untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-15


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Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street KOCOI 407-S NEW YORK CITY "Harvey Transaction" TODAY Over the long distance this office was notified on Thursday that the next "Harvey Transaction" starts today and was also advised that one would also start tomorrow, Saturday, regardless of track conditions. "Harvey Transactions" require no comment. Investments on same are recommended on their past accompish-ments. A 50 investment on each "Harvey Transaction" since January Gth shows a profit of approximately after losses and cost of information have been deducted. Subscription for todays. 00, or both "Transactions" today and tomorrow, 00 must be received promptly to assure list-ins-, as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory. J ? PREBETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ The M1RACLK SYSTKM is nationally known f $ as "easy for player hard for layer." Sold on $ X installment: payments paid from your profits, j $ Absolutely FRKE 73-pase manual and review. $ $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey. ? $ Public relation! nianaper ? $ S. K. ARTHCR $ $ Bor 40. R. T. Towson, Md. $ 01493914939.14939?14939? ATTENTION ! I Two parties who can make substantial use of direct information from a high-class stable at New Orleans will find it to their advantage to write to the address below. Satisfactory references given and required. jj.. O. Box 3, Station 15. Cincinnati, Ohio f THE MAN "WHO CAN JtlAKK YOT-T WHS S0LB EVERYWHERE, ?1 BAILY -MR. PLAYER" LOOK! LOOK! ANOTHER "CLEAN UP" YESTERDAYS SPECIAL WON AGAIN Somo of our WINNERS last two weeks: AJZITY CLAIH 6-1 WON EVELYN 6-1 WON BERONDA 20-1 WON KINGSOLERE 7-1 WON MASTER HAND 12-5 WON WILMER THE WIZARD 5-1 WON iiWON OVER ,200.00 A ?23 flat play last 2 weeks YOB WOULD WIN "ABQVE" SUM. DONT LOSE YOUR MONEY WHEN YOU CAN WIN. Follow JACK FIELD every day for few weeks and you will be "BIG WINNE2." pr-TODAY "LONG SHOT" Have been waiting for this ona to start and "TODAY" is the day. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE "CLEANING UP." You dont seo such kind every day as this is today. A WORD ABOUT "TODAYS" 55 SPECIAL. This comes from same SOURCE that save DERON-DA. 20-1, WON; WILMER THE WTZARD, 5-1, WON; AMITY CLAIH, 6-1, WON. TODAY 10-1 OR "BETTER" Thats what Mr. FIELD expects this to pay, so spend 5 and cet this "JACK .FIELD" Special today. JACK FIELD sold everywhere RACING FORM sold. Mailed to ycu, week; 5 for BOTH and ?1 SPECIALS. FIELD PUB. CO. S3 W. ADAMS ST. CHICAGO, ILL. GUY C. WINTON ! C5 JEROME STREET BROOKLYN, N. Y. I ?5.C0 DAILY. 0.00 WEEKLY ONE A DAY AND PLAY FOREVER AND, AS I USUAL YESTERDAY ell received FLINT STONE 7-5 WON Wednesdays only horse: JACKSON 5-2, 1-1 2ND Tuesdays only horse: VENIZELOS 10-1 WON Mondays only horse: EVERGLADE 4-1 WON Saturdays only horse: SIMPLICITY 15-1 WON Fridays enly horse: POPPYE 12-1 WON Tuesdays, only horse: VENNIE 12-1 WON FROM Thursday until Thursday ssven horses sent oat and 6 WON, 1 second, and if yon feel that you can beat this or find an informant that can beat my record, than you need not apply for advice from me. Every one single horse given out and filed in advance. Let Me Make You a Winner Just a trial will certainly convince the most skeptical. If you hive had unsatisfactory dealings with others, you will appreciate my fair dealin-r and effort to supply you with the VERY BEST. START TODAY One day is no better than another to mo. I expect ono that will be amply lont; in price and i should win very easily. Wirs a subscription, 0 for oao week. Uso W. U. moaey order. ! i J ! THE-SP0RTING1EAER clmericas Qrcatetf SjyortPaper 25 CENTS- FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS fjb Writes "AL" from iV. Mi New Orleans: "I havo been vzins the midnight PojjflW oil the past three weeks JKSPy trying: to get you the RIGHT DOPE and it wSi.V r looks like I havo sSKiVrftJ STRUCK my stride. MY VrjeT LAST three 0 SPE- Hitl CIALS WON like scared ?52y rabbits and MY FREE fi . CODES have been WTN- NING, so LETS TRY again today. Here is Todays Code: FAIR GROUNDS Chicago-Kight-Fancy-Lament. So by all means rush right now to ycur newsdealer and GET the NEW ISSUE of the SPORTING LEADER and remember, "AL GERN" tells you ALL ABOUT a horse thats .scheduled to GO for the WORKS in the FOURTH RACE, SATURDAY. Remember latt weeks long shot: POPPYE, 15-1, WON Look ! Look ! 3 Straight Won 3 "AL GERNS" 0 SPECIALS WON YESTERDAY AL GERNS 0 SPECIAL Quivero, 5-2, Won WEDNESDAY AL GERNS 0 SPECIAL Gondolier, 8-5, Won MONDAY AL GERNS 0 SPECIAL Stampdale, 7-2, Won YES, SIR, THATS ALL Not One Lost of AL GERNS 510 SPECIALS this week, and they wero ALL GIVEN FREE on the MASTER CLOCKER for .00. TODAY "AL GERNS 0 SPECIAL GIVEN FREE with MASTER CLOCKER and let mo tell you. THIS is the GOODS. Just ask your newsdealer for Master Clocker AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. Mailed 2 weeks, ?9; 1 week, ?5. Address, 333 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. DETROIT FOR SALE: Triangle Newsstand Gricwold and Lafayette Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Square SCHUYLER FLOYD Room 614 Calvert Bldg. 1452 Broadway NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE JKYAT 7739 Yesterdays "Schuyler Investment" : LORD GRANiTE 3y2-1 Won For years the directors of! the "Schuyler Investments" have been looking ahead and serving those v.iio are looking in the same tireetion. There is a greater future for you and the directors i both can get together. WHY NOT ARRANGE IT? To an individual with 00.00 capital, who lias as yet not subscribed to the "Schuyler Investments," the directors ask this question: CAN YOU USE ? One Thousand Dollars ? It so, subscribe for the next "Schuyler Investment," which takes place SATURDAY TERMS : Op.e Hundred Dollars IX ADVANCE. 1SY TE1.EGKAP1I Oil IX PEKSOX The "Schuyler Investments" are like "Sterling" on Silver the stamp of distinction 116 Nassau St. New York City Room 401 UNITED TURF NEWS Semi-Weekly Price .00 Price 51.00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. For sale all newsstands, Now York City and everywhere. Special rate, mailed monthly: NINE ISSUES .00 TODAYS BIG CODE SPECIAL: 5-18-17-27-Plunga 6-6-1-31-Plunga Subscribe for Daily Racing Form Crescent City Service 0.00 a Winner, 0.00 Weekly NEW YORK OFFICE New York City Room 412, 1452 Broadway near 42d street Strictly a One Horse Proposition Yesterdays Big One Horse: TELESCOPE 8-1 Won NOTICE We have opened our New York office so that we can better serve our western patrons. The best evidence of the superiority of our service has been proved by our large clientele. TODAY BIG ONE HORSE PROPOSITION This one lias been especially prepared for this particular occasion. We are undoubtedly assured of todays result. This proposition should pay S-l or better. Wednesdays Big One Horse: LADY CH0C0 ...... 15-1 Won Tuesdays Big One Horse: VENIZELOS 10-1 Won Mondays Big One Horss: FLYING FUR 13-5 Won Saturdays Big One Horse: Midnight Follies.. 20-1, 8-1 , 2d Fridays Big One Horse: TELESCOPE 8-1 Won In remitting use Western Union or Postal Telegraph. CRESCENT CITY SERVICE Near Forty-Second Street Room 412, 1452 Broadway, New York City Beats Them AH THE STARR TURF NEWS 500 Fifth Ave. Xcw York, X. Y. Ttooiii 402 Terms for Our Wire Service ?20 for six days, or for cne day. I Yesterdays Wire: LOUD GKANITE 1S-5 "WON "Wednesdays Wira: RUBY 4-1 WON Tuesdays Wire: HIGH GEAR -...5-1 WON Mondays Wire: BUCADO 8-1 WON g TODAYS CODE 1IORSK: I 11-3-C-2-X I Yesterdays Code Horse: ARROWHEAD 5-2 WON Wednesdays Code Hcrss: BILL WINFREY 7-1. 5-2 2ND Tuesdays Code Horse: VENIZELOS 10-1 WON Mondays Codo Horse: I BROOKDALE 2-1 WON Starr Turf News is not sold on newsstands. Just mail us S5.C0 for cur code and see code horse in Daily Eacinsr Form each COMBINED CODE A XT AVI HE SEltVICE 0.00 FOlt SIX DAYS. B START TODAY I W. S. OAKES 115 West Forty-First St., Xcvv York, X. Y. ANOTHER BIG SPECIAL groes cn Saurday, February 16. This horse comes from the same reliable source that sent me yesterdays last minute Special which was Telescope 8-1 Won 3 Saturdays Big Special has been burning I up the track in private. His mcst recent g work was a mile in 1 :41s with a heavy boy in the saddle. This one should be a I big price and my advice is to go the limit. I Terms for this special, ?5.00. Horse must win or I will give next Special free. I Terms for this Special, .00. Horse must I six days. Wire or call. Dont miss Satur- II days Special. ! jMonthly Form Book Is On Saie I DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. I 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 50 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT. 305-S07 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924021501/drf1924021501_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924021501_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800