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Latest Workouts 39 NEW ORLEANS, La.. Feb. 14. Todays training sailors here included the following: FAIR GROUNDS. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 33- Alex WoodliffeSG 33-Grass Tree 39i 432-Aladdin 37 33-High Tea ....39 34- Bonnie Lizzie.. 37 36-Jakc Feld 3S 34-Baltic 37 35-Kumonin 37Vs f 3G-Burbeth 3Gt3 Kath. Nilioulin39 27- BaIadin 50-; 23-Lierre 3li 28- Bit o Honey. .38 Little Jinimie.:S7 3G-Bridpsman 38 33-Melbourne 3S Brown Trout .36 30-Mit 3S Bonnie Morn ..30 33-Manokin 37 34-Biigler 37H; 32-Miss Checkers. 38 3G-Charlic Suni!iiy3773 34-Parole II 37 34- Cap. Schneller.3GJ4 9-Rockomar 42 35- Care Free 3S 32-Ramkin 37 33-Cuphearer 3GV6 3S-Spa:iish Name.. 37 35-Ducky 3G 32-S. and Boots. .37 30- Eventide 36 33-Snpor Frank ..38 25 -Effort 3S 37-Tliorndale 36 35-Fausto 3S 3l-Tony Sue 3Gand 33-Fcderalist 36 Vs 32-Try Again 37 33-Forn RelationsSG Tod Rcncsor ..37 33-Frankman 37 3G-Uncle Velo ...37 35- Fire Cracker . .375 35-Vanidosa 35Vf. 3;5-Fuo 33 3G-Waratah 37 33-Foxmore ..37- W. C. Whitehd3G 33-Georgia Rose.. 37 Half Mile.. 31- Boy fr. Home. .53 22-Midnight Sties50 36- Doughnut 50 27-Mah Jong 50 19- Double T 51i Omnipotent ...50 33-EveIyn 51 35-rcus 48 33- Edith Hall 51 32-Pr. of Umhna.55 35-Extni Edition. .49 3.3-Queen Cliarmg55 34- Fredericktown .50 33-Rork 49 34- Guvnor 51 36-UuggIes 5l,S 32- Gvpsv Blair ..50 37-Sr. Maurice ...54Vf. 3G-Goidon Shaw.. 50 37-Say It 54 3-H. M. Dietz...49 35-S. of Pleasure. 52 30-Ink 49i4 32-Tiiimble 52 25-.Take Bcrger ..49 !S 27-Tulane 51 24-Knot Grass ..:.rl!i 33-Towtou Rose ..49 3G-Ix!aUicrwood ..50 32-Theseus 501 Si lvester Doctor. .52 37-Tody 49 30- Master Charlie. 52 29-W. Take All... 50 4-Miss America.. 50 Five -Eighths Mile. 33- Attorney 1:03 2S-Marg. Ware 1:01 33-Davdue 1:05 25-Norteland ..AMVs 3G-lr." Jim 1:04 22-Patrick L. ..1:05 33-Dohson 1:05 34-Polvo 1:02 23-Green Gold ..1:05 31 -Rapid Day ..1:02 22-Huonec 1:03 37-Skywards 1:04 32-IdIe Tlioaghtsl:043 30-Sra Court ...1:02 35- Jou Jou 1:01 34 -T. Mulesknerl:04 32- Leontes 1:04 Vj 3G-Thr. Squares 1:03 . Three -Quarters Mile. 27-Bnker Brownl:lG 3SG-Lough Storm l:lfi 3li-Ccntimetcr ..1:16 32-Miss Meise ..1:163 492-Caloutta 1:21 35-Kinl:ey 1:17 36- Dark Hill 13-Ruth.S 1:17 20- Icmo 1:26 32-Selim 1:18 33- 1-71 Astro 1:16 30-Stone Age ...1:17 31- .Iock Scot 1:19 25-Thco 1:17 32- K. ONeill 11.1:17 37-TemIer Seth .1:23 35- Lougboat 1:17 36-Waukulla 1:10 Seven -Eighths Mile. 30- J. F. OHara 1:29 IS-Rocket 1:33 33- Mater Hand 1:31 3i-Rustcm , 1:29 32-Payuian 1:33 IS-Teinpting 1:29 Ono Mile. 31- P.arracuda ...1:15 3l!-Ieonard G. ..1:49 37- Cherry Tree .1:43 32-Ram.i 1:53 30-Fantoche 1:43 34-Sway 1:47 30-Foster Embryl:4a 29-Stonewall ...1:45 36- lvi Orb 1:44 30-Waywassamo 1:46 32- Links li-13 Is Kilo and a Quarter. 37-Amolc 2:19 Spanish Name was under restraint. Foreign Relations was not fully extended. Vanidos showed fine speed. Alex Woodliffe and Wilbur C. Whitehead worked together. Orcus is in good condition. Jou Jou seems fresh and good. Ttinkey had an easy gallop. Miss Meise was under restraint. Master Hand could have worked faster. James F. OHara raced well. Grass Tree and Links worked together. JEFFERSON PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 31-Duc de Morny .39 803-Olive James ...42 35-Eunice 40 .Half Mile. 25-Byron 55 2S-Cap. Costigan.55 35-Bright Lights.. 54 Five-Eighths Milo. 22-Doiihle SUot..l:06 31-Propaganda .1:00 15-Gen. Cadornal:07 Three-Quarters Milo. 13-Black Gold .1:20 37-Qucsada 1:19 3ri-Dmbfounder 1:24 35-Smarty .1:24 22-Metal 1:22 3S-Translate ...1:20 One Mile. 33-Black Fridayl:4S 38-St. Michael. .1:51 4S4-Brunte Ladyl:55 30-Sog. Aroon ..1:49 Black Gold was under restraint.