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i : 1 "74.U DA PC —* Mile. Pimlico Graded Handicap Class C. 3-ii-ar-olils and /IN nAUC onward. ov. G, lOa 1:11 5 128. FELICITOUS, ch. c, 3 120 By Ultimatum— Felicitation, by Delhi. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner, C. P. Winfrey. 3rceder. S. Ross. 69472 H.deGce lm70y l:4t**feat 7 108 2 1 1- l* E Smwod S FlyingDcvil. Pennon. Bclphrizia 69269 H.deGce 3-4 l:tS%teat 16-5 102 3 3 22 1" J Wallace 13 Iietrus. Whalebone. St.;rt -alin t9057 Bowie 61 f l:214sfast 43-10 110 6 1 l3 3 E Smwod 7 PoorSport. WaterGirl. Bdzonia 68593 Jefferson 3-1 1 3 115 1 2 2l 28 G S L*wJ Rose. Poor Sport. Old Ton 68407 Jeffeison 61 f 1 :074;,fast 16-5 122 12 10 0**11* G Babin 12 I"rS|mrt. BidyKo-.,., TheColonel 67899 FGrnds 3-4 1:13 fast 20 16 7 3 51 7,2E Smwod S J.O.Kelly. Shamrk. P. c.flmba :7809 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :141.,mud 12 10916 6 52 SI8F. Smwod S Sliamroek, Macbeth. Rork 66987 Jefferson 61 f 1 .07"t,fast 4 115 6 3 44 4-l K Smwod I Ro kS: it. Bet Time:. Stump.Tr. 66835 Bowie SJ f l:214ifast 19-5 112 6 3 4 6«1 E Smwodll Bin-ado, Lit. Ilcjie. Adventuress 66637 Pimlico 3-4 1 :13*ifast 12 10SJ 3 2 l2 1 E Smwo.113 LyMyra. Iloniestretch. A I Boyd .6387 Laurel 1 l:44bfast 31-10 110 8 3 1 33 ■ Sin wodlo Belphr.z mia. PoorSport. Tassel 66218 Lauiel 3-4 LlJWast 4 a 108 2 3 2« 1" S McLane ! **■■!—!■ irty. BlueChiua PERHAPS, ch. g. 5 117 By Luke McLuke — Mis3 Georgia, by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. G. McDonald. Owner, J. G. McDonald. Breeder. J. N. Markey. 69528 H .deGce 1 1 -16 1 9 106 1 5 4 4:J A Roach 9 Sp: gs. Biff Bang. Star Realm .! 454 H.deGce 11-16L4S fast 8 109 4 1 2« 22 1 Stirling S T.aianus, Vitam.n. Tingling 69412 H.deGce 1 1-8 1 :55 ifast 7 105 1 1 1 4*1 G Mein 8 Tony Beau, Tingling. T. Cassidy 69269 H.deGce 3-4 t:18%taat 14 112 9 9 81 9;i ■ Martz 13 Felicitoas. IM trus. Whalebone 68430 Havana 61 f 21 112 4 4 4 37 T Burns 4 L.A.Poe. B ofKltown. lluronll. 68121 Havana lm50v l:42Vfast 7-6 112 1 3 45 4-J T Burns B SeaPrime. rimastle. LB. Sheep 68049 Havana 3-4 l:ll?ifast 4-6 106 4 2 l2 1*1 I Brothers 5 Different Eyes. Quanah, Jauku 07922 Havana 3-4 1 :12«»fast 4 107 3 3 2»» 1 T Burnj 5 The Boy, C«d. Chile, Salvo 67826 Havana 1 1:43 slow 2 108 2 1 1 1 T Burns 6 1 iucastle, Human, No lime TIDINGS, br. m. 5 118 By Theo. Cook— Glad Tidings, by Knight of tka Trainer, E. P. Snmmerfield. Owner, £. P. Summerfield. Thistle. Breeder. W. and L. Garth. 69524 H.deGca 3-4 1:14%fast 5 107 1 1 1* l|G Rose 12 Jacques, Aiken, Minute Man 69428 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 17 112 7 4 7* 7«1 G Rom 14 Picnic. Tarn. Whalebone 69269 H.deGce 3-4 1:13%fast 7 112 M 7 5 6| S Mcl.ane 13 Felicitous. Pictrus. Whalebone 69130 Howie 61fl:21%fast 15 104 3 1 ll 2« S Mcl ane 8 Spugs. Elemental, Sagamore I G9073 Bowie S-4 l:16%slop 7 105 3 1 1« 1* S McLane 8 Antilles. Galeta. Blazonry i 66877 Bowie 61 f 1:22 fast 7 112 8 4 81 7«i J MeTagtl3 Sling. Ettahe. Huff G6828 Bowie 61 f 1 :22%fast 37-10 10R C 4 l1 2" J Callahanl3 SoltC.oes. CareFree, JohnMorrill . 66555 laurel 1 l:42%fast 13 108 5 8 2« 4" S McLane 8 Mil. Man. J.Morrill, leads Love , 66386 Laurel 3-4 1 :13%fast 9 112 13 7 91 6* T Parton 14 Whlebone. CumSah, C.J.Cgmile , C6222 Laurel 3-4 115%fast 8 112 11 « t°k ll J MrTag tl4 Dan Boiling. Rolo, Whalebone FORT BLISS, b. g. 8 119 By Dick Welles— Espero, by Sir Dixon. ] Trainer, W. A. Burttschell. Owner. J. B. Skinker. Breeder, J. A. Wagner. 66619 Dshire 3-1 l:ll%fast 11 108 2 2 3 41 451 G Walls 7 J.Ellswth. MmuleMan. EulahF. 66510 Windsor 3-4 1:ll%fast 5 lit J 1 1 1 li H EricksnlO Kuklux. Orlova. Gloria Fiance 66325 it Erie 3-4 l:13%good 19-5 110 3 11 11 641 H J Burke 7 Eulah F., Kuklux. Smart Guy 65874 K worth lmOy 1 :43fast 31-10 115 111 3 31 4*1 J Butwell 5 Belario, Murray. Dresden 65656 Windsor 3-4 1.12%fast 9 115 1 1 1 11 1lLLyke 11 ImaFrank, KingJohn, UltraOold 65449 Ft Erie 3-4 1:13 fast 10 116 2 11 31 4*1 R Simpsonll J.Corey, TopothMng, Rnuquol THESSALY. tr. f . 3 115 By Plaudit— Fair Atalanta. by Knight of the Thistle. I Trainer, M. 3. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. Breeder, Xalapa Farm. 69257 11 deGce 3-4 1 :14rslov 33 103 6 6 61 5"! G Mein S Comixa, M.Twain. N. Hampshire 1 69131 Bowie 61 f 1:21 fast 45 103 3 4 4* 3» G M»in 9 Sog.Aroon, Flying Devil, Iran I 68227 Jefferson 51 f 1.08 fast S 102 6 6 6* 6* H Thomas 7 BetterTimes. Eliz.Bean. Contour 68026 F.Grnds 3 4 IllUfrlt 12 102 3 8 7» 7" H Thomas 9 J.Q.Kelly. Anymous, M.Chilton 1 67964 F.Grnds 3-4 l:lu%fast 6 99 1 1 1» 4« H Thomasl2 Admirer. Chiva. Major Chilton 67809 F.Grnds 3-4 l.Iir,mud 12 101 5 2 3 4:,4 H Thomas 8 Shamrock, Maclieth. Rork 67090 Jefferson 3-4 l:lo%hvy 6 105 3 2 21 5J II Thomas 8 Stump Jr.. Superbum, Vennie 66857 Bowie 7-S 1:28%iast .J 103 2 6 61 7-° G Mein 9 KingSol.sSenl, Kelside, L.Myra 66815 Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 67 102 10 11 10* 10" H Thomasll Best I»ve. Fly by Day, Felside FUSEE, ch. f, 4 119 By Fair Play— Ferment, by Octagon, Trainer, W. A. Burttschell. Owner, J. B. Skinker. Breeder, A. Belmont. 69608 limlico ll:41%fast S 10515 5 4J f.«l S McLane 11 K.John. LongliStoim, Gallagher 69469 H.deGce 3 4 l:144;fast 23-10 113 5 ! 2* I* E Bell 15 Hereafter. Rlicingold, Sultan , 69317 H.deGce 3 4 l:14%fast 30 103 8 3 3» 3»» E Bell 14 Picnic. ForesiQun. JosephBrant 68613 Jefferson 51 f 1 :08%fust 18-i 106 6 2 21 Is R Costeliol2 Amanda. Spring Vale. Mary G. 1 68449 Jefferson 3-4 l:17VOivv 3 105 3 3 6» 6:= A Abel 12 Marimba. Herald. Ardito 67984 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%fast 3 103 1 3 6»* 7J1 J CorcoranlO Youneed, Maliony, Rolo , 67935 W Grnds 3-4 1:13 fatt 3 102 3 6 31 3s G Mein 11 Mom. Sandalwood. Ix carno , €7730 F.Grnds 3-4 1:l3%fast 3 102 7 3 5" 5« J Corcoranll Relbiiity. R. Stride, Flibtygt 67219 Jefferson 3-4 1 : 15%slow 20 109 10 6 61 6s 1 E Barnes 1 1 SprgVale, SmIGuy. Winnecne 6685U Bowie 61 f US fast 14 93 10 8 41 2*1 H Shillickl2 Cum Sail. Ettalie. Kirah LUMINIST, b. c, 3 126 By Hourless — Lumineuse. by Macdonald II. Trainer. T. J. Healey. Owner, W. J. Salmon. Breeder. A. Belmont. 69638 Pimlico 3-4 LllSfast 51 98 3 3 31 S» J Callahan 7 Apex. Tip. Witchet. By Jiminy 69410 H.deGce lm70y 1:16 fast 9 100 S 3 6 6« E Bell ■ Eulalia. Dunlin, Lady Myra 66829 Bowie 61 f l:203fast 9 107 7 6 7 7" C Lang 7 Gcn.Tcher, F.Lore. K.Sol.sSeal 66661 limlico 3-4 1 :!3«5siow 36 99 4 1 1 1* ■ Bell 9 Sweetheart. Frank C... Heeltaps 66170 laurel 1 l:41%fast 11 110 3 7 6 6" B Marielll 7 My Own. Woodland, Henna 65771 Laurel 3-4 I ITHfMt 11 104 6 6 7* 8" S Bullman 8 Riallo. Lilt. Carol 65647 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 6 115 2 2 Is 1» J Butwell 9 Valador. Bet Times. St.Lnwrenc* 65440 H.deGce 61 f 1:03 fast 9 10716 9 8« 61 C Ponce 10 Blue Peter. Riallo, Sun Doll 65299 H.deGce 5-8 1 :00%fast 32 116 5 6 6* 7" J Butwell 13 Carol. Scribble, Blue Peter 65128 Mart 51 f MC l:00%fast 7 108 3 6 6* 6" L Ensor 9 Curtis. Newmarket, Flagstaff POOR SPORT, b. g. 3 118 By Delhi— Play Fair, by Fair Play. Trainer. W. A. Burtschell. Owner. J. R. Skinker. Breeder. J. D. Carr and Bro. 69472 H.deGce lm70y 1 :4SVsfast 61 113 7 6 6* 64i G Mein 8 Felicitous. Flying Devil, Pennon 69391 H.deGce lm70y 1:17 fast 4 109 4 1 1« ll A Abel 7 Belplirizonia, Bonfire, Papillon 69289 H.deGce 51 f 1 :07 fast 6 112 8 5 5* 4i A Abel 9 Pennon. Lofy Ho*, Mahel K. 69168 Bowie lmTly 1 :50%fast 41-10 111 1 1 1 4s E Smwod 5 AlStebler. FlyingDcvil, LyMyr.i 69105 Bowie 7-8 1 :28/sfast 21 102 3 5 44 45 H Shillick 7Setiing Sun. The own. Batata Ii9057 Bowie 61 f 1 :21%fast 14 5 113 2 4 2 1J H Shillick 7 WaterCirl. Felicitous. Belzunia 69035 Bowie 51 f 1 :07fust 15 104 4 4 4 1 5* .1 Wallace 7 Gen.Ttclier. Sog.Aroon, T.CIowu 68653 Jefferson 5ifl:07%fast 10 103 5 7 C GlR Costello S Canyon. Sewell Combs. Avi?pa 68593 Jefferson 3-1 l:13%fast 21 115 4 3 3 2 B Doyle 8 Lady Rose, leiieitous. Old Top LISTEN DEARIE, ch. f. 3 119 By Trojan— Ansonella, by Clear the Wa7. Trainer, T. J. Donahue. Owner, Mrs. F. A. C.ark. Breeder, J. T. Gwathmey. 66701 Pimlico 51 f 1 :07 fast 6 112 3 1 1114 R Romelli 9 ElDorado, Romp. Home. PnyDear 66632 Pimlico 5* f 1 : 07% fast if 112 7 9 51 4i R Rom ellill" PowWow. RedWieatli. Mer.I*ind SCOTCH BROOM, ch. c. 3 M 120 By Ultimus— Broom Flower, by Broomstick. Trainer, W. H. Brocks. Owner, S. Ross. Breeder. E. Daingerfield. 63941 Saratoga 5 8 09 if ast 20 110 10 19 19: 19- F Keogh 20 Coniixa, lev, Betty Beall WRANGLE, ch. c. 3 125 By Seth— Meddling Hannah, by Bedeck. Trainer. F. Farrar. Owner, F. Farrar. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 69607 limlico 3-4 l:ll*hfast 16 110 3 3 3 3* J McCoy 3 Tall Timber. Sunferenee 63200 Devshire 51 f 1 :06%fast 11 110 5 5 5s 3«J J Metcalf 6 Oak wood, Donges, Eliz. Jewell 63081 Devshire 5-8 1 :01*%fast 31 112 7 5 3» 1 T Wallace 12 Ruslem, Radiant. Curland 61947 Woodbine 5-8 1 :00%fast 3-5 112 6 6 6 61* W Wartn • Bucado. Mt.Rose, HoneysJewel 61735 Pimlico 5-8 LOOSfast 13-10 112 6 3 34 21 C Lang f St. Valentino. Bucado, Pravus 61615 Pimlico 41 f ".4 fast 1-2 115 2 4 31 21 A Johnson 4 St. Valentine. Faith W., Jolly 61486 Pimlico 41 f 53**fast 4 112 2 6 2» 2" A Johnson 7 Frank IS., Carol. Mark Twain 61412 H.deGce 41 f 54%fast 18 116 2 6 6 41 T Rice 7 Woodland. TrueFlier. TallTimber c= ■ — ,