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CtU DAPfT * Llli Miles. "-year-olils anil upward. Fillies and Mares. Llaiiu- Ui nMUC iug. April 25, 1921 1:42 1-5 1 103. ELUE BIRD. kr. f. 3 109 By Zeus — Ravenroost. by Prince of Monaco. Tiainer. F. Wright. Owner. C. H. Knebelkamp. Brewier. White Sc Garnett. 69645 lx-xg«on 1 :; !■: : nOVasI 21 98 1 2 11 ll B Harvey I Topmast. Cantilever. B of Green 69536 I- xgton lmOy 145 good 11 1U0 1 3 3 1JB Harvey 7 E Padlet n. i.lord. Aknocker Mil .Iff.-rsou 1 0-I6 12 88 2 I S" 9"! D Jones 12 Bravo. Sianley. Tom Cnsnitiy 68568 J.-ff.rsoii 1 1 .12xfasl i Mi 7 211 B Harvey i, i leeting. LitlieAim. KweiMama 68494 .l.rf.r.son 1 1 M 1 .52tilow « 10617 5 4" Ii A Wilson 7 .lab»-lla. irisli Pat. 68246 J.-Xfersoo lm70y 1:47 fast 15 lot.JlO 11 71 671 A Wilscin 12 ihit. Slander, r. Rupee 67750 F Gr nds loi70y 1 46 fast 7 109 11 9 6* u A Wilson 11 Miunni: Kennmare. Temptress 676*8 FGruds :: 4 1 12 104112 I 51 54 A Wilson 12 Begum. Ghost. Kinsman •7604 F.Grnda ln 70y 1 ISHfaat 10 93 11 9 91 8* D Joneb 11 Irish Pat. Ghost. Slanderer , , COUNTESS, ch. m. 5 107 By Olambala— ReticelU. by Haywood. Trainer. W. S. Brace. Owner. W. S. Brace. Breeder, R. T. WiUaa. 69557 Lexgton 1 1-1 U2%tajt 10 100 3 4 6 8« B Harrey 9 rdy Lillian. Normal. Bro. Ixwa 63331 Latonia 1 1-8 I MUBi J 1« 107 4 2 11 1 L Penman 9 A. N. Akin. La roodre. Nurture 63113 latonia I 1 I T MTQilJ 39-10 110 3 3 !»• 3" M Garner 6 Escarpolette. Hope. CaptainTom 63038 Latonia 13-16 1:59 fast 12 MS 1 1 4* 4T H Gray 7 UncleVelo. LaFoudre, LyUlUaa 62996 Latonia 1 IS 1 :53Hgood 8 110 1 4 41 V* R Harton 6 Pictor. Eseariwlette. Repeater 62871 Latonia 1 1 16 16 fast 12 113 3 S 8 814 R Harton 8 Louis A., Walnut Hall. Cut Uo 62753 I-atonia 1 1-4 2:06*ifast 6 106 2 1 11 1* R Harton 8 Alex Jr.. Dr Rae. Flying Prince 62638 Latonia 1 1-8 1 :53Hfast 8 98 2 2 21 21 C Studer 6 LyLillian. Bal.Wheel, leader C2482 latonia 1 1-4 2:07 fast 8 103 3 2 2* 2* C Studer 8 Padua. Dr.Rae. WadswthNLaat 62359 Latonia lm70y 1 :45 irast 27-10 105 6 3 31 31 W Pool 8 The Wit. Troilne, War Prize 62297 latonia 1 1-8 l:539andfast 21 1041 4 2 J» 2« F Moore 8 Legal. Fly. Prince. G Daughty 622 13 Chunhill 1 1-S 1 :53Vfcf ast 19-6 106 2 4 44 4 H Stutta 5 Pictor. Dr. Rae, Virgo BIT OF GREEN, b. m. 5 107 By Cunard— Santa Anna II.. by Martagon. Trainer, F. Brooks. Owner, T. V. Mountjoy. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 69615 Lexgton 1 3 16 2:O0V.faat 21-10 100 2 5 4l 4TJ T Brothcra 6 Blue Bird, Topmast, Cantilever 69497 Lexgton lmTOy 1 :474r,.slop 9 103 2 2 4 4« T Brothers 4 Pumps. Megan, r.mtoche 62913 Latonia 1 2-16 2 01*jmud 14 97 8 7 710 74 C Studer ■ Escarpte. M.Elder, M.PrperitJ 62749 Latonia 1 1-1G 1 :1Ssfast 9 102 3 5 4»* 3i G Breungl2 S.Kreedman, B.nncnt, Ron TC563 I.itonia 1 1-16 1 :«7%f ast 27-10 107 2 3 51 6« J H Burke 9 Arravan. Dr.Rae, Flying Prince 62162 l.urchill 11-16 1:47 fast 17-5 104 7 6 3J 31 E Barnes S Biddledee, Pii tor. Rob 01457 L xtoii 1 1-lU l:46%fast 8 110 10 9 74 7= E Barnes 10 li.cleVeio. WallHjll, Mar.Joha MEGAN, blk. f, 4 110 By Hessian— Met Mexican, by The Mexican. Trainer, 2. C. Frakes. Owner, Koh:i A Theilen. Breeder. W. C. Goodloe. 69557 lexgton 1 IS l:52«£fast 61 107 8 8 84 7" H Gray 9 I.ady Lillian. Normal, Bro. I oTe 69497 Lexgton lm~0y 147%slop 3 108 3 1 U 21 H Gray 4 Kanto-he. Bit of Green 66314 Latonia lm70y 1 :44! 5faat 6 105 8 6 4* 44 H Gray ■ Lai— If Mill. Diana, Brit. Maid 66243 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :47!4faat 6 103 10 8 51 3« H Gray 11 Biit. Liner. Walnut Hall. Salve C6068 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :53/ihvy 6 106 2 2 2* 1» H Gray 6 Rekah. Smuts, Jordan 65954 Latonia 3-4 1 :1115fast 31 109 9 6 41 5»J H Gray 10 Queen High. Pumps. Biidie O. 65668 l.atonia 1 1-16 1 :474ifaat 21 103 2 7 41 2» H Gray 9 I/ 11 Widrig. Matinee. Idol. Geui 65439 Iexton lm70y 1 :444-good 21-10 103 4 3 2 2"* H Gray 6 OoLaLa. I-o -t Leaves. AldaGlrl 65294 Lexton lm70y 1:46 slow 5 105 5 6 6" 524 H Gray 7 Loveliness. Esearpolte. OuIJtlA 64918 Churchill lm70y l:44,5fa.n 11-6 110 2 3 3l Z* H Gray 5 Tulane. Queen High, G/jorgette JOAN OF ARC. b. m, 7 110 By Ballot — Jessie Woodson, by Scorpion. Trainer. F. Musante. Owner, F. Musante. Breeder, L. At Lyne. 69612 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 7f 110 12 12 12 11" G Yeargin 12 J.B.Brown. Louaona, Dnier Sou 66652 Pimlico 1 1-2 2:MJbfMt 22 107 12 11 911 !■ C Taylor 13 Freezv Sneezy. On High, Huouec 66624 Pimlico 1 1 8 1 :53*-,fast 6 102 13 15 15 13:» S Mcltne 15 FySneezy. May.Hous., N.Walee 66488 I-aurel 1 1-2 2:2fast 6 106 2 3 31 3« E Smwod 8 On High. Mora, Mnif 66288 Laurel 1 1-2 2:M%faat 11 103 6 2 ! 1| J Wallace 6 Moodv. Rouen. Lidy 1mm 65969 Kworth 1 3-16 2:06/ihvy 21 107 6 4 4» 41- Et Amhrse 7 Penelope. L-idsI.ove. Betty J. 65828 Kworth 1 1-16 l:46»4fast 14 109 « 6 6 6* F Weiner 6 Bios. House. R Gaiety 65733 Kworth 1 1-8 1 :54.»fast C 113 6 4 44 37 E Ambrse 7 Rouen. Kentish Boy. Billy Lane 65540 Woodne 1 1-4 2:06 fast 7 109 6 8 10U0S C Turner 11 Inis. Rouen. Sans Peur II. 65453 Woodne 1 3-16 1:59 fast 10 104 5 J 9» 9" P Walls 14 Dantzic. BrassTacks. BckBetty HULLO, eh. in, a 107 By Huon — Some Kid. by Boanerges. Trainer, W. L. Drake. Owner, W. L. Drake. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 69532 Lexgton 3-4 1 :14V-.good 8f 1071 8 8 7 6* W Kelsay 12 I, of Giayson. M Bodine 68818 Havana 1 Lllfast 4 105 4 4 41 3S5 B .Vheffel 7 T.theMark. tlold.r.ed. Ix t. Speed 68767 Havana 1 8 105 5 4 4 3 T Burns 8 Mary Kelg.l. Chile, Hazel W. 68664 Havana 1 l:4»%Caat 6 100 6 2 21 34 P Groos SWalireo. Czi:d,„n. Hazel W. 68518 Havana 51 f l:07fast 10 103 7 6 41 3-l P Groos S Tony Sue. Spoils. Titania 68114 Havana 51 I 1 :09 imud 21 104 4 3 31 44i H Click 6 "srrie Ras. Port Light 68307 Havana 51 f 1 :08fast 5 102 5 5 4* ll S Banks 8 War Idol. Far East. Uaran 68160 Havana 3-4 l:14H,fast 31 110 2 4 41 41 E Ambrse 8 llarau. War Idol. Watereo ESCARPOLETTE. b. m. 6 109 By Fitz Herbert— Belancoire. by Meddler. Trainer. T. F. Devereaux. Owner. T. F. Devereaux. Bred in France bv C. H. Mackay. C9557 lexgton 1 1 S l:52Sfast 52 115 2 7 7 6" T Brothers It Iidy Lillian. Normal, Bro. Ixjve 69498 Legton 3-4 1 :14S-slop 7 103 4 6 6 5* T Brothers 6 BulletProof, Golden Floss, Glyn 68783 Jefferson 1 3-li LCS.hvy 5 105 2 2 1 1°* B Harvey 12 Oevonile. Dltahe. Douglinut 68721 Jefferson 1 1-lu 1 :47*5fast 12 107 I 6 6 4" F Smith 6 H.Kemble. DukeJohn. Mavneen 68193 Jeff.-rson 1 1-S 1:39 slow 4 109 3 6 4 » V- A Roach 9 Ettahe. King Trojan, Ballotcar 68411 J-ffcrson 1 1-2 2 : :r7Hf ast 9-5 105 1 1 21 4*1 R Harton 9 G Jouelt. LdHerbert. LhtWine 68350 Tiff HI aaa 1 1-S 1 :.",4,fast 10 109 5 a 41 4-1 E Smwod 6 SamKrank. Broth. Love, Normal 6820G F Cr nds 1 3-15 l:".9,good 60 103 7 8 101 9" R Harton 11 Best Pal. Royce Rools. Olynthuj 68157 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :49mud 6 106 2 1 1" 1»« R Harton I Slin.Elui. PaulMicou. DayLilly 68072 F.Grnds 1 1 S 1 :~.7Vivy 31 106 1 2 2» 2»k R HartonlO Ettalir. Ballotcar. Demos 67987 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:54 fast 4 109 4 4 41 3 E Pool Id Huonec, SlipperyElm. Sag;imook 67903 FGrnds 1 3-16 2:00Vafast 7 10518 5 2 2 E Pool M Hiioii.-c CtleuJett. ll.Parluer 67839 F.Gr nds 1 1-1C l:50V5hvy 31 112 6 5 5l 45 R Harton S Amaze, Kirah. Iluonec