. zancv Breeder. Miss L. H. Lewis. 69501 Lexgton 1 1-16 1:50 slop « 107 3 3 61 7" O Willis 7 HnWIiite. AliiedaGirl. "Clever 66599 l«itonia 1 1-16 1 :46Ufast 14 98 1 8 9» 9" T Brothersll Claymore, liveliness. Twin. Rlue 66519 l.alonia 1 1-8 1 :.",3%fast 7 104 6 5 8J 8;1 It KenndylO Vi clianic. W;.lk Ip. Jem 66413 Iitonia lm70y 1:44-V,fast 9-5 104 9 7 6 8,s W Pool 12 Ruddie Kean. Moon Winks. Gem 66314 I.atonia lm70y 1 :44Viifast 7 107 2 2 3* 3* J Heupel S locust Leaves, Diana. Megan 66163 Latonia 1 1 16 1 :17**fast 3 105 10 10 11*1P«J Heupel 12 RobbieShea. Virgo, Walnut Hall 66101 Latonia 1 1-16 _:02 hvy 5 104 3 3 3» 31 B Kenndy « antilpver. Repeater. Jetsam 65998 I-atonia 1 i-16 l:jl*andmud 9 105 2 1 l1 2* J Heupel 5 Escarpolette. Pumps. LyMotber RAGAZZA. br. m G 105 By His Majesty — Henpeck, by Delhi. Trainer. J. H. Baker. Owner, I. B. Bradfield. Breeder. G. A. Cochran. 68530 J.fferson 3-4 1:15 fast 30 115 9 M 101 10" J McCoy 12 Fluff. Hysteria. Galeta 68191 F Grnds 11-16 1:.".0 hvy 20 99 8 9 9s 91SJ ChlmerslO Spugs. Rckab. Ruxom 68069 F Grnds 3-4 I fTtfslj 10 104 5 3 44 4"l W Fronk 8 Jago. Jacobina. Anticipate 67935 F.Grmls 3 4 1:13 fast 30 105 5 8 8« 8" C Lane 11 Mom. Sandalwood, Fusee 67174 Jefferson 3 4i:!6hvy 4 110 4 2 4 8;» C Lang » JoldenFloss. Kirah. Promis.Tom 67149 Jefferson 3-4 1 :!7:V.hvy 5 112 1 8 Si 7" E Pool 12 Jago. Spugs, Rckab 67092 J.fferson 3-4 llGhvy 10 110 3 5 41 4»1 ■ Pool 12 Whalebone, Sew. Combs, Fttahe 65164 Thnclif: 3-4 LlThvy 6 112 7 4 42 3* F Weiner 10 Avion, Mormon. Hindoost.in 65015 Thiuliffe ?-4 1 :.:.Sslop 7 107 1 6 61 7" I ChlmerslO Hindstan. Di.flEyes, Marnalt* 64 763 Dev shire 1 1:41 hvy € 111 1 1 21 51 H J Burkd S llaman. Tulsa, St. Grrin.ua COURT VIEW. b. h, 5 110 By Rock View — Zoraida, by Samson. Trainer. W. M. Cain. Owner, W. M. Cain. Breeders. Million and Gregory. C8093 F Grnds lm71y l:45*fcgood 500 104 7 7 7 7; W Reid 7 Copu. Demon. RoyeeRools. Rama 67816 F ;rnds 3-lll.Vh.hvv loO 106 7 7 7 7" W. Reid 7 Monasleiy. L.Kffort. Chas.Henry 62860 A-iueduct 1 1:41 good 50 1161 6 6 6 5* W Heinch • Letterman. M:zar. Normal 62687 Aqueduct 3-4 1 :124fcgood 100 1111 6 6 6» 6» 0 Taplin 9 Wishbone. Kxodus. Sleivcconanl LTJCY CHURCHILL, b. f. 3 M 95 By Ralph— Bronzewing. by Stalwart. Trainer. D. Lehan. Owner. D. Lehan. Breeder. D. Lehan. 69551 Lexgton 3-4 l:H=ifast 5 98J 4 4 41 4; T Brothers 6 M.P.Gardner, Roldgold. M Maid 66612 Latonia 51 f 1 OS fast 19f 100 9 10 10 10" T Brothersl2 N.Secundus. Pavlowa. I Tr Shop 66416 Latonia 3-4 l:13Sfast 4 101 1 2 31 4« H Thurber12 M.G.G.lner. N.Se.dus. Rlueltird 66100 Latonia 3-4 1 20-hvy 8 101 8 4 51 7» T Brothers 9 Superbum, Rendita, Dinah Dean 65763 latonia f.J f 1:08 fast 46 103 5 3 21 2s T BrtherM2 Man. Maid. Rplle Amip, Dearie 65571 Lexton 5J f 1 :08Vsfast 23 99 2 2 21 2= T Rrthers ti Dearie. S.McRiide. Sweet I-ady 65481 I-xton 51 f 1 :07Sfast 94 107 6 4 51 5»1 T Br titers 10 Duley. Romping Mary. Dedaszle 64966 Churchill 5J f 1 :07fast 12f 107 8 5 8 S» J Owens 12 hiva. Rencelaw. Kinsman 64789 Chunh-.U 51 f 1 :07%fast 6 107 8 4 O 7" J D Mneyll Lily M.. Gordon Shaw, Pro.-eede 63183 latonia f 1 f 1 :074£faat 60 112 7 8 81 6" J Heupel 12 Rendita, Rosh. Away 62949 Latonia 5-8 l:03ihvy 17 112 11 12 12 12=« L Penman 12 T.Toelnn. IrishRose. Play.Mias EDDIE JR.. ch. c. 3 104 By Short Grass — Miss Present, by The Tartar. Trainer. E. J. Wall. Owner. E. J. Wall. Breeder, Short Grass Stud. 69530 I/jRton 3-4 l:13*sgood 59 105 5 2 4 5-F Sharpe 9 Anlonia, Paul G. Brown. Chiva 64228 Lex. Fair 5-8 1:01 fast 8 11.". 4*1 L Mink 7 Oimont. Dearie. Akerknocker 64170 Lex. Fair 5-8 1:02 faat 10 106 1» H Jones 7 Hilly Rem. Phenol, .lota 63108 latonia 1 f LlOshvy 78 109 7 9 9* 95 E Martin 10 M.P.Gdner, StoneAge. Stump.Ir. 62908 Latonia 51 f 1 :07Hfast 77f 112 10 10 10* 10* G Fields 11 InMemorm. Kgsclere, P.TiiTil

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923050401/drf1923050401_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1923050401_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800