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Tanforan Form Chart SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Monday. Nov. 12, 1923 Tanforan Park 1 mile. Pacific Coast Jockey Club. Eighth day. Inaugural Meeting of 25 days. Weather, clear. Stewards, A. B. Spreckels, F. 3. Keley and B. Spreckels. Presiding Judge, W. J. Morrison. Associate Judges, W. B. Jennings and L J. Bose. Starter, Harry Morriascy. Racing Secretary, B. F. Leighton. Racing Starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 4:00. 7K4CK FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. Nov. 5. 1923 I UttUd. 1:0o 4 113. Armistice Parse. Purse 00. All A?es. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner S500; second, 60; third, 0. Ind. Horse. WL Fin. Jockey. 7139G Skoki 104 14 B Kennedy 75349 Boomerang 93 2 E OBrien 753G3Cmzem 11C Z P Martinez 75445 Gunsight 116 4s E Barnes 74G23 Mint Julep 112 5 W Molter Vesper Bells 112 6 F Weiner Time, 1:01. Track fast. Winner F. J. Kellys br. f, 2, by Taiclncs Brunette II., by Flint Bock trained by C. C. Van-Meter; bred hy Mr. Frank J. Kelly. Went to po3t at 2:0L. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 75443 Maple Laf, 112; 7D362 Jean Melville, 9G; 75334 Lovelace, 90. 7d.fifi SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. "1UU 3, 1923 1:06 4 119. Argonne Purse. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. ,Ne.t, value to winner S560; second, S169; third, 880. Ind. Horse. WL Fin. Jockey. 75388 Postillion 107 14 B Kennedy 75388Porto de Oro 110 24 E Denny 740652Roi!dello 107 35 C Ralls 74376 Littlo CUir 109 4i F Sharpe 75347 Humorette 115 54 A Collins 75388 Battle Shot 110 6 II Long 75347 Runclar 110 7 E Barnc3 Time, 1:06 new track rncord. Track fast. Winner B. J. McG raws b. f, by Berilldon Dignity, by Dick Welles trained by S. Judge; bred by Mr. L. Garth. Went to post at 2:27. At post 1 minute. Start good and Blow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 753G3 Querulous, 107; 71771 Porter Ella, 107; 75425 Ida Frances, 107; 75388 Wiki Jack, 110. 75467 THTOD RACE Futurity Course. Ameri can Legion Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 8560; second, 60;. third, 0. j Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. 75429 W. Montgomy 113 Ink P Martinez 75446sAmackassin 110 24 F Weiner 7544601ympn King 110 3 H Long 75446 Dr. T. S. Dy 110 44 C Ralls 75409 Lobelia 111 54 B Kennedy 75440 Faithful Girl 107 Cl R Doyle 75360 Franc Tireur 110 7 J Smith 74G25 Zinon 110 8k T Nolan 75410Jerr- 106 9 F Watrous 75324 Las Trancaa 105 10n O Clark 73807 Lady Mooro 102 111 W Molter 74486 Ollio Wood 115 12 L MillioUn 7538GRose Roberts 107 13 J Schaefer 75324Brown Shasta 10114 G Ellis Time, 1:11. Track fast. Winner C. B. Irwins ch. g, 10, by First Chip Duchess of Montehello. by Banastar trained by C. B. Irwin; bred by Mr. S. L. Waring. Went to post at 2:55. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 7544GJames B. Brown, 110; 7D410 Big Djdian, 105. 75468 F0UETH BACE Futurity Course. Croix de Guerre Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to vianer 60; second, 60; third, 0. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. 75322 Dior Corbett 111 14 F Weiner 75325 AVar- Zone . Ill 2. J Smith . 75427 L. Blk Sheep 108 3 F Cantrell 75407 Dan Hogan 111 4 E Denny 73G67Snov Cap 111 51 J Schaefer G0710Morro Castle 117 6 E Barnes 75322 High Cost 111 7 R Doylo Time, 1:10. Track fast. Winner R. M. Hollenbecks b. g, 10. by Rapid Water Bridge Light, hy Lamplighter trained by B. M. Hollenbcck; bred by Mr. T. H. Jones. Went to post at 3:21. At post 2 minutes. Start t good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. 75469 FIFTH BACE 1 1-16 Miles. American Bomount Purse. Nov. 3, 1923 l:45i 4118. Burse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 60; third, 0. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. 75428Sagamook 113 1 B Kennedy 75449 Fair Orient 113 2 J Smith. 74160Salvo 116 3 R Doyle 73483 Encrinite 114 4 C Thompson 75428 Sea Mint 118 5 P Martinez Time, 1:47. Track fast. Winner R. O. Egans b. g, 5, by Charles Edward Otsekeia, by Ornus trained by S. Judge; bred by Mr. G. M. Hendrie. Went to post at 3:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but Sea Mint. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 73SS1 Fair Virginia, 103. 75470 SIXTH BACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Doughboy Purse. Nov. 5, 1S23 1:44 6 111. Burse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner G0; second, 60; third, 0. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. 75429 Madge F. 109 11 E- Barnes 75450 Summer Sigh 112 2 P Martinez 75390 Al Wick 112 31 B Kennedy 75430 Warrior 107 4h R Doylo 75390 Water Willow 109 51 T Wilson 75430 Bills Luck 108 6 A Prendergrass 75390Sonator Donlanl07 7 C Corbett Time, 1:46. Track fast. Winner Mrs. W. D. Millards b. m. 7, by Yoor-hces Salvatrir, hy Salvation trained hy W. D. Millard; bred by Mr. Adolph B. Spreckels. Went to post at 4:0IJ. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same.