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HEALEY S BIG STABLE Thirty-Four Wilson and Salmon Horses Winter at Belmont. . Wilderness in Fine Condition Wilson Two-Year-Olds Appear to Be Promising. NEW YORK, N. Y., Feb. 14. T. J. Healey, who recently returned from his winter vacation in Noav Orleans and California, has resumed charge of the R. T. Wilson and WL J. Salmon horses at Belmont Park. Altogether he is handling thirty-four horses, nineteen of Avhich belong to Mr. Wilson and fifteen to Mr. Salmon. Wilderness, the four-year-old son of Camp-fire and Gcnesta in the Wilson string, is tho best looking horsa in the Healey barns. Ho has filled out during the winter and, if ha stands training, trainer Healey expects him to make a good showing in the handicap racing of tho coming season. Tho Wilson tAvo-year-olds ten colts and one filly arc all homo-breds and they appear to be a promising band. Twelve horses in the Wilson and Salmon stables AA-erc sent to New Orleans for a Avinter campaign and several of the Salmon horses, which are to be schooled through tho field, are at Timonium, Md., in charge of Silas Veitch. SEVEN SALMON JUVENILES. Mr. Salmon has seven two-year-olds, among which is Trip Lightly, a sister to Step Lightly, Avhich AAon the Futurity in 1920 for her owner. Trip Lightly is one of tho four youngsters Avhich Mr. Salmon purchased at the Saratoga yearling sales last August. She cost ?11,500. The other threa Salmon juveniles are homc-brcds. Of the eight other horse3 in the Salmon string, the star is Vigil, Avinner of last years Prcakness. This colt has wintered Avell and is expected to race to his best form during the coming season. Trainer Healey expects to haAe a division of each stable ready for the early spring meetings in Maryland and the remainder Avill be ready in ample time for the opening o the Ncav York season. R. Marinelli and E. Bell are under contract to the stable and trainer Healey Avill also hae the three apprentices, E. Gorman, S. Bullman and A. Nicholson in his charge. Following are the rosters of the two stables : j Property of It. T. "Wilson. Chestnut colt, 2, by Spanish Prince II. Days Over, by Olanibahi. Kay colt. 2, by Spanish Prince II. Minuet, by Olambala. Hay colt, 2, by Spanish Trince II. Mcxola, by Olambala. Hay colt, 2, by Olambala Pixy, by Peter Pan. Chestnut colt, 2, by Olambala Sunburst, by Ban-! nstar. Pay colt, 2, by Olambala Yellow Sea, by Martagon. Iay colt, 1!, by Olambala Kerr, by Uncommon. I!ay colt, 2, by Campfire Long Kange, by St. Frusquiu. P.ay colt, 2, by Campfire Sally X.. by Josh. Brown colt, 2, by Campfire Jeanne Fouquct, by Brnleur. Bay filly, 2, by Spanish Trincc II. Fantam Bala, by Olambala. Wilderness, ch. c, 4, by Campfire Gcnesta, by Broomstick. Tall Timber, b. c, 4, by Campfire Vixy, by Peter Pan. Forest Lore, rii. c, 4, by Campfire Ma Wee Dear, by Lore "Wisely. Ormesrale, ch. c, 3. by Ormondale Matlchcn, by Knight of the Thistle. Runningwild, ch. c, 3, by Olambala Sunburst, by Banastar. Wampeo, b. c. 3. by Campfire Orange Lilly, by "William the Third. Broomfield, b. c, 3, by Olambala Genesta, by Broomstick. Forest Flower, b. f, 3, by Campfire Montrosa, by riaudit. Property of W. J. Salmon. Chrysalis, b. or br. f, 2, by Swcci Butterflies II., by King .lames. Conspirator, b. c, 2, by Pennant Intrigue, by Kingston. Snowdrop, b. f, 2, by Cicero Snowcapt, by Itol Ilerode. Contract, b. c, 2, by Jim Gaffney Antclla, by Planudcs. Dcronshire, b. c, 2, by Gainsborough Fortuna, by Spearmint. Trip Lightly, ch. f, 2, by Ultimus Tripping, by Delhi. Bay filly, 2, by ITltimus June Bo?e. by Myram. Vigil, ch. c, 4, by Jim Gaffney Viguola, by Solitaire II. Luminist. 1. c, 4, by Ilcurlcss Lumineuse, by Macdonald II. J Heir-at-Law, br. c, 3. by Son-in-Law Lady Portland, by Bill of Portland. Beau Xasli, ch. c, 3, by Jim Gaffney Lady j Brighton, by Ballot. Galieian, b. e, 3, by Lcmberg Lindal. by Kendal. Golden Armor, b. g, 3. by Golden Sun Armorial Knsign, by Speaimint. Ilazy Dawn, ch. f, 3, by llurry On Harbour Light, by Sundridge. I Flirtation, ch. f, 3, by Charles OMallcy Summer 1 Girli by Sundridge.