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Annual Spring Meeting MAPLE HEIGHTS MILE TRACK CLEVELAND. OHIO. S*Ten Daces Every Day For 19 Pays — losing May 26. S. X. HOI. MAN. Manager. MBHsVEESlBVBBlESlEsMslESEaiESEmBSBBBEl RACING DATES FOR 1923 KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION, Lexington, Ky.: April 28 to May 9 10 days. Mutuels. MARYLAND JOCKEY CLUB, Pimlico, Baltimore, Md.: May 1 to May 12 11 days. Mutuels. METROPOLITAN JOCKEY CLUB, Jamaica: May 2 to May 23 19 days. Oral. LONDON JOCKEY CLUB, Maisonneuve Park, Montreal, Quebec: May 5 to May 12 7 days. Mutu?ls. OHIO STATE JOCKEY CLUB, Maple Heights, Cleveland, 0.: May 5 to May 26 19 days. Mutuels. dXilteuegrams Special exclusive private information concerning Louisville, Latonia and i all Kentucky meetings enables us to send you information which will materially increase your winnings at the above meetings. LOUISVILLE OPENS SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1923 Our charges are five dollars .00 for the first seven days and five dollars .00 for each week thereafter. We do not wire scratched horses unless something unforeseen should happen after scratch time. Each wire will give track conditions at time of sending. Below will be found the names and odds against all horses sent out by F us during the first seven days of Lexington meeting: April 28 Marvin May . . . fS.OO Won May 3 Ascot ft3.60 Won 1 Bright I. aily . . . . * :t.!»0 3rd Will Land f.LSO Won April :tO Battle Creek .S3. GO Won Kd Pendleton. . . $ Il.ttO 2nd May ."» Away $.".. H Won May 1 Sarah Day .tiO 2nd Peggy O f 1.20 3rd May 2 Boot* and Shoes. . SO.TO Won Battle Bent f4.0O Won May 6 Lester Dorter .... «4. 70 Won I Of the twelve horses sent out by us eight 8 won, two 2 were second I and two 2 were third. NOT ONE OUT OF THE MONEY. Upon receipt of five dollars .00 will mail code to new clients. Old I clients can renew subscription by sending five dollars .00. If you want - the very best results, write or wire at once. GUARANTEE SECURITY BUREAU 202 LYRIC THEATRE BLDG. CINCINNATI, OHIO i PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS Do yon invest in the racing game? Have yonr nvestmer.ts in the past proven profitable? If not, yon had better consult me, because the racing game s my business and I honestly believe that I can hel;i you to become A PKOl IT SHARING INVESTOR. Yesterdays 00 GIAKANTEF.D SPECIAL SHOWY 2.80-, WON This is the last week at Maryland and 1 expect to wind np the season with Another Banner Week SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT 00 Guaranteed Special Goes Tuesday and will he sent free to all my weekly Investors. Here are some of the investments my clients were advised to make recently: Fridays Investment: KINGS RANSOM 6.00-, WON Absolutely the only investment advised by me Friday. Thursdays Investment: OFF COLOR 2.00- WON Wednesdays investment lost. Tuesdays investment: KE1ENTLESS S0.00-S2 WON And what is more, this was the only investment that I advertised Tuesday. Mondays Investments: TIDINGS S12.40-I2 WON Saturdays Investments: CHICK VALE 0.30-93 WON Fridays investment: CALIGLLA S9.90-S2 AVON Thursdays investment lost. Wednesdays investment: BOLSTER SS.60- WON Tuesdays investment: STAR REALM 6.«0- WON Mondays investment: POOR SPORT S9.*0- WON All my horses on file in advance with Daily Racing Form. Right here I wish to state that I advise but ONE HORSE A DAY. NEVER MORE THAN TWO HORSES ANY DAY. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS and the results above speak for themselves. Its up to you. Why not become a profit sharing investor! Dont delay — stirt today. My fee — 0.00 for one days service; 0.00 for six days, payable in advance; no propositions. G. W. HAMILTON, No. 5 Columbus Circle. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. ED BRADLEY GOTHAM BANK BUILDING No. 1819 Broadway NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. KENTUCKY INFORMATION EXCLUSIVELY YESTERDAY S ONE HORSE WIRE: Sun Brae .20- Won Oh, boys, what a slaughtering my army of followers gave the hookies yesterday. THURSDAYS ONE HORSE WIRE: James B. Brown. 3.80- Won These were the only two horses sent out by me since the Lexington meeting opened. My Next Horse Goes Monday, May 7 From what my connections tell me about this speed ball Mondays horse will be an old-fashioned hog killing. Will pay 15-1. Act quickly. Dont he shut out. Terms for • Mondays one horse wire. 5.09 in advance. Wire your order by Western Union. i F 1 WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative method wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track. with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays each week that nearly all win. Won big money on a straight flat play. This marvelous method stands out like a Man o War. It is far superior. Stood the acid test with wonderful success for six years. My system gives many long-priced winners. St. Germain.... 8. 00- Edna Y $ 9.80- ! Trajanns 9.70- Babylonian $ 9.80- ■ Fin. Rooster 2.60- Reply 6-1 Julia M 4.00- BetMosie 6.60- ! Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients showing proof of what my system is doing sent you FREE. STOP LOSING AND START WINNING RIGHT AWAY. Those with honest intentions can get my system on easy terms. Small i payment down, balance as you win. Send your came and address. I will send you absolutely FREE OF CH.IGE a review of the best known Racing Systems published and facts regarding systems that I will open your eyes. Writo at once. WATSON CORNELL 341 WEST 45TH STREET. NEW YORK CITY I I I - 100 PER CENT HANDICAP Copyrighted. Figure your own horses. 100 PER CENT HANDICAP will give you a percentage of winners that will startle you. Enable you to maka two or three plays a day, or the entire card. The way to make your . own selections intelligently. Figure your own . winners. Details free. L. R. PATTEN Lock Box La Salle, N. Y. i ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM MASTER CLOCKER at All Newsstands L00K!~L00K! Bo McMillan 8.50-, WON was the only single, solitary SPECIAL LONG SHOT that we ADVERTISED YESTERDAY. DID YOU GET IT! THE MASTER CLOCKER IS THE TALK OF THE TOWN THURSDAYS SPECIAL LONG SHOT: LOUANN A $ 3 0 - $ 2 . SECOND We just missed slamming this one over at 38-1. Tomorrow Monday ANOTHER GRAND LON6SHOT At Lexington I cant begin to tell you the details now, but believe me there are BIG DOINGS on this one and if you miss it yon miss the BIGGEST THING of the meeting. Ask your newsdealer for the MASTER CLOCKER .00— WORTH 00. FOR SALE AT LEXINGTON— Reinstein, Main and Lime Sts. ST. LOUIS— Wm. Laser lobby, 705 Market St. LOUISVILLE— Eiler it Goodman. 227 4th Ave. CINCINNATI— Rey Pierce. 5th and Walnut Sts. CINCINNATI — Bishow. newsstand. 5th and Walnut. KANSAS CITY— Ricksecker. 9th and Walnut Sts. DAYTON, 0.— Euphrat. 129 S. Jefferson St. AND OTHER CITIES. Y0« CANT BEAT" BEACON RATINGS LAST WEEKS BEACON HORSES WERE: MONDAY: Julia M 4-.Won TUESDAY: Belphrizonia 6.90 . 2nd WEDNESDAY: Champlain 9.30- . 2nd THUSDAY: Moody 12-1 Won FRIDAY: Babbling 11-10 Won Many other good winners also given in the Beacon. Order at once by mail or call at office at any time. We have many good ones at Jamaica, Kentucky and Maryland. SUBSCRIPTION RATES— One week , foul weeks . Beacon News Service Room 614 1452 Broadway New York City. SLINGERLANDS MASTER WINNING SYSTEM Copyright Gives one bet a day at each track. Eliminates losing conditions. All hets to win only. Thats where the money is. Can be started on 5.00 capital. Played to win 0.00 a day it made the following this spring: Mobile 05.00 Huntington .... 20.00 Bowie 01.00 Havre de Grace .68.50 Columbus 80.00 Pimlico, so far ..0.00 My system will positively pick some winners at Pimlico and Lexington this week and at o40r tracks in the future. Get it now and cash in on those that are absolutely certain to come over. If you want sore winners my system will give them to you. Guaranteed to make money consistently. Partial payment down, balance after I make it for you. G. S. Slingerland. Box 76, Niagara Falls, N. Y. • REAL GOOD THINGS I have a connection with one of the best dockers in the business. This clocker is the man who is employed exclusively by one of the smartest New York combinations in the racing game. Two or three plays weekly. A real opportunity to make money. If interested mail me name and address and yonr promise to send to me the winnings of a 0 play on each horse. JOSEPH GREEN 248 West 44th Street. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. ! ■ NO REAL REASON why you should not benefit by using a chart and so know what you are doin. Professionals do both. No personal opinion for THEM — they know the game too well. The Co-Ordinated is the chart of a successful professional, is accurate above other and easily read. No use to him in Colorado. Price but the size of a small bet — 0 — and its a GOOD BET. CO-ORDI ATKI CHART, 1159 Josephine Street. :: DENVER. COL. ! i I DEMONSTRATION AutumoHles are sold by actual demonstration. THE MECHANICAL FLAT BET SYSTEM. is sold by actual demonstration — not talk. See re-. suits before you buy. Played with equal success at or away from track. Write mc today for deta U cf the most liberal offer ever made in connection with the sale of any racing system. L. L. STALL 216 Breckenridge St. Buffalo. N. Y. 0 PES CENT OR MORE WINNERS Our wire service is for 6 starters. We must have 3 or more winners out of the 6 starters or wa will return you your . THE TELEGRAPH HANDICAP Templa Court Bldg. Chicago, 111. . . If you want the BEST LINE on HORSES that is to be obtained, get the STANDARD. 35 cents at all newsstands. Mailed direct 3 copies . Mondays Form March Special: -Plum -12 -19-19-29. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403. 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago. III. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form