Havana Officials Named: Complete List of Experienced Men Who Will Supervise the Racing During Coming Meeting, Daily Racing Form, 1923-11-06


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HAVANA OFFICIALS NAMED Complete List of Experienced Men Who Will Supervise the Racing During Coming Meeting. BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 5. The full list of officials to act during the meeting of one hundred days or more starting at Havana on Thanksgiving day, was made known in a telegram from Frank J. Bruen, general manager of the Cuban plant, received here today, by James Milton, starter and assistant manager at Oriental Park. The stewards for the meeting as announced by Mr. Bruen will be S. C. Nuckols Jr., James McLaughlin and Charles Lansdale. Mr. Lansdale has acted in this same capacity at other meetings in Havana, but Messrs. Nuckols and McLaughlin will be acting in this capacity for the first time. Neither John Kackmeister nor Edward Burke, who acted in the stewards stand last year, will be there for the coming meeting. The judge in the placing stand will be C. Cornehlson, with William Shelley as associate judge. Mr. Shelley, who also has been named as racing secretary of the meeting, will be acting for the first time in Cuba. Sidney Bender will be assistant to Mr. Shelley as well as clerk of the scales. Dr. Ashe will act as timer, W. W. Lyles will be paddock judge, and Charles Henry has been made patrol judge. The books for the first nine days for the meeting will be mailed from Cincinnati on Wednesday and Mr. Bruen will be at the Fimlico track to confer with Mr. Milton and horsemen who will ship to Havana on Friday of this week.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923110601/drf1923110601_13_6
Local Identifier: drf1923110601_13_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800