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Daily Racing Form Handicaps FAIR GROUNDS The horses which seem best in "Wednesdays races are: Pair Grounds New Orleans, La., Jan. 22, 1024. 1 Barney Google, Dan E. Stewart, Night Shade. 2 Tempting, Far East, Avispa. 3 Lester Doctor, Wilmer the Wizard, Devil Girl. 4 Holman entry. Triumph, O. Henry. 5 Neddam, The Roll Call, Westwood. G EAST INDIAN, Ramkin, Brotherly Love. 7 Frosty Boy, Great Northern, Goldmark. J. L. Dempscy. New York Handicap. 1 Night Shade, Shirley Louise, Kitty French, Lola Lester. 2 Far East, Avispa, The Franciscan, Stone Age. 3 Wilmer the "Wizard, "Waukulla, Lester Doctor, Our Star. 4 Triumph, Roseate II., Barracuda, O. Henry. 5 THE ROLL CALL. Mercury, Westwood, Neddam. C East Indian, Ramkin, Gondolier, Scare Crow. , 7 Great Northern, Goldmark, Frosty Boy, Zanzibar. Chicago Handicap. 1 Night Shade. Kitty French, Shirley Louise, Dean H. 2 Permarco, Buca,do, Mock Orange, Tempt ing. 3 Wilmer the Wizard, Lester Doctor, Our Star, Red Weed. 4 Mercury, Lady Madcap, Roseate II., Tri umph. 5 MERCURY, The Roll Call, Sweepy, Ven dor. C Tody, Jack Fairman, Scare Crow, Ramkin. 7 Frosty Boy, Duelma, Goldmark, Great Northern. Observers Handicap. 1 Night Shade, Kitty French, Shirley Louise, Dean H. 2 Far East, The Franciscan, Avispa, Per marco. 3 Waukulla, Wilmer the Wizard, Our Star, Exchange. 4 Barracuda, Mercury, Triumph, Roseate II. 5 MERCURY. Westwood. Neddam, The Roll Call. 6 East Indian, Gondolier, Royal Duck, Scare Crow. 7 Duelma, Great Northern, Frosty Boy, Xanthos. Consensus of Hand I can. 1 NIGHT SHADE, Barney Google, Kitty French, Shirley Louise. 2 Far East, Tempting, Permarco, Avispa. 3 Wilmer the Wizard, Lester Doctor, Wau kulla, Our Star., 4 Barracuda, Triumph, Mercury, Roseate II. 5 Mercury, Neddam, The Roll Call, West- wood. 6 East Indian, Tody, Scare Crow, Gondolier. 7 Frosty Boy, Great Northern, Duelma, Goldmark. HAVANA. The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are: Oriental Tark Havana, Cuba, Jan. 22, 1924. 1 Miss Rosedale, True American J. E. Hertz. 2 Armistice, Mad Nell, Black Baby. 3 Finality, Blue Bonnet, Clem Theisen. 4 Regal Lodge, Fictile. Weinland. 5 Huen, Fincastle, Blazonry. C HULLO, Miriam Cooper, Boxwood. T. K. Lynch. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 True American, Miss Rosedale, Bistouri, J. E. Hertz. 2 Mad Nell, Dangerous Rock, Fluff, Awning. 3 Phelan, Kendall, Fox Glove, Blue Bonnet. 4 Regal Lodge, The Pirate, Weinland, Mar jorie Wood. 5 BLAZONRY, Fincastle, Blarney Boy, Bruce Dudley. C Fecdor, Hullo, Rapid Stride, Miriam Cooper. Chicago Handicap. 1 True American, Ashburton, Yakima, Mo nopoly. 2 Kitty Carpenter, Jacobean, Vulcanite, Ar mistice. 3 Finality, Bona Fide, Fox Glove, Castilla. 4 Marjorie Wood, Regal Lodge, The Pi rate, American Soldier. 5 FINCASTLE, Blazonry, Blarney Boy, Hercules. C Hullo, Feodor, Rapid Stride, Golden Chance. Observers Handicap. j 1 TRUE AMERICAN, Ashburton, Bistouri, J. E. Hertz. 2 -Awning, Jacobean, Mad Nell, Armistice. 3 Fox Glove, Blue Bonnet, Kendall, Cas tilla. 4 Melba Polly, Weinland, Regal Lodge, Marjorie Wood. 5 Plaudel, Blarney Boy, Fincastlo, Bla zonry. C Boxwood, Col. Pat, Hullo, Feodor. Consensus of Handicap?. 1 TRUE AMERICAN, Miss Rosedale, J. E. Hertz, Ashburton. 2 Armistice, Mad Nell, Kitty Carpenter, Awning. 3 Finality, Phelan, Fox Glove, Blue Bon net. 4 Regal Lodge, Marjorie Wood, Melba Polly, Weinland. 5 Huen, Blazonry, Fincastle, Plaudel. G Hullo, Feodor, Boxwood, Rapid Stride. TIJUANA. The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are : Tijuana, Mexico, Jan. 22, 1921. 1 San Diego Stable entry, International Stable entry, Applegate entry. 2 Little Thistle. Fullanti. Omega. 3 Missouri Boy, Brown Shasta, Bernice E. 4 Cherokee Lee, My Daddy, Eminent. 5 DOMINIQUE, Judge Pryor, Belle of Elizabethtown. G Planet, Ever Bold, Wynncwood. 7 Norfield, Payoff, Faithful Girl. 8 Lady Inez, Marcella Boy, Coffield. O. W. Schilling. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Ocean Current, Woodcry, Parnell, Minstrel Boy. 2 Fullanti, Omega, Mary Ellen O., Seths Memory. 3 Wiso Judge, Jay Mac, Brown Shasta, Colonel Lit. 4 Runclar, Cherokee Lee, My Daddy, Emi- nent. u Judge Pryor, My Reverie, Belle of Elizabethtown, Sleiveconard. 6 PLANET, Ever Bold, Virginius, Wynne- wood. 7 Caveat Emptor, Faithful Girl, Lady Lo Band, Just Right. 5 Coffield, Lady Inez, Marine Corps, Mar cella Boy. Chicago Handicap. 1 Ocean Current, Home Run, Woodcry, Par nell. 2 Seths Memory, Omega, Fullanti, Little Thistle. 3 Tom Owens, Poor Puss, The Wag, Mis souri Boy. 4 CHEROKEE LEE, Eminent, Runclar, Ida Frances. 5 Judge Pryor, Sleiveconard, Dominique, Belle of Elizabethtown. 6 Ever Bold, Wynncwood, Planet, Louis A. 7 Faithful Girl. Lady Le Band, Dick Terpin, Caveat Emptor. 8 Lady Inez, Coffield, Marcella Boy, Zealot. Observers Handicap. 1 Ocean Current, Woodcry, Home Run, Minstrel Boy. 2 Omega, Fullanti, Seths Memory, Mary Ellen O. 3 Wise Judge, Jay Mac, Sample, Colonel Lit. 4 Eminent, Runclar, Cherokee Lee, My Dad dy. 5 JUDGE PRYOR, Belle of Elizabethtown, Supercargo, Sleiveconard. G Planet, Ever Bold, Wynnewood, Louis A. 7 Faithful Girl, Lady Le Band. Dick Terpin, Caveat Emptor. S Coffield, Zealot, Marine Corps, Lady Inez. Consensus of Handicap!!. 1 Ocean Current, San Diego Stable entry, AVoodcry, Home Run. 2 Little Thistle, Fullanti, Seths Memory, Omega. 3 Wise Judge, Missouri Boy, Tom Owens, Brown Shasta. 4 Cherokee Lee, Runclar, Eminent, My Dad dy. 5 JUDGE PRYOR, Dominique, Belle of Elizabethtown, Sleiveconard. 6 Planet, Ever Bold, Wynnewood, Louis A. 7 Faithful Girl, Norfield, Caveat Emptor, Lady Le Band. 8 Lady Inez, Coffield, Marcella Boy, Marine Corps.