untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-16


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- PERFECT SQUARE DICE Made by expert mechanics from thoroughly seasoned hard stock, guaranteed to be true to within one one-thousandth of an inch, having all sides flat, corners sharp and finish perfect. Made in either red, green or white ! in any size. 5-S size razor edge .40 per pair j 3-4 size razor edge 1.50 per pair B. C. WILLS and CO. 222 W. Congress St. Detroit, Mich. THE SAN FRANCISCO TURF REPORTER 442 Sansome Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. AND STILL THEY COME WINNERS GALORE! Taken from tho issua of February 11, 1924, at TIJUANA: GIRL SCOUT 15-1 WON GIRL SCOUT won twice $ 3.60- WON SAGAMOOK $ 5.60- WON VALOR $ 3.80-52 WON VALOR won twice $ 4.40- WON FUROR $ 8.80- WON THE LAMB 2.00- WON TRUSTY $ 8.20- WON BELLE OF ELIZABETHTOWN....$ 6.60- WON KOSMAN 1.60- WON PLURALITY 3.40- WON aUEEN CATHERINE $ 8.80- WON ABADANE $ 4.80- WON BOSSMAN 1.60 - WON DALTON $ 8.40- WON HILARITY ...$ 3.60- WON LADY LE BAND 7.40- WON MISTER TURF FOLLOWER, we are advertising this -week for YOUR INFORMATION the results of last weeks Tijuana selections. CAN YOU BEAT THIS INFORMATION FOR FIFTEEN CENTS A DAY ANYWHERE ! Send for a sample copy TODAY and receive from tha San Francisco Turf Ro-porter, the hijcst and oldest sporting and racing papor in tho West, the best offer on the market today. Che-k thsm up. Ba convinced. Get a freo copy. SAN FRANCISCO TURF REPORTER, 442 Sancomo Street, San Francisco, Cal. PL C. Evans and Company 321 West Madison St., Chicago, 111. Headquarters for Playing Cards, Dice and Games Special Hand-Squared Dice That Are Perfect Special Work to Order Catalog Free

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924021601/drf1924021601_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1924021601_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800