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Terms: 0 One Winner 0 Seven Winners M. CAMPBELL SCHUYIEE AIMS HOTEL, 98TH ST. and KIVERSIDE DRIVE, NEW YORK CITY Absolutely One .Horse a Day Yesterdays Aboslutely One Horse HICKORY -, "Won, and Disqualified Todays Absolutely One Horse Must Win or You Receive Next Two Winners Free You Must Get a Winner for Your Money. Telegraph 0.00 One Winner, or 0.00 for SEVEN WINNERS. Address Above. HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street NEW YORK CITY POSTPONED While awaiting the confirmation for the "HARVEY TRANSACTION," scheduled for yesterday, the following came over the wire: "Sudden developments caused postponement until Thursday, further details follow." A telegram to this effect was sent to subscribers, yesterday, upon receipt of the above, with the following addition: "If unsatisfactory to wait, advise and subscription will be refunded." The reason for postponement is unknown at this writing. Those who have had dealings with this office know that everything possible is done to safeguard all investments in "Harvey Transactions." Anyone who subscribed for yesterdays and is unwilling to wait until tomorrow should wire this office today and the subscription, plus the amount for telegraphing same, will be returned immediately. The list for tomorrows "Harvey Transaction" closes tonight at 11 oclock. Reservations, both local and out of town, must be made before that hour. Three subscriptions were received, two from Havana and one from Mexico City, each for 00, but contained no street address. Service, in consequence, is impossible until a cable advising same reaches this office. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 116 Nassau Street, Room 401. New York City UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY. PRICE .00 PRICE- .00. Published every Wednesday and Saturday. On sale, out town, leading newsstands. Mailed anywhere, ?8.00 monthly. Todays Big Code Special: 7-11-8-30-OVER. DAILY OCCASIONAL .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays Occasional: SILENT KING 2-1 Won Pay From Your Profits The JIastor Key H-stem of iilayins I he races will be mailed Jou for one weeks 11 liouKl show an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of ilay. FOR PARTICULARS i mail Hits nil. with your name niul address, to . J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth Street Miami Beach, Fla. i $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS ? i The JIIKACI.K SYSTKSI is nationally known J $ as "easy for player hard for layer." Sold on ? f installment; paynienls paid from your profits. $ Absolutely KItUE 73-page manual and review, j Investigate today and make your bookie obey. ? f 1iibllc relations manager $ 1 $ S. E. AKTlIUIt J $ Vox 40. It. V. Towsnn, Jld. J :149391493914939149391493914939$ : SPORTING LEADER 25 Cents at All Newsstands ! TODAYS FREE CODE: Fair Grounds Dunkirk-Fold-Parch-Flora-Jewel EXPECT 15-1 ON HIM TODAY THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE YOU UTN H IIAIMl 1 JUbUJ SOLD "ALL NEWSSTANDS SI DAILY "MR. PLAYER," I TOLD YOU SO YESTERDAYS "FREE" ?5 "OCCASIONAL:" CL0UGHJ0RDAN ....3-1 WON And JACK FIELDS advice was "PLUNGE. WIN ONLY." And again JACK FIELDS army of followers "CLEANED UP." Day after day JACK FIELD lias been putting them over. A ?20 flat play last 2 weeks WON OVER H0.00. B-WHY LOSE WHEX YOU CAX WIX! DO YOU KNOW WHY "JACK FIELD" GETS WINNERS? "BECAUSE" he is at the track every day getting "INFO" from his friends, as MR. FIELD himself OWNED AND TRAINED horses for 15 years. NOW HE IS GIVING HIS KNOWLEDGE of the RACING GAME to you for ONLY ?1. EF,000 "IFO" FOR How can you go "wrong" following such "INFO" as JACK FIELD gives YOU EVERY DAY? PPTQDAYS "SPECIAL" 10-1 or better is what JACK FIELD expects this to pay. Here is your chance to "CLEAN UP" big again today. aF- "OCCASIONAL" "FREE" TODAY Hera is another one that will pay a big price today. THATS WHY "JACK FIELD" is giving this "FREE" today, so YOU can "WIN A BIG WAGER." SSr.SPEXD AND "CLE AX UP" 01 AY YOU DONT HAVE SUCH CHANCES EVE.HY DAY as you have to "CLEAN UP" today. RUSH to your NEWSDEALER before he SELLS OUT and get "JACK FIELD" copy for . REMEMBER, YOU GET "BOTH" ?5 and ?1 spscial TODAY for ONLY ?1. Notice JACK FIELD sold everywhere RACING FORM sold. Mailed to you, week. AGENTS WANTED to handle this publication. FIELD PUBLISHING CO. 39 West Adams Street Chicago, Illinois "ANONYMOUS" Secret Information ONE HORSE DAILY THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING Yosterday I wired all clients: SILENT KING 2-1 Won Monday, no racing. Therefore a day went by that wo were unable to again slam the layers. Tho glad news last week: Saturday I wired all clients: PAUL MIC0U 9-2 Won Friday I wired all clients: DER0NDA 7-1 Won Thursday I wired all clients: DUCKY 8-1 Won Wednesday I wired all clients: DUSTABOUT ..7-1 Won Tuesday I wired all clients: PAUL MIC0U 8-1 Won Monday I wired all clients: DAYDUE 7-1 Won Almost a week and a half has gone by with a WINNER every day. FOLLOW A HORSEMAN one that has years of experience and is well connected. My position at prcssnt dees not allow, me to uio my name. This method allows me to operate more freely among the horsemen. I HANDLE ONLY ONE HORSE A DAY and use precaution, which can be verified by all that have over followed my information. Terms Daily; 0 Weekly Kindly use W. U. or Postal money order and in-cludo address as well. All communications must bo addressed to my New York manager MR. A. SHILLING 597 GATES AVENUE BROOKLYN, N. Y. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We havo just clo:ed a deal for information from tho South. To demonstrate our ability we will send you absolutely freo our FIRST SPECIAL, which will start next Thursday. Sand your nam and address with one dollar to guaranteo telegraph charges. Bo sure your nam: is received in time, as wa expect plenty of price and we want you down in time. Dont delay. Be sure you are in on this FIRST TRANSACTION. Address M. RICHARD 2 Couth Hawk St. Albany, N. Y. .- 8-1 WON B was last Fridays code special. NEW BOOK out today containing code and reports on LFVE D ONES at all leading tracks. GET THE BEST. IDERONDA 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Mailed Direct, 3 Copies for .00 TODAYS June-Pear-18-12-26-64 CODE SPECIAL: STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: . CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 59 RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TORONTO, ONT. 305 -307 DECATUR STREET. NEW ORLEANS, LA.