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LORD WHACK, ?5.30-?2, WON, and a loser were last Saturdays .03 XX Specials. This makes 3 winners and a loser out of last four. Dont miss next Saturdays Got-away Specials. All they cost is .00. Yesterdays Code Special won. Today Codo Special: March-Grapc-44-12-98-25. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. QUINCY ST. CHICAGO, ILL. AUDACIOUS, 4.60-?2, WON, was yesterdays long shot. Yesterdays Sheet gave 3 WINNERS, 1 cecond, 1 third and 2 scratches. This suro is going seme. No hunk, as this sheet is mailed to you the night before, special delivery, in plain sealed envelope, for the small sum of ?5.00 FOR SIX DAYS. NATIONAL O.K. RACING LETTER 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. Daily Racing Forms Monthly I FORM BOOK Of October Racing NOW ON SALE Price, .00 By Mafl, .10 I The Sporting Leader 25 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS EVERYWHERE, YESTERDAYS WINNER AT PIMLICO ST. DONARD 7.40 Won LOOK! LOOK! ASTROLOGERS SPECIALS GRAEME ENTRY .20- Won Ye sir, Astrologer foretold -this victory one week ahead, and "verified it yesterday in the DAILY MASTER C LOCKER which in for sale at all neiVNtttandM ?1. Get todays prospective long shot on DAILY MASTER CLOCKER. CHARLES RAYMOND COMMISSIONER .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Well, boys, -what did I tell you. If you want holiday money see me all this week. Yesterdays Big Commission Horse: AUDACIOUS ...4.60- Won And I told all my clients to go the limit win only. Yes, sir, Mr. Player, these are the kind that Chas. Raymond handles. I also save all my clients a free 10 wire, which was: PRIN. DOREEN .00- Won This was unusual, but I wanted my people to get a good start on a big winning week. HORSES The above two were the only ones sent out by me yesterday. Last week was a good one. Saturdays Commission Horse: GLIDE 5.00- Won Fridays Commission Horse: BEN VALET ...0.00- Won Thursdays Commission Horse: MEDINA 5.50- Won Wednesdays Commission Horse: FERGUSON ....8.70- Won Get in touch with me early. "Wire money Western Union or Postal. The quicker you follow me the better. Remember, this is the last week at Kentucky, so send it in, boys. .00 DAILY or 0.00 WEEKLY Charles Raymond 2503 PITKIN AVE. BROOKLYN, N. Y. ! Marshalls i Turf Bureau 106 PARK BOW NEW YORK CITY YOU MUST WIN Today a "bisr day. Our connections say something longer in odds than usual. You cant expect more than that, Mr. Player, when you take into I consideration the fact that Z have had 5 -winning days in a row. A small fee fcr our information. ONE SAYS SERVICE, .00. ONE WEEK, 0.00 Wins money W. IT. or Postal ard kindly send your street address along. OUR WINNING WIRES LAST WEEK: Saturday We Sent BOBBIE SHEA . .7.40- Won Eriday We Sent CHAS. HENRY . ..80- Won Thursday We Sent LORD WRACK . . ..30- Won Wednesday Wo Sent POST HASTE . . . ..60- Won Wo advise a weekly subscription to give us a fair trial to demonstrate our information. ONE WEEK, 0.00. Pay From Your Profits Tlie Master Key System of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. It should show an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. FOR PARTICULARS this nd. with your name and address, to imail J. K. WILLIS 943 Windsor St. Cincinnati. 0. $ 5 $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS .$ $ The MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally known $ $ as "easy for player hard for layer." Sold on $ $ installment payments paid from your profits. $ 5 Absolutely FREE, 73-page manual and review. $ $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey. $ $ Public relations manager $ $ S. E. ARTnUR $ $ Box -10, R. F. Towson, Md. $ 14906149061490614906149061490614906 NO. 11G NASSAU STREET NEW YORK CITY ROOM 401 ! j UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY PRICE .C0 PRICE .00. Published Every Wednesday and Saturday. BIG CODE SPECIAL TODAY: HEAD - CITY- GR AYES -RACE - WON. J. BURNS 212 WEST 72ND ST. NEW YORK CITY My horses on filo in advance with DAILY RACING FORM. My Horse Monday, Nov. 12: PEQU0T ..0.30- Won My Horse Saturday, Nov. 10: Easter Bells. .1 0- Won My Horse Friday, Nov. 0: I Heremon ..2.00- 2nd My norse Thursday, Nov. 6: MakeUp.....80- Won My Horse "Wednesday, Nov. 7: Ferguson ..8.70- Won No information Monday or Tuesday. My Horse Saturday, Nov. S: Great Jaz.....90- Won No information sent Friday. My Horse Thursday, Nov. 1: Colored Boy.6.40- Won These were absolutely the only horses sent out by me since I started operations in Kentucky. I SEJfD OCT ONE HORSE A DAY ONLY NEVER MORE TODAYS HOUSE SHOULD FAY 10-1 TERMS: 0.60 DAILY. Out of town clients wire subscription by "Western Union. City clients call. HARVEY AMES EARLE BUILDING Broadway at 52d Street NEW YORK, N. Y. Suddenly changed track conditions caused the withdrawal of yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" forty minutes before post time ty permission of the stewards. Several "Harvey Transactions" now in prepa--ration. Terms: 00 Payable strictly in advance, by telegraph or in person. As all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory early subscription therefore is necessary to avoid return of same when the quota has been reached. ONE MAY START TODAY IF NOT TOMORROW the midnight conference will decide. Deal directly with this office and avoid being imposed upon. "HARVEY TRANSACTON" consists of strictly one horse. r. S. Subscribers to yesterday can, if they so desire, have their subscription refunded a-d unless advised . to the contrary will receive the next "Harvey Transaction." TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS FREE CODE: LOUISVEGLi: Georgia-Pink-Gras3-Light. YESTERDAYS ?0 FREE SPECIAL: GRAEME Entry .20- Won YESTERDAYS AT PIMLICO: LADS LOVE . . .5.80- Won Yes, sir, go rieht back and get Todays Louisville 0 FREE SPECIAL Ripe and ready and should jrallcn just as easily as yesterdays; is a BIG MAIDEN. Aik your newsdealer fcr GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER CO CENTS, HAILED TWO WEEKS, ?5 Address 332 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. DETROIT FOR SALE ONLY AT Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Family Theater Newsstand Cadillac Square LOUISVILLE FOR SALE ONLY AT Eiler and Goodman 227 4th Street WON AGAIN MONDAY ANOTHER CAREFULLY PREPARED SPECIAL GOES THURSDAY. Barrin? accidents, etc., I be-lievo Thursdays Special will be returned an easy winner. Reliable people ablo to sti:k for sir plays, dont hesitate, rush your name and address at once. TERMS, WINNINGS OF 510.03. J. V. "LUCKY" BALDWIN NO. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE.. NEW YORK, N: Y. PHONE LENOX G110 Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y I 63 RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TORONTO, ONT.