untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-16


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HV Superior Advance Information "HH Filed With This Paper Day Before. TUESDAYS CODE: Daisy-Kaine-Old-Seek-Idaho-Auto-Shun-Farm Strictly confidential no wires. Buy your form and get our REAL insido information. Write for particulars. Rp FRANK J. MADDEN, Mgr. m W 407 Clinton SL. Brooklyn. N. Y. A SQUARE DEAL OUR SERVICE SHOULD MATTP YOU WIN OCCASIONAL INFORMATION ONLY. Through our service you get a Eijuare deal and you pay us nothing unless you win. THE EVANS and WILLIAMS RACING INFORMATION No. 204 Warner , Bldp. Bridgeport Conn. Send name ahd address for particulars. GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 Cents at All Newsttands TODAY 8 FREE CODES: Latonia: Georgia-White-House-Sun. Laurel: Wyomlng-Pink-Rivcr-Boy. AL McGEE Room 214, 25 West 42d St. NEW YORK CITY 6 DAILY; 0 WEEKLY. TODAYS ONE HORSE at Laurel has received a very long and careful preparation for todays race and my chief docker advises a plunge play. Barring accidents he say3 this, horse should win all by himself today. This is the one that I had expected for yesterday and I actually believe that it will be about 20 TO 1 TODAY. The most remarkable feature of my service is that my followers are averaging over 00 PER WEEK on a daily investment of about 0.00. Nothing sensational, of course, but still it is better to win consistently rather than spasmodically. YESTERDAYS HORSE: Lady Champ. .7Q- Won SATURDAYS HORSE: Heeltaps ,.8.10- Won FRIDAYS HORSE: Hello 2.00- Won THURSDAYS HORSE: Honor Man . ..90- 2nd WEDNESDAYS HORSE: Glide 1.30- Won TUESDAYS HORSE: Lady Marian9.70- Won MONDAYS HORSE: Widgeon ..0.80- Won Remember this, some may come and some may go, but I am here to stay. Wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. City clients call 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. : NO. 116 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK CITY ROOM 401 UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY PRICE .0. PRICE .89. Published Every Wednesday and Saturday. .00 one issue; .00 nine issues one month. CODE HORSE TODAY: Celt-Stick-Girl-Siilor-Zev. YESTERDAYS CODE HORSE i Shuffle Along Won DAILY OCCASIONAL JSk KENTUCKY. 5.00 DAILY. 0.60 WEEKLY. 1 Yesterdays Bis Advertised Long Shot Occasional: Marine Corps Won For Price on Karine Corps See Racing Chart. SATURDAYS OCCASIONAL: Bosh Won WE HAYE ANOTHER LONG ONE GOING TODAY. Direct -word again from Latonia that today is the d day. All UNITED TURF NEWS followers he sure a and subscribe for todays Occasional. Out-of-town c clients wire .00 for todays Occasional, cr wire 0.00 for one week, six Occasional. z Mondays Special Won AT SATISFACTORY PRICE ANOTHER PROPOSITION THURSDAY. WIRE NAME AT ONCE. joe Mccarty SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK CHAS. ROBINSON 1547 Broadway, Room 607, NEW YORK CITY. A stupendous coup will startle turf followers on Thursday, Oct. 18, at Laurel. This horses phenomenal speed has- been attained through the perr-evering efforts of a roaster trainer. The name of this horso will be given absolutely FREE to-all those who send mo thair correct name and address. This offer is only made possible through my intimate association with several prominont turfmen who seek this public outlet for heretofore private transactions as a necessary, financial aid. My terms will bo announced after this horse wins. Investigate. CHAS. ROBINSON LM7 Broadway, Room C07, NEW YORK. CITY MUTUAL INFORMATION BUREAU No. 5 Columbus Circle NEW YORK CITY A COMBINATION OF THE BEST INFORMATION IN AMERICA. All horses on file -with Daily Racing Form. Yesterday all clients received LADY CHAMP....70- Won Whloh makes our record to date I 13 WINNERS IN 17 DAYS 0 Rat Bet Over ,800 Winner. REAL LONG SHOT TODAY. If you want real Information follow us. Next 00 Special goes today and will pay equally as good as POST HASTE. . .8.40- Won OR BATTER UP....6.70- Won This 00 special will bo given free to all weekly subscribers only. THIS HORSE MUST WIN OR ALL WHO SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY SERVICE WILL BE GIVEN AH EXTRA 6 DAYS INFORMATION ABSOLUTELY FREE. Rates 0 a day, 0 for six days. Remit by Western Union Telegram. City clients call. HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street ROOM 407-8 NEW YORK, N. Y. "Harvey Transactions Big Success are in a class by themselves ; thats why they command the largest fee for racing information. Wednesday Another "HARVEY TRANSACTION." NOW IN PREPARATION. THE ONLY HORSE ADVISED: GREAT LUCK . . ..00- Won Terms: 00 Payable strictly in advance by telegraph or in person. 50 flat investment last week won over ,900 "WARNING I have bo agents or representatives anywhere. Seal directly with this office and avoid being Imposed upon. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 ! Jack Howard GIBSON HOTEL CINCINNATI, OHIO I will have a transaction of unusual merit for Wednesday, Octoher 17th. THOSE WHO TfETWRMTTFH; Batter Up 6.70- Won ro ill he interested, as this ono comes from the same source and should prove another cleanup. I will accept a few sew subscriptions fcr this proposition. I advise that you get in early, as tho subscription will he limited to protect the price. I have no agents or representatives anywhere. Deal with me direct. Terms: 0 BY TELEGRAPH OR IN PERSON. FILED IN ADVANCE WITH THIS PAPER NATIONAL TURF NEWS Room 417, 101 W. 42nd St., New York City, N. Y. TODAYS CODE HORSE: Jay -Jim-Kay-Throe-Well. MONDAYS CODE HORSE: PROGRAM 6.10- VTon SATURDAYS CODE HORSE: CHILHOWEE ?7.70-52 Won FRIDAYS CODE HORSE: BETTER LUCK 8.10- on PREVIOUS CODE HORSE MAILED. No telegram to wait for. All you need is our codo and a copy of the Hacing Form. Horse published in code evory day in Racing Form. Wiro your subscription at once ?5 for 6 days. Wo will mail you, by special delivery our code, good for fl days. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923101601/drf1923101601_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1923101601_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800