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IS* RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-oldH. Claiming. Oct. 6, 1013 1:11 2 105. Index Course Diat Time Tck Odds Wt St % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish LADY G0RHAM, ch. f, 3 106 By Frizzle— Mexilow, by Mexican. Trainer, R. C. Frakes. Owner, Gorham Bros.. Breeders. Gorham Bros. €9696 Lrxffton 3-4 1:12 fast 21 101 3 1 s* 2« H Gray 6 Br.Tomorrow, G Luck, L.Granite ; 69584 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 2 106 3 1 1*| 1»" H Gray 11 HnorMan, WolfsCry, Bui. Proof 66552 Latonia 3-4 LllVast 6 112 2 1 31 4TJ H Gray 10 A. B. Gown, InMemm, D.E.OSn t 65671 Latonia 5Jfl:06%fast 1-2 109 2 1 2J 5«J H Gray 7 InMemorm, Skeezix, BoMcMiln 65524 Lexton 61 f 1 :06Sf ast 31 103 4 1 Is l4 H Gray 10 B.Tomorrow, Best. Time, Banter 63037 Latonia 61 f l:07%fast 31 107 2 1 1« 1« H Gray 7 Al.Bl.Gown, D.Flower. M. Meise 62721 Latonia 6-S 1:01 fast 21-M 112 2 1 I* 1* H Gray 10 Kennmare. Power, Minnie B. STUMP JR., b. c, 3 108 By Golden Maxim — Green Dawn, by Greenan. Trainer, M. J. Eeanchamo. Owner. L. H. SeweH. Breeder, T, M. Murphy. C8634 Jefferson 51 f l:07%fast If 117 10 10 10 10-8 J Wallace 10 BodyGuard. Raffles, P.oftmbria 68470 Jefferson 61 f l:10%hvy 8 1121 4 5 6= 65 J D Mney 7 Raffles. Macbeth. Body Guard . 68227 Jefferson 51 f 1:08 fast 21 107 4 3 3s 4» I, McDott 7 BetterTimes, Eliz.Rean, Contour 68071 F.Grnds 111 MT|nl| U-6 105 1 2 11 Is L McDott 9 Sultan, Waywassamo, Jupiter 67938 F.Grnds 1 1 :39%fast 15 104 3 6 6 6" L McDott « SettingSun. Anonymous. Briand 67881 F.Grnds 1 1:41 Vast 10 104 2 2 2s 31 L McDottll Majortiy. Briand, Mayor Carrel 67754 F.Grnds 1 l:40%fast 7 109 1 2 3*. 471 E Pool 9 PceTiiTii. Rosea tell., Majority 67710 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13%fast 12 119 2 6 31 4» L Lyke 13 Leslie. Elizabeth Bean, Chiva 67645 F.Grnds 51 f 1 :07%fast 7 108 3 C 6s 641 C Lang 9 Miss Meise, Rock Salt, Shamrk 67479 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 hvy 6 115 2 4 6s 5« E Pool 9 Anonyms, BlueNose, J.Q.Kelly 67130 Jefferson 1 l:45%mud 9-5 105 1 2 2« 2« L McDott 6 Lady Inez. Lady Myra, Calcutta 67090 Jefferson 3-4 l:16%hvy 5 112 2 1 1 l1 J D Mney 8 Superbum, Vennle, Setting Sun i WHITLEATHER br. f, 3 103 By Hessian — Old Sqnaw, by Adam. Trainer, J. C. Milam. Owner, J. C. Milaml. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 65524 Lexton 51 f 1 :0C%fast 5 106 9 8 8J Si M Garner 10 L Gorham, B.Tomorrow, R.Time » 65198 Lexington 51 f 1 :0N%f ast 6-5 112 4 1 Is I* M Garner 12 Gor.Shaw. TheClown. Piedmont t 64884 Churchill 51 f 1 :06%fast 6 112 1 3 4» 4» M Garner 12 F.cfLove. GrassMaid. SweetLa Jy • GUEST CF HONOR, ch. c. 3 108 By Pataud— Bright Start, by Star Shoot. Trainer. J. McPherson. Owner, Fair Acres Farm. Breeder, D. T. Matlack. 69931 1iurchill 2-4 1 :14.mud 6 112 4 3 3= 2s R KenndylO Post Haste, SunFe.v. GreatLady 66987 Jefferson 51 f 1 :07Vust 3i 11a 6 6 6 6«! K Pool 8 KockSalt, Bet.Time;, StumpJr. 66890 Jefferson 5-8 1 :00Vast 13-C IIP 4 6« 5" J Zoeller 7 Anonymous. BetrTnnes. Vennie . 66581 latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 31-10 110 1 2 1 Is E Pool IS Away, Romp. Mary. Taylor Hay 66382 Latonia 3-4 l:13Vast U-6 106 4 1 1» l5 B Kenndyll C.A.Reinht. Proceeds. AlSiebler 66065 Latonia 111 »■■*■ 11 105 7 6 6:» 511 J Zoeller 7 P. Haste, W. Knows Me, Jupiter J 65726 Latonia 51 f 1:07 Vast 18 111 1 3»* 3« D Connllyl2 H. Graham, OldTop, FightgCook 65201 Lexton 61 f 1 :06%f ast 40 104 10 6 51! hl B K.nndyll HasierBells, OuiOui, MissCerina ! 64827 Chun hill 3-4 1:13 fast 42 110 3 6 81 V D ConnIly 9 Ind. Trail, Donegal, Chittagons 61834 Churchill 41 f 55%mud 38 112 6 3 41 Is B KenndylO Wida. Anna Tod, Nowata 41746 Char-hill 41 f 64%fast S3 109 7 6 6« 6° 15 Kenndy 7 D.E.OSuln. Dr.Glenn i CI 442 Lex ton 1-2 48%good 150 110 8 8 71 7*1 F Smith 11 Ml. Rose. Easter Bells, Dongeg LILY M . b. f. 3 98 By Short Grass — Rosewood, by Magneto. Trainer, J. M. Goode. Owner, J. W. Parrish. Breeder, J. W. Parrisb. 69587 lexgton 3-4 1:12Vast 23 9316 6 5b 5" W Fronk 9 JeanneP.wdre, Chacolet, BeGood a 66811 DadePrk 1 1:4S mud U 108 3 S 6 6" W Fronk « L.Granite. Bel. Amir. TaylorHay 66755 DadePrk 11:40 mud 3 8811 1 2s 312 W Fronk 4 Belle Amie, Theo. Cap Bock 66724 Dadelrk El f 1 :06%fast 6-6 112 2 1 Ill1 W Fronk 7 Put andTnke. Bedzle, M.Coltle J 66598 I atonia 3-4 1:13 fast 18 112 1 1 1» 2" J D Mneyll MissMeise. Victoire. V.Malioney 66379 Latonia 3-4 1:13 good 23 109 3 5 6s 6" W Fronk 8 Timpli. Skeezix, D.E.OSulvn 66348 Latonia 3-4 1 :12%fast M 92 1 4 3* 3S1 W Fronk 12 K.oiiTime, ltustem. ChildsPlay 65524 Lexton 61 f 1 :06*if ast 18 103 1 9 9» 9«J H E JoneslO L.Goiham. B.Tomorrow, R.Time WAYWASSAMO, ch. g. 3 108 By Dick Finnell — Helene, by Hermis. Trainer. B. C. Bunbiuy. Owner, W. E. Applegate. Breeders. J. D. Carr and Bro. 68760 Jefferson 51 t l:.8%mud S-5 10612 5 31 3«i H Thurber 9 Tend.Seth, LadyKose, BillyBern n 68071 F C.r nds 3-4 1 :l.".ashvy 10 114 8 4 3» S5 J Crcoran 9 Stump Jr., Sultan. Jupiter C8026 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :14fast 8 102 8 6 6 6,J J Crcoran 9 J. Q. Kelly. Anyiuous, M. Chilton n 66611 Latonia 3-4 1:13%fast 41-10 112 4 S 1« 1" J CorcoianlJ PVe Tii Tii. Bedazzle. Van. Boy y 66602 Latonia 61 f 1 :07%fast 8-6 112 4 1 ll 31 E Pool IS Brunei!. Spinball. Chief Curry 66549 Latonia S-4 1:13%fast 10 112 9 7 1* 2fl J Heupel IS Pompous. Bedazzle, Gord.Shaw ,v 66162 latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 49 108 10 10 10s 10" J Zoeller 12 Cash. Power. Lucky Run 66034 I-atonia 3-4 l:19%hvy 16 112 7 6 41 4«J A Wilson 9 Pequot. Gail Ford, Tender Seth h 65950 Latonia 3-4 1:14 faat IS 112 7 8 8» 8ls A Wilson 9 PosUiaste, Tompous. The Clown o Disqualified. KINGSCLERE. ch. c, 3 108 By Ballot — Royal Captive, by Golden Maxim. Trainer, J. C. Gallaher. Owner, Gallaher Bro = .. Breeder. Gallaher Bros. 66484 Latonia 3-4 l:lfast 6 11J 9 8 K 1 HM J Heupel ] Su|.ert.imi, Chiva. I «slie 65524 Lexton 61 f 1 06 Vast 42 106 10 10 10 10" J Heupel 10 L Gerham. B.Tomorrow. R.Time , 65200 L. x ton 51 f 1 :06V ast 13 106 7 6 9s 9« J Heupel 11 Etistei I.ells, OuiOui, Mis»Ccriiia ., 64970 Churchill fi f 1 06 Vast 12 112 6 3 7s S» J Heupel 11 Delusive, Lily M., Fair Alice 633S4 latonia 61 f 1 :09 thvy 8 108 4 3 51 7;* J Heupel 9 Certain. Victoire, Leslie 63149 Latonia 51 f 1 :i8%slow 13-10 112 2 1 1» 1» J Heupel 9 Ken.-elaw, Everhart. Douegal ., C2908 Latonia 61 f l:07Vaat 2 112 2 1 in 2s J Heupel 11 InMemorm, PceTiiTii, Donegal MY VALET, b. c, 3 M 103 By Great Britain — Virginia Nunn. by Gold Heels. Owner, S. Bedford Breeder, S. Bedford. First start. 2 ! 6S 6 i 6 g c * ■ ■ £ 1 I , 1 , Onrl DA PC 4 *-2 Furlong-*. 2-year-old*. Maiden*. Colt* and Geldings CAM nfll/t Special Weight*. May 21. 1021 52 3-5 2 11«. FLAX. b. c, 2 M 115 By Von Tromp— Kathryn Krnter, by Transvaal. Trainer, R. Goose. Owner, J. S. Ward. Breeder, W. G. Shropshire. 69871 Churchill 41 f 55 mud 11 115 6 4 5* 4»1 E Fator 11 Orlox. Go Foin. Karl Pool 69585 Iexgton 1-2 48%fast 39 112 4 1 21 2« E Fator 10 B.andSdle, G.Nern, W.theWt CHILHOWEE. b. c, 2 M 115 By Ballot— Bourbon Lass, by Bourbon Bean. Trainer, J. C. Gallaher. Owner. Gallaher Bros.. Breeders, Gallaher Bros. 69871 Churchill 41 f 55 mud 6-5 115 4 2 21 6,s J Heupel 11 Oilox, Go Foin, Earl Pool SHAFE. b. c, 2 M 115 By Escoba — Bernaise. by Sempronins. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, J. Koors. Breeder. C. Nuckols. 69694 Iexgton 41 f 55%fast 11-5 108 6 6 61 4"* J Heupel 9 Townsend, John Hager, Arabis ASAPH, b. c. 2 M 115 By Boots and Saddle— Lily Mac. by Plaudit. Trainer, F. Wright. Owner, Knebelkamp and Borden. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 69871 Churchill 4J f 55 mud 9 U5 9 8 7s 7IS H Lunsfd 11 Oilox. Go Foin. Earl Pool SaOTRE McMASTERS. b. c, 2 M 115 By Watervale— Reserve, by Hastings. Trainer, J. McKinney. Owner, R. P. Marshall. Breeder. R. P. Marshall. 69907 Churchill 41 f 53%good 26 111 6 6 6 6" J D Mney 6 Black Gold. Bril. Cast, KingTuf MOORFIELD, b. c, 2 M 115 By Astronomer — Mirka, by Peter Quince. Trainer, T. P. Hayes. Owner, T. P. Hayea. Breeder. K. P. Shipp. 69535 Lexgton 1-2 48Vigood M 115 7 8 8 8" C Grannn 8 S. Elizabeth, Eventide, reggyO. 69496 Lexgton 1-2 49%slop 40 110 6 7 8 8l« D Conr.lly 8 Digit, B.Gold, W.the Wizard First start for the following: CORNFLOWER, ch. c, 2 M 115 By Peter Quince— Stick Pin, by McGee. Trainer, J. C. Milam. Owner, J. C. Milam. Breeder, J. C. Milam. DOWRY, b. g-. 2 M 115 By Luke McLuke— La Divica. by Arc de Triomphe. Trainer, C. E. Patterson. Owner, P. T. Chinn. Breeder, Nursery Stud. KRISHNA, b. c. 2 M 115 By Master Robert— Epsom May. by Durbar. Trainer, W. Reed. Owner, J. B. Cloher. Breeder, C. B. Head. KING GORIN II.. b. c. 2 M 115 By Golden Maxim— Yankee Tree, by Yankee. Trainer, P. Coyne. Owner, Mrs. G. Gorin. Breeder, T. M. Murphy. T. S. JORDAN, ch. c. 2 M 115 By Lnke McLuke— Voterina. by Voter. Trainer, S. Chenault. Owner, H. P. Gardner. Breeder, H. P. Gardner. BOB CAHILL. ch. c. 2 M 115 By Polymslian — Dreamy II.. by Persimmon. Trainer, H. J. Thompson. Owner, Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, Idle Hour Stock Farm. GEE. ch. c. 2 M 115 By Master Roberta — Lady G., by Peep oDay. Trainer, A. D. Steele. Owner, C. B. Head. Breeder, C. B. Head.