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Master Clocker AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 4 Straight "Al Gems" Won!! FOUR "A I, GERXS 0 SPKCrAI.S" have NOAV AVON. He sure is IvXOCK-IKG EM dizzy: YESTERDAYS AI, GERXS JflO SIKCJAI, ROMANY, 1-1, WON THURSDAYS Alt GERXS ?10 SPECIAL QUIVERO ...... 5-2 WON WEDNESDAYS ALi GERXS 0 SPEOAIj GONDOLIER .... 8-5 WON MONDAYS Ali GERXS 0 SPECIAL STAMPDALE . . . . 7-2 WON YES SIREE, NOT A SINGLE OXE LOST NOT ONE LOST THIS WEEK ! Ali GERXS surely are malciiiiT them STRETCH THEIR NECKS these days. NEXT "Ali GERXS 0 SPECIAL." GIVEN FREE OX THE "MASTER CLOCKER." GOES MONDAY. Today "Al Gems One Best" is one thatll malic them sit np ami take notiee; all primed ami cockctl. The last word was to semi it in, RUBBER BAND ami ALL. For this one just sret the DAILY MASTER CLOCKER ?1 AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. MAILED TAVO WEEKS. ; OXE AArEEK, . ADDRESS, MASTER CLOCKER, KISS SOUTH DEARBORX ST., CHICAGO, ILL. DETROIT FOR SALE AT TRIANGLE XEAArSSTAXD ...GRISAVOLD AXD LAFAYETTE BIVD. FAMILY THEATRE NEWSSTAND CADILLAC SftUARE Crescent City Service 0.00 a Winner, 0.00 Weekly NEW YOKK OFFICE Hoom 412, 1452 Broadway New York City Near 42nd Street STRICTLY A OXE HOUSE PROPOSITION Yesterdays Bis One Horse : Sands of Pleasure 5-1 Won NOTICE AVc hare opened our New York office so that ire can Letter serve onr eastern patrons. The best evidence of the superiority of onr service has been proven hy our large clientele. TODAY BIG ONE HORSE PROPOSITION Experience is the great teacher. Why not profit by it? AVe know what we are doing, and relieve you o all possibility of guesswork. AAe render you a legitimate service for which we make a nominal charge. Todays big proposition comes highly recommended and should be at least 10 to 1. Thursdays Big One Horse: TELESCOPE 8-1 Won AVednesdays Big One Horse: LADY CH0C0 ...,,.15-1 Won Tuesdays Big One Horse : VENIZELOS 10-1 Won Mondays Big One Horse: FLYING FUR 13-5 Won Saturdays Big One Horse: Midnight Follies. .20-1, 8-1, 2nd Fridays Big One Horse: TELESCOPE . .8-1 Won In remitting use Western Union or Postal Telegraph. CRESCENT CITY SERVICE Jtoom 412, 1432 Broadway New York City Xear 42nd Street 14939?$ 149391493914939?$ ? 5 ? $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ Tlie MIItACLK SYSTKM is nationally known 5 $ as "easy for player lianl for layer." Sold on $ $ installment; payments paid from your profits. $ $ Absolutely FREE 73-pace manual and review. $ $ Iiivexticato today and make your bookie obey. $ $ Public relations manager $ $ S. K. ARTHUR $ $ Box 40. R. F. Towson, Md. $ 1493914939149391493914939149395 i CLOCKER WILLIAMS REVIEW Price 35 Cents NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY 10 WEEKS FOR 3.00 GAIL FORD 1.00-?2 WON DOCTOR CORBETT 7.60-?2 WON aro two of the long ones written up on our sheet. Sold wherever the Racing- Form is sold. Make all .subscriptions to G. WILLIAMS 426 Rockdale Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio Beats Them All THE STARR TURF NEWS ROOM 402, 500 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. TERMS FOR OUR WIRE SERVICE, ?20.0D FOR SIX WIRES OR .00 ONE DAY OUR ADVICE 1SPLUNGE AGAIN TODAY ON OUR WIRE AND CODE HORSES YESTERDAYS WIRE: CARPENTER 15-1 Won YESTERDAYS CODE HORSE: LITTLE GYPSY 3-1 Won Wire 55.03 for our code; good for six racing days; then see code in RACING FORM daily. HORSES SENT OUT THIS WEEK: WIRE HORSES: LORD GRANITE 7-2 Won RUBY - 4-1 Won HIGH GEAR 5-1 Won BUCAD0 8-1 Won CODE HORSES: ARROWHEAD 2-T Won BILL WINFREY 5-2 2nd VENIZELOS 10-1 Won Brookdale 2-1 Won TODAYS CODE HORSE: No. 3-1-C5-X New code mailed today to start Monday. Wiro 520.03 for new code and six days wiro service combined. Wire early so you will not miss todays plunge special. Not sold on newsstands. GUY C. WINTON 5C5 JEROME STREET BROOKLYN, N. Y. .00 DAILY 0.00 "WEEKLY Setting the pace. Another winner. Yesterday all received SANDS OF PLEASURE 3-1 AVON And in 8 days this brings my record up to 7 WINNERS and 1 SECOND in 8 horses given. POSITIVELY OXLY OXE A DAY My winners one each day : Thursday: FLINT STOXE 13-10 AVON Wednesday: JACKSOX ...3-2; 1-1 2iid Tuesday: YEXIZELOS 10-1 AVON Monday: EVERGLADE , 4-1 MOX Saturday: SIMPLICITY 13-1 AVON Friday: POPPYE 12-1 MOy Thursday: VEXXIE 12-1 AVON WELL, readers, have I produced 1 If you feel that the above record is not sufficient to convince you. then send in your request and I will wire you TODAYS ONE HORSE, A BIG 12-1 SHOT TODAY. Comes from the same ssurce as SIMPLICITY, 15-1, WON, which was Saturdays long hot winner. You cant get better anywhere, even though you pay ,030 a day. Wire subscription NOW. Go to your Western Union or Postal office and send a 0 money order and you will receive 6 days of informatvm that will onen your eyes. OXLY OXE HORSE EACH DAY Sub-scribe for Daily Racing Form HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street ROOM 407-S NEW YORK CITY YESTERDAYS "Harvey Transaction" WON This week, including yesterday, four "Harvey Transactions" were advised, three of which won, and the fourth was beaten by a narrow margin. "Harvey Transactions" require no comment, and investment in same is recommended strictly on their past accomplishments. Out of the last 19 "Harvey Transactions" advised, 11 WON, 3 finished second, 3 third and 2 lost. The. above record speaks for itself and is the reason so many confine their operations to "Harvey Transactions" exclusively. Todays "Harvey Transaction" comes through the same reliable source that made yesterdays success possible. Subscription 00 must be-telegraphed early to insure proper: listing. All "Harvey Transactions" are restricted to territory and subscriptions will be returned j when the quota for each territory has been filled. Therefore, imme- I diate response this morning is suggested. j Attention is drawn to the fact I that this office is in no way identi- j fied with anyone in this line of business. GARS Chief Observer 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS FREE CODE: Fair Grounds Virginia-Snow-Dark-Ocean AGAIN IT WON ! YESTERDAYS ?2 OCCASIONAL: Mah Jong, 1-1, Won The Chief sure is HITTING EM just right again. Get TODAYS OCCASIONAL ! Must Win-or Next One Free ! And take it from ma this is SOME SMART : TRICK. Ask your newsdealer for it, ONLY . j YESTERDAYS BIG SPECIAL: ! Romany, 1-1, Won i And again the Chief delivered the goods. TODAY ANOTHER 1 0 FREE SRECIAL ! primed and all set. The CHIEF got the FINAL GO THE LIMIT ! on this one today. For this one ask your news-! dealer for i GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER1 50 CENTS, MAILED 2 WEEKS I Address: J 332 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. DETROIT FOR SALE CNLY AT I Triangla Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette ! Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Square UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY PRICE .03 PRICE ?1.00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. On sale, all newsstands, New York City and everywhere. Special rato, mailed monthly, nine issues, ?5.C0. New issue out today. Todays Big Code Special: 5-15-24-31-PLUNGE. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM! SCHUYLER FLOYD Room 614 Calvert Bldg. 1452 Broadway NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE BUYANT 7739 Just a few hours more and then the SENSATIONAL EVENT THE THIRD WESTERN "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" It will bring to the SCHUYLER SUBSCRIBERS the story of a turf investment with A HAPPY ENDING This "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" wiU surpass both Wednesday, February 13: EXCHANGE 6-1 Won Thursday, February 14: LORD GRANITE 7-2 Won To an individual who has become dispirited through unfortunate turf speculations and possessing two hundred dollars, tho directors ask this question: CAN YOU USE ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS? If so, subscribe for this EXTRAORDINARY "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" which positivelv starts TODAY SATURDAY Terms: One Hundred Dollars in advance by telegraph or in person THE "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" aro like "STEULING" ON" SILAEJt the stamp of distinction j I I vnrif emit n .THE MAN "VVTIO CAN MAKE jl AV2G SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS ?1 0NCE AGAIN WE "CLEANED UP" Yesterdays Special WON AGAIN Day after day JACK FIELDS army of followers are "CLEANING UP." A ?20 flat play since tho first of February WW0N OVER ,200.00 Wouldnt YOU like to WIN this every two weeks? All you have to do is FOLLOW Jack Field "EVERY DAY" and you will "GET YOURS." IPITODAY IS THE "DAY" Boys, here is something that will pay a "BIG PRICE" and is considered a "CINCH" by stable. So dont let stop you from "CLEANING UP" on this one TODAY. gF SPECIAL TODAY SHOULD PAY 10-1 OK "KETTER" This comes from a SOURCE that when they bet they USUALLY CASH and today it looks like they sure will CASH and set 10-1 for their money. Spend and Get This "SPECIAL" Today AND YOU WILL WIN A BIG WAGER THIS HORSE 31UST AVIN TODAY at big: odds or you get "FREE" our next two ?5 specials mailed to you. so dont let ?5 stop you from setting- this LONG SHOT "SPECIAL" today from your NEWSDEALER. JACK FIELD sold everywhere RACING FORM is sold. Mailed to you. ?5 week; 5 week INCLUDES both ?5 and ?1 specials. FIELD PUBLISHING CO. 39 W. ADAMS ST. CHICAGO, ILL. MUTUAL INFORMATION BUREAU 5 Columbus Circle New York City A COMBINATION OF THE SMARTEST INFORMATION IN AMERICA Our information on file with Daily Racing Form. Winding up another successful week. Fridays Information: CARPENTER ...15-1 Won Thursdays Information: TELESCOPE ... 8-1 Won 1 Wednesdays Information: H Kilbowie, 20-1, 8-1,4-1, 3rd Tuesdays Information: I DAILY HORSE LOST 00 SUPER SPECIAL: VENIZELOS ....10-1 Won Mondays Information: EVERGLADE ... 4-1 Won Four Big- Winners Last Week Also DAILY LONG SHOT TODAY NEXT 00 SUPER SPECIAL I SENT SUBSCRIBERS FREE TUESDAY TO WEEKLY RATES DAILY, 0 FOR 6 DAYS Out-of-town subscribers wire remittances by WESTERN UNION. S Plenty of WINNERS are what you pet in tho STANDARD. 35 cents at all newsstands. Mailed direct. 3 copies, .00. Todays Code Special: October-Banana-40-44-33.99. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy Street Chicago, I1L