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2 " , , i " " 1 1 HAVANA. HAVANA, CUBA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1924. Oriental Tark 1 Mile. Forty-eighth days. Havana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 100 or aiore days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward, S. C. Nuckols. Associate Stewards, C. II. Lansdale and J. McLaughlin. Presiding Judge, C. Cornehlscn. Starter, J. F. Milton. Racing Secretary, W. II. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:30 p. ni. Chicago time, 1:57 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. "OQOQ FIRST RACE 3-3 Mile. Jan. 21, 1916 34 2 113. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. 4 OtJandO Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U Si Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 7G864 WRACKANNA w 103 7 3 23 1 W Lancet Mrs J Ptridge 3 10 10 3 7-". 7 6783 GYMKHANA w 113 3 6 41 2l S McLane E F Whitney fl-2 1-2 1-2 1-6 1-20 76864 CASSIE ANN w 103 3 1 1 31 A Pickens E L Fitzgerald G G 6 2 1 767833PARMEE BELLE w 113 2 5 G3 43 F WdsfckE F Whitney fl-2 1-2 1-2 1-6 1-20 76783 GREAT WATERS w 108 9 8 3J 53 A Yerrat P Phelps 15 20 20 8 4 GLORY wl03 5 3 73 GJ D Prible M J Farris Jr 10 15 15 6 3 76783 MAY BAXTER w 111 1 4 5 73 W Smith J Lavelly 4 5 5 8-5 3-5 7G620 ETHEL F. w 108 4 7 S1 3 W Fronk E E Garr 10 IS 15 G 3 76864 DEXTROSE w 113 6 3 9 9 G Willms Rosario Stable 21 3 3 1 1-3 fCoupled as E. F. Whitney entry. Time, 24, 36. Track muddy. muruels paid, Wrackanna, 5.00 straight, .10 place, .00 show; E. F. Whitney entry, .50 place, .20 show; Cas3ie Ann, .90 show. Equivalent booking odds Wrackanna, 1130 to 100 straight, 105 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; E. V. Whitney entry, 25 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Cassie Ann, 45 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Wrack Clarabela, by Fair Play trained by J. Partridge; bred by Mr. Joseph E. Widener. Went to post at 2:33. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. WRACKANNA began fast and raced CASSIE ANN into defeat in the first quarter, but had to be hard ridden at the end to withstand the rush of GYMKHANA. The latter finished in-resolute fashion and would probably have won in another stride. CASSIE ANN set a good pace, but tired. PARMA-CHENEE BELLE was crowded back at the start and was pulled up, but closed a big gap and finished with a great burst of speed. Overweight May Baxter,. 3 pounds. 7ftQ9Q SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917 1:05 E 102. Pursa 00. 4-year. 4 9ks olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 50; secend, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U -i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 76860MIR. COOPER wb 5 105 3 5 33 21 11 l3 H Shillick W A Shea 4-5 4-3 4-3 1-4 1-3 76867GUPTON wn 4 105 1 2 2 3 21 2 W McCabelt Miller 2 2 2 7-101-4 768663QUIET wb 4 ICG 7 4 Ill! 3 3 W Fronk Caimito Stable 4 4 4 G-3 1-3 76865 JEALOUS WOMAN w 4 101 6 7 71 3 51 4l J Shanks P Patti 13 20 W 3 4 76865 JACK FROST wb 4 106 3 6 G3 4 4s 5 D Prible C E and J Hamn 3 10 10 4 2 76708 POMERENE ws 3 113 4 3 3 61 61 61 E HiVnanJ V Pons 3 10 10 4 2 7681G3JUSTINA E. wb 5 105 2 1 4k 71 71 7 W DtHw W E Martin S 10 10 4 2 76885 SOVEREIGN II. w 11 112 5 3 5 54 3 3 W Sr.ith J Ritcll 15 20 20 3 4 Time, 25, 51, 1:04, 1:11. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Miriam Ccopcr, .00 straight, .90 place, .30 show; Gupton, .20 place, .00 show; Quiet, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Miriam Cooper, ICO to 100 straight, 45 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Guptou, 110 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Quiet, 35 to 100 show. Winner Br. f, by Sweep Lady Eaatman, by Masetto trained by W. Baird; bred by Mr .E. Rucker. Went to post at 3:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MIRIAM COOPER moved up on the outside of the leaders on the turn into the stretch and, racing into the lead, wen going away. GUPTON saved ground on all the turns and easily passed QUIET in tho stretch. The latter showed the most early pecd. but quit after going three-eighths. Scratched 7GC04Betty Mae. 301; 764103Rog. 109; 70570 Vulcanite, 112; 76149 Donna Bella, 101; 7GG34 Bird Shot, 101; 76234 First Blush. 106; 7GGS6 Furlough, 109; 76784 Clay Alien, 109. Overweights Miriam Cooper, 1 pound; Guptou, 4; Pomereue, 4; Justina E., 1. P7iGhrf THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1920 1:11 5 116. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. 4 UUtv Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 76900 BESSIE GERSHEL wb 105 1 5 l3 Is 2 l3 H Shillick W A Shea 4 4 31 7-5 3-5 7G9003 APRIL w 92 4 4 5 4 11 2 J Dawson Pronto Stable 3 31 31 G-3 1-3 7675G RED MILL w 103 6 1 31 2 Sok 331 E Beach J Thompson 21 SJ 31 6-5 1-3 7675G ROYAL QUEEN w 101 3 3 2 3 4 4 J CallahanJ B Respesa 7-3 7-5 7-3 1-2 1-4 76818 MYRTLE BILSON w 9G 2 6 4 5 5" 5" J Shanks H E Biison S 3. 8 21 G-5 76848 PDLADES w 103 5 2 6 6 G G W Fronk Caimito Stablo G 6 G 2 1 Time, 25, 51, 1:19. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Bessie Gershcl, S7.C0 straight, .80 place, .00 show; April, .10 place, .90 show; Red Mill, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Bessie Gershel. 2S0 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; ApriL 103 to ICO place, 45 to 100 show; Red Mill, 50 to 100 show. Winner Br. f, by Tea Caddy Flying Cinder, by Plaudit trained by W. Baird; bred bv Mr. W. A. Shea. Went to post at 3:21. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily; second and third driving. BESSIE GERSHEL slipped through next to the inside rail in the first eighth and drew away into aa easy lead, but came extremely wide when entering the stretch and lost h r place, then took the lead again in the last eighth and won going away. APRIL waa in the lead, but, swerving ever to the inside in tin last eighth, just lasted long enough to withstand the rush of RED MILL. The latter ran well and finished fast. ROYAL QUEEN quit in the last eighth. Scratched 767S5 Merry Bells, 100; 76396 Thor, 103. Overweight Myrtle Biison, 4 pounds. PQI FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6, 19181:415117. Purse 00. 4 OixO JL 4-yeax-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 7G82DDEBADOU w 9 112 5 5 l3 l3 l3 l3 It A McLhlinR I Kearnev 21 21 21 4-3 lX 768683BLAZONRY wb 9 112 2 2 41 2 21 2 2 T BrothersF E Crawford 3 3 3 1 2-5 768G73SQRE WIGGINS w 6 101 4 3 3341 So 31 J Dawson.JIadfd and Keller 4 5 5 3-5 7-10 7684 6 NEAPOLITAN w 5 109 5 4 5 4l 31 53 4 F WdstckP Patti 21 3 3 1 1-2 76597WINALL wn G 107 11215 5 4 51 T Thlkill T W Nicols 4 5 5 S-5 7-10 7G9023GIPSY JOE w 5 102 3 6 G G 6 G G A OvertonE "W Moore 8 3 8 3 8-5 Timo. 25, 51, 1:13. 1:47, 1:51. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Debadou, .90 straight, ?3.S0 place, .10 show; Blazonry, .40 place, .70 show; Squire Wiggins, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Debadou, 195 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Blazonry, 120 to 100 place, 135 to 100 show; Squire Wiggins, 110 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Broomstick Leayonara, by Woolsthorpe trained by T. Quinlan; bred by Mr. L. S. Thompson. Went to post at 3:49. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. DEBADOU set the pace all the way and won eased up. BLAZONRY was hard ridden all through the stretch, but could never get to the leader. SQUIRE WIGGINS ran well and outfiuished NEAPOLITAN. The latter raced wide most of the way. Scratched 76712 Neenah, 102; 76902 Phelan, 109; -76S69 Sandy H., 107; 76313 Spectacular Girl, 107; 70S693Title, 109; 70902 Little Ed, 109. Overweight Gipsy Joe, 3 pounds. TnC4Q FIFTH RACE 1-1-16 Miles. Feb. 3, 1918 1:44 3 92. Purse 00. 4-year-olds a and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; seond, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II O P S 7G868WAR FOX wn G 114 3 4 2 23 2 l3 ll W PrimeH Warner 2 2 2 7-101-3 76888 BOUNCE w 5 108 1 1 5 51 5s 4 21 A Yerrat Mrs H J Kendy 8 3 3 21 G-5 76788 HOREB wsn 7 103 4 5 43 41 4 31 3 G Willms J A Parsons 5 8 6 2 1 76903 SPORTIBOY w G 106 2 2 ll ll 1 2 4 J CallahanW R Coe 111 2-31-3 7G41G3 HILLMAN C. wb 5 300 6 6 6 G G G 5!1 A OvertonE W Moore C 6 G 2 1 76430TOMAHOI w 5 114 3 3 3s 3 31 53 6 J ConnorsM J OLeary 6 8 3 21 G-5 Time, 26, 52, 1:20, 1:48, 1:55. Track muddy. mutuels paid, War Fox, .40 straight, .00 place, .60 show; Bounce, 0.G0 place, .90 show; Horeb, .30 shew. Equivalent booking odds War Fox, 320 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Bounce, 430 to 100 place, 193 to 100 show; Horeb, 75 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Red Fox II. Lady Curzon, by Plaudit trained by H. Warner; bred by Messrs, S. and A. E. Dyment. Went to post at 4:10. At post 2 minutes. Start gcod and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. WAR FOX was in closest pursuit of the leader until well around the last turn, where he moved up rapidly on the outside and raced into a good lead in the last quarter. BOUNCE closed a big gap ami finished fast on the inside. HOREB ran well and finished gamely. SPORTIBOY set a good pace, but tired badly in the last quarter and was eased up at the end. TOMAHOI quit. Scratched 7641G British Liner, 111. Overweight Hillman C, 1 pound. wrtQOO SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. March 2, 1919 1:05 4 112. Purse 00. 3-year-6 0530 olds and upward. Handicap. Net valuo to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 76238 3MARIONETTE w 4 102 1 2 l3 l1 1 1 W Fronk T Monahan S-5 S-3 S-3 1-2 I-l 76711 PERHAPS wn G 104 5 3 5 43 3 23J II Shillick Florida Stable 3 31 31 G-5 3-5 76787 3GAY BOY II. w 4 101 3 5 6 53 5 3 D Prible .7 Overby 5 6 G 2 1 76513 WHIRLWIND wb 4 107 4 4 23 23 2a 43 P WdstckPronto Stable S-3 2 2 7-101-3 7G890 TRAFALGAR w 3 97 G 6 3 3l 41 5 J CallahanW A McKinney 3 3 3 1 1-3 76787 CAPE CLEAR wb 4 102 2 1 4 l 6 0 G A Yerrat L L Hauk 10 10 10 4 2 Timo, 24, 49, 1:03, 1:10. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Marionette, .00 straight, .20 place, .50 show; Perhaps, .S0 place, .60 show; Gay Boy, II., .90 show. Equivalent booking odds Marionette, ISO to 100 straight, 110 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; rerhaps, 140 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Gay Boy II., 43 to 100 show. Winner Ur. f, by Olambala Mauviette, by Mexican trained by M. Bernard; bred by Mr. R. T. Wilson. Went to post at 4:42. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MARIONETTE quickly raced into a long lead, but her rider eased her up in the stretch and kept looking back and almost threw the race away. PERHAPS finished with a great rush and would probably have beaten the winner in another stride. GAY BOY II., began slowly and was outrun for the first half mile, but finished well. WHIRLWIND ran a good half and tired badly. Scratched 76414Chopsticks, 102; 7G56S3Mountaia Lassie, 103; 76363 Dr. Charles Wells, 103; 76303 Topango, 114. Overweights Marionette, 4 pounds; Trafalgar, 3.