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Daily Racing Form Handicaps FAIR GROUNDS The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Pair Grounds New Orleans, La., Feb. 15, 1924. 1 Araiidoso, Evelyn, Foxmore. 2 Sweepstakes, Translate, Miss Fortune. 3 EXODUS, Certain, Centimeter. 4 Flint Stone, H. P. Whitney and M. Gold- blatt entry, Rinkey. f Setting Sun, Roseate II., Master Hand. C Henry M. Dietz, Stake Me, Leonard G. 7 Cash", Vendor, Bygone Days. J. L. Dempscy. New Yurie HaniUe-ip. 1 Evelyn, Foxmore, Parole II., Lotto. 2 Honor Man, Sweepstakes, Lady Rose, Ruby. 3 EXODUS, Certain, Centimeter, James F. OHara. 4 Flint Stone, Revenge, Rinkey. Best Pal. 5 Rock Bottom, Dustabout, Master Hand, Tableau dHonneur. C Telescope, Henry M. Dietz, Goldfield, Stake Mc. 7 Cash, Attorney, Bowsprit, Colonel Baker. Gliic.iK" I:inilI;nii. 1 EVELYN", Vanidcso, Foxmore, Parole II. 2 Sweepstakes, Admirer, Ruby, Lady Rose. 3 Exodus. Last One, Centimeter, Certain. 4 Flint Stone, Revenge, Dr. Clark. Rinkey. 5 Master Hand, Setting Sun, Llewellyn, Bradleys Toney. C Telescope. Dreamer, Henry M. Dietz, Goldfield. 7 AVaywassamo, Cash, Vendor, Attorney. Observer ITmulIcnp. 1 Evelyn, Foxmore, Bill "Winfrey. Parole II. 2 Sweepstakes, Lady Rose, Ruby, Honor Man. 3 EXODUS, Certain, James F. OHara, Centimeter. 4 Flint Stone. Revenge, Dr. Clark, Rinkey. 5 Llewellyn. Setting Sun, Master Hand, Tableau dHonneur. C Telescope, Henry M. Dietz, Stake Me, Dreamer. 7 Cash, Attorney, Colonel Baker, Bygone Days. Consensus at JlninJIoni. 1 Evelyn. Vanidoso, Foxmore, Parole II. 2 Sweepstakes, Honor Man, Lady Rose, Ruby. 3 EXODUS, Certain, Centimeter, James F. OHara. 4 Flint Stone. Revenge. Dr. Clark. Rinkey. 5 Setting Sun, Rock Bottom, Master Hand, Llewellyn. i Telescope, Henry M. Dietz, Stake Mc, Dreamer, 7 Cash, AVaywassamo, Vendor, Colonel Baker. HAVANA. The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are: . Oriental Park IlaTann, Cuba, Feb. 15, 1921. 1 Smart Money, Copyright, Fair Egeria. 2 Ed Garrison, Humpy, Polite. 3 Miss Beulah, Stacy Adams, The Ulster. 4 Lottie Loraine, Cisqua, Blazing Fire. 5 Rcseate, Glenn, Mallowmot. C Eye Bright. Squire Wiggins. Rachel D. 7 GRAY GIRL, Electra. Blue Miss. . T. K. Lynch. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Copvright, Fox Glove, Smart Money,- Jack j Hill. 2 Ed Garrison, Prince Bonero, Monopoly, Carpathian. 3 Golden Chance, Stacy Adams, Zapatos, Superior. 4 Gilder, Jacquerie, All Aglow, Cisqua. !5 Coscorron, Veronica, Roseate, Glenn. G EYE BRIGHT, AVinall, Green Briar, Gold Leaf. 7 Gray Girl, Electra, Auntie Millin, Northern Star. Chicago IInmllciii. 1 Fox Glove, Copyright, Smart Money, Sun Turret. 2 Big Noise, Humpy, Ed Garrison, Casiilla. 3 Miss Beulah, Joe Underwood, Foy, Stacy Adams. 4 Cisqua, Crest, Marion Hollins, Miss Holland. 5 Hillman C, Mallowmot, Glenn, Coscorron. G RACHEL D., Eye Bright, AVinall, Red Mill. 7 Auntie Millin, Gray Girl, Electra, Cloporte. j Observers II:uilieui. lFox Glove, Copyright, Smart Money, Sun Turret. 2 Ed Garrison, Humpy, Alf Vezina, Polite. 3 Foy, Golden Chance, Stacy Adams, Su perior. 4 Marion Hollins, Winnipeg, Cisqua, Gilder. 5 Glenn, Coscorron, Veronica. Hillman C. G EYE BRIGHT, Winall, Rachel D., Ash-burton. 7 Gray Girl, Auntie Millin, Electra, Asa Jewell. Consensus til IlnmHcnps. 1 Fox Glove, Copyright, Smart Money, Sun Turret 2 Ed Garrison, Big Noise, Humpy. Polite. 3 Miss Beulah, Golden Chance, Foy, Stacy Adams. 4 Lottie Loraine, Gilder, Cisqua, Marion Hollins. 5 Roseate. Coscorron, Hillman C, Glenn. C EYE BRIGHT, Rachel D., AVinall, Squire Wiggins. 7 Gray Girl, Auntie Millin, Electra, Blue Miss. TIJUANA. The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Tijuana, Mexico, Feb. 15, 1921. 1 Don Eduardo, W. E. Applegate entry, Yu- ban. 2 Wild Thoughts, Fiesta, Boomerang. 3 LITTLE CLAIR, Over Shot. Queen Cath erine. .4 Bedazzle, Krckzunas. Miss Paige. 5 Spanish Rose, Postillion, Parvenu. G Great Luck, Wynnewood, Billy Star. 7 Plurality, Gail Ford, Black Thong. 8 Zealot, Fair Orient. Marine Corps. G. W. Schilling. New York Handicap. 1 Don Eduardo, Parnell, Kosman, Not- enough. 2 Fiesta, View, Calgary Lad, Sangrado. 3 Queen Catherine, Little Clair, Over ?hot, Virginia B. 4 Encrinite, Prince Direct, Madge F., Caval- cadour II. 5 Parvenu, Publicity, Spanish Ros6, Postil lion. G GREAT LUCK, Billy Star. The Falconer, Wynnewood. 7 Just Right, Plurality, Wedding Prince, Gail Ford. 5 Bosh, Nebraska Lad, Locust Leaves, Ma rine Corps. Chicago Handicap. 1 Don Eduardo, Herdsman, Ocean Current, Notenough. 2 Fiesta, Romulus, Convent, Shifty. 3 LITTLE CLAIR. Queen Catherine, Over Shot, Virginia B. 4 Prince Direct, AVoodie Montgomery, Furor, Madge F. n rostillion, Spanish Rose, Publicity, Flax. 6 Great Luck, Billy Star, AVynnewood, The Falconer. 7 Plurality, Gail Ford, Morro Castle, Mary Jane. Baker. 5 Bosh. Fair Orient, Locust Leaves, The AVit. Observer Handicap. 1 Don Eduardo, Notenough, Herdsman, Ocean Current. 2 Fiesta, Ariew, Convent, Calgary Lad. 3 LITTLE CLAIR, Queen Catherine, Over Shot, ATirginia B. 4 Madge F., AVoodie Montgomery, Miss Paige, Breeze. 5 Parvenu, Publicity, Postillion, Spanish Rose. 6 The Falconer, Billy Star. Great Luck, Louis A. 7 Gail Ford, Plurality, Rouen, Mary Jane Baker. S Locust Leaves, Zealot, Fair Orient, June Fly. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 DON EDUARDO, Notenough, Herdsman, Ocean Current. 2 Fiesta, AVild Thoughts,. Convent, Calgary Lad. 3 Little Clair. Queen Catherine, Over Shot, ATirginia B. 4 Bedazzle, Encrinite, Prince Direct, Madge F. 5 Parvenu, Spanish Rose, Postillion, Pub licity. G Great Luck. The Falconer, Billy Star, AVynnewood. 7 Plurality, Just Right, Gail Ford, Mary Jane Baker. I S Bosh, Zealot, Locust Leaves, Fair Orient.