Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-16

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Daily Racing Form Handicaps LATONIA The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Latonia, Ky., Oct 15, 1923. 1 May Bodine, Ben Valet, Orlova. 2 Rockwork, Blue White, Double T. 3 Mistress Mary, Blue Stone, Stone Age. 4 Beau Butler, Princess Doreen, Dare Say. 5TEN-L.EC, Alice Blue Gown, Blossom Time. 6 Make Up, Jou Jou, Jouett 7 Poste Haste, Ten Sixty, Who Knows Me. J. L. Dempsey. New York Handicap. 1 May Bodine," Orlova, Widgeon, Kimpalong. 2 Muldraugh, Businesslike, Black Ruler, Wong Bole 3 Taylor Hay, Jupiter, Stone Age, Teds Plum. 4 Beau Butler, Bob Tail, Lord Martin, Princess Doreen. 5 CHO CHO, Ten-Lec, Blossom Time, Alice Blue Gown. 6 Make Up, Runquoi, Honor Man, Jou Jou. 7 Ten Sixty, Pequot, Post Haste, Who Knows Me. Chicago Handicap. 1 Stamp, Orlova, Pyx, May Bodine. 2 Muldraughr Equity, Asaph, Wong .Bok. 3 Taylor Hay, Longboat, Mistress Mary, Jupiter. 4 Princess Doreen, Beau Butler, Lord Mar tin, Bob Tail. 5 TEN-LEC, Cho Cho, Blossom Time, Glyn. 6 Honor Man, Green Gold, Jou Jou, Gem. 7 Ten Sixty, Poste Haste, Who Knows Me, Resting Time. Observers Handicap. 1 Orlova, Courtship, May Bodine, Widgeon. 2 Black Ruler, Muldraugh, Asaph, Wong Bok. 3 Stone -Age, Taylor Hay, Jupiter, Teds Plumb. 4 Princess Doreen, Lord Martin, Beau Butler, Bob Tail. 5 TEN-LEC, Glyn, Blossom Time, Cho Cho. 6 Make Up, Honor Man, Jou Jou, Runquoi. 7 Poste Haste, Resting Time, Who Knows Me, Ten Sixty. Consensu of Handicaps. 1 May Bodine, Stamp, Orlova, Widgeon. 2 Muldraugh, Rockwork, Black Ruler, Wong Bok. 3 Taylor Hay, Mistress Mary, Stone Age, Jupiter. 4 Beau Butler, Princess Doreen, Lord Mar tin, Bob Tail. 5 TEN-LEC, Cho Cho, Blossom Time, Alice Blue Gown. G Make Up, Honor Man, Jou Jou, Runquoi. 7 Post Haste, Ten Sixty, Who Knows Me, Resting Time. JAMAICA The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Jamaica, IX. Y, Oct. IS, 1923. 1 -Ramo, First Lady Harding, Florence B. Walker. 2 KNIGHTS BRIDGE, The Gregorian, Ped dler. 3 Hullabaloo, Prince Regent, Whirlwind. 4 Osprey, Rigel, Miss Star. 5 Marie Maxim, Carmen Pantages, Dexter ous. 6 Stardrift, Marie Martin, Nemesis. F. J. Ortell. New York Handicap. 1 Florence B. Walker, First Lady Harding, Parvenu, Royal Miss. 2 Peddler, Knights Bridge, The Gregorian. 3 Hullabaloo, Canyon, Prince Regent, Orcus. 4 OSPREY, Miss Star, Cyclops, Rigel. 5 Dexterous, Caveat Emptor, Marie Maxim, Ticklish. 6 Nemesis, Stardrift, Loanda, Miss Cameo. Chicago Handicap. 1 Parvenu, First Lady Harding, Mitau, Sua Silent 2 Knights Bridge, Peddler, The Gregorian. 3 Whirlwind, Hullabaloo, Ruddy, Prince Regent. 4 OSPREY, Miss Star, Rigel, Cyclops. 5 Caveat Emptor, Marie Maxim, Dexterous, Carmen Pantages. 6 Nemesis, Stardrift, Moon Dream, Miss Cameo Observers Handicap. 1 Parvenu, Mitau, First Lady Harding, Sun Silent. 2 KNIGHTS BRIDGE, Peddler, The Gre gorian. 3 Hullabaloo, Whirlwind, Toil, Orcus. 4 Osprey, Rigel, Miss Star, Cyclops. C Carmen Pantages, Dexterous, Caveat Emptor, Marie Maxim. C Stardrift, Nemesis, Miss Cameo, Marie Martin. Consensns of Handicaps. 1 Parvenu, Ramo, Florence B. Walker, First Lady Harding. 2 Knights Bridge, Peddler, The Gregorian. 3 Hullabaloo, Whirlwind, Prince Regent, Orcus. - 4 OSPREY, Rigel, Miss Star, Cyclops. 5 Marie Maxim, Dexterous, Caveat Emptor, Carmen Pantages. 6 Stardrift, Nemesis, Marie Martin, Miss Cameo. LAUREL PARK The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Lam-el, Md., Oct. 15, 1923. 1 Fehrah, Carajo, Vehement 2 Vice-Chairman, Reprisal, Sagamore. 3 SIMOON, Macduff, Scotch Broom. 4 Cockney, H. P. Whitney entry, Sunmagne. 5 Wellfinder, Blazes, Billy Kelly. 6 Trevelyan, Tippity Witchet Jewell V. D. 7 Ticacey, SedgeQeld, The Peruvian. T. K. Lynch. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Fehrah, Normana, Princess Amo, Idle Thoughts. 2 Vice-Chairman, Ira Wilson, Sling, Saga more. 3 Philosopher, Simoon, Macduff, Jealous Woman. 4 Transmute, Cockney, Gonfalon, Yankee Princess. 5 BILLY KELLY, Wellfinder, Oceanic, Blazes. 6 Tippety Witchet, Lady Myra, Rejection, Jewell V. D. 7 Sedgefleld, Ticacey, Royal Duck, The Lamb. Cliicagro Handicap. 1 Carajo, Princess Amo, Vultilla, Fehrah. 2 Vice-Chairman, Mabel K., Charles J. Craigmile. 3 Simoon, Philosopher, Macduff, Scotch Broom. 4 Gonfalon, Cockney, Transmute, Yankee Princess. 5 WELLFINDER, Oceanic, Billy Kelly, Miss Whisk. G Tippity Witchet, Gray Gables, Lady Myra, Trevelyan. 7 Royal Duck, Sedgefield, Loveliness, Ticacey. Observers Handicap. 1 Carajo, Our Star, Fehrah, Normana. 2 Mabel K., Feodor, Sling, Vice-Chairman. 3 Simoon, Macduff, Philosopher, Scotch Broom. 4 Gonfalon, Cockney, Transmute, Modest 5 Billy Kelly, Wellfinder, Horologe, Oceanic. 6 TIPPITY WITCHET, Rejection, Lady Myra, Trevelyan. 7 Ticacey, The Lamb, Frank Monroe, Sedge field. Consensns of Handicaps. 1 Fehrah, Carajo, Princess Amo, Normana. 2 Vice-Chairman, Mabel K., Sling, Reprisal. 3 Simoon, Philosopher, Macduff, Scotch Broom. 4 Gonfalon, Cockney, Transmute, Yankee Princess. 5 Wellfinder, Billy Kelly, Oceanic, Blazes. 6 TIPPITY WITCHET, Trevelyan, Lady Myra, Rejection. ! 7 Ticacey, Sedgefield, Royal Duck, The Lamb. AKRON The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Akron, O., Oct. 15, 1923. 1 Nano Ronan, Fame, Kay S. 2 Sacajawea, Bridgette, Foy. 3 Little Pointer, Punctual, Bab. 4 Spinning, Doctor D, Big Noise. 5 Coax Me, Be Trueman, Floralia. G Carrie Baker, Riposta, Ethel H. 7 SANDY H., Billy Stuart, Ardito. F. H. Sproule. Cliicagro Handicap. 1 Fame, Never Can Tell, Frank Erb, Nano Ronan. . 2 Miss Caltha, Marion Hollins, Foy, Bridg ette. 3 Bennington, Don Jose, Cover Up, Memphis. 4 Big Noise, Lady Harrigan, Humpy, Horace Lereh. 5 MARY G., Floralia, Be Trueman, Haran. 6 Spring Vale, Riposta, Carrie Baker, Auntie Em. 7 Ardito, W. H. Buckner, Montillo, Sandy H. Observers Handicap. 1 Fame, Never Can Tell, Frank Erb, Nano Ronan. 2 Marion Hollins, U Twenty-Three, Saca jawea, Bridgette. 3 Punctual, Bennington, Little Pointer, Don Jose. 4 Humpy, Big Noise, Lady Harrigan, Spin ning. 5 MARY G., Floralia, Be Trueman, Haran. 6 Ethel H., Spring Vale, Riposta, Auntie Em. 7 Billy Stuart, Ardito, Sandy H., Montillo. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Fame, Nano Ronan, Never Can Tell, Frank Erb. 2 Sacajawea, Miss Caltha, Marion Hollins, Bridgette. 3 Little Pointer, Bennington, Punctual, Don Jose. 4 Spinning, Big Noise, Humpy, Lady Harri gan. 5 MARY G., Coax Me, Floralia, Be Trueman. 6 Carrie Baker, Spring Vale, Ethel H., Ri posta. 7 Sandy H., Ardito, Billy Stuart, Montillo. HUNTINGTON The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Huntington, W. Va., Oct. 15, 1923. 1 Lady Quicksilver, Quail, Lagoon. 2 Dissolute, Swim, George Choos. 3 Punta Gorda, Black Hackle, She Devil. 4 LUCY J, Glad News, Dearie. 5 Irish Dream, First Pullet Mack Garner. 6 Secretary, Smuts, Okaloosa. 7 Dumbfounder, Matinee Idol, Blossom House. D. Ridgely.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923101601/drf1923101601_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1923101601_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800