Leading American Jockeys, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-16

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LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS Earl Sande, who will match his skill "in the saddle against Stephen Donoghue, Englands leading rider in the International Race at Belmont Park October 20, is the second American jockey to pass the century mark in winning mounts this year. By riding six winners last week Sande brought his total up to 104, but failed to gain on the leader, P. Walls, who rode eight winners last week and tops the list with 112. A dangerous rival for both Walls and Sande is the youngster, I. Parke, who has been riding in sensational style in Kentucky this fall. Last week his score was eleven and he thereby moved into third place with a total of 97. The records of our thirty leaders from January 1 to and including the racing of Saturday last follows : Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. F.C.L.W. Walls, P 544 112 83 92 257 .21 8 Sande, B 371 104 TO 69 119 .28 6 Parke, 1 502 97 64 67 274 .19 11 Stevens, F 639 96 93 108 342 .15 0 Petzoldt, B. ...553 95 82 76 300 .17 1 Wallace. J. 707 92 85 113 417 .13 1 McDermott, L. ..517 91 83 78 265 .18 4 Pronk, W 606 91 75 66 374 .15 2 McAtee. L 382 91 71 63 157 .24 5 Horn, P 562 84 91 85 302 .15 1 Lang, C 496 84 71 67 274 .17 4 Taylor, W. 419 80 77 63 199 .19 4 Abel, L 409 74 58 54 223 .18 0 Wilson, T. C01 71 82 73 378 .12 0 Hum, D 437 71 64 55 247 .16 0 Thompson, C. ...405 69 46 48 242 .17 0 Molters, H 436 67 60 57 252 .15 0 Eaincs, C 309 66 59 45 139 .21 6 Smallwood, E. ..363 65 63 40 195 .18 0 Smith, W 307 65 59 52 131 .21 2 Martin, W. 489 64 65 55 303 .13 5 Pevic, J 336 63 65 49 159 .19 0 Martin, E 303 63 40 35 165 .21 2 Brothers, T. 433 61 62 69 241 .14 0 Harvey, B 477 61 51 56 309 .13 3 Kehsingcr, B. ...404 60 54 63 237 .13 1 Pool, W 403 60 54 46 243 .15 0 Chalmers, J 43G 59 64 47 266 .14 2 Taplin, B 297 58 61 40 138 .20 0 Callahan, J 359 58 52 52 197 .16 0

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923101601/drf1923101601_15_5
Local Identifier: drf1923101601_15_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800