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; , ; FACTS ! ! ! i Tiast week up to Friday, January the 25th, included Saturdays result not known, as this was written Saturday morning, "The Ross Rule" selected a play on fourteen 1 1 horses, eleven of which won. In total since Thanksgiving Day the system selected 101 plays, of these S3 won, K. O. E. . "The Ross "Rule" averages twelve plays a week; some days there are two plays, some days none. The Key perfected and the scale 1 of investments, in my judgment, makes it perfect. "The Ross Rule" shows its plays at a glance and requires no one after purchase. All one needs is a reliable bookmaker, which I do not furnish. It can be operated on a capital as low as 00. Those who are reliable and whose word is dependable may have a copy of "The Rule" upon receipt of 5, the balance, 5, to be paid out of earnings within thirty days after play has been started. I have followed "The Ross Rule" personally with phenomenal success. Above statements are FACTS, proved through back charts of the Racing Form. No attention is paid to unnecessary corre- . spondencc. The weekly progress will appear in these columns. Address remittances C. A. ROSS Room 615, 1674 Broadway New York City j "ANONYMOUS" SECRET INFORMATION ONE HORSE DAILY ATTENTION READER! A 10-1 SHOT SHOULD GO MONDAY at tho Fair Grounds. Here you have one of the sweetest tricks of tho meeting. When I say a. likely 10-1, I mean it. And I can stake my reputation on the result of this one. Good ones given so far have kept my followers ahead. Conditions during past week have been adverse, but I did fairly well under the- circumstances. My record last week: GUVNOR 7-1 Won SILENT KING 9-5 Won NOTE TODY, 3-2 "WON, was advised on MONDAY when racing was declared off. I advised my followers to go back in next start. Result: Horse WON. Week before: PAULMICOU 6-1 Won DER0NDA 7-1 Won DUCKY 8-.1 Won DUSTABOUT 7-1 Won PAULMICOU 8-1 Won DAYDUE ...7-1 Won I SINCERELY HOPE TO DUPLICATE DURING THE COMING WEEK A RECORD OF 100 PER CENT WINNERS, JUST AS THE ABOYE. I REYEAL TRACK SECRETS and, being a horseman myself, I have entrance to the inner circles and am therefore able to place you when connections are. trying. .00 daily, 0.00 weekly. Wire your subscription via Western Union er Postal. Address all communications to my New York representative A. SHILLING 697 GATES AVENUE BROOKLYN, N. Y. ; , - - - i BUD EDWARDS NEW ORLEANS WIZARD . .00 DAILY; 0.00 WEEKLY 106 PARK, ROOM 303 NEW YORK CITY Some cleanup, boys. READ THEM AND WEEP. Saturdays Horse: 0LYNTHUS 9-2 WON Fridays Hono: SMARTY 8-1,3-1 2nd Thursdays Horse: SANDS OF PLEASURE 5-1 WON Wednesdays Horse: BARRACUDA 4-1 WON Tuesdays Horse: PEGGY 0 8-1 WON and all theso kind cost you is .00 DAILY or 0.00 WEEKLY. Positively only one horse a day. All those who followed my info at Canada will tell you I was the best in the market. CLEAN UP MONDAY 10-110-1 That is what my hone should pay Monday and should romp homo as easy as the abova ones did. Get in touch with mo at once. Act at once. Send in a subscription and know that youre going to get the best. The sooner yon get connected with me the healthier your bank roll will be. Start right off Htnday with, a nice big 10-1. Its there for all that take advantage of my offer. Wiro money Western Union or Postal. 1 Winner, .03; 6 winnors, 0.00. Lets give the laying gentry another wallop Monday, Flat Play Made ,052 November and December on basis. Semi by registered mail for our GOOD LUCK OCCASIONAL FEATURE. No further payments. and simple. Average price of winners in last two months was .fi.-. Play may be ICJcar made anywhere. G. N. SERVICE P. 0. BOX 563 CLEVELAND, OHIO I Subscribe for Daily Racing Form i 1 1 . 1 New Orleans XXX GRAND SPECIALS XXX MY FIRST GRAND SPECIAL GOES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 This horss has had a very CAREFUL PREPARATION, is fit and ready and will be backed by tho connections on that day. My new connections have been producing WONDERFUL RESULTS lately and they assure me this will be another winner at a good price. MY SECOND GRAND SPECIAL GOES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Those not remitting on my first GRAND SPECIAL will positively not receive service on my SECOND GRAND SPECIAL. My services are in greater demand than ever before and if you want reliable winning information answer this advertisement at once. I am personally in NEW ORLEANS and will have numerous gocd things during the balance of the meeting. I am making the fellowicg offer to all: Wire mo the winnings of a 0 STRAIGHT BET afttr you collect care of Western Union, New Orleans, La. Wiro or writo for service. Wire at once if you wish rcrvico on my FIRST GRAND SPECIAL. Give correct address. FREDDIE HAYNES ST. CHARLES HOTEL NEW ORLEANS, LA. . 2 SOUTH HAWK STREET ALBANY, N. Y. M. RICHMOND My first "TRANSACTION," as advertised in these columns last week, WON. Nearly 1,200 players through the United States were in on it. My next "transaction" will start in a few days; the exact date will be announced through these columns later. Writs immediately for terms, details and a copy of my code. In the futuro I will -not broadcast tho name of any transaction over the country in tho open manner of my introductory offer. GIBRALTAR SYSTEM STRONGEST OF THEM ALL 54 Per Cent Winners m December Does it work in winter? We leave it to you. A large per cent of our selections ran first or second. Why pay to 100 daily for wire service. Save that money! Place a finger on a live one every day for the rest of your life at the small cost of buying the SAFEST "ONE BEST" SYSTEM EVER DEVISED. Writa for particulars and proof. System is on fila with Daily Racing Form. Gibraltar News Service P.. O. BOX 563 CLEVELAND. OHIO 116 NASSAU ST., ROOM 401, NEW YORK CITY UNITED TURF NEWS PRICE .00 SEMI-WEEKLY PRICE .00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. On sale, out of town, leading newsstands. Mailed anywhere, .00 monthly. Mondays Code Special: 8-S-19-32-AVIKK should win easily and pay a good price. Winners written up on sheet: CEIITAI3 S-r. JUVXOK 7-1 WO.V rEQUOT 2-1 149391493914939149391493914939$ ? $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ ? The MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally known $ $ as "cosy for player hard for l;iycr." Sold on $ $ installment ; payments paid from your profits. $ $ Absolutely FREE 7o-p:tir luminal ami review. $ $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey. $ $ Public relations manager $ $ S. E. ARTI II It $ $ Box 40, R. F. Towson, Md. $ 149391493914939149391493914939$ Pay From Your Profits The Master Key Systcni of playing Uic racct will be mailed you for one nwks trial. It should show an average profit of at least 0 a day on the m-.-iIc of play. FOR PARTICULARS mail this ad, with your nanu? ami address, to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth Street Miami Beach, Fla. Col. J. J. SCHREINER HOTEL DE SOTO, NEW ORLEANS. LA. AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER 30 Years Experience as Clocker YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WOMK FOR YOU 5 FOR ANY TEN DAYS Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. FAIR GROUNDS An occasional long shot for winnings of a 0.00 straight play. Rmit .00 and correct address. Names cf all horses sent by mail. No telegrams to pay for. KENTUCKY TURF GUIDE CIS JULIA STKEET, -Eff OH LEAKS. I. A. PL AY SAFE Order Your New Manual NOW And Be Sure! DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. HI PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 50 RICHMOND STREET. EAST, TORONTO. ONT. 305-307 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS. LA.