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fith RAPE "-* A"1*** Pimlico Graded Handicap Class B. 3-jear-olds and Ulll nMUr. upward. Nov. «, l»aa 1:11 5 1S8. SAILING B., b. h. 6 125 By Trap Rock— Peccadillo, by Hastings. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner, J. K. L. Boss. Breeder. A. Belmont. 69657 IMmlico 3-4 l:123sfast 4 110 4 2 31 31 A Claver 8 M. Twain. Wellfinder. Comixa 69490 H.deGce 3-4 l:12fast 42 109 3 4 6 6" A Claver ■ T. Timber, F.IMiantom, Broom r 64340 Windsor 3-4 LKSfast 14-5 114 3 4 41 41 H J Burke 6 Estero. SuavePrince. CarmM.-ile 64159 FortErie 3-4 1 :llfast 11-5 117 3 4 6 57 H J Burke 8 Mar. Fallon. Estero. Tip Witchet 63999 Ham ton 3-4 LLVbfast 21-10 114 1 2 2» 2"k H J Burke 4 Tip.Witchet, Dr. Hickman, Super 63836 Kworth lmTOy 2 115 4 1 11 11 H J Burke 0 Radio. Fair Gain. Duke John 63479 Windsor 3-4 l:llfast 9-10 115 1 2 ll 4J A Claver 7 Mercuiv. Oil Man, Adonis G3339 FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 23-10 120 4 2 21 22 C Turner 6 Elemental. Estero, Fair Gain 63159 FortErie lm70y 1:48 slow 9-10 122 1 1 1" 4»1 C Turner 4 Dresden, Manoevre, Tailor Maid 63044 llamton lm70y l:444sfast 19-10 109 5 2 2» ll C Turner 9 All Fair. Serapis. Vowell C2875 Hamton 3-4 l:13 5fast 1 118 4 S 2°k 42 A Claver 11 Hildur, Eulah F., Serapi« 61547 Pimlico 3-4 1:15 slow 1-4 122 6 3 22 2and C Turner 5 Oriole, Minute Man. St. Quentin WELLFINDER. ch. g. 5 112 By Broomstick — Wonder, by Disguise. Trainer, R. I. Miller. Owner, R. I. Miller. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 69657 IMmlico 3-4 l:12fast 15 110 2 4 4 21 G Mein 8 MarkTWain. SailingB.. Comixa 69525 H.deGce 3-4 1 :13Vsfast 15 110 1 3 22 3*1 A Abel 5 Lion dOr. Opperman. San. Beai 69452 H.deGce 3-4 1 :12a5fast 62 104 1 4 41 5» A Abel 8 Din. Care. Lion dOr. Broomster 66707 Pimlico 3-4 l:12%fast 14f 107 1 4 61 6*2 L Fator 12 Dexterous. Wraith. S. and Boots 60203 I-iurel 3-4 1 .fast 7 112 I 5 4= 7*1 A Johnson 8 Apex, Wraith. Dexterous 65867 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 5 109 3 3 3i4iE Smwod 9 Apex, Cum Sah. Hidden Jewel 65577 H.deGce lm70y l:46cfast 5 107 2 3 4 " 5T B Pullman 0 All Fair. Rebuke. By Jiminy 65396 H.deGce 61 f 1:07 fast 13-5 112 1 3 3 32 L Penman 7 Sec. Thoughts, McKi una. Blazes PICKETER, b. c. 3 123 By Chicle— Pankburst. by Voter. Trainer. J. Rowe. Owner. H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 69635 Pimlico 1 l:42,5fast 2-5 105 6 1 ll Q L McAtee 7 Son-o-lnc, Rbiand. Witticism 66650 Pimlico 1 l:M%feat 3 119 9 8 10 10" L McAtee It SallysAlley. Martingale. MyOwn 66590 Pimlico 3-4 11-10 115 11 7 91 ll18 L Lyke 12 Athstone. RkB-.ttom. T.Mintes 66554 Laurel 3-4 l:13«ifast 9 5 109 1 6 6and 55 L PenmanlO Jen. Thatcher, Ccmixa. Scribble 65302 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast 7-5 114 4 5 111 953 9 Keogh 15 Bluemont. Vigil. Marie Blanche 05193 Belmont 3-4 st 1:11 fast 6 117 19 121 12- L Fator 23 Sallys Alley. Zev. Wilderness 65094 Belmont 51 f st 1 :0." *t,f ast 1-3 115 5 2 21 2» L Penman 1 1 Bluemont. Rigrl, Fullon 64969 Churchill 1 l:3S*5fast 4-5 122 8 4 3» 22 L Penman 9 Enchantment. Donges. Cartnist C4608 Saratoga 51 f Lllhvy 4-5 115 2 3 31 25 L McAtee 5 Anonyms. Waterfther. Liwaito PIETRTJS. b. g, 4 119 By Sundridge— Vacuum Cleaner, by Perth. Traiaer. G. W. Campbell. Owner, G. W. Foreman. Bred in France by J. Sanford. 69546 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 10 107 5 3 3° 2 G Mein 6 McKenna. IadyBoss. S.sLemoB 69428 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 13-10 107 2 1 21 5S1 A Abel 14 Picnic. Tarn. Whalebone 69269 H.deGce 3-4 l:U%faa* 21 110 2 1 ]■* 2 A Abel 13 Felicitous. Whalebone. StarRlm 68327 Jefferson 3-4 1 :13»sfast 12 11111 7 8» 75 H J Burkel2 Orcus. The Peruvian, Theo 68006 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :13-andfast 13-5 110 4 6 41 43i E Pool 10 has .l.Craigmile, Orlova, Theo 67898 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13tast 7-5 110 7 S 64 V-i E Smwodll Theroruviaii, fluff, Bobl.yAllen 67644 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13%fast 13-10 112 3 1 U 2" E Pool 10 FireCracker. Theo, Reliability 67345 Jefferson 5-8 LOlfast 4 108 1 4 3 52J E Martin 7 BlmerK.. High Cost. Col. Taylor 66988 Jefferson 3-4 1:14 fast 1S-5 108 6 1 l2 21 E Smwodll Hadrian. Guviior. IMinceWellos 6G931 Jefferson 5 f l:07Vtfast 5 106 6 5 4» 4J J Owens 10 IMceWelles. Splicity. GinGolJ 66250 Laurel 3-4 LHfast 6 107 1112 1 G Mein 15 Simplicity, umSah, Ml— UM— FOREST LORE, ch. c, 3 116 By Campfire — Ma Wee Dear, by Love Wisely. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner. R. T. Wilson. Breeder, R. T. Wilsoi. 69526 H.deGce 3-4 l:13a5fast 13-5 KJ2 6 7 52 34 E Bell 7 MissCerina. Bid.Cuard, S. Tassel 69471 H.deGce lmTOy l:44fast 3 102 4 4 3l 3*1 E Bell 7 Brook holt, Wil.-Barres, Sunsini C9243 H.deGce Slfl.lOmud 34 106 7 9 4 43 E Bell 10 Fly by Day. Gold. Rule. Heeltaps 66871 Bowie 1-4 l:M9fcteat 4 114 1 10 72 2H F Keogh 11 Rompingilome. Caladium. Fside 66851 Bowie 1 l:4t%feat 8-5 101 11 11 W 9" E Bell II Oui Oui. Vigil. Moonraker 66841 Bowie 7-8 l:28%fast 11-10 104 6 1 l2 l2 C Lang 12 P.. Bottom, Pay Dear. R. Wreath 66829 Bowie 61 f 1 9 100 1 3 31 2»t E Bell 7 Gen.Ttcher, K.Sol.sScal. Carol 66800 Bowie 61 f 1 :20-;fast 10 104 13 14 14 14» R McNaeeH Oca. Thatcher. Osprev. Vigil 66272 Empire Ab 3-4 1 :10 fast 4 97 4 3 31 3J E Bell 4 Ruddy, Fullon. Romping Home 65918 Jamaica 3-4 l:127j,fast 10 K3 I 7 72 7» H Caliban 8 Best Love, Battersea. Aladdin 65758 Jamaica 61 f l:05=ifast 20 97 9 9 9 917 H Callhan 9 WilmTell. Aladdin. BlancSeing BODY GUARD, b. c, 3 119 By Golden Maxim — Melisande. by Disguise. Trainer. W. Hurley. Owner. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 69526 H.deGce 3-4 1:13%fast 37-10 104 4 3 32 9 1 Mein 7 Mis Cerina. For.I/ue. SilkTssel 69451 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 36 108 3 3 l«t few. G Mein 10 Comixa. N. Hampshire, Revenge 69389 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 9 106 4 1 41 6»1 G Mein 9 Gol.Rule. N. Hampshire. Comixa 69347 H.deGce 3-4 l:12%faat 31 104 6 8 61 531 G Mein 11 Vigil. Dunlin. Fly by Day 68781 Jefferson 1 1-8 l:57«shvy 8 118 5 4 6 8;T A Wilson 13 Amole. Calcutta. Setting Sun 68698 Jefferson 1 l:41;,slow 11-6 108 3 1 1 2" A Wilson 9 Ijidy Myra. Raffles. Superbum 68634 Jefferson 6J f 1 :07ifast 7 105 1 1 l5 1 A Wilson 10 Raffles, P.ofl mbria, UidyMyra 68470 Jefferson i| f l:10ohvy 6 105 2 2 21 341 A Wilson 7 Raffles. Macbeth. John Q. Kelly 68366 Jeffeison 61 f LOS fast 8-5 110 2 2 21 25 A Wilson 11 John.Ioseph. Billy liern. Glenlivet 68204 F.Grnds 1 1:42 good 41 98 3 S 6 S11 A Abel 9 Shamrock, EdwirdGray. KentL. 68153 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14mud 12 105 3 4 3" 24 A Wilson 8 Shamrock, Vennie. Calcutta 68068 F.Grnds lm70y 1:48 hvy 2 115 1 1 S2 6" L Lyke 10 AllAmerican. ReelFoot. Fleeting 67687 F.Grnds 3 4 l:14.5fast 12 116 2 4 S» 7»2 L Lyke 12 J. Q. Kelly. FirstBlush. Alluring EXCUSE ME. b. c. 4 117 By Meridian— Horizon, by Hastings. Trainer, R. F. Carman, Jr. Owner, B. F. Carman. Breeder. R. F. Carman. 69581 Pimlico 3-4 l:12.sfast 6" 112 2 3 41 5 E P Denny 7 Lion dOr, Flagstaff. Rparation 62905 Aqueduct 1 1-16 1:46 slop 4 105 4 3 6« 5" L Fator 6 Thimble. Recount. Sunny land 62743 Aqueduct 1 l:40Amud U-6 104 4 2 2 2» L Fator I ComicSong. Thimble. WarM.-isk 62596 Belmont 1 1:38 fast 20 108 7 8 f4 6«1 L Fator 10 Frigate. Davidllarum. JuneGrasa 62433 Belmont 1 llfast 4-6 148 2 1 l5 1» Mr J Tker 3 Arrow of Cold. Daddy 62204 Belmnt 3-4 MC l:12%fast 7 118 6 4 11 1" J Butwell 11 SeaMint, IM.oflndia. Crvs Ford 62038 Belmt 61 f MC 1 .lSf ast 6 118 3 3 31 41 E Sande 9 Finality, Doughnut, Masterlland 01804 Jamaica 3-4 l:13Vfefast 20 121 7 6 6s 4«1 C Lang 7 Hepliaistos, Toil. Superlative MOONRAKER, ch. c, 3 124 By Broomstick — Alster Cress, by Watercress. Trainer, J. Rowe, Jr. Owner, Greentree Stable. Breeder, Greentree Stable. 69581 IMmlico 3 4 1:124fast 19 102 3 7 6- 612 A Abel 7 Lion dOr. Flagstaff. Rparation 66878 Bowie 1 l:40%Caat 23 105 2 2 4« 4=3 H Thomas 6 Fly by Day. Gen. Thatcher. Vigil 66851 Bowie 1 1 :43%fast 51 10S 3 3 2 33 L Penman 11 Oui Oui. Vigil, Fly by Day 66800 Bowie 6 f I lias* 18 111 6 5 4J 5»1 C Lang 14 Gen. Thatcher. Osprey. Vigil 66650 Pimlico 1 l:39.-,fast 3 122 11 11 11 9 H Thomasll SallysAlley. Martingale. MvOwn 66489 Laurel 51 f 1:09 fast 6 112 5 4 3* 4 L Penman 7 Heeltaps, Carol. Sweetheart 66420 Laurel 3-4 21 112 3 5 61 631 L Penman 10 Martingale, Ambler, Vigil 66223 Laurel 51 f 1 tfStfast 33-10 112 3 4 2"* ll L Penman I GoldenKule, Comixa. Bet. Times 66168 Laurel 3-4 1 :13«ifast 3 109 2 3 221 51 J Thomas 7 Carol, Valador. New Hampsrire 65956 Laurel 61 f 1:08 mud 2-5 115 2 1 Y* l3 J Callahan 6 Sog.Aroon. Wildflower. O. Timer 65815 Laurel 6 f 1 :07 fast 1 115 1 2 22 2l J Callahan 9 Better Times. My Own, Noel BY JIMINY. b. f. 5 123 By Jim Gaffney— Ianna. by Fatherless. Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner. E. F. Whitney. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 69638 Pimlico 3-4 Lllfast 5 108 1 4 41 4° S Bullman 7 Apex, Tip. Witchet. Luminist 69319 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 5 115 2 6 42 2=x J Rowan 12 Camouflage. Baby Mine, olando 66867 Bowie lm70y l:49*5fast 37-10 US 1 1 2l 2s J McTagt 8 Plucky. LittleAmmie. Vakntia 66832 Bowie lm70y 1 :4SV,fast 57 104 10 9 9s 9*1 T Doyle 12 All Fair, Picnic. Crank 66817 Bowie 1 l:4ttfcfaat 97 102 6 7 7 7° H Callhan 7 PcllyAnn. FairPntom. Emotion 66621 IMmlico 1 1-16 1 :45%fast 27 10712 8 S" 6» G Babin It Oppman. Cop. Demon. TheAlmr 66491 Laurel ll:41Hfast 18 109 3 4 41 4«1 B Marielli I Thimble, All Fair. Bromelia 66253 Laurel lm70y 1 A5f ast 15 108 1 4 41 5* F Wdstk 9 C.dando. Slippery Elm. Servitot 06139 Laurel lm70y l:45rigood 31 110 1 3 62 5"3 G Walls 8 Multikins. Thimble, Bromelia MARK TWAIN, b. g, 3 117 By George Smith— Droll, by Dick Welles. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner, W. J. Salmon. Breeder, W. W. Darden. 69657 Pimlico 3-4 l:12fast 12 04 5 3 1"" V E Bell 8 Wellfinder. Sailingl... Comixa 69451 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 12 108 2 2 41 531 E Bell 10 Comixa. B. Guard. N. Hampshire 69347 H.deGce 3-4 l:12fast 13 104 3 5 B» 64i E Bell 11 Vigil. Dunlin. Fly by Day 69257 H.deGce 3-4 l:14V,slow 24 108 1 2 24 22 E Bell 8 Comixa, N.Hapshin , St.Lawce 65440 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 9 113 1 4 4 421 J Butwell 10 Blue Peter. Riallo, Sun Doll 65128 Belmt 5 f MC l:05%fast 7 115 S 4 41 5» J Butwell 9 Curtis. Newmarket, Flagstaff 64913 Bflmt 51 f MC 1 :0.".%f ast 6 11313 4 6» 52J Butwell 6 Sharark, MissSiar. WilliamTell 64272 Saratoga 3-4 LllVast 15 112* 5 7 7 7° J Butwell 13 Messenger. IustFl..wer. Dongei 64046 Saratoga 3-1 1:15 hvy 1-5 115 10 13 13 1317 J Butwell 13 Martgale. Chickvale. Cartoonist C3078 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10%fast 6-5 113 1114 121 J Butwell 9 Mutiny. Dustabout. PrinceTiiTii DEMIJOHN, b. c. 3 M 116 By Sweep — Flirtatious, by Golden Garter. Trainer. G. R. Tompkins. Owner. Glen Riddle Farm Stable. Breeder. S. D. Riddle. 69657 IMmlico 3-4 l:12fast 24 105 6 7 76 734 S Bullman ■ M.Twain. Wellfinder. SailingB. 69389 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 16 104 3 -5 6 1 5T1 B Bullman 9 Gol.Rule. N. Hampshire. Comixa 69268 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast I 116 1 1 1- 2" S Bullman 9 Revenge. IIu-M Vela. Rhiuegold MACDUFF, ch. g, 4 M 115 By McGee — Stolen Moments, by Kingston. Trainer. R. A. Smith. Owner, W. M. Jeffords. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 69635 IMmlico 1 l:42 0fast 12 11". 1 3 42 5=3 L Morris 7 Picketer. Son o-Ine, Redhranil 69471 H.deGce lm70y 1 :44fast 60 110 2 5 65 691 L Morris 7 Brookh.dt. Wil.-Barre. 63788 Empire Ab 3-4 1:12 mud 25 109J10 10 9J 9" L Morris 12 Northcliff. Jaunebar. D. Boiling 63372 Empire 1 1-16 1 :48%good 60 109 4 3 35 31! 1 Morris 4 FniFriend. ComicSong. ClMali 62906 Aqueduct 1 l:40=tslop 12 110 8 3 35 24 L Morris 11 PceJames, Jaunebar. DM.GNM 62829 Aqueduct SI f l:20%fast 15 110 9 6 62 4«3 , Morris 12 Serenader. Brocklesby. Jaunebar 62554 Belmont 1 ltfast 26 108 3 6 6 514 L Morris I Wkaway. Ccm. Song. OveitakH 62354 Belmont 1 ldtfifMt 12 112 7 C 4» 35 L Morris 10 lfman. DbbCross. Ir.Confetll .2182 Belmont 1 l:39ifaEt 20 112 4 4 4" L Morris 10 Mystic, Nancy Shanks, Tarn 55092 Aqueduct 6-8 1 :01%f ast 60 115 10 9 72 6JE AmbrselO Lally, Picnic. Aknustl