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MAPLE HEIGHTS ENTRIES The figures under the heading "Ree." in the entries below show the best time cf ca h horse at the distance since January 1, 1921 no matter where it finished. la cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show tiack conditions. Prohnlilitie*: Weather clear: track hat, R:icinc sturts at 1M.~. p. m. Chicago time 2:15. 03 Sii|ieiior mud runner. X Uood mini runner. :;: l°:iir sit nt] runner. iSl M.iidens. •Appieiiti.1* lHs«nm, It I.linWers. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Turse 00. 3 -year old*. Maidens. Allowances. Tiack record: July Zt, 1MB I Wk%. I IK Todays Ind Horse. Wt. Kec. A.Wt.Ilan. 69CG9 The Co.oncl 107 1:08% 114.700 6922C Scraps 103 1 :0J»S 114. ti9r. •8856 Fleeting 99 1:08«£ 109xn9:i 69175 Little Keauty 92 1:09 109 ..69.1 69511 Flying Koat 110 1 :094s 114. .6911 69540 l«twn Mower 102 1:12 IM..4H 69475 Neblsli 114x6S"i 69591 A.-iiuouia 113 1:13% 114. .6.M 69667 My Ixirruine W 10S%h ]09x ;N0 69451 Charlton 114. OSO Martha Moore 109 Second Race — 1-2 Mile. Purse 00. 2 year -olds. Claiminc. IT. ark record: May .".. 1923 — 46 % -2 -112. 69173 Lasiing Lore 106 :50i 104. .72.- 69537 Saisie 110 :.~.1~ 110.. 720 C3666? *WM Jack iM 9.". :49i 99N7l;. 69393 Ink 109 :490 104.. 15 69427 •ltonnie Jack 1W1 :49 98. .71.1 69441* Ilomer 108 :50 10.1. .71.1 69667 Joe Gatti iM 11.1 :5t % 10J..710 69S37: •Pat-y Howe Ml. 122 :49»; 104.. 70.1 69637 Vanity Vug 103 :495 109X705 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Iurse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Tia.k record: July 25. 1922—1:12—3—109. 65444= A. N. Akin 1101:12V6 11116®725 69667 l.Kirst Consul 102 1:12% 6 110x720 6t503*l S|iods 103 l:13Vs 4 109x715 G?61S »Mambi 114 1:15Vi 5 108.715 6962. Muhiavelli 106 1:12% 5 113.715 C0663 l.Ai.-.-traz 5 110X71.1 69C67 Mdn 110 1:11% 8 110x71.1 632S6 *I-o h I -ven 108 1:14% 5 106X710 66351* lie Kind 9 110. 705 6C-593 Mia l»j Ionian 6 116X705 6:620 Ha by Kvelyn 1011:15% 4 103x700 69663 MlioHetian 107 1 :15% I 105x700 6S212 *f Bij Heart NV|1:M 4 104x700 69603 Sea Hoard 100 1:15% 5 113X700 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Pi:rse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Tiack lecord: July 25, 1922—1:12—3-109 69147- •PCD 104 1:13% 3 97X72.. 69469 Sun Turret 110 1:12% 5 108.715 69505* l.Tulane 112 1:14 4 107X715 69284 bAdvance Ill 1:14 5 114. .710 GS087 Kvelyn Sawyer ...106 1:1411 3 94x710 66226 1 cngalese 1111:14% 5 11.1© 710 6and561 Dixie Dick 110 1:15 3 103.. 70.1 68559 Ulack 106 1:11% 4 108. .705 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-jear-olds and upward. Claiming. i Track record: July 2.7. 1922—1:12—3—103. 69367- bFlibberlvgibbet ...114 1:13% ■ 116*725 69511 btrest 100 1:15% 5 116x720 69464 •Seeretiry 1011:14% 5 105X715 69667 *I.Cliief Dart hell ...107 1:14 5 110x715 i I 69S67 ».en. Petain 112 1:16 • 113. .715 i 69594- Dancer Ill 1:13% 10 113x715 ! 69£83 Nan Mckinney . . .102 1 :155 4 103x710 69367 I.enieve 107 1:14 7 111.710 I 63E41 l.Tim M««;ee 102 1:14% 8 110x710i 6959a : hArrow Point 113 1:14% 6 105. .70.1 ! 69093 She Devil 105 1:14% 7 116x70.1 631S8 •I.VIu.tunt 107 1:15 5 101..7l»o| C8C91 •l.lla Ml 1011:16% 7 100.700! j 69221- Chisca 115 1:14-5 6 110. .700 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 4-vcar-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 10. 1922— 1 :44%— 5—100. 69524 •l.Cimarron 107 1:45% 5 100x725 68209 •American Soldier.. 98 1:47% 6 107X720 C9S72 bThe Wit 102 1:46% 6 112x711 69283r Coscorron 10111:46% 4 112X715J ! 69405 bAmaze Ill 1:47% 6 115x7101 | 69504 bBuckboard Ill 1:47%S 9 110x705 69878 bKunnyol 1011:50% 4 115x700 69300 Urumpsall 116 1:525 9 107.700 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Purse t0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 10, II I MM. I II 69027 •bBla.k Thong 110 1:46% 7 107X725 69286 Walter Turnl ow .103 1:474; 8 112x720 69396 Kxhorter 110 1:46 9 112X71.1 69621 Viva Cuba 100 1:46% 6 107x715 69539 Ijiita ■ 97 X 710 69304 bKrauk Shannon ...110 1:47" 7 112x710 69672 Diraolutr M K 1:47% 4 107. 705 69591 Panjandrum M.. 97 1:57% 4 107.700