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Daily Racing Form Handicaps FAIR GROUNDS Tho horses which seem best in Mondays races are: Fair Grounds Xew Orleans, La., Jan. 26, 1924. 1 Fuo, Dean IT., Billy Walz. 2 Sister Josella, Orlova, Fleer, u Anne, Norseland, Waukulla. 4 GUEST OF HONOR, Rama. Lady Madcap, a Anonymous, Beverwyck, Pequot. 6 Frank Monroe, Scare Crow, Repeater. 7 Brotherly Love, Vendor, Bolster. J. Li. Dempscy. New York Hamlicnp. 1 Fuo, Dean IT., Parole II., Delhi Boy. 2 Orlova, Peace Pal, Florence Deen, Sister Josella. 3 Queen Charming, Frosty Boy, "Waukulla, Anne. 4 RAMA, Lady. Madcap, O. Henry, Guest of Honor. 5 Sea Cove, High Speed, Pequot, Beverwyck. C Smarly, King John, Repeater, Tingling. 7 Bolster, Soviet, Bastille, Ashland. Chicago Handicap. 1 Fuo, Confluentc. Dean IT., Master Billy. 2 Old Sinner, Peace Pal, Orlova. Kindred. 3 Privilege. Norseland, Frosty. Boy, AVithout. 4 O. HENRY, Guest of Honor, Rama, John Paul Jones. i Neddam, Normal, Sea Cove, Harry B. C Repeater, Tingling, King John, Scare Crow. 7 Bolster, Royal Duck, Soviet, Ashland. Observers Hautllcap. 1 Dean IT., Fuo, Ccnfluente, Master Billy. 2 Orlova. Prince AVelles, Jock Scot, Florence Deen. 3 Anne, Frosty Boy, AVaukulla, Norseland. 4 Lady Madcap, O. Henry. John Paul Jones, Best Pal. C Atnnie, Neddam, Harry B., Beverwyck. G Smarty. King John, Superlative, Tingling. 7 BOLSTER, Soviet, Royal Duck, Ashland. Consensus of llaml leaps. 1 Fuo, Dean IT., Confluente, Master Billy. 2 Orlova, Sister Josella, Old Sinner, Peace Pal. 3 Anne, Queen Charming, Privilege, Norse land. 4 Guest of -Honor, Rama, O. Henry, Lady Madcap. 5 Anonymous, Sea Cove, Neddam, Arennie. C Smarty, Frank Monroe, Repeater, King John. 7 BOLSTER, Brotherly Love, Soviet, Roval Duck. HAVANA. The horses which seem best in Sundays races are: Oriental Tark Havana, Cuba, Jan. 2G, 1924. 1 Rey Ennis, Top Rung, Some Pumpkins. 2 Chincoteague, Quiet, Ruddles. 3 Ben Bolt, Eye Bright, Rapid Stride. 4 Grandson, Armistice, Jacobean. 5 Neapolitan. Squire AViggins, Mooresque. G DEBADOU, Haman, Itandel. 7 Miss Rosedale, Ancestress, Trafalgar. T. K. Lynch. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Toy Along, AArcinland, Top Rung, Bengali. 2 Chincoteague, Quiet, El Coroncl, Financial Rooster. 3 Ben Bolt, Rapid Stride, Eye Bright, Col. Pat 4 -GRANDSON, Jacobean, Armistice. Plaudel. 5 Montillo, Neapolitan, Bounce, Squire AVig gins. C Debadou, Sportiboy, Haman, Flying Prince. 7 Kutiya, Kirk Dress, Miss Rosedale, Ancestress. Chicago Handicap. 1 Top Rung, Bona Fide, Toy Along, Paula V. 2 Chincoteague, Quiet, El Coronel, Blarney Boy. 3 COL. PAT. Golden Chance, Ben Bolt, Rapid Stride. 4 Grandson, Ncenah, Primitive, Jacobean. 5 Bounce, Neapolitan, Montillo, Mooresque. G Romping Mary, Debadou, Haman, Sportiboy. 7 Kirk Dress, Kufiya, Miss Rosedale, Super-anna. Observers Handicap. 1 AVeinland, Toy Along, Top Rung, Bengali. 2 Quiet. El Coronel, Ruddles, Dewitt 3 Col. Pat, Be.n Bolt, Rapid Stride, Golden Chance. 4 GRANDSON, Neenah. Primitive. Plaudel. 5 Neapolitan, Bounce, Montillo, Little Ed. C Debadou, Flying Prince, Haman, Romping Mary. 7 Miss Rosedale, Kufiya, Ancestress, Kirk Dress. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Rey Ennis, Toy Along, Top Rung, AVein land. 2 Chincoteague. Quiet, El Coronel, Ruddles. 3 Ben Bolt, Col. Pat, Rapid Stride, Eve Bright. 4 GRANDSON, Armistice, Ncenah, Jaco bean. 5 Neapolitan, Montillo,. Bounce, Squire AAig- gins. G Debadou, Romping Mary, Haman, Sportiboy. 7 Miss Rosedale, Kufiya, Kirk Dress, Ancestress. TIJUANA. The horses -which seem "best in Sundays races are: Tijuana, Mexico, Jan. 2C, 1924. 1 FREEBOOTER. Publicity, Scottish Lad. 2 The AAag, Calithump, Sweet and Low. 3 Bedazzle, Gold Bryan, Hillsdale. 4 Lady Inez, Marcella Boy, Blarney Stone. 5 J. K. L. Ross entry, Arictoire, Abadane. C Runclar, Huon Pine, Cherokee Lee. 7 Yalta, Furious Bill, Querulous. S Lady Gorham, The Almoner, Motor Cop. S Encrinite, AVar Penny, Hago K. Asher. G. AV. Scliiliine. aVcvr Yorlc Handicap. 1 Freebooter, Lemon Seth, Scottish Lad, Dell Evans. 2 Theresa, The AVag, Brown Shasta, George Muchlebach. Z Bedazzle, Acsper Bells, Cavalcadour II., John Jr. 4 -Marcella Boy, Dorius, Lady Inez, Ten Buttons. 5 DEEP THOUGHTS, Aietoire, Abadane, Sunny land. 6 Runclar, Cherokee Lee, Huon Pine, Ni agara. 7 Tubby A., Furious Bill, Faber, Mart Bunch. G The Falconer, The Almoner, Motor Cop, Brown Belle. 9 Hugo K. Asher, AVar Penny, Breeze, Rouen. Chicago Handicap. 1 Freebooter, Scottish Lad, Publicity, Dell Evans. 2 Theresa, Bacchus, Senator Donlan, The AVag. 3 Marion North, Chestnut Girl, Bedazzle, Hillsdale. 4 MARCELLA BOY, Lady Inez, Ten But tons, Dorius. 5 Cruzern, Maximac, Abadane, Planet. 6 Cherokee Lee, Program, Runclar, Huon Pine. 7 Tubby A., Yalta, Helen Cook, Faber. S Brown Belle, Motor Cop, Lady Gorham, The Almoner. 9 AAoodie Montgomery, Hugo K. Asher, AAar Penny, Rouen. Observers Handicap. 1 Freebooter, Scottish Lad, Publicity, Dell Evans. 2 Theresa, The AVag, Jean Corey, Flame. 3 Bedazzle, Acsper Bells, Dickie Dix, Hills dale. 4 Marcella Boy, Dorius, Blarney Stone, Ten Buttons. 5 Planet, Sunnyland, Abadane, Cruzern. G Niagara, Runclar, Cherokee Lee. Huon Pine. 7 Furious Bill, Helen Cook. Tubby A., Quer ulous. 8 MOTOR COP, Brown Belle. Lady Gorham, New Beauty. 9 AVar . Penny, Hugo K. Asher, Melchoir, AVoodie Montgomery. Consensus of Handicap. 1 FREEBOOTER, Scottish Lad, Publicity, Dell Evans. 2 Theresa, The AVag. Calithump. Bacchus. S Bedazzle, Marion North, Hillsdale, Aes- per Bells. 4 Marcella Boy, Lady Inez, Dorius, Ten Buttons. 5 Deep Thought, Cruzern, Planet, Abadane. G Runclar, Cherokee Lee, Niagara-, Huon Pine. 7 Tubby A.. Yalta, Furious Bill, Helen Cook. S Lady Gorham, The Falconer, Brown Belle, Motor Cop. V Encrinite, Hugo K. Asher, AVoodie Montgomery, AAar Penny.