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riu DA PC *"— Mile. Tobacco Slakes. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Dill nAL/C |»r l 25. 1D21 47 2-." 2 114 1-2. BATTLE CREEK, b. c. 2 122 By Sweep Or.— Munition, by McGee. i Trainer. T. L. Pierce. Owner. C. W. Moore. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 69531 1. xgton 1-2 4S-igood 4-5 112 2 1 1 i l4 W Kelsay 0 Volt. GieatNorthcrn. HuonPine VOLT b. c. 2 122 By Volta— Parakeet, by Greenback. Trainer. A. Baker. Owner. A. B. Hancock. Breeder. Cloghran Stud. 69610 Uexstaa 4J f Mftfaat 4 5 11", 1 1 1! I4 B Kcnndy 7 HuonPine, K. ONeill II., Nivlag 69531 LXgton 1-2 4S]igood 6 112 4 3 34 2» R Kenndy 6 Bat. Creek. G. North. tu, H.Pine BLACK GOLD. blk. c. 2 122 By Black Toney— Useeit, by Bonnie Joe. Trainer. H. Webb. Owner. Mrs. R. M. Hoots. Bretcer. Mrs. E. M. Hoots. 69;"«i I..ptci |-1 Mtato* 1 liS 4 4 24 -h J Howard S Digit. W.l lie Wizard. Will Land 68320 Wiwai 31 f 40* 9-10 123 3 3J 1= L McDott 6 WillLaBd, EdnaV.. BlueMondav 681H8 P.Grada ;i S IfHln/ 6 5 116 5 Ill* B Harvey S Edna V.. Reply. Blotter «i7877 FCrnds 2 8 :.4ifast 11-10 118 2 3" 31 H J Burkell Worthmore. Ediui V.. Bamra 67553 I 3 S 35-5good C 5 116 1 1* 1» H J Lurki 7 Somerly. Wililjind. P.uvinslikf BOOTS AND SHOES, ch. c, 2 122 By Boots and Saddle— Wishing Rinj, by Dick Welles. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner. W. Perkins. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 69585 UexStaa 1-2 -iS,fast 3-10 112 5 3 11 l1 E Pool 10 Flax. G. Northern, W.UieWizard DIGIT, b. c. 2 122 By Ultimus— Miss Valens, by Valens. Trainer. W. Buford. Owner. H. P. Headley. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 69496 U-xgton 1-2 -!»*siilop 16 110 2 1 I* V J H P.urko S B.Gold. W.theWizard. W Lmd EDNA V.. ch. f. 2 119 By Flying Squirrel— Betty Fuller, by McGee. Trainer. J. P. Polk. Owner. Tri-State Stable. Breoder. J. A. Hall. 69552 l*xgton 41 f HKiaat 4 115 1 1 ll 1= D Connlly ■ Sarah D.i.v. Span. Rose. BsLuck 69352 Hunttun :•! f 414iifast 1-2 112 l4 E Barham 7 April. Bigwig. R:ip 68320 .IHferson 31 f 40*ifast G 115 1 JJ 3* H Thurber 0 BlackGold. WillLiml. B Monday 68188 I ;riid3 3 8 MJM*9 C 113 3 2= 24 L Morris b Bli.K Gold. Reolv. Blotter 67877 lCrnd.s 3-8 24«4fast 12 115 4 21 24 J V Mn«yll Wortimiore. Macft iold. Bamra 67581 iGriids 3-8 25Vsfa3t 6 114 2 1* 1» W Kaiaay ■ Bamra, Idle llioughts. Sunayr SARAH DAY. b. f. 2 M 114 By Escoba— La Mode, by Peep oDay. Trainer. J. C. Milam. Owner, J. C. Milam. Breeder, Miss E. Daingerfield. 69552 Lx gton 4i I ." 4-5 108 4 2 V 2- M Garner 6 EdnaV.. Span. Rose. Beg VL.i.k 6954M lxgton 1-2 Mlatap 3-2 112 3 3 V 4 M Garner 9 Sp.iiii hKo-.-. Hello. BrightLady WILL LAND. br. g, 2 122 By Black Toney— Hildred, by Peep oDay. Trainer. C. T. Wortkington. Owner. C. T. Wrthington. Breeders. W. F. and J. T. Land. 69617 LaX*C*aa 41 f 55"-jast :; 5 111 2 1 Is l*| W Klsay ■ Bu. k. Equity. Malv-rn C9496 Lex gl 011 12 49Vslop 43 10 113 1 2 51 4« W Kelsay N Digit. Black i.old. W.lheWlnrl MM Mtenaa 2i f 40«4fast 9-i 113 I ll 2J W K.lsay 6 BlackGold. EdnaV.. BlueMonduv «7623 Kllrmia 3-8 .U.Vast 1 116 2 1* 1* W K. lsay 7 Biisinlike, Sloneat.i.i. A.J.P.uja 67553 Illrnds 3 8 MjMi 7 116 6 3« 3« W Kelsay 7 KlkGoM. Som.-rby. Busiuslike BLACK SATIN, blk. f, 2 M 114 By Light Brigade — Satin, by Pet*r Quince. Trainer, J. C. Mi .am. Owner. J. N. Camden;. EreeJ.r. J. N. Camden. First kturt.